Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 12-16-2021

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD
DATE OF MEETING:                Monday, December 16, 2021

PLACE OF MEETING:               Muskegon City Hall – Room 204

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:          Ann Craig, Ruby Clark, Josie James, Rozelia Patino, Robert Roundtree,
                                Chairman William Muhammad

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:           David Bukala, Faye Redmond, Ron Hayward

STAFF PRESENT:                  Ryan Cummins - CPRB Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by Chairman Muhammad. Roll call was taken and a quorum
was present.

Approval of Minutes
The September 27, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes
and the minutes were approved.

Unfinished Business

CPRB Pamphlet
The board reviewed the latest draft of the CPRB pamphlet that was created by R. Patino. The board
advised they liked the pamphlet.

R. Roundtree asked if a Spanish version will be created. R. Patino stated she would prepare a Spanish
version after final revisions are complete.

No further changes were recommended during the meeting. R. Cummins asked the board for any
changes to be e-mailed to him by the end of the year. If none are received, he will print copies.

New Business

Internal Affairs Complaints
The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received and completed since the last meeting. No
appeals have been received.

J. James asked if the board can go outside of the agency on a review. Chairman Muhammad advised
generally not. R. Roundtree stated he cross-references policy and procedures during reviews.
Talen Bank Applications for Reappointment
R. Cummins advised J. James and R. Clark their terms expire at the end of January. J. James stated she
submitted her application for reappointment. R. Clark stated she will submit hers this week. R. Cummins
advised the board of the upcoming CRC open house. Copies of the Talent Bank applications were
provided to the board for anyone who may have an interest in serving on a City board or commission.

Law Enforcement Professional Member
Chairman Muhammad advised that D. Bukala is moving out of state and will not be applying for
reappointment at the end of his term in January. D. Bukala served as the law enforcement professional
member. Another law enforcement professional will need to be appointed for this vacancy per the

Public Comment
Public comment was offered but there was no participation.


J. James motioned and A. Craig seconded a motion to adjourn. After a unanimous vote, the meeting was
adjourned at 6:51pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ryan Cummins, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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