City Commission Minutes 10-13-2020

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          OCTOBER 13, 2020 @ 5:30 P.M.


The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 13, 2020, Pastor
Wally Reames, Central Assembly, opened the meeting with a prayer, after
which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present:    Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood (arrived at 5:38
p.m.), Commissioners Ken Johnson, Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Willie German, Jr.,
Teresa Emory, and Michael Ramsey, Acting City Manager Beth Lewis, City
Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch.
   A. New Affordable Housing Project Approved Planning & Economic
The Planning & Economic Development Department presented information
about a new affordable housing project that has been approved.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: Public comments were received.
2020-75     CONSENT AGENDA:
   B. Approval of Minutes     City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the September 22, 2020
Regular Meeting and the September 29, 2020 Special City Commission meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the minutes.
   D. Prized Steelhead Sculpture Purchase City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking permission to utilize a portion of the
proceeds from the beach parking program to purchase the “Prized Steelhead”
sculpture currently displayed in from of the Olthoff Stage for $4,000.
The Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce commissioned a number of

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public art pieces as part of the 2020 Lakeshore Art Festival. Although the festival
was cancelled due to COVID-19, the art pieces were still installed around the
downtown. This piece was completed by Muskegon City resident Sherri
Balaskovitz. The original commission price was $9,500. Thanks to the donors and
a reduction from the artist, we are able to purchase the piece from $4,000. Staff
intends to install the art piece along the channel to help welcome boaters into
Muskegon Lake. There will likely be other insignificant costs associated with the
installation – the Department of Public Works will handle that work internally.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:         $4,000
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Authorize the purchase of the Prized Steelhead
at a cost not to exceed $4,000.
   E. Social District Permit Recommendation          Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission must recommend approval of the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission permits of participating licensed
establishments in the Downtown Muskegon Social District.
With the establishment of the Downtown Muskegon Social District, participating
licensed establishments must receive a Social District permit from the Michigan
Liquor Control Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for
approval from the City Commission before granting the permits. You handled
the initial eight such requests at your August 25 and September 8 meetings. The
resolution is for Topshelf Liquor Bar & Pizza and Dr. Rolf’s Barbeque which are also
seeking a Social District permit from the state and seeking City Commission
recommended approval. The Social District plan identifies 22 potential
participating licensees within the district. Other licensed establishments may file
a Social District permit application in the future.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the resolution recommending
Michigan Liquor Control Commission approval of Social District permits in the
Downtown Muskegon Social District and to direct the City Clerk to certify the
City Commission action with the MLCC.
   G. General Fund Transfers for FY 2019-20          Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: During the close out of fiscal year 2019-20 and based
on the financial results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, staff transferred
from the General Fund $20,000 to the Engineering Fund, $10,000 to the State
Grants fund, $7,500 to the Tree Replacement Fund and $800,000 to the Mercy
Health Arena Fund to eliminate fund balance deficits. Staff is requesting formal
approval of these general Fund transfers.
At the close of the FY2019-20 three funds were in a fund balance deficit and
required a transfer from the General Fund to eliminate the deficit. The
Engineering Fund needed a $20,000 transfer because of lower revenues caused
by COVID 19, the State Grants Fund needed a $10,000 transfer because of a

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write off and the Tree Replacement Fund need of a $7,500 transfer for expenses
incurred in anticipation of grant monies. The FY 2019-20 budget called for a
General Fund transfer of $235,000 to the Mercy Health Arena Fund however due
to lost revenue from COVID 19 a $800,000 transfer was needed.
Please note that in the State Grants Fund it does not appear to have needed a
transfer however $63,473 grant reimbursement was received but not paid out
until after the end of the fiscal year. The Fund Balance needs to cover the
$63,473 payment.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:         $837,500    AMOUNT BUDGETED:          $235,000
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the General Fund transfers of $20,000
to the Engineering Fund, $10,000 to the State Grants Fund, $7,500 to the
Replacement Fund and $800,000 to Mercy Health Arena Fund.
   I. Update to the Lot Sale Policy   Planning
   J. NEZ Certificate for 318 Terrace Point Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: An application for Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
certificate has been received from Chad and Marisa Doane for the new
construction of a home at 318 Terrace Point. The applicant has met local and
state requirements for the issuance of the NEZ certificate.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the NEZ certificate at 318 Terrace
Point for 12 years.
   K. Risers Indoor Soccer Club Contract     Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff is requesting approval of the proposed lease
with the Muskegon Risers Indoor Soccer Club. This is a long-term lease with
extension opportunities.
The Muskegon Risers are looking to deepen their commitment to the Muskegon
community and the downtown with a long-term lease with the Mercy Health
Arena. Some of their goals are listed:
   •   Increase resources dedicated to soccer programming for underprivileged
   •   Facilitating adult social and competitive soccer leagues through our
       newly formed city soccer association which is registered with Michigan
       Soccer Association.
   •   Investing in their own outdoor practice and game facility inside the City of
   •   Expanding the women’s team into a full-season operation.
With this contract the city will receive 100% of concession revenue, which gives

