Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 01-07-2019

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                              CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:                Monday, January 7, 2019

Location:                    Muskegon City Hall, Room 103

Board Members Present:       Karla Betten, David Bukala, Ann Craig, Josie James, and William Muhammad

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark (absent); Teresa Emory (absent)

Staff Present:               Samantha Ferguson, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm, by W. Mahammad. A quorum was present.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
None. Notes from the December 3, 2018 meeting were provided to the board. However with the absence of a
quorum for the meeting, the provided is for informational purposes only.

Unfinished Business
J. James continued the discussion from the previous meeting regarding the submission of a public notice to
inform the public of the Citizens Police Review Board. It was proposed that the members communicate through
email to collaborate on the contents of the notice.

No further discussion of unfinished business.

New Business
Discussion of the appointment of three (3) board members, to fill the current board vacancies and expiring
terms. A. Craig presented a question of the process for selection of board members. W. Muhammad referred her
to the Clerk’s office. Following the discussion of the incoming board members and review of bylaws during the
February meeting, the board chair, W. Muhammad suggested the election of officers to take place “before long”.

Those present reviewed and discussed Complaints 18-07, 18-08, 18-09, and 18-11 and the dispositions.
Following the review of the complaints, there was no further discussion of new business.

Public Participation

W. Muhammad moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James. Motion carried. The meeting was
adjourned at 6:54 p.m.

The next meeting is February 4, 2019 at 6:30pm in room 103 of Muskegon City Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Samantha Ferguson
Samantha Ferguson, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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