Planning Commission Packet 10-25-2007

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                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             PLANNING COMMISSION
                                                SPECIAL MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                        Thursday, October 25, 2007
TIME OF MEETING:                        4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                       Commission Chambers, First Floor, Muskegon City Hall

I.     Roll Call

       A.         Case 2007-041: Request for site plan review revisions for a building addition at
                  2040 S. Getty Street for Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies – Tabled from the
                  October 11, 2007 meeting.


IV.    Adjourn


       The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
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                                                     Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk
                                                         933 Terrace Street
                                                        Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                           (231) 724-6705
                                        Staff Report
                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  PLANNING COMMISSION
                                     SPECIAL MEETING

                                       October 25, 2007

Case 2007-041: Request for site plan review revisions for a building addition at 2040 S. Getty
Street for Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies.

Applicant:                           Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies

Property Address/Location:           2040 S. Getty Street

Request:                             Site Plan approval

Present Land Use:                    Industrial

I-1, Light Industrial District

1.   This site plan is an amendment to the original site plan approved by the Planning
     Commission on November 10, 2005, with conditions. The site plan then received final
     approval from Staff, with revisions, on May 21, 2007. The plan is before you once again
     because the applicant has requested a change in how the building addition is configured
     on the back of the building.
2.   The property consists of two lots, totaling 6 acres. The original plan called for a 26,000
     sq. ft. addition located on the back and side of the building. The amended plan shows the
     building located totally on the south side of the building, and moved further forward on
     the site, eliminating 7 parking spaces and some of the lawn area. The applicant indicates
     that some additional lawn area will be added to the south of the front parking area.
3.   The proposed use for the building is the same as in 2005. It will be an engineering and
     machine shop with only about 14 employees. If large scale production should begin in
     the building, additional parking would need to be added on the vacant parcel to the south
     to accommodate those needs.
4.   The 6 inch sewer line shown on the site plan going under the building is the service to the
     building, and DPW has no issues with its location.
5.   The Planning Department has the following conditions of approval:
     a.       No trees shall be removed from the site, except those necessary for the
              construction of the building and rear drive without approval of the Zoning
6.   The Department of Public Works has the following comment:
     a.       There is an existing 6” water stub off Getty Street that should be
7.   The Fire Department has the following conditions of approval:
     a.       Fire flow (water supply) testing shall be conducted and owner shall
             contact fire protection contractor and City DPW to schedule testing.
8.   The Engineering Department had no comments at the time of this staff report.
9.   Staff has received no public comments on this request.

     Front view of the existing building.         South side of building and parking lot.

                  Side views where the proposed addition will be located.

                                    Rear of the building.
     Standards for Site Plan approval:

     Prior to approving a site plan, the City shall require that the following standards be

a.   Schedule of Regulations: The site plan shall comply with the requirements for height, lot size,
     yard space, density and all other requirements as set forth in the district regulations.

b.   Other codes and standards: To the extent necessarily shown in the site plan, it shall comply with
     other applicable City codes and standards.

c.   Compatibility with surrounding land use and development: All elements shall be located,
     designed and organized in relation to topography, the size and configuration of the parcel, the
     character of adjoining property and the type and size of the buildings. The site shall be
     developed so as not to impede the normal and orderly development or improvements of
     surrounding property for uses permitted in this Zoning Ordinance.

d.   Preservation of natural features: The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state,
     insofar as practical, by removing only those areas of vegetation or making those alterations to the
     topography which are reasonably necessary to develop the site.

e.   Landscaping: Landscape buffers and greenbelts shall be provided and designed in
     accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Fences, walks, barriers and landscaping shall
     be used, as appropriate, for the protection and enhancement of the property and for the privacy of
     occupants and neighbors.

f.   Stormwater management: Drainage design shall recognize existing natural drainage
     patterns. Stormwater removal shall not adversely affect neighboring properties or the public
     storm drainage system. Provisions shall be made to accommodate stormwater on-site, using
     sound engineering practices.

g.   Soil erosion control: Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure compliance with
             state and local soil and sedimentation control regulations.