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the arena flexibility with how concessions are managed. The ticket facility fee
will be more consistent with the other sports team tenants reaching $2.00 per
ticket by year 5 of the contract. The facility fees go directly toward keeping the
arena viable.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the contract.
   L. Ratification and Confirmation of Commission Actions since April 30, 2020
      City Attorney
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting approval of the resolution to ratify
and confirm, nunc pro tunc, all of the City Commission’s actions, ordinances,
and resolutions approved at City Commission meetings held after April 30, 2020,
which were conducted remotely via technologic means in compliance with the
Executive Orders including, but not limited to the approval of the Bond
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the resolution confirming and
ratifying City Commission actions, ordinances, and resolutions approved at City
Commission meetings held after April 30, 2020.
   M. Streamlining Brownfield Plan Amendment Public Hearing Process
      Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To streamline the process by which the City Commission
currently approves a Brownfield Plan Amendment. Permit staff, rather than the
City Commission, to set the date of a public hearing to approve a Brownfield
Plan Amendment. The change would apply only to the consideration of
Brownfield Plan Amendments.
Currently, as a matter of practice, the City Commission adopts a resolution to set
the date for a public hearing to consider approval of a Brownfield Plan
Amendment. The City Commission then conducts the public hearing at their
next regularly scheduled meeting. According to state statute, the Brownfield
Redevelopment Financing Act, MCL 125.2664 states “…the governing body shall
hold a public hearing on the brownfield plan. By resolution, the governing body
may delegate the public hearing process to the authority or to a subcommittee
of the governing body subject to final approval by the governing body.” It goes
on to outline the requirements of certain content to be included in the notice for
a public hearing. The statute provides discretion to the governing body when
developing the public hearing process. Therefore, shifting the practice of setting
the public hearing date for a Brownfield Plan Amendment from the City
Commission to staff seeks to create an efficiency in this multi-step adoption
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to set the date of public hearings
to consider Brownfield Plan Amendments.

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   O. Filtration Plant Transit Van      DPW/Equipment
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Equipment Division is requesting permission to
purchase one (1) Cargo Utility Van from Gorno Ford the Mi-Deal State contract
holder. The purchase price of this vehicle is $37,300.00.
The City of Muskegon Filtration Plant is requesting this Utility Van to assist them
with more space to accommodate off site maintenance activities at booster
stations and water tower sites. This will replace a smaller truck that will be
handed back to the Equipment Division for placement elsewhere. This purchase
was included in the 20/21 Capital Budget.
The small difference between requested amount and budgeted amount will be
adjusted in the reforecast.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:          $37,300      AMOUNT BUDGETED:              $35,000
FUND OR ACCOUNT:           661-60932-5720
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to purchase one (1) Cargo Utility
Van in the amount of $37,300.00 from Gorno Ford.
   P. High Service Pump Rebuilt         DPW/Filtration
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to contract with Wylie
Electric Motor Service for the rebuilding one of the high service pumps at the
filtration plant.
Staff solicited bids from three firms as follows for rebuilding one of the high
service pumps at the filtration plant.
   •   Wylie Electric Motor Service - $9,957.00
   •   HECO - $22,853.50
   •   Jones Electric Company - $11,313.00
Staff is recommending award to the low bidder with the funds to be drawn from
the Water Filtration Plant – WMRWA Eligible line item in the 20/21 budget.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:          $9,957.00    AMOUNT BUDGETED:              $500,000
FUND OUR ACCOUNT:          591
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to contract with Wylie Electric
Motor Service in the amount of $9,957.00 for rebuilding one high service pump
at the filtration plant.
   Q. Musketawa Trail Connector Resolution             Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: MDOT requires a resolution of support prior to obligation
of funding for the 2021 project to finalize the connection between the Laketon
Train and the Musketawa Trail in the City of Muskegon.
The City of Muskegon has received grants from both the MDNR and MDOT to

