Planning Commission Packet 01-16-2020

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                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                     PLANNING COMMISSION
                                                       REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                       Thursday, January 16, 2020
TIME OF MEETING:                       4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                      Commission Chambers, First Floor, Muskegon City Hall


   I. Roll Call

  II. Approval of Minutes from the regular meetings of November 14, 2019 and December 12, 2019.

 III. Public Hearings

  A. Hearing, Case 2020-01: Request for a minor departure from the Form Based Code ordinance to allow
     for a larger projecting sign (36” x 180”) than allowed and also an additional ATM sign (24” 20”) at
     285 W Western, by Family Financial Credit Union.
  B. Hearing, Case 2020-02: Request to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless
     Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St,
     by Pyramid Network Services.
  C. Hearing, Case 2020-03: Request for a special use permit to allow for a Wireless Communication
     Support Facility (monopole) at 770 Terrace St, contingent upon the successful amendment to the
     ordinance in Case 2020-02, by Pyramid Network Services.
  D. Hearing, Case 2020-04: Staff initiated request to rezone the property at 372 Morris Ave from Form
     Based Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet.

 IV. New Business

  V. Old Business

 VI. Other
        a. Review of Chapter 5 of “Suburban Nation”

 VII. Adjourn


      The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes
       of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hour
        notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by
                                                              writing or calling the following:
                                                                  Ann Meisch, City Clerk
                                                                     933 Terrace Street

                                              STAFF REPORT
                                              January 16, 2020

Hearing, Case 2020-01: Request for a minor departure from the Form Based Code ordinance to allow for a
larger projecting sign (36” X 180”) than allowed and also an additional ATM sign (24” X 20”) at 285 W
Western, by Family Financial Credit Union.

   1. The property is zoned Form Based Code, Mainstreet.
   2. Family Financial Credit Union will be moving into a suite facing 1st St in the Highpoint Flats building
      at 285 W Western.
   3. They are proposing a projecting sign that measures 36” wide X 180” high. Projecting signs are
      limited to 36” wide and 48” high by the Form Based Code.
   4. They are also requesting a second smaller sign (24”w X 20”h) that depicts the ATM location. The
      Form Based Code limits projections signs to one per business.
   5. Notice letters were sent to properties within 300 feet of this property. At the time of this writing, staff
      had not received any comments from the public.

                                                 Sign Rendering
     (staff does not believe this rendering accurately depicts a 15 foot tall sign. The door pictured is seven
                                                     feet tall)


The Planning Commission has previously approved a departure for a large projecting sign at the Berkshire
building (275 W Clay). However, that sign depicts the name of the building, rather than an individual
business, which is common among the larger signs in downtown Muskegon (Amazon, Frauenthal). Staff
does not recommend very large projecting signs for individual businesses. Staff also recommends that the
ATM sign be included at the bottom of a projecting sign or placed as a wall sign.

                            Conforming Projecting Sign at 351 W Western


Motion for consideration:

I move that the request for a minor departure from the Form Based Code ordinance to allow for a larger
projecting sign (36” X 180”) than allowed and also an additional ATM sign (24” X 20”) at 285 W Western
be (approved/denied).

Hearing, Case 2020-02: Request to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless
Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St, by
Pyramid Network Services.

   1. The zoning ordinance defines a “Wireless Communication Support Facilities (WCSF)” as: A
      monopole, guyed, or lattice type tower designed for the attachment of or as support for wireless
      communication antennas or other antennas.
   2. Please see the zoning excerpt on WCSF’s.
   3. WCSF’s are only allowed as a Special Use Permitted in six locations throughout the City. The
      applicant is seeking approval to allow another location at the Central Fire Station at 770 Terrace St.
   4. Please see the enclosed location maps and project description. This project is supported by the
      Muskegon Public Safety Division as a necessary component for First Responder incidents.


Staff recommends approval of the zoning ordinance amendment to allow WCSF’s as a Special Use Permitted
at 770 Terrace St.


Motion for consideration:

I move that the request to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless Communication
Support Facilities as a Special Use Permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St be recommended to the
City Commission for (approval/denial).

Hearing, Case 2020-03: Request for a special use permit to allow for a Wireless Communication Support
Facility (monopole) at 770 Terrace St, contingent upon the successful amendment to the ordinance in Case
2020-02, by Pyramid Network Services.

   1. This request is contingent upon the successful amendment to the zoning ordinance that would allow
      WCSF’s as a Special Use Permitted at 770 Terrace St.
   2. The request is for a 195’ tall monopole without guide wires.
   3. Please see the enclosed location maps and project description.
   4. The proposed monopole appears to meet all of the requirements for obtaining a Special Land Use
      Permit, as long as it does not have a shiny or metallic finish.


Staff recommends approval monopole as presented.


Motion for consideration:

I move that the request for a Special Use Permit to allow for a Wireless Communication Support Facility
(monopole) at 770 Terrace St, contingent upon the successful amendment to the ordinance in Case 2020-02,
be (approved/denied) with the following condition:

   1. The monopole does not have a shiny or metallic finish.

Hearing, Case 2020-04: Staff initiated request to rezone the property at 372 Morris Ave from Form Based
Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet.


   1.    The property measures nearly eight acres and is zoned Form Based Code, Downtown. This zoning
        designation only allows for mixed-use buildings.
   2. The property owner has plans to develop this lot, but they would like to offer a different variety of
      buildings within the development. Preliminary plans include a hotel, parking garage with retail
      frontage, entertainment center, dining, event space and townhomes. The mainstreet context area
      would allow for all of these building types.
   3. Please see the enclosed preliminary site plan.
   4. Please see the enclosed zoning ordinance excerpt on Mainsteet Context Areas.
   5. After the successful rezoning, the applicant plans to apply to the Planning Commission for a
      “Specific Development Plan” as allowed in Section 2002.01D of the Form Based Code.

                                               Zoning Map

                                              Aerial Map


Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.


Motion for consideration:

I move that the request to rezone the property at 372 Morris Ave from Form Based Code, Downtown to
Form Based Code, Mainstreet be recommended to City Commission for (approval/denial).


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