City Commission Worksession Agenda 04-09-2007

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                               City of Muskegon
                         City Commission Worksession
                                 April 9, 2007
                          City Commission Chambers
                                    5:30 PM


1.    Transmittal of 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) -
      Auditors Presentation.

2.    First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast.

3.    Muskatawa Trail Corridor Study.

4.    Business 31 Resolution.

5.    Outstanding Citizenship Award.

6.    Multiple Special Event Liquor Licenses.

7.    431 Orchard- Commissioner Davis.

8.    Dog Enforcement.

9.    Dog Beach- Commissioner Davis.

10.   Farmers Market - Commissioner Davis

11.   Muskegon Chronicle Anniversary Ad.

12.   Any Other Business.

13.   Adjournment.
                                   City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Worksession
                                     April 9, 2007
                              City Commission Chambers


Present: Commissioners Spataro, Warmington, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, and Carter.
Absent: Commissioner Wierengo (excused).

Transmittal of 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) - Auditors
Eric VanDop, of Brickley Delong, presented the 2006 CAFR report.

First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast
Tim Paul, Finance Director, presented the first quarter 2007 budget. No significant
changes are anticipated at this time.

Musketawa Trail Corridor Study
Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Engineer, presented an executive engineering summary
prepared by Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. detailing various options to connect the
Musketawa Trail to the City's trail system along Laketon Avenue and Shoreline Drive.

Business 31 Resolution
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to adopt the
Business 31 Resolution as presented.

                                                           MOTION PASSES

Outstanding Citizenship Award
Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd, to adopt the
City of Muskegon Outstanding Citizenship Award application.

                                                           MOTION PASSES

Multiple Special Event Liquor Licenses
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Vice Mayor Gawron, to approve the
extension of the following liquor licenses to be able to offer outside entertainment
during the "Muskegon Bike Time" festival July 19 thru July 22, 2007:

Mike's Inn, 555 W. Western Avenue - Requesting to fence off parking lot to set up
beverage entertainment area.
Racquets Downtown Grill, 446 W. Western Avenue - Requesting to set up beverage
entertainment area in the parking lot located between Racquets and the Muskegon
Holiday Inn.

Tipsy Toad Tavern, 609 W. Western Avenue - Requesting to set up beverage
entertainment area in the parking lot located between Tipsy Toad and Radiology,

Pop-A-Top, 2185 Henry Street - Requesting to set up beverage entertainment area
in their parking lot.

                                                             MOTION PASSES
431 Orchard
Commissioner Davis has received complaints regarding the condition of 431 Orchard.
Mark Kincaid stated that his office is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it.

Dog Enforcement
Discussion of a possible leash law took place. Staff has been directed to draft an
ordinance for further discussion.

Dog Beach
Commissioner Davis inquired when the beach will be opened for the season and when
signs would be posted.

Farmers Market
A survey was provided to farmers asking if they are interested in Thursday evening
hours. The Commission will be informed of the results.

Commercial liability insurance for Farmer Market Vendors selling processed and/or food
items was discussed.

Muskegon Chronicle Ad
Moved by Commissioner Carter, supported by Commissioner Spataro, to pm·chase
a full page color ad in the amount of $1950 commemorating the Muskegon
Chronicle's 150u, anniversary.

                                                            MOTION PASSES

Agreement - Consumers Energy
Moved by Commissioner Shepherd, supported by Commissioner Davis, to enter into
an agreement between the City of Muskegon and Consumers Energy to extend
electrical to 770 Terrace, the new fire station, in the amount of $13,509.50.

                                                            ROLL CALL VOTE:
Ayes: Commissioners Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, and
Nays: None,

                                                          MOTION PASSES

Printer for Commissioner Shepherd
Mayor Warmington volunteered to use his own expense account to purchase a printer,
toner, and paper for Commissioner Shepherd citing her need for it due to her work with
the Michigan Municipal League.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Spataro, to adjourn
the meeting at 8:12 p.m.

                                                          MOTION PASSES

To:        City Commission       City Manager
From:Finance Director

Date: April 5, 2007
Re:        2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

At Monday's Committee of the Whole meeting, the City's independent auditors
(Brickley De Long) will give an overview of their audit and the City's 2006 financial

Typically, we would provide you with hard copies of the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR) in advance of the presentation. However, due to the
County print shop being closed on Good Friday, it does not appear we will have
hard copies back before the weekend.

If you would like to review the CAFR in advance of Monday's meeting, it is available
on the internet at

Thank you.

• Page 1

                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           GENERAL FUND

                       HISTORICAL SUMMARY

                       Revenues &            Expenditures &       Fund Balance
   Year                Transfers ln           Transfers Out        at Year-End
  1996      $          17,666,214     $        18,018,159     $     1,970,362
  1997                 20,437,646              20,358,321           2,049,687
  1998                 21,643,855              21,634,467           2,059,075
  1999                 21,451,681              22,011,881           1,498,875
  2000                 23,685,516              22,232,657           2,951,734
  2001                 23,446,611              23,235,978           3,162,367
  2002                 23,617,163              23,971,534           2,807,996
  2003                 23,328,756              23,705,334           2,431,418
  2004                 23,401,793              23,388,019           2,445,192
  2005                 23,732,641              23,658,227           2,519,606
  2006                 24,669,210              24,498,776           2,690,040

                     Fiscal 2007 Budget Summary

FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR                                                    $   2 690 040

           Taxes                                                   14,786,349        62.0%
           Licenses and Permits                                     1,015,300        4.3%
           Federal Grants                                              88,325         0.4%
           State Grants                                                18,000         0.1%
           State Shared Revenue                                     4,165,754        17.5%
           Other Charges                                            2,210,441         9.3%
           Interest & Rentals                                         468,900        2,0%
           Fines and Fees                                             592,000        2.5%
           Other Revenue                                              234,750         1.0%
           Other Financing Sources                                    255,000         1.1%
                                                                   23,834,819        100.0%

           Customer Value Added Activities                         18,462,183        74.9%
           Business Value Added Activities                          4,314,059        17.5%
           Fixed Budget Items                                       1 876 644        7.6%
                                                                   24,652,886        100.0%

ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR                                            $   l   azj en
      OPERATING DEFICIT (USE OF FUND BALANCE)                                    $       (818,067)

      TARGET FUND BALANCE (10% PRIOR YEAR EXPENDITURES)                          $   2,449,878

      ESTIMATED EXCESS {SHORTFALL) vs. TARGET                                    $       (577,905)
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund

                                                                                       Original Budget        Actual Through           Revised Estimate     Change From 2007
                                           Actual 2005           Actual 2006           Estimate 2007           March 2007                   2007                Original
Available Fund Balance - BOY           $        2,445,191    $        2,519,606    s          2,784,051   $          2,690,040     $           2,690,040    s         (94,011)

City income tax                        $        7,083,023    s        7,425,173    $          6,980,000   s          1,771,335     $           6,980,000    $
Property taxes - general                        5,393,230             5,526,271               5,699,774              4,950,869                 5,693,309               (6,465)
Property taxes - sanitation                     1,572,029             1,616,027               1,661,698              1,443,711                 1,660,212               (1,486)
Industrial facilities taxes                       378,744               396,366                 351,828                                          351,828
Payments in lieu of taxes                          88,467                88,871                  89,000                                           89,000
Delinguent chargeback collected                     6,275                 2,112                  12,000                                           12,000
                                       $       14,521,768    $       15,054,820    $         14,794,300   $          8,165,915     $          14,786,349    $          (7,951)

Licenses and permits
Business licenses                      $            32,020   $           33,656    s             33,000   $              1,180     $             33,000     s
Liquor licenses                                     35,551               36,452                  35,000                  6,800                   35,000
Cable TV franchise fees                            286,265              285,124                 285,000                                         285,000
Rental property registration                        12,010               12,980                  12,000                    210                   12,000
Property Maintenance Inspection Fees                54,194               55,623                 120,000                 13,340                  120,000
Burial permits                                     116,339              118,399                 120,000                 35,076                  120,000
Building permits                                   313,392              306,791                 225,000                 52,975                  225,000
Electrical permits                                  99,112               76,536                  90,000                 17,580                   90,000
Plumbing permits                                    39,713               34,367                  40,000                  6,951                   40,000
Mechanical permits                                  57,452               45,978                  52,500                  9,510                   52,500
Cat Licenses                                         1,905                3,115                   2,500                  2,680                    2,800                  300
Police gun registration                                 28                     3
                                       $         1,047,981   s        1,009,024    $          1,015,000   s            146,302     $           1,015,300    $             300

Federal grants
 Federal oeerational grant             $          155,648    $          172,881    $             88,325   $                        s               88,325   $
                                       $          155,648    $          172,881    $             88,325   $                        s               88,325   $

State grants
Act 302 police training grant          $           18,228    $           18,302    s             18,000   $                        $               18,000   s
State o erational rant
                                       $           18,228    $           18,302    s             18,000   $                        $               18,000   s
State shared revenue
 State sales tax                       s        4,592,852    s        4,556,801    $          4,628,616   $                    2   $           4,165,754    $        (462,862}
                                       s        4,592,852    $        4,556,801    $          4,628,616   s                    2   $           4,165,754    $        (462,862)
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast • 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund

                                                                                                Original Budget        Actual Through            Revised Estimate     Change From 2007
                                                Actual 2005             Actual 2006             Estimate 2007           March 2007                    2007                Original