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facilitate completion of this project. The obligation of the MDOT funds requires
submittal of a resolution of support and commitment to provide future
maintenance for the trail.
The total project estimate is $780,478.50 with Federal TAP funding of $400,586.00
and MDNR Recreational Trail Program funding of $315,000. The local match to
the construction contract will be subject to the bid results but is estimated in the
range of $65,000 at this time.
The project design is completed and staff is working to finalize the last of the
easements required to submit the project for bidding. We expect to have the
project out for bids, through MDOT, in February of 2021 with construction to take
place in the Spring/Summer of 2021.
There will be a formal agreement brought to the Commission for consideration
after the project is bid per standard practice on MDOT administered projects.
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          202-99118
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approve the resolution and authorize the Clerk to
   S. Traffic Control Orders    DPW/Traffic & Engineering
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve Traffic Control Orders #60, #61, #62, #63,
#64, and #65 and authorize staff to remove/install various traffic control devices.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve removal/installation of various Traffic
Control Devices as outlined in the submitted Traffic Control Orders.
   U. Electronic Upgrades in Commission Chambers          City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff would like to upgrade the electronics in the
Commission Chambers to assist with Election training with funds from the Election
The Election grant requires that funds are used by December 31st. This will not
give staff time to follow our purchasing policy of obtaining bids or requesting
approval of the City Commission to make a purchase over the amount of
$15,000. As such, staff is requesting to waive the purchasing policy and authorize
staff to purchase the equipment for Election training.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To waive the purchasing policy requiring bids
and requiring expenditures over $15,000 to have commission approval and to
allow the City Clerk to purchase equipment for the Commission Chambers with
grant funds that must be expended by December 31, 2020.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to accept the consent agenda as presented, except items C, F, H, N, R, T and V.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           and Ramsey

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             Nays: None
   C. Election Purchases – Grant Expenditures            City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City Commissioners previously authorized the City Clerk
to expend all Election Grant Funds in the amount of $433,580. Staff wanted to
bring Commission up-to-date on purchases made thus far in the amount of
$42,784.18 since the last update.
Several other purchases/marketing expenses are in process and we will update
the Commission at the next meeting.
At this time, we have purchased the following:
   •   Effectv – Comcast - $3,000.50
   •   Outfront – Geocaching - $1,000.00
   •   Lakeshore Creative Services – Online Ads - $1,000
   •   WZZM, Fox, Wood TV Commercials - $10,400.00
   •   I-heart, Cumulus, WUVS – The Beat - $7,660.00
   •   M-Live - $3,151.00
   •   Cisco Phones w/ Headsets for office - $940.80
   •   Trailer generator $949.00
   •   Lights for Precincts 3 & 4 - $516.00
   •   Walkie Talkies for Drive Thru Voting - $492.87
   •   6 scanners for precincts - $466.81
   •   Election Source - $2,291.76
   •   Computer cords & USB’s for Precincts - $347.00
   •   Overhead Door in Clerk’s Office - $10,425.00
   •   PPE Supplies - $143.44
AMOUNT REQUESTED:           $42,784.18   AMOUNT BUDGETED:             $433,580
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        To acknowledge and approve the purchases
made in the amount of $42,784.18 for the November Election as authorized by
the Commission on September 22, 2020.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
acknowledge and approve the purchases made in the amount of $42,784.18 for
the November Election as authorized by the Commission on September 22, 2020.

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ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey,
           and German
             Nays: None
   F. Amendment to Bonding Resolution        Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve an amendment to the Resolution
Authorizing Issuance of 2020 Capital Improvement Bonds originally approved on
September 8, 2020. The amendment authorizes bonds to be issued in more than
one series and be either taxable or tax exempt. The total authorization of up to
$8,000,000 is unchanged.
After additional research by our Bond Counsel the refinancing of the roof and
heating, ventilation and cooling improvements at the Mercy Health Arena can’t
be done with tax exempt bonds. The City is the owner of the Arena, however,
we lease a substantial amount of space to for profit entities making tax exempt
bonds not possible at the Arena. So as not to change the scope of the bonds,
two series instead on one will need to be issued. The exact amount of each
series will not be known until we get closer to sale date. The amount of the two
series will not exceed $8,000,000
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the amendment to the Resolution
Authorizing Issuance of 2020 Capital Improvement Bonds.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Emory, to approve
the amendment to the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of 2020 Capital
Improvement Bonds.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and
             Nays: None
   H. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)-CDBG
      COVID 19 Finding, Total Allocation Community & Neighborhood
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To review the total allocations for CARES Act – CDBG
COVID 19 funding. First round funding allocations were $585,238, combined with
third round allocations for $209,326 equals $794,564. $158,918 will be used for
Administrative Costs and $635,651 will be used for the following eligible activities:
Child Care, Utilities, Business, Food Assistance, Parks, and Youth.
AMOUNT BUDGETED:          $794,564
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          CARES Act COVID 19, 2020, Total Allocation

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:       To approve activities and budget for the CARES
Act – CDBG COVID 19 funding at the next City Commission Meeting, October
27th, 2020.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to approve activities and budget for the CARDS Act – CDBG COVID 19 funding at
the next City Commission meeting, October 27, 2020.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-
           Sybenga, and Emory
             Nays: None
   N. Addition to the Fee Schedule – Mobile Food Vending Zoning Approval
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To create a fee for the application for a temporary use
permit for mobile food vending.
The Commission recently passed an amended Temporary Use ordinance
(zoning ordinance) that allows for mobile food vending on private property
(whereas the City Code of Ordinances dictates rules for on-street mobile food
The zoning ordinance allows temporary use permits from 1-89 days to be
reviewed by staff. Permits for 90 days-1 year require notice to the surrounding
properties and possibly a Planning Commission, if anyone from the public
requests a public hearing.
In addition to the fees (in lieu of taxes) required by the Clerk’s Office (see
attached), the City should also charge a fee for the zoning ordinance review.
These fees should cover the cost of the mailing and the public hearing, if
necessary. Staff recommends a $100 fee to cover the mailing and an additional
$400 if a public hearing is requested. The cost of a regular special use permit is
Staff would also like to clarify that temporary permits for 90 days – 1 year should
only require a mailing/public hearing one time for the same business at the
same location. Renewal permits should not require additional notices/hearings.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the application fee for a temporary
use permit for mobile food vending.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to approve the application fee for a temporary use permit for mobile food
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory,
           and Johnson

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             Nays: None
   R. Beach Street Utility Special Assessment          Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To set the date for a public hearing on the proposed
special assessment for Beach Street from Wilcox Avenue to Ohio Avenue at the
November 24th, 2020 City Commission meeting.
Staff has been petitioned by property owners along Beach Street to have the
aerial communication utilities (Frontier Communications and Comcast Cable)
buried within the above referenced limits. Staff has reviewed the request and
additional documentation/detail is attached along with a preliminary staff
Staff is requesting permission to set the 1st Public Hearing for the creation of the
Special Assessment District for November 24, 2020. Upon approval of the Public
Hearing date staff will mail notices to all impacted properties via the attached
notice and solicit formal responses from all impacted parties via mailers.
Staff will present all the documents at the public hearing along with the results of
the survey card for consideration in establishing the district.
It is staff position that the property owners are the sole beneficiaries of this
assessment and as such would bear 100% of the assessment cost should this
assessment be approved.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Set the 1st Public Hearing Date for the purpose of
establishing the special assessment district for Beach Street Ariel Utility Burials for
November 24th, 2020 and authorize staff to send the notices and survey cards to
the impacted property owners.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German, to
approve resolution setting the 1st Public Hearing Date for the purpose of
establishing the special assessment district for Beach Street Aerial Utility Burials
for November 24, 2020 and authorize staff to send the notices and survey cards
to the impacted property owners.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson,
           and Gawron
             Nays: None
   T. Aamodt Park Improvements          Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to construct a new
playground and picnic shelter at Aamodt Park.
Staff has worked closely to develop a proposed improvement plan for Aamodt

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Park that we feel will greatly benefit the park and improve the usage at the site.
The proposed project includes two primary improvements.
   •   Replacement of the existing playground equipment on the site. The
       existing equipment was installed in 1995 and has served its useful life. The
       current equipment is not compliant with current standards nor is it
       maintainable any longer. The proposed playground would be provided
       through the Parks Department preferred vendor (Sinclair Recreation) that
       has most recently done work at the Pere Marquette playground. Sinclair
       Recreation is offering a one-time grant to the city that covers
       approximately 1/2 the cost of the equipment for purchases made prior to
       October 31, 2020. The grant results in a net savings of approximately $30K
       to the city on this project. A rendering of the proposed playground is
       included with the packet.
   •   Construction of a picnic shelter pavilion within the park. This will mostly be
       completed by staff. The picnic shelter will be approximately 30 FT x 30 FT
       with electric.
The funding for the project is largely provided through CDBG dollars. CNS has
identified $100k to support this project. The total estimate cost is $140K with the
difference being allocated to the General Fund. A capital number has been
created to track costs and will be shown in the upcoming reforecast.
At this time staff is seeking authorization for the following three items, not to
exceed $130,000 in aggregate without returning to the Commission for further
   •   To purchase the playground equipment and installation services from
       Sinclair Recreation
   •   Solicit bids for the playground foundation and award to the low bidder.
   •   Procure materials for the construction of the pavilion.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:         $130,000
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          101-92043-5346
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Authorize staff to purchase the playground
equipment and installation services from Sinclair Recreation in the amount of
$96,385.10, and authorize staff to solicit bids for the playground foundation and
pavilion materials and award those contracts provided the aggregate cost for
the three items does not exceed $130,000.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to authorize staff to purchase the playground equipment and installation
services from Sinclair Recreation in the amount of $96,385.10, and authorize staff
to solicit bids for the playground foundation and pavilion materials and award
those contracts provided the aggregate cost for the three items does not

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exceed $130,000.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson,
           Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: None
   V. Lakeshore Creative Services Agreement Amendment        City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission has expressed a desire to
broadcast our Worksession meetings on Channel 96 and on Facebook. Our
current contract with Lakeshore Creative Services only addresses regular
Commission meetings. Staff is seeking approval to pay Lakeshore Creative
Services $450 for broadcast/streaming services for Worksession meetings.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To amend the Agreement with Lakeshore
Creative Service to include the broadcast and streaming of Worksession
meetings for $450 per meeting.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Johnson, to amend
the Agreement with Lakeshore Creative Services to include the broadcast and
streaming of Worksession meetings for $450 per meeting.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           and Ramsey
            Nays: None
   A. Business Improvement District Public Hearing     Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: A public hearing has been scheduled to receive
comment on a proposed Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
special assessment roll for 2021-2023.
The Muskegon City Commission approved a three-year renewal of the
downtown BID at its September 8, 2020 meeting, including the district and
special assessment rate. The special assessment roll includes 103 parcels and
annually would generate $114,818.66 for the BID. At the September 8, 2020
meeting, there were four property owners with 12 parcels objecting to the BID
that represented 5.8 percent of the total assessment and 11.6 percent of the
total parcels. The three-year BID budget would focus downtown work on
seasonal landscaping, winter sidewalk snow removal and administration. The
City Commission created a Board of Assessors that includes Commissioners Ken
Johnson and Michael Ramsey, who along with the city assessor will certify the
special assessment roll. After hearing public comment, the attached resolution
would confirm the BID’s special assessment roll for three years.

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To close the public hearing and approve the
resolution to confirm the Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
special assessment roll for the winter tax bills of 2020, 2021 and 2022 and have
the Mayor and Clerk sign.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:             No comments were received.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
close the public hearing and approve the resolution to confirm the Downtown
Muskegon Business Improvement District special assessment roll for the winter
tax bills of 2020. 2021, and 2022 and have the Mayor and Clerk sign.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey,
           and German
            Nays: None
   B. IFT Transfer at 2420 Remembrance Drive        Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974, as amended, James
Street Capital Holding of America No 4 Inc, 2420 Remembrance Drive has
requested the transfer of the Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate (IFT)
from KLO Acquisition, LLC.
The original IFT (#2018-170) was granted to KLO Acquisition and will expire on
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the transfer of IFT#2018-170 to James
Street Capital Holdings of America No 4 Inc.
Michael Baun, 2575 Simonelli – addressed the Commission.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hood, to close the
public hearing and approve the transfer of IFT #2018-170 to James Street Capital
Holdings of America No 4 Inc.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and
            Nays: None
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS:                 Public comments were
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
                                            Respectfully Submitted,
                                            Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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