h.   Wetlands Protection: The natural retention or storage capacity of any wetland, water
     body, or water course will not be substantially reduced or altered in a way which could increase
     flooding or water pollution at the site or other locations.

i.   Emergency Access: All site improvements and structures shall be arranged so as to
     permit necessary emergency vehicle access and to comply with the locally adopted fire code.

j.   Public streets and private roads: All uses must have access to a public street or a private
     road. All streets and curb cuts shall be developed in accordance with City specifications, the
     Michigan Department of Transportation, and/or private road regulations of the City, whichever

k.   Access Management: Streets and drives on a site shall be of a width appropriate to the
     traffic volume they will carry and shall have adequate paved areas for vehicles.           Traffic
     mitigation techniques such as on-site parallel access lanes, rear access lanes, deceleration lanes
     and traffic calming measures may be required. Shared curb cuts and access ways may also be

l.   Site Circulation and Parking: Parking areas shall meet the requirements of this
     ordinance. All parking spaces and circulation patterns shall be marked. Curb stops or curbing
     may be required to prevent encroachment on required setbacks and screening. Provisions for on-
     site maneuvering of vehicles shall be made so as to discourage backing and movements of trucks
     on abutting public streets. On site traffic control signs shall be visible and understandable.

m.   Pedestrian safety: The on-site pedestrian circulation system shall be separated as
     completely and reasonably as possible from the vehicular circulation system. In order to ensure
     public safety, special pedestrian measures such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other such
     facilities may be required for the development. The site circulation shall be connected to existing
     or planned streets and pedestrian or bicycle pathways in the area as appropriate.

n.   Site amenities: The site plan shall provide outdoor common areas and associated
     amenities for employees, customers and/or residents which may include public trash receptacles,
     bike racks, seating areas, recreation areas, shade trees, bus stop turn-outs, and similar facilities
     where appropriate.

o.   Utility Service: The development must be adequately served by necessary public
     services and shall not impose an undue burden on public services and infrastructure. All utilities
     for new construction shall be placed underground. Any installations which must remain above
     ground shall be compatible with those on adjacent properties.

p.   Lighting: Exterior lighting shall be arranged so it is deflected away from adjacent
     properties and so it does not impede the vision of traffic along adjacent streets. Flashing or
     intermittent lights shall not be permitted. Design of lighting fixtures shall be compatible with
     those on adjacent properties. Light poles and fixtures shall be no higher than twenty-five (25)

q.   Signs: The size, location, and lighting of all permanent signs shall be consistent with the
     requirements of this Ordinance.

r.   Accessibility: All sites shall be designed to comply with barrier-free requirements.

s.   State and Federal Mandates: The site plan shall demonstrate compliance with any state
     or federal statute, regulation or ruling, whether general or site specific, which is applicable to the
     property. This shall include without limitation any legally enforceable restrictions on
     development or improvements which have been communicated or required by a state or federal
     agency. It shall include, without limitation, requirements of laws, regulations, rulings or agency
     requirements concerning environmental protection, waste management, floodplains, soil and
     sedimentation, protection of ground or surface water resources, soil conditions, and the presence
     of hazardous materials in or contamination of soils, air and water pollution matters and
     provisions which are designed for or reasonably related to the protection of the public health,
     safety or welfare. The applicant shall demonstrate that all said statutes, regulations, rulings, or
     requirements have been satisfied by its site plan and that there are no state or federal agencies
which have required, or are in the process of requiring, any additional action, restriction or
compliance. In the event a property is the subject of any governmental regulatory action or
requirement, or without limitation, the property is located in the "facility" as defined by state or
federal law, the state or federal agency responsible for the applicable regulation shall be notified
in writing of the filing of the site plan and any hearing regarding the application for approval.


Staff recommends approval of the request for site plan revisions for an industrial building
addition at 2040 S. Getty Street, subject to the conditions listed below.


The following motions are offered for consideration:

I move that the site plan revisions for an industrial building addition, located at 2040 S. Getty
Street for Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies Inc., be (approved/denied/tabled), based on the
following findings and conditions (if approved):

1.     All conditions of the Planning Department and Fire Department described in #5 and 7 of
       the staff report shall be met.


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