Other charges for sales and services
Tax administration fees                     $          231,639      $          219,172      $            216,541   $                         $            213,609     $          (2,932)
Utility administration fees                                                    180,000                   180,000                45,000                    180,000
Reimbursement for elections                             14,229                  13,762                    27,000                   100                     27,000
Reimbursement for school police officer                                         20,000                    30,000                                             30,000
Indirect cost reimbursement                          1,035,612               1,045,539                 1,024,932               256,233                   1,024,932
Site-plan review fee                                     (1,400)                 5,650                     2,500                  1,250                      2,500
Sale of cemetery lots                                   19,327                  26,390                    25,000                  8,353                      25,000
Sale of columbarium niches                                                            800                  1,600                    800                       1,600
Police miscellaneous                                   100,101                  77,093                    75,000                  9,014                      75,000
Police impound fees                                     43,469                  49,206                    45,000                 11,986                      45,000
Landlord's alert fee                                          290                     355                    300                        20                     300
Fire protection-state property                          85,483                 121,131                    80,000                                             80,000
Zoning fees                                             18,944                  13,050                    15,000                  1,820                      15,000
Clerk fees                                               3,802                   3,330                     3,500                  1,610                       3,500
Clerk - passport fees                                    2,280                   2,520                     2,000                  1,200                       2,000
Tax abatement application fees                                                  10,382                     1,000                  4,513                       7,000              6,000
Treasurer fees                                          95,549                  76,030                    90,000                  3,954                      90,000
False alarm fees                                        12,410                  14,130                    12,000                    330                      12,000
Miscellaneous cemetery income                           18,536                  22,772                    22,000                  1,624                      22,000
Senior transit program fees                              6,867                  10,131                     9,000                  2,022                       9,000
Township electrical seivices
Fire miscellaneous                                      44,821                   3,763                    25,000                    739                     25,000
Sanitation stickers                                     82,006                  87,263                    75,000                  9,667                     75,000
Lot cleanup fees                                        34,813                                            50,000                                            50,000
Reimbursements for mowing and demolitions               34,810                 140,575                    50,000                 23,311                     50,000
Special events reimbursements                           97,454                  96,691                   115,000                  2,021                    115,000
Recreation 2rogram fees                                 77,414                  78,878                    30,000                  6,319                     30,000
                                            $        2,058,456      s        2,318,613      $          2,207,373   $            391,886      $           2,210,441    $          3,068

Interest and rental income
Interest                                    $          187,376      $          416,599      $            275,000   $             35,973      $            275,000     $
Flea market                                             24,497                  20,736                    29,000                                           29,000
Farmers market                                          31,982                  34,719                    32,000                                             32,000
City right of way rental                                 4,400                   4,400                     4,400                  2,400                     4,400
Arena Revenue                                                                  137,977                    50,000                                           50,000
Advertising Revenue                                      1,407                                             2,000                                            2,000
Parking rentals                                          2,800                   2,800                     2,500                    700                     2,500
McGraft park rentals                                    44,904                  44,008                    45,000                  1,382                    45,000
Other eark rentals                                      37,159                  30,403                    29,000                  7,300                    29,000
                                            $          334,525      $          691,642      $            468,900   $             47,755      $            468,900     $
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecas! - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund

                                                                                                 Original Budget        Actual Through         Revised Estimate     Change From 2007
                                                 Actual 2005             Actual 2006             Estimate 2007           March 2007                 2007                 Original

Fines and fees
Income tax - penalty and interest            $          284,136      $          192,822      $            200,000   $             58,114   s            200,000     $
Late fees on current taxes                              111,393                  35,701                   110,000                    338                110,000
Interest on late invoices                                 1,769                        258                  2,000                                          2,000
Parking fines                                            97,566                  87,060                   110,000                42,388                 110,000
Court fines                                             151,885                 208,061                   170,000                41,657                 170,000
                                             $          646,749      $          523,902      $            592,000   $           142,497    $            592,000     $

Other revenue
Sale of land and assets                      $            2,512      $                       $              1,000   $                      s               1,000    $
Police sale and auction proceeds                          1,664                                             1,500                                          1,500
CDBG program reimbursements                             206,917                 233,091                   188,000                                        188,000
Contributions                                            12,538                  17,992                    11,000                    725                   11,000
Contributions - Veteran's Park Maintenance               15,230                  17,977                    17,250                                          17,250
Muskegon County Community Foundation                     55,000                  11,675
Miscellaneous reimbursements                                                      7,051                     1,000                                          1,000
Miscellaneous and sund                                   14,206                   9,469                    15,000                  1,307                  15,000
                                             s          308,067      $          297,255      $            234,750   s              2,032   $             234,750    $

Other financing sources
Operating transfers in
 Cemetery Perpetual Care                     $           24,163      $           20,970      $             45,000   $             16,173   $               45,000   $
 Criminal Forfeitures Fund
 Police Training Fund
 ODA for Administration                                  10,000                   5,000
 Reese Playfield Fund
 RLF for Administration                                        833
 Budget Stabilization Fund                                                                                150,000                                        150,000
 Special Assessment Fund                                 13,371
 TIFA Fund (Arena Operations)                                                                              60,000                                          60,000
 Hackle Park Memorial Fund
                                             $           48,367      $           25,970      $            255,000   $             16,173   s             255,000    $

Total general fund revenues and
other sources                                $       23,732,641      $       24,669,210      s         24,302,264   $          8,912,562   $          23,834,819    s        (467,445)
       Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                       Actual As
                                                                                      Original Budget Actual Through     % of         Revised            Change From
                                                    Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007    March 2007      Revised     Estimate 2007         2007 Original
       I. Customer Value Added Activities

40301 Police Department
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $      6,941,518   $      7,170,304   $   7,419,620    $   1,602,461        22% $      7,419,620     $
5200     Operating Supplies                               87,175            115,453          91,552           13,276        15%           91,552
5300     Contractual Services                            916,278            911,044         929,000          147,554        16%         929,000
5400     Other Expenses                                   27,011             21,177          18,000            7,211        40%           18,000
5700     Capital Outlays                                  17,365             14,514          12,000           4,828         40%           12,000
5900     Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                $      7,989,347   $      8,232,492   $   8,470,172    $   1,775,330        21% $      8,470,172     $
                                                $      7,989,347   $      8,232,492   $   8,470,172    $   1,775,330        21% $    _~.470,1]2      $

50336 Fire Department
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $      3,192,331   $      3,310,959   $   3,411,863    $    838,108         25% $      3,411,863     $
5200     Operating Supplies                              121,440            138,151         105,000          10,063         10%          105,000
5300     Contractual Services                            208,357            186,344         200,000          13,121          7%          200,000
5400     Other Expenses                                    9,185              9,400          12,500           1,434         11%           12,500
5700     Capital Outlays                                 121,892             74,550          30,000            7,672        26%           30,000
5900     Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                $      3,653,205   $      3,719,404   $   3,759,363    $    870,398         23% $      3,759,363     $

50387 Fire Safety Inspections
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $        780,561   $        834,011   $     846,158    $    215,427         25% $       846,158      $
5200     Operating Supplies                               11,262             12,165          20,000            1,387         7%          20,000
5300     Contractual Services                            140,000            136,785         136,590           15,261        11%         136,590
5400     Other Expenses                                    9,093              8,358           8,000            1,860        23%            8,000
5700     Capital Outlays                                   4,462              3,254           3,500                          0%            3,500
5900     Other Financin Uses                                                                                                 N/A
                                                $        945,378   $        994,573   $   1,014,248    $     233,935         23% $     1,014,248     $
                                                $      4,598,583   $      4,713,977   $   4,773,611    $   1,104,333         23% $     4,773,611     $

60523 General Sanitation
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $         67,243   $         67,856   $      69,181    $      16,146         23% $        69,181     $
5200     Operating Supplies                                  845                                                             N/A
5300     Contractual Services                          1,470,268          1,556,349       1,567,725         241,767          15%       1,567,725
5400     Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700     Capital Outlays                                  22,632             26,149          27,600                           0%          27,600
5900     Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                $      1,560,988   $      1,650,354   $    1,664,506   $    257,913          15% $     1,664,50!'}   $
60528 Recycling
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $                  $                  $                $                     N/A $                   $
5200     Operating Supplies                                                                                                  N/A
5300     Contractual Services                            158,213            159,751         163,368           26,385         16%         163,368
5400     Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700     Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900     Other Financin Uses                                                                                                 N/A
                                                $        158,213   $        159,751   $     163,368    $      26,385         16% $       163,368     $
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                          Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through       % of        Revised           Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007        March 2007    Revised     Estimate 2007       2007 Original
60550 Stormwater Management
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $                   $                  $                $                       NIA $                 $
5200     Operating Supplies                                                                                                     NIA
5300     Contractual Services                              16,270             16,384          16,991              4,000        24%          16,991
5400     Other Expenses                                        50                                                               NIA
5700     Capital Outlays                                                                                                        NIA
5900     other Financin Uses                                                                                                    NIA
                                                 $         16,320   $         16,384   $      16,991    $         4,000        24% $         16,991   $
60448 Streetlighting
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $            390   $                  s                $                       NIA $                 $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                    NIA
5300      Contractual Services                            556,278            563,184         544,325             53,085        10%         544,325
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                        NIA
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                     28,000                             0%          28,000
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   NIA
                                                 $        556,668   $        563,184   $     572,325    $        53,085         9% $       572,325 _j
60707 Senior Citizen Transit
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $         41,242   $         40,899   $      44,404    $        12,007        27% $         44,404   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                    NIA
5300      Contractual Services                             10,530             10,140           9,902              1,520        15%            9,902
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                        NIA
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                       NIA
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   NIA
                                                 $         51,772   $         51,039   $      54,306    $        13,527        25% $         54,306   $
60446   Community Event Support
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $         16,863   $         16,543   $      20,500    $           256          1% $        20,500   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                  557                816           1,750                             0%           1,750
5300      Contractual Services                             10,591              8,096          12,500                 81          1%          12,500
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                         NIA
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                        NIA
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                    NIA
                                                 $         28,011   $         25,455   $      34,750    $           337          1% $        34,750 $
                                                 $      2,371,972   $      2,466,167   $   2,506,246    $       355,247         14% $     2,506,24~_ $

70751   Parks Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        434,402   $        422,817   $     469,912    $        82,681         18% $       469,912   $
5200      Operating Supplies                              123,061            103,127         106,125              4,182          4%         106,125
5300      Contractual Services                            649,184            687,148         633,882             55,034          9%         633,882
5400      Other Expenses                                    1,421                107                                             NIA
5700      Capital Outlays                                  20,375             18,652          23,000                             0%          23,000
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                    NIA
                                                 $      1,228,443   $      1,231,851   $    1,232,919   $       141,897         12% $     1,232,919   $
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                        Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through     %of               Revised          Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007    March 2007      Revised          Estimate 2007       2007 Original
70757   Mc Graft Park Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $          5,721   $          6,287   $      16,575    $      1,020            6% $           16,575    $
5200      Operating Supplies                                1,841              5,102           4,000              70            2%              4,000
5300      Contractual Services                             42,846             58,010          33,731           1,347            4%             33,731
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $         50,408   $         69,399   $      54,306    $      2,437            4% $           54,306    $
70775 General Recreation
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        186,564   $         86,047   $      93,744    $     19,968         21% $             93,744    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               19,624             24,263          36,000           2,850            8%             36,000
5300      Contractual Services                             82,777            186,107         163,159          12,686            8%            163,159
5400      Other Expenses                                    1,991              1,861           3,800              68            2%              3,800
5700      Capital Outlays                                                      1,182                                          N/A
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $        290,956   $        299,460   $     296,703    $     35,572         12% $            296,703    $
70276   Cemeteries Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        193,182   $        187,287   $     215,051    $     46,839         22% $            215,051    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               13,491              8,627           6,825             276          4%                6,825
5300      Contractual Services                            342,492            318,730         322,187          15,507          5%              322,087                  (100)
5400      Other Expenses                                      413                                                 50         50%                  100                   100
5700      Capital Outlays                                  26,705             13,801           3,500             291          8%                3,500
5900      Other FinancinQ Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $        576,283   $        528.445   $     547,563    $     62,963         11% $            547,563    $
70585   Parking Operations
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $          1,904   $            730   $                $       1,657         75% $              2,200   $            2,200
5200      Operating Supplies                                  128                223           1,000              393         39%                1,000
5300      Contractual Services                             12,865             12,569           6,500                           0%                4,300               (2,200)
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $         14,897   $         13,522   $        7,500   $      2,050          27% $              7,500   $
70357 Graffiti Removal
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                  $                  $                $                     N/A $                      $
5200      Operating Supplies                                   58                233                                          N/A
5300      Contractual Services                              2,485              2,502            4,792                           0%               4,792
5400      Other Expenses                                                          16                                          N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                 N/A
                                                 $          2,543   $          2.751   $        4,792   $                       0% $             4,792   $
70863   Farmers' Market & Flea Market
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $         16,018   $         20,093   $      21,826    $        480           2% $             21,826   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                  298              1,137           1,000             434          43%                1,000
5300      Contractual Services                             17,430             24,176          15,000                           0%               15,000
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                        N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                       N/A
5900      other Financing Uses                                                                                                  N/A
                                                 $         33,746   $         45,406   $      37,826    $        914            2o/<:_   ~      37~826   $
       Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                                 Actual As
                                                                                              Original Budget Actual Through       % of        Revised          Change From
                                                               Actual 2005       Actual 2006  Estimate 2007    March 2007         Revised Estimate 2007         2007 Original
                                                             $    2,197,276    $    2,190,834 $    2,181,609 $       245,833          11%_$_ 2,181,609      $

80387 Environmental Services
5100     Salaries & Benefits                                 $      103,814    $     116,175    $     128,898    $     31,313         24% $      128,898    $
5200     Operating Supplies                                           5,183            6,520            5,300             218          4%          5,300
5300     Contractual Services                                       182,217          202,397          215,553           3,827          2%        215,553
5400     other Expenses                                                                                   500                          0%            500
5700     Capital Outlays                                              5,586              404            3,000                          0%           3,000
5900     Other Financin Uses                                                                                                           N/A
                                                             $      296,800    $     325,496    $     353,251    $     35,358         10% $      353,251    $
                                                             $      296,800    $     325,496    $     353,251    $     35,358         10% $      353,251    $

10875 Other - Contributions to Outside Agencies
        Muskegon Area Transit (MATS)                          $      80,164    $      80,164    $      80,500    $     20,041         25% $       80,500
        Neighborhood Association Grants                              16,914           19,450           21,634          19,500         90%         21,634
        Muskegon Area First                                          45,660           45,568           45,660          11,392         25%         45,660
        Veterans Memorial Day Costs                                  12,400            2,044            3,000                          0%          3,000
        Neighborhoods of Choice                                                                         2,500                          0%          2,500
        Mainstreet Program                                                                                                             N/A
        Lakeside Business District                                                     2,500            2,500           2,500        100%           2,500
        211 Service                                                                                     2,500           2,500        100%           2,500
        Institute for Healing Racism                                  1,000                             1,000                          0%           1,000
        MLK Diversity Program                                                                           1,000                          0%           1,000
        Muskegon Area Labor Management (MALMC)                         1,000           1,000            1,000                          0%           1,000
        Muskegon County and Humane Society* Feral Cat Control        22,149           25,287           16,000             750          5%         16,000
        Other                                                                                                                          N/A
       Contributions To Outside A9encies                      $     179,287    $     176,013    $     177,294    $     56,683         32% $       177,294 $
                                                              $     179,287    $     176,013    $     177,294    $     56,683         32% $       177,?9j _ $

       Total Customer Value Added Activities                  $   17,633,265   $   18,104,979   $   18,462,183   $   3,572,784         19% $   18,462,183   $
       As a Percent of Total General Fund
       Expenditures                                                    74.5%            73.9%            75.1%           76.3%                      74.9%
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                        Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through     % of         Revised          Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007    March 2007       Revised    Estimate 2007       2007 Original

        II. Business Value Added Activities

10101   City Commission
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $          62,810   $         62,186   $      65,223    $     14,471         22% $        65,223    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               11.015             12,925          13,000               1          0%          13,000
5300      Contractual Services                              1,760              3,023           3,000             175          6%           3,000
5400      Other Expenses                                    2,162              1,811           4,500             263          6%            4,500
5700      Capital Outlays                                     233              8,724             433             180         42%             433
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                $          77,980   $         88,669   $      86,156    $     15,090         18% $        86,156_ $
10102 City Promotions & Public Relations
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                  $                  $                $                     N/A $                 $
5200      Operating Supplies                                  177                168             300             471         94%              500                  200
5300      Contractual Services                             12,100              5,235           8,729             406          5%            8,529                 (200)
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $         12,277   $          5,403   $       9,029    $        877         10% $          9,029   $
10172 City Manager
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        202,695   $        204,228   $     211,899    $     55,673         26% $       211,899    $
5200      Operating Supplies                                1,496              1,790           1,750              80          5%           1,750
5300      Contractual Services                              2,680              3,035           2,750             430         16%           2,750
5400      Other Expenses                                      712                639           1,750             240         14%           1,750
5700      Capital Outlays                                   1,020                                468                          0%             468
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $        208,603   $        209.692   $     218,617    $     56,423         26% $       218,617_ $
10145 City Attorney
5100      Salarles & Benefits                    $                  $                  $                $                     N/A $                 $
5200      Operating Supplies                                  737                              1,000                           0%          1,000
5300      Contractual Services                            407,832            424,117         401,695          72,367          18%        401,695
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                      N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                     N/A
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                 N/A
                                                 $        408.569   $        424,117   $     402,695    $     72,367          18% $      402,695    $
                                                 $        707,429   $        727,881   $     716,497    $    144,757          20% $      716,497    $

20173 Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        152,114   $        150,764   $     157,358    $     41,643          26% $       157,358   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                  986              1,511           1,300               74          6%           1,300
5300      Contractual Services                              6,888              6,767          13,034            3,207         25%          13,034
5400      Other Expenses                                      424                235            1,000              12          1%           1,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                                        564                                          N/A
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
                                                 $        160,412   $        159,841   $     172,692    $     44,936          26% $       172,692   $
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                          Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through       % of        Revised             Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007        March 2007    Revised     Estimate 2007         2007 Original
20228 Affirmative Action
5100     Salaries & Benefits                    $          76,842   $         30,393   $      94,092    $        15,170        16% $        94,092      $
5200     Operating Supplies                                   278                219             519                111        21%             519
5300     Contractual Services                               2,818              1,544           3,270                187         6%            3,270
5400     Other Expenses                                     1,092                                800                286        36%             800
5700     Capital Outlays                                                                                                        N/A
5900     other Financin Uses                                                                                                    N/A
                                                 $         81,030   $         32,156   $      98,681    $        15,754        16% $        98,681      $
20744 Julia Hackley Internships
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $          7,630   $          4,350   $                $                       N/A $                   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                    N/A
5300      Contractual Services                                                                                                  N/A
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                        N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                       NIA
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $          7,630   $          4,350   $                $                       N/A $                   $
20215   City Clerk & Elections
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        263,837   $        241,766   $     282,007    $        56,834        20% $       282,007      $
5200      Operating Supplies                               28,566             31,892          30,000              1,790          6%         30,000
5300      Contractual Services                             20,883             21,830          21,000              1,203         6%          21,000
5400      Other Expenses                                    3,981              1,778           2,000                119         6%           2,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                     335                275                                            N/A
5900      other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $        317,602   $        297,541   $     335,007    $        59,946        18% $       335,007      $
20220 Civil Service
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        148,647   $        145,934   $     152,734    $        23,196        15% $        152,734     $
5200      Operating Supplies                                5,302              8,594           7,700                703         9%            7,700
5300      Contractual Services                             20,785             18,071          18,559              4,955        27%           18,559
5400      Other Expenses                                    5,086              3,300           4,575                161         4%            4,575
5700      Capital Outlays                                   2,095                                500                            0%              500
5900      other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $        181,915   $        175,899   $     184,068    $        29,015        16% $       184,068      $
                                                 $        748,589   $        669,787   $     790,448    $       149,651        19% $       790,448      $

30202   Finance Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        341,340   $        325,506   $     332,122    $        88,994         27% $       332,122     $
5200      Operating Supplies                                5,524              6,627           6,100                681         11%           6,100
5300      Contractual Services                             75,056             93,703          81,470             31,513         39%          81,470
5400      Other Expenses                                      104                303             100                             0%               100
5700      Capital Outlays                                   2,897              4,176            1,500                            0%           1,500
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                    N/A
                                                 $        424,921   $        430,315   $     421,292    $       121,188         29% $       421,292     $
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                          Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through      % of          Revised          Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007        March 2007    Revised     Estimate 2007       2007 Original
30209 Assessing Services
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                  $          6,343   $       6,440    $         5,571        87% $          6,440   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                    N/A
5300      Contractual Services                           410,601             436,274         421,050              1,969         0%         421,050
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                        N/A
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                       N/A
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $       410,601    $        442,617   $     427,490    $         7,540         2% $       427,490    $
30805 Arena Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                  $                  $                $                       N/A $                 $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                    N/A
5300      Contractual Services                                               141,030         175,000             10,483          6%        175,000
5400      Other Expenses                                                           2             300                 22         7%             300
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                                                       N/A
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $                  $        141,032   $     175,300    $        10,505          6% $      175,300    1
30205   Income Tax Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        258,397   $        248,514   $     286,438    $        73,822        26% $       286,438    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               23,121             16,853          19,460              3,600        18%           19,460
5300      Contractual Services                             51,185             66,912          50,670             12,278        24%           50,670
5400      Other Expenses                                    1,293                629             600                            0%             600
5700      Capital Outlays                                   8,694              2,867           1,500                 27         2%            1,500
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   NIA
                                                 $        342,690   $        335,775   $     358,668    $        89,727        25% $       358,668    $
30253   City Treasurer
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        295,568   $        273,532   $     249,184    $        61,947         25% $      249,184    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               30,248             29,099          32,000              2,849          9%         32,000
5300      Contractual Services                             68,759             79,985          60,838             12,545         21%          60,838
5400      Other Expenses                                    1,118                568           2,000                             0%           2,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                   6,995              8,591            2,500                            0%           2,500
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $        402,688   $        391,775   $     346,522    $        77,341         22% $       346,522   $
30248   Information Systems Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $        234,549   $        241,116   $     249,754    $        66,147         26% $       249,754   $
5200      Operating Supplies                                1,461                 81           5,500                 50          1%           5,500
5300      Contractual Services                             49,227             28,103          63,835             30,668         48%          63,835
5400      Other Expenses                                    4,130              6,765           11,000                27          0%          11,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                  35,447             39,001           19,900               133          1%          19,900
5900      Other Financin Uses                                                                                                   N/A
                                                 $        324,814   $        315,066   $      349,989   $        97,025         28% $       349,989   $
                                                 $      1,905,714   $      2,056,580   $    2,079,261   $       403,326         19% $     2,079,261   $
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
        General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                        Actual As
                                                                                       Original Budget Actual Through     % of        Revised           Change From
                                                     Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007    March 2007       Revised    Estimate 2007       2007 Original

60265   City Hall Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $          65,449   $         63,507   $      64,101   $      17,869         28% $        64,101    $
5200      Operating Supplies                               11,331             13,764          11,000           1,211         11%          11,000
5300      Contractual Services                            212,314            186,976         175,000          18,792         11%         175,000
5400      Other Expenses                                                                         500                          0%             500
5700      Capital Outlays                                                                      6,387                          0%           6,387
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                NIA
                                                $         289,094   $       264,247    $     256,988   $      37,872         15% $       256,988    $
                                                $         289,094   $        264,247   $     256,988   $      37,872         15% $       256,988    $

80400   Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         391,161   $        397,226   $     415,765   $      94,270         23% $       415,765    $
5200      Operating Supplies                                8,435              6,381           6,600             268          4%           6,600
5300      Contractual Services                             42,807             28,840          33,500           7,509         17%          43,500               10,000
5400      Other Expenses                                    2,196              2,776           3,000             580         19%           3,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                   4,395              2,492           2,000             148          7%           2,000
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                                                NIA
                                                $         448,994   $        437,715   $     460,865   $     102,775         22% $       470,865    $          10,000
                                                $         448,994   $        437,715   $     460,865   $     102,775         22% $       470,865    $          10,000

        Total Business Value Added Activities    $      4,099,820   $      4,156,210   $   4,304,059   $     838,381         19% $      4,314,059   $          10,000
        As a Percent of Total General Fund
        Expenditures                                        17.3%              17.0%           17.5%            17.9%                       17.5%
       Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                                                    Actual As
                                                                                                  Original Budget Actual Through      %of          Revised          Change From
                                                                Actual 2005        Actual 2006    Estimate 2007    March 2007        Revised    Estimate 2007       2007 Original
       Ill. Fixed Budget Items

30999 Transfers To Other Funds
         Major Street Fund                                  $                  $        300,000   $                $                      NIA $                 $
         Local Street Fund                                          600,000             480,000         480,000         120,000          25%         480,000
         Budget Stabilization Fund                                  100,000             150,000                                           NIA
         L.C. Walker Arena Fund (Operating Subsidy)                 310,000             310,000                                           NIA
         Arena Improvement Fund                                                          60,000                                           NIA
         Public Improvement Fund (Fire Equipment Reserve)            150,000            150,000         150,000          37,500          25%         150,000
         State Grants Fund (Grant Matches)                                                               10,000                           0%          10,000
         Marina                                                       80,000             40,000          40,000                            0%         40,000
         Sidewalk                                                    125,000            150,000                                           NIA
         MOD State Rehab Loan Fund                                     4,281                                                              NIA
         LDFA Debt Service Fund (Smartzone)                                              31,262         100,000                           0%         100,000
         General Insurance                                                                               28,046           7,012          25%          28,046
                                                            $      1,369,281   $      1,671,262   $     808,046    $    164,512          20% $       808,046    $

30851 General Insurance                                     $        338,825   $        334,748   $     347,304    $                       0% $      347,304    $
30906 Debt Retirement                                                  3,280              3,336         261,194          98,798          38%         261,194
10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense                               160,243            222,802         400,000             (100)          0%        400,000
90000 Major Capital Improvements                                      53,513              5,439                           6,597           11%          60,100              60,100
      Total Fixed-Budget Items                              $      1,925,142   $      2,237,587   $   1,816,544    $    269,807           14% $     1,876,644   $           60,100
      As a Percent of Total General Fund
      Expenditures                                                      8.1%               9.1%             7.4%            5.8%                         7.6%

         Total General Fund                                 $     23,658,227   $     24,498,776   $ 24,582,786     $   4,680,972          19% $ 24,652,886      $           70,100

       Recap: Total General Fund By Expenditure Object
5100     Salaries & Benefits                                $     14,482,792   $     14,675,373   $ 15,324,849     $   3,483,970          23% $    15,327,049   $            2,200
5200     Operating Supplies                                          513,640            545,721          514,781          45,038           9%         514,981                  200
5300     Contractual Services                                      6,883,131          7,318,724        7,433,203         856,445          12%       7,440,703                7,500
5400     Other Expenses                                               71,462             59,725           74,925          12,333          16%          75,025                  100
5700     Capital Outlays                                             334,641            224,635          165,788          19,876           9%         225,888               60,100
5900     All Other Financing Uses                                  1,372,561          1,674,598        1,069,240         263,310          25%       1,069,240
         Total General Fund                                 $     23,658,227   $     24,498,776   $ 24,582,786     $   4,680,972          19% $    24,652,886   $           70,100
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast" 2007 Proposed Budget" Other Funds
                                                                                                                    Actual As
                                                                               Original Budget   Actual Through                 Revised Estimate       Change From
                                           Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                            %of                                                                         Comments
                                                                               Estimate 2007         Maret, 2007                      2007             2007 Original

202 Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY   $         966,165 S           847,149   $      251,697    $        708.102               $       708,102 $            456-405

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments           $         275,847 $           254,840   $      250,000    s                              s       250,000    $

         Federal & state grants                3.725,330           1,290,725        1,364,700                 622                      1,776,700             412,000
         State shared revenue                  2,651,689           2,634,633        3,043,269             229,525                      3,043,269
         Interest income                         178,066             123,726           70,000              11,593                        70,000
         Operating transfers in                                      200,000
         Other                                   296,652             272,589          300,000               3,005                       300,000                          MOSTLYCDBG
                                       $       7,127,584 $         4,776,513   $    5,027,969    s        244,745               $      5.439,969   s         412,000

60900   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits          $         767,585   $         693,692   s     1,079,554 $          220,029     20%       $      1,079,554
5200       Operating Supplies                    205,108             196,458          227,900             133.430     59%               227,900
5300       Contractual Services                1,051,647             935,335          930,000             253.440     27%               930,000
5400       Other Expenses                          5,753               3,740             5,000                320      6%                  5,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                             N/A
5900       Other Financing Uses                  953,338             863,710          668,137                          0%               668,137                        - DEBT SERVICE ($668,137); NO TRANSFER TO LOCAL STREET IN 2007
                                       $       2,983,431   s       2,692,935   $     2,910,591   $        607,219     21%       s      2,910,591

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies          $                   s                   $                 $                     N/A      $                  $

5300       Contractual Services                4,263,169           2,222,625         2,090,000            154,387      5%              2,930,000             840,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                             NIA
                                       $       4,263,169 $         2,222,625   $     2,090,000   s        154,387      5%       s      2,930,000   s          840,000
                                       $       7,246,600 $         4,915,560   $     5,000,591   s        761,606      13%      s      5,840,591

        Available Fund Balance - EOY   $         847,149   $         708,102 $         279,075 $          191,241               $        307,480   $           28.405
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                  Actual As
                                                                               Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate    Charige From
                                           Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                          %of                                                                       Comments
                                                                               Estimate 2007      March 2007                       2007           2007 Original

203 Local Streets Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY   $        265,129    s         561,833   s       44.420 $        648,231                s       648,231     $     603,811

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments           s          86,160 S           182,841   $      150,000 $                               $       150,000
         Federal & state grants                  469,618           1,981,524        1,300,000                                       1,515,000           215,000 MALL PROJECT GRANTS
         Metro act fees                          152,198             140,645          140,000                                         140,000
         State shared revenue                    667,442             662,550          704.797            55,990                       704,797
         Interest income                          22,849              59,856           15,000               105                        15,000

         Operating transfers in                1,074,012             783,219          480,000           120,000                       480,000                     -   FROM GENERAL FUND ($480,000)

         Otller                                1,085,791             247,453             5,000            1,619                           5,000

                                               3,558,070   $       4,058,088   S    2,794,797    $      1TT,714               $      3,009,797    $     215,000

60900   Operating Expenditures

5100       Salaries & Benefits         s         827,955   $         581,113   $      488,437    s      178,163     38%       $       468,437     s
5200       Operating Supplies                    186,036              93,783          110,000            18,149     18%               110,000

5300       Contractual Services                  769.422             791,783          762,000          211,171      28%               762,000

5400       O!her Expenses                          1,931                 195             1,000               65      7%                   1,000

5700       Capital OuUays                                                                                            NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                   23,652                                                             NIA
                                       $       1,588,996   $       1,466,874   S     1,341,437   $      407,548     30%       $      1,341,437

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies          s                   $                   $                 s                   NIA      $                   s
5300       Contractual Services                1,672,370           2,504,816         1,425,000           94,655      6%              1,642,000          217,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

                                       $       1,672,370   $       2,504,816   $     1,425,000   s       94,655      6%       s      1,642,000    $     217,000

                                               3,261,366   $       3,971,690   s     2,766,437   S      502,203      17%      s      2,983,437

        Available Fund Balance - EOY   $         561,833   $         648,231   s        72,780   $      323,742               $       674,591     $     601,811
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                             Original Budget   Actual Through             Revised Estimate   Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                           %of                                          Comments
                                                                                             Estimate 2007      March 2007                     2007          2007 Original

257 Budget Stabilization Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                       1,250.000 $         1,350,000     $    1,350,000    $    1,500,000             $     1,500,000    $     150,000
        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 . $                     $             . s                            s              • $
         Federal & stale grants

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services
         Interest income

         Operating transfers in - General Fund               100,000             150,000
         Operating transfers in. TIFA Fund

         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund


                                                   $         100,000 $
                                                                                             '                 $                          $

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Bene1its                     s                   s                     $                 $                  NIA     $              . s
5200       Operating Supplies                                                                                                     NIA
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                   NIA
5400       other Expenses                                                                                                         NIA
5700       Capital OuUays                                                                                                         NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                      150,000                      0%               150,000

                                                   s                   s                 .   $       150,000   $                  0%      $        150,000   s

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                      $                   $                     $                 s                  NIA     s                  $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                   NIA
                                                                                                               $                  NIA     s
                                                                                             's      150,000   $                  0%      $        150,000

                                                   $        1,350,000 S         1,500,000          1,200,000   $    1,500,000                    1,350,000          150,000
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                         $                                            $
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                      Actual As
                                                                                               Original Budget    Actual Through                  Revised Estimate       Change From
                                                       Actual 2005           Actual 2006                                                %of                                                                     Comments
                                                                                               Estimate 2007           March 2007                       2007             2007 Original

260 Farmers' Market Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                     s
                                                   $          23,875                24,483     $       24,833     $         25,465                         25,465    $             632

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments
         Federal & state grants
                                                   s                 .   '                     $               . s                                $              . s

         State shared revenue
         Charges for services
         Interest income                                         608                   982                700                  207                            700
         Operating tra11sfers in Ge11eral Fund
         Operati11g transfers in - TIFA Fund
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund
         Other                                                                                            300                                                 300
                                                   $             608     $             982     $         1,000    s            207                s          1,000 $

70805   Operating Expenditures

          Salaries & Beneiits

           Operating Supplies
                                                                         '                     s                   $                     NIA
                                                                                                                                                                 .   '
5300       Contractual Services                                                                         10,000                           0%                 10,000                        PAINTING AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS
5400       O!ller Expenses                                                                                                               NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                               NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                          NIA
                                                   $                     $                     s        10,000 $                         0%       $         10,000

90000   Project Expenditures

           Operating Supplies

           Contractual Services
                                                   s                 . s                   .   '                 • $                     NIA
                                                   s                                                               s                     NIA                         s
                                                   $                     '
                                                                         $                     '
                                                                                               $        10,000     s                     0%
                                                                                                                                                  $         10,000

                                                                                                                                                  s         16.465 $
        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $          24,483     $          25,465     $        15,833
                                                                                                                   '         25,672                                                 632
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual M.
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate   Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                          %of                                                                    Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007      March 2007                        2007         2007 Onginal

264 Criminal Forfeitures Fund
                                                   s         164,298 $                            137,744 $                                                  s      20,091
        Available Fund Balance • BOY                                             133,244 $                         157,835
                                                                                                                                          '       157,835

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments
         Federal & state grants                    '                   '                 - s             -   '                            s

         State shared revenue
         Charges for services
         Interest income                                       3,996               6,023             3,000            1,266                          3,000

         Operating transfers in - General Fund
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund
         Other                                                 1,551              74,331             9,000           14,599                         16,000           7,000

                                                   s                   s                                             15,865                                  s
                                                               5,547              80,354   $        12,000
                                                                                                             '                            '         19,000           7,000

70805   Operating Expenditures
                                                                                                                                 NIA      s
           Salaries & Benefits

           Operating Supplies                      '                   '                   $                 $
                                                                                                                                 NIA                         '
5300       Contractual Services                                4,030               1,644            45,000              949      2%                 45,000                  - BULLET·PROOF VESTS (2006): RIOT GEAR (2007)

5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                        NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                    32,571              54,119            18,000              995      6%                 18,000                   - VIDEO ANALYSIS SOFTWARE

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                  NIA
                                                                                  55,763            63,000   s        1,944      3%                 63,000
                                                   '          36,601
                                                                       '                   '
90000   Project Expenditures
                                                                                           s                                     NIA
           Operating Supplies
           Contractual Services                    '                   '                                     '                   NIA

                                                   s                   s                                                         NIA                         s
                                                   s          36,601              55,763   '        63,000   '        1,944      3%       '         63,000
        Available Fund Balance. EOY                          133,244             157,835   s        86,744 $        171,756               s        113,835 $        27,091
                                                   '                   '
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through                 Revised Estimate     Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                            %of                                              Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007         March 2007                      2007            2007 Original

285 Tree Replacement Fund
        Available Fund Balance. BOY                $          12,293 $            13,561   $       13,761    $        10,210                $        10,210 $

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       s                   s                   $                 $                              $                    s
         Federal & state grants                                                                      3,000                                              3,000

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                                  4,100                                                     400                              400              400
         Interest income                                         314                 488              200                 99                              200
         Operating transfers in General Fund

         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund

                                                   $           4,414   $             488   $         3,200   s           499                s           3,600    $          400

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Benefits                     $                   $                   $                 $                     NIA      $                    $
5200       Operating Supplies                                                      3,839                                           NIA

5300       Contractual Services                                3,146                                 3,200                         0%                   3,200

5400       Otller Expenses                                                                                                         NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                         NIA

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                    N/A
                                                                                                                                   0%       $                    $
                                                   $           3,146   $           3,839
                                                                                           '         3,200
                                                                                                             '                                          3,200

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                      $                   s                   s                 $                     N/A      $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                    NIA

                                                   s                   s                   $                 $                     NIA      $                    s
                                                   $           3,146   $           3,839   $         3,200   s                     0%       $            3,200

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $          13,561   $          10,210   s        13,761   $         10,709               s           10,610   $       (3,151)
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                      Actual As
                                                                                                  Original Budget    Actual Through               Revised Estimate    Change From
                                                       Actual 2005            Act\Jal 2006
                                                                                                  Estimate 2007       March 2007
                                                                                                                                                       2007              2007 Original

289 Local Development Finance Authority I Fund - Port City Industrial Park
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $             301      $              312      s          322 $             323                s           323 $

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            s                  - s                     - $               - $                               $              - s
         Federal & state grants

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services

         Interest income                                             11                      11                10                 2                            10
         Operating transfers in - General Fund
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund

         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund

                                                   s                 11   s                  11   $            10 $               2               $             10   s

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Benefits                                                                                       s                            s
5200       Operating Supplies
                                                                          '                       $                                      N/A


5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                          NIA

5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                                N/A

5700       Capital Ou~ays                                                                                                                N/A

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                          N/A

                                                   s                      s                                                                                          s
                                                                                                                      '                  NIA      $

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                      $                   - $                        $                 - s                  N/A      s              - $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                          N/A

                                                                          $                       $                   $                  NIA      s
                                                                          $                       s                   $                  N/A      $

                                                   $             312      s
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                     323 $                332 $             325               $            333
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate       Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                          %of                                               Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007      March 2007                       2007              2007 Original

288 Local Development Finance Authority II Fund - Medendorp Industrial Park
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $          21,795                               22,971    $                                     23,216
                                                                       '          22,321
                                                                                           '                         23.216               $                  $             245

        Means of Financing

         Property taxes                                                $                                 - $                                             - s
         Federal & state grants                    '                                       $                                              $

         State shared revenue
         Charges for services
         Interest income                                         526                 895              600               189                           600
         Operating transfers in - General Fund
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund
                                                   s             526 $               895 $            600    $          189               $           600    s

70805   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   $                   $             - s                     NIA      s              - $
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                     NIA
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                  NIA
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                        NIA
5700       Capital Ou~ays                                                                                                        NIA
5900       other Financing Uses                                                                                                  NIA
                                                   s                   s                   $                 $                   NIA      $
                                                                                                                                                         -   '
90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                      $                   $                   $                 s                   NIA      $              - s
5300       Contractual SeMces                                                                                                    NIA
                                                                                           $                 s                   NIA      s                  $
                                                                                           s                 $                   NIA      s

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               s          22,321   s          23,216 $          23,571   $       23.405               $         23,816                  245
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate        Change From
                                                     Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                            %of                                                                      Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007      March 2007                       2007               2007 Original

290 Local Develo[>ment Finance Authority Ill Fund - Edison Landing (Smartzone)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY             $         465J60 $            282,397 $          102.458 $        104.991                $       104,991     $           2,533

        Means of Financing

         Property taxes                          $          11,620 $            17,908     $       28,900    $                            $        28,900     $
         Federal & state grants
         State shared revenue
         Charges for services

         Interest income                                    11,114              10,183               1,000            1,609                           3,000               2,000
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                                                    100,000                                         100,000
         Other                                                                                     75,000                                          75,000                          MCCF CONTRIBUTION FOR DEBT SERVICE
                                                 $          22,734   $          28.091     $      204,900    $        1,609               $       206,900     $            2,000

70805   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                   $                 -   $             - s                     N/A      $                   s
5200      Operating Supplies                                                                                                     N/A

5300      Contractual Services                                 350                 3SO                700                        0%                    700
5400      Other Expenses                                                                                                         N/A

5700       Capital OuUays                                                                                                        N/A
5900       Other Financing Uses                            205,147             205,147            285,147                        0%               285,147

                                                 $         205,497   $         20s.4g7     $      285,847    $                   0%       $       285,847     s

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                    $                   $                     $                 s                   NIA      s               - $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                  N/A

                                                                     $                     $                 $                   NiA      $
                                                 $         205,497   $         205,497     s      285,847    $                   0%       $       285,847

        Available Fund Balance - EOY             s         282,397   S         104,991     $        21,511   $      106,600               $         26,044    $            4,533
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast • 2007 Proposed Budget• Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through                 Revised Estimate    Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                            %of                                                                   Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007         March 2007                       2007          2007 Original

305 Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance. BOY                $           3,141   $           3,355 $          2,399 S            8,758                s         8,758 $            6,359

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $          59,706   $          58.740   s       57,500    $                              $        56,835 $             (665)

         Federal & state grants
         State shared revenue
         Charges for services
         Interest income                                         508                 663              300                 50                            300
         Operating transfers in - General Fund
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund
                                                   $          60,214   $          59,403   s       57,800 $               50                s        57,135 $             (665)

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Benefits                     s                 - s                   $                 $                     NIA      $                  $

5200       Operating Supplies                                                                                                      NIA
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                    NIA
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                          NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                         NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                               60,000              54,000           60,000                          0%                 60,000                    - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND FOR ARENA

                                                   $          60,000 $            54,000   s        60,000 $                       0%       $         60,000

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                      s                   s                   $                 $                     NIA      $              - s
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                    NIA
                                                                                                             s                     NIA      s
                                                              60,000 $
                                                                                           $        60,000 S                       0%       s         60,000

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               s           3,355   s           8,758 S             199 $            8,808               $          5,893 $           5,694
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                               Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through                Revised Estimate     Change From
                                                       Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                           %of                                                                     Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007      March 2007                         2007           2007 Original

394 Downtown Development Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                          64,822                              166,757 S
                                                                       '          50,072
                                                                                           '                       (103,996)               $      (103,996) $        (270,753)

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                                      726,397 $           350,401
                                                                                           $      481,700    $                             $       476,460    $         (5,240)
         Federal & state grants

         State proposal A reimbursement revenue                                  499,537
         Charges for services
         Interest inc;ome                                     13,962               3,664             1,500                                            1,500
         Operating transfer5 in - General Fund
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund

         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund

                                                   $         740,359 $           853,602   $      483,200    $                             $       477,960 $            (5,240)

70805   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   $                   $                 $                    NIA      $
5200       Operating Supplies                                                                                                     NIA
5300       Contractual Seivices                                                  661,927                                          NIA
5400       Other Expenses                                    416,666                                10,000                        0%                10,000                      - MAIN STREET PROGRAM
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                        NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                              338,443             345,743          575,183                         •%               337,492            (237,691) DEBT SERVICE ($337,492 BONDS}
                                                   $         755,109 $         1,007,670   $      585,183    $                    0%
                                                                                                                                           '       347,492 $          (237,691)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                      $                 - $                   s                 $                    NIA      $              -   $

5300       Contractual Seivices                                                                                                   NIA
                                                   $                   $                   $                 $                    NIA      $
                                                   s         755,109 $         1,007,670 $        585,183    $                    0%       $       347,492

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $          50,072 $          (103,996) $         64,774   $     (103,996)               $         26,472 $          (38,302)
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                        Actual As
                                                                                  Oligi11al Budget   Actual Through                 Revised Estimate        Change From
                                           Actual 2005           Actual 2006                                              %of                                                Comments
                                                                                  Estimate 2007          March 2007                      2007               2007 Original

408 Arena Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                                                                                                3,886
                                       '                     '                 - $         75,500    $        79,386                $        79,386 $

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments           $                     $                 - $                   $                              $                   $
         Federal & state gra11ts
         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                                           11,978             35,000             16,135                         35,000

         Interest income                                                   395              2,000                330                            2,000
         Operating tra11sfers in                                        74,743


                                       $                 - $            87,116    $        37,000    $        16,465                $        37,000     $

30906   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits          $                     $                    $                  $                     NIA      $                   $
5200       Operating Supplies                                                              20,000                          0%                20,000
5300       Contractual Services                                          7,730                                             NIA
5400       Other Expe11ses                                                                                                 NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                 NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                            NIA
                                                                         7,730             20,000
                                                             '                    $                  $                     0%       $         20,000    $

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies          $                     $                    $                  $                     NIA      $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                            NIA                                                          0
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                  N/A
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                            NIA
                                       $                     $                                                             NIA
                                       $                     $           7,7:!0   '
                                                                                  $        20,000
                                                                                                     $                     0%
                                                                                                                                    $         20,000

        Available Fund Balance - EOY
                                       '                 -   '          79,386    $        92,500    $         95,851               $         96,386    $            3,886
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                 Original Budget   Actual Through   Actual As
                                                                                                                                Revised Estimate       Charige From
                                           Actual 2005         Actt.Jal 2006                                          %of                                                                       Comments
                                                                                 Estimate 2007      March 2007                        2007             2007 Original

403 Sidewalk lmerovement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY   $       1,024,303   $          919,113    $      845,938 S        902,104                                              56,166
                                                                                                                                '       902,104 $

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments
         Federal & state grants
                                       $         302,381   $          196,684
                                                                                 '      300,000 $                               $       300,000

         State shared revenue
         Charges for services
         Interest income                          76,140               77,177            60,000             6,369                        60,000
         Operating transfers in                  149,517              150,000
                                       $         528,038   $          423,861    $      360,000 $           6,369               $       360,000    $

30906   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                                                                                          NIA
5200       Operating Supplies
                                       $                   $
                                                                                 '                 $
5300       Contractual Services                                            950                                         NIA
5400       other Expenses                                                                                              NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                             NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                  471,865              433,175           395,828          233,688      59%               395,828                         DEBT SERVICE ON SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT BONDS
                                       $         471,865   $          434,125    $      395,828    S     233,688      59%       $       395,828    $

90000   Project Expendltures

5200       Operating Supplies          $                   $                     $                 $                   NIA      $
5300       Contractual Services                  161,363                 6,745                                         NIA                                             - SIDEWALK PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2005
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                              NIA
5900       other Financing Uses                                                                                        NIA
                                                 161,363 S               6,745                                         NIA
                                       $         633,228   S          440,870

                                                                                 $       395,828
                                                                                                   $      233,688     59%
                                                                                                                                $       395,828

        Available Fund Balance - EOY   $         919,113   $          902,104    $       810,110   $      674,785               $       866,276    $           56,166
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast ~ 2007 Proposed Budget~ Other Funds
                                                                                  Original Budget     Actual Through     Actual As   Revised Estimate
                                                                  Actual 2006
                                                                                                                                                             Change From
                                              Actual 2005                                                                  %of                                                                        Comments
                                                                                  Estimate 2007           March 2007                      2007               2007 Original

404 Public lmerovement Fund
                                                              s                                                                      s
        Available Fund Balance - BOY
                                         '          926,821           1,755,346
                                                                                       3,237,715      S      4,842,311                     4,842,311
                                                                                                                                                         '       1,604,596

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments
         Property taxes
                                         $                    $
                                                                                  '               -   '                              s                   $

         Federal & state grants
         Contributions                               51,986
         Fisherman's Landing Repayment                                                    10,000                                              10,000

         Sales of Property                          141,385             557,066          150,000                93,885                       150,000                          TERAACE ST LOTS AND OTHER LAND SALES
         Interest income                             26.876              97,956           10,000                26,539                        60,000                 50,000
                                                                                                                                                                               GENERAL FUND TRANSFER- FIRE EQUIPMENT RESERVE
         Operating transfers in                     356,022             262,965          287,348                37,500                       287,348
                                                                                                                                                                              ($150,000): FROM ODA FOR ULA REPAYMENT ($137,348)

         Other                                      605,824           5,463,335                                                                                               CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS FOR CENTRAL FIRE STATION

                                                  1,182,093           6,381,322   S      457,348               157,924
                                         '                    $                                       $
                                                                                                                                     '       507,348     $           50,000

30936   Operating Expenditures


           Salaries & Benefits

           Operating Supplies
                                         $                    $                   $
                                                                                                  -   '                     NIA
                                                                                                                                     $               - s

5300       Contractual Services                                                             5,000                           0%                   5,000

5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                   NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                  NIA
                                                                                                                                                                              URBAN LAND ASSEMBLY (ULA) LOAN PAYMENT; FIRE EQPT
5900       Other Financing Uses                     154,318           1,360,797          292,223                            0%               292,223
                                                                                                                                                                              INSTALLMENT PURCHASE PAYMENTS; MARINNTRAIL MATCHES

                                         $          154,318   $       1,360,797   $      297,223      $                     0%       $       297,223     s

90000   Project Expenditures

                                                                                                      s                     NIA

           Operating Supplies

           Contractual Services
                                         '                    '       1,933,560
                                                                                                                            NIA      '               - $

5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                   NIA

5700       Capital Outlays                          1gs,oso                             2,000,000              717,436     24%              3,000,000             1,000,000 FIRE TRUCK PURCHASE (06), CENTRAL FIRE STATION (06, 07)

                                         's         199,050






                                                                                                                           22%       '

                                                                                                                                                         $        1,000,000

        Available Fund Balance - EOY     $                    $                   $
                                                  1,755,346           4,842,311         1,397,840
                                                                                                      '      4,282,799               $      2,052,436
                                                                                                                                                         '          654,596
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                      Actual As
                                                                               Original Budget     Actual Through                 Revised Estimate       Change From
                                           Actual 2005         Actual 2006
                                                                               Estimate 2007           March 2007
                                                                                                                                        2007             2007 Original

482 State Grants Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY   $           1,607   s             102   s    1,350,102 $             77,048                s        77,048    $       (1,273,054)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments           s                   s                   $                   $                              $                  s
         Federal & state grants                  379.442           1,538,744        1,495,000               25,000                       1,495,000

         Sales of Property
         Interest i11come
         Operating transfers in                                      500,673           10,000                                              10,000
         Ottier                                   50,000               5,000                                 10,000                        10,000               10,000
                                       $         429,442 $         2,044,417 S      1,505,000 $             35.000                $      1,515,000 $             10,000

30936   Operating Expenditures

                                       s                                                           s                     NIA                     - s
           Salaries & Benefits
           Operating Supplies                              '                   '                                         NIA

5300       Coritractual Services                                                                                         NIA
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                               NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                   13,371               9,276                                             NIA
                                       s          13,371               9,276                                             NIA                     - s
                                                           '                   $               -   $                              $

90000   Project Expenditures
           Operating Supplies                                                                      s                     NIA      s
                                       '                   '
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                          NIA                         '
5700       Capital Outlays                       417,576           1,958,195         1,505,000               64,114      4%              1,505,000                         SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

                                                           s                                                 64,114
                                       $         417,576

                                                 430,947   S
                                                                   1,958,195 S


                                                                                                                                  '      1,505,000

                                       '                                       $                   $                     4%
                                                                                                                                  '      1,505,000

                                                                      n,o4a                        s                                                 s
        Available Fund Balance. EOY
                                       '             102   $                   $     1,350,102               47,934               $         87,048           (1,263,054)
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                   Actual As
                                                                                             Origi11al Budget    Actual Through                Revised Estimate      Change From
                                                       Actual 2005          Actual 2006                                              %of                                                                     Comments
                                                                                             Estimate 2007        March 2007                        2007             2007 Original

594 Marina & Launch Ramp Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY               $         (24,263) $           (13,384) $         345,886 S          (39,617)               s        (39,617) $        (385,503)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                    $                    s
         Federal & state grants                               42,753              534,220            357,500                                           357,500

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                                248.461              267,104            260,000             81,607                        260,000
         l11terest i11come

         Operating transfers in                               80,000              540,000             40,000                                           540,000             500,000 $1 MILLION FROM PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND (BONDS) FOR
         Other                                               (10,061)                 307                                                                                             GRANT MATCH
                                                   $         361,153 $          1,341,631    s       657,500     $       81,607                $      1,157,500     $      500.000

70756   Operating Expenditures - Marina

                                                   s                                                             s
           Salaries & Benefits

           Operating Supplies
                                                             111,107 $
                                                                                  109,507 $
                                                                                                                                               $         98.426
                                                                                                                                                           9,900    '
5300       Contractual Services                              139,581              135,350            135,000             12,951      10%               135,000

5400       Other Expenses                                        179                  100                                             N/A

5700       Capital Outlays                                       164                3,836                                             N/A

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                       N/A

           Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)                                                                                      NIA

                                                   $         264,768 $            255,631    $       243,326     s       27,363       11%      s       243,326 $

70759   Operating Expenditures - Ramps

5100       Salaries & Benefits                     $                    $                    s        15,000 $                        0%       $           15,000 $

5200       Operating Supplies                                                                           2,000                         0%                    2,000

5300       Contractual Services                                                                         5,000                         0%                   5,000
5400       Other Expenses                                                                                                             N/A

5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                            N/A

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                       N/A

           Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)                                   43,794                                             N/A

                                                   $                    $          43,794    s        22,000      $                   0%       $           22,000

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                      s                    s                    $                  - $                   N/A      $                    s
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                       N/A                                             SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

5700       Capital Outlays                                    85,506             1,068,439           790,000                          0%                790,000
                                                              85,506    s        1,068,439   s       790,000 $                        0%       s        790,000

                                                                        s                          1,055,326 $
                                                             350,274             1,367,864 S                             27,363       3%
                                                                                                                                               '      1,055,326

        Available Cash Balance - EOY               s          (13,384) $           (39,617) $         (51,940) $         14,627                $           62,557   $       114.497
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                    Actual As
                                                                                              Origi11al Budget   Actual Through                 Revised Estimate    Cha11ge From
                                                       Actual 2005           Actual 2006                                              %of                                                                       Comments
                                                                                              EsUmate 2007           March 2007                      2007           2007 Original

661 Egui~ment Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                             1,493,873          1,570,259 $         1,614,451               s                   s
                                                   '       1,496,543
                                                                         '                    '                                                       1,614.451            44,192

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments

         Federal & state grants                    '                 -   '                 - s
                                                                                                                 '                              s

         State shared revenue
         Charges for services                              2,325,057             2,190,015          2,300,000            517,729                      2,300,000                         INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENTAL CHARGES

         Interest income                                      36,340                59,520             20,000             13,121                         20,000
         Operating transfers in

         Other                                               200,144               136,297            100,000             10,265                        100,000                     -   OUTSIDE SALES OF FUEL, ETC.

                                                                                              s                                                 s
                                                           2,561,541             2,385,832          2.420,000 $          541,115                       2,420.000

60932   Operating Expenditures

5100      Salaries & Benefits                      s         494,641                          $                           146,557

5200       Operating Supplies                                697,594
                                                                         $         501,358


                                                                                                      690,500    '        123,964

                                                                                                                                      18%       '       547,302


5300       Contractual Seniices                              504,317               487,678            522,913              77.767     15%               522,913

5400       Other Expenses                                      2,839                 4,129              4,000                 200      S%                   4,000

5700       Capital Outlays                                   927,206               595,851            671,900               9,375      1%               671,900                         SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                        N/A

           Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)             (62,386)             (141,244)                                            N/A

                                                                                              s                  $                              s
                                                   '       2,564,211
                                                                                 2,265,254          2,436,615             357,863     15%              2,436,615
90000   Project Expenditures

           Operating Supplies

5300       Contractual Seniices                                          '                    '                  '                     N/A

5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                             N/A

                                                   s                     s                                                                                          s
                                                   s       2,564,211     $       2,265,254
                                                                                                    2,436,615    '                     N/A
                                                                                              '                  '        357,863      15%
                                                                                                                                                '      2,436,615

                                                                         I                                                                      s
        Available Cash Balance - EOY
                                                   '       1,493,873             1,614,451
                                                                                                    1,553,644    S      1,797,703                      1,597,836
                                                                                                                                                                    '       44,192
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                 Actual As
                                                                                            Original Budget   Act!Jal Through                Revised Estimate        Change From
                                                   Actual 2005            Actual 2006                                              %of                                                                        Comments
                                                                                            Estimate 2007         Marcl7 2007                     2007               2007 Original

642 Public Service Building Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY           $          80,971      $         176,596     $      221,088 S           270,889               $       270,889     $          49,801

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                   $                      $                 - s                   $                              $
         Federal & slate grants

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                            569,873                581,270            581,270             145,318                       581,270                           INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENTAL CHARGES

         Interest income                                   2,729                  7,755               1,000              1,851                           3,000                2,000

         Operating transfers in

         Other                                                   20
                                               $         572,622      $         589,025     s      582,270    $        147,169               s       584,270     $            2,000

60442   Operating Expenditurei:;

5100       Salaries & Beneiits                 s         205.435      s         209,305 $          205,194    $         54,609     27%       $       205,194     s
5200       Operating Supplies                             21,912                 26,685             31,400               1,872      6%                 31,400
5300       Contractual Services                          216,038                245,699            258,922              35,185      14%              258,922
5400       Other Expenses                                  (6,138)                5,334               1,000                300     30%                   1,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                35,293                 11,514             69,000                 387      1%                 69,000                        - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

5900       other Financing Uses                                                                                                     NIA
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g
                                                           4,457                  (3,805)                                           NIA
        Debt Principal)
                                               s         476,997      $         494,732 S           565,516   $         92,353      16%      $        565,516    $

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                  $                      $                     $                 s                     NIA      $               - s
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                     NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                          NIA
                                                                      $                     $                 s                     NIA      s                   $
                                                         476,997      $         494,732     s       565,516   s         92,353      16%      s        565,516

        Available Cash Balance - EOY           $         176,596 $              270,889     s       237,842   $        325.705               $        289,643    $           51,801
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual As
                                                                                           Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate        Change From
                                                    Actual 2005           Actual 2006                                           %of                                                                     Comments
                                                                                           Estimate 2007      March 2007                       2007               2007 Original

643 Engineering Services Fund
        Available Cash Balance. BOY                                                               127,676 S                               s
                                                $          74,410
                                                                      '         145,183
                                                                                           '                       149,528                        149,528     $          21,852

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 - s                  $                            $
         Federal & state grants

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                             680,366               514,467           640,000            77,835                       640,000                          INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES

         Interest income                                    2,164                 4,878              1,500            1,117                           1,500
         Operating transfers in

         Other                                                                                     25,000                                          25.000
                                                          682,530     $         519,345    s      666,500 $          78,952               $       666,500

60447   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Bene1its                  $         409,887     s         398.181    $      455,702    $       85,563     19%       $       455,702     $
5200       Operating Supplies                              16,425                16,090             19,180            4.424     23%                19,180
5300       Contractual Services                           130.488               121,761           127,915            25,957     20%               127,915
5400       Other Expenses                                     511                 1,158              2,500               71      3%                   2,500
5700       Capital Outlays                                 13,711                 7,377            42,000             2,044      5%                 42,000
5900       Other Financing Uses                               332                                                                NIA
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                           32,098               (36,401)                                         NIA
        Debt Principal)
                                                $         603,452 S             508,166    $      647,297    $      118,059     18%       $       647,297

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                   $                     $                    $                 $                   NIA      $                   $
5300       Contractual Services                             8,305                 6,834             25,000            2,204      9%                 25,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                       NIA
                                                $           8,305 $               6,834    $        25,000   $        2,204      9%       $         25,000    $
                                                          611,757               515,000           672,297    $      120,263      18%
                                                '                     '                    $                                              $       672,297

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $         145,183     $         149,528    $       121,879   $      108,217
                                                                                                                                          '        143,731    $           21,852
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                       Original Budget   Actual Through
                                                                                                                            Actual As   Revised Estimate
                                                   Actual 2005
                                                                                                                                                            Change From
                                                                       Actual 2006                                            %of                                                                    Comments
                                                                                       Estimate 2007         March 2007                      2007           2007 Original

677 General Insurance Fund
        Avallable Cash Balance - BOY           s         654,597 $          745,060 $         883,556    s       841,326                $       841,326     s      (42,230)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                   $                 - $                 - s               - $                              s
         Federal & state grants
         State shared revenue
         Charges for services                          2.743,722           2,945,466        2,896,023            799,968                      2,896,023                       INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES
         Interest income                                  11,776              20,374           20,000               6,332                        20,000
         Medicare Part D Rx Reimbursement                                                      20,000                                            20,000
         Repayment of DOA Advance                                                              41,933                                            41,933
         Operating transfers in                        1,175,004           1,157,522         1,200,000              7,011                      1,200,000                    - TRANSFER IN FOR RETIREE HEALTH COSTS
         Other                                            35,063               3,248           20,000                                            20,000
                                                       3,965,565 $         4,126,610   s    4,197,956 $          813,311                s      4,197,956 $       4,177,956

30851   Operating Expenditures
5100       Salaries & Bene1its                 s                   s                   s                 $          5,248     24%       $        22,000 $           22,000
5200       Operating Supplies                                                                                                  N/A

5300       Contractual Services                        3,661.410           4,014,747        4,096,023             853,825     21%              4,096,023
5400       Other Expenses                                                                        1,500                         0%                   1,500
5700       Capital OuUays                                    250                 956             1,500                         0%                   1,500
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                N/A
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g
                                                         213,442              14,641                                           NIA
        Debt Principal}
                                               $       3,875,102 $         4,030,344   s     4,099,023 $          859,073     21%       s      4,121,023 $       4,121,023

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                  s                   s                   $                 $                     N/A      $
5300       Contractual Services                                                                                                N/A

5700       Capit;;il Outlays                                                                                                   N/A

                                               $                   $                   $                 s                     N/A      $                   s
                                                       3,875,102 $         4,030,344 $       4,099,023 $          859,073      21%      s      4,121,023

        Available Cash Balance. EOY            $         745,060 $           841,326   s       982,489 $          795,564               $        918,259
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                          Original Budget   Actual Through              Revised Estimate   Change From
                                                     Actual 2005         Actual 2006                                          %of                                                                        Comments
                                                                                          Estimate 2007      March 2007                      2007              2007 Original

591 Water Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY             $       4,468,122   s       3,538,818    s    3,862,712    $    3,481,833              s     3,481,833    $        (380,879)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments
         Federal & state grants
                                                 $                 - $                 - s              -   '                           '                  $

         state shared revenue
         Charges for services - City                     4,165,652           3,863,362         4,129,473           74,391                     4,129,473
         Charges for services - Vlillolesale             2,219,960           2,048,104         2,000,000          212,165                     2,000,000
         Maintenance services - Township                   224,740             174,936           200,000           55,280                       200,000
         Billirig services - Township                       61,750
         Interest income                                   105,125              82,861            50,000            22,334                       50,000
         lease of facilities                                56,200              59,438            60,000            14,965                       60,000                           LEASE OF SPACE ON WATER TOWERS
         Repayment of ODA advance                                                                 24,421                                         24,421
         Operating transfers in                                                 69,065
         Other                                           5,600,651             196,270                             33,033

                                                 '                                                          '                           '
                                                        12,434,078           6,494,036         6,463,894

30548   Operating EJCpenditures Administration
                                                                     '                    $                       412,168                     6.463,894

                                                 s                   s                                                         NIA                         s
           Salaries & Benefits
           Operating Supplies
           Contractual Services                            445,543             521,102

                                                                                                            '       95,793

                                                                                                                                                500,672                        - INSURANCE/INDIRECT COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE
5400       Other Expenses                                    3,679               2,735             2,000                       0%                 2,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                     NIA
5900      Other Financing Uses                             369,222             680,832           632,037                        0%              632,037                           INTEREST ON WATER BONDS
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g,
                                                           780,283           1,567,699          1,045,000                       0%             1,045,000                          PRINCIPAL ON WATER BONDS
        Debt Pnnci al
                                                 $       1,598,727 $         2,772,368    $    2,179,709 $          95,793      4%      s      2,179,709

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance - City
                                                                     s                    s                        188,349
           Salaries & Benefits
           Operating Supplies
           Contractual Services
                                                 $         892,667
                                                                                                            '       10,897
                                                                                                                                        $       742,342

$400       Other Expenses                                   23,463             (26,425)           32,680             1,092      3%               32,680
5700       Capital Outlays                                   5,755              10,201            17,700               48S      3%               17,700
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                 NIA
                                                         1,645,599 $                                        s                                  1,347,099   s
60558   Operating Expenditures Filtration
                                                 $                           1,268,322
                                                                                          '     1.347,099          263,315     20%
                                                           543,652 $                             605,518    s      144,722              s
          Salaries & Benefits
          Operating Supplies
           Contractual Services
                                                                                          '      144,450
                                                                                                                                                605,518 $
5400       Other Expenses                                    1,240               3,415             6,750               379      6%                6,750
5700       Capital Outlays                                  44,414             122,341            57,500             1,322      2%               57,500
5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                 NIA
           Replacement Reserve - DVVRF                                                            290,000                      0%                290,000
                                                 s       1,102,410 S         1,374,381          1,604,018          223,867     14%             1,604,018   s
90000   Project Expenditures
                                                                                          '                 '                           '
           Operating Supplies                                                                               $                   NIA                        $
           Contractual Services
           Capital OuUays
                                                 '       9,016,646   '       1,135,950    '     1,040,000           34,420      4%
                                                                                                                                        '        980,000              (60,000)

                                                         9,016,646 $         1,135,950    s     1,040,000 $         34,420     4%       s        980,000   $          (60,000)
                                                        13,363,382 S         6,551,021          6,170,826 $        617,395     10%             6,110,826

                                                 s                                              4,155,780        3,276,606
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                     3,538,818 S         3,481,833 $
                                                                                                            '                           '      3,834f!0j _ $_       _ (320,879)
        City of Muskegon
        Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds
                                                                                                                            Actual As
                                                                                         Original Budget   Actual Through               Revised Estimate     Change From
                                                    Actual 2005          Actual 2006                                          %of                                                                     Comments
                                                                                         Estimate 2007      Marci'l 2007                     2007            2007 Original

590 Sewer Fund
                                                s                                                                                                            s
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                    1,397,154 $          1,270.352 $      1,195,734
                                                                                                           '     895,306
                                                                                                                                        '       895,306           (300,428)

        Means of Financing

         Special assessments                    $                 . $                    $               . s                            $               • $
         Federal & state grants

         State shared revenue

         Charges for services                           4,097,008            4,739,774        4,917,440          222,191                      4,917,440
         Interest income                                   32,928               39,199           20,000             7,725                        20,000
         Repayment of DOA advance                                                                37,960                                          37,960
         Operating transfers in                            35,063              107,356
         other                                             52.178               63,928           80,000             9,460                        80,000
                                                                                                           s                            s
                                                $       4,217,177    $       4,950,257
                                                                                         '    5,055,400          239,376                       5,055.400 $

30548   Operating Expenditures Administratlon

                                                                                         s                                     NIA      $
                                                '                                                          '
5100       Salaries & Benefits                                       $

5200       Operating Supplies                                                                                                  NIA
5300       Contractual Services                           294,000              393,064          288,789            56,349     20%               288,789                      - INSURANCE/INDIRECT COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE

5400       other Expenses                                   4,715                5,939                                         NIA
5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                     NIA
5900       Other Financing Uses                           114,388               63,233           37,771                        0%                 37.771                      INTEREST ON SEWER BONDS
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                          270,605              645,041          544,593                        0%               544,593                       PRINCIPAL ON SEWER BONDS
        Debt Pnncl al
                                                $         683,708    $       1,107,277   $      871,153    $       56,349      6%       s       871,153

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance

                                                                     $                   $
                                                                                                           '                            '
5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $         654,925              767,901         1,011,863          220,410     22%              1,011,863

5200       Operating Supplies                              66,093               71.508            66,050            3,620      5%                 66,050

5300       Contractual Services                         2,104,411            3,024,363         2,584,067          289,302      11%             2,584,067

5400       Other Expenses                                     869                  717             1,850                       0%                    1,850

5700       Capital Outlays                                  3,106                6,804            11,500                       0%                   11,500

5900       Other Financing Uses                                                                                                NJA
                                                $       2,829,404    $       3,871,293   s     3,675.330   $      513,332      14%      $      3,675,330

90000   Project Expenditures

5200       Operating Supplies                   $                    s                   $                 $                   NIA      $                    s
5300       Contractual Services                           830,867              346,733           801,000           15,882      2%                846,000             45,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL

5700       Capital Outlays                                                                                                     NIA
                                                                                         s                                              $
                                                          830,867    $         346,733           801,000           15,882      2%                846,000     $       45,000

                                                s       4,343.979    $       5,325,303   $     5,347,483   $      585,563      11%      $      5,392,483

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $        1,270,352             895,306   $       903,651          549,119               $        558,223
City_ of Muskegon ________________________________ _
Quarlefly_Budg~ and 20_07 ?roposad Budgot
                                                                                                                                                      "·'·"""        '"'""'"·'""•",

                                                                                                               2007 PROJECTS
 101         General Fund

                                                                                                                                     16,100 I

                                                                                             ---~ ---~-1--~«,~-·

 202 MajorStreets

 91101       Cro<'on, t.aloton"' E,an«on                                                        l65,000             219,000

 97102 :G,.,y, H"'"f'° K... aog i~U:,OHuaded)                                                   '20,000'            585,700        720000

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GS.WO 69400 ,.,..., • .,,@S16 000 2J GP_S ·~•_ooo____ , Tu,1Trn<'-'15J 60000: Ro.,._rr,._,t 70500,70S01. 10>;02,70503, 70504 (IWl-19951 671,9{!0 I 671,900 10341,lH>O $ City of Muskegon Engineering Department Memo To: Mayor Steve Warmington Commissioners From: Mohammed AI-Shatel cc: Bryon Mazade, Manager B. Kuhn, Director Public Works Date: 03/30/07 Re: Musketawa Trail Connectors FYI Attached is an Executive Engineering Summary (prepared by Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.) detailing various options to connect the Musketawa Trail to the City's trail system (along Laketon Ave. and Shoreline Dr.). This topic will be on the upcoming work session agenda for April 2007. Should you have questions, please contact me at 724-6707. Thank you O:\ENGINEERING\COMMON\2007 PROJECTS MASTER\PROJECTS\MUSKETAWA TR CONNECTION\Memo-Engineering summary.doc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study was initiated by the City of Muskegon to investigate the possibility of construction of a non-motorized (pedestrian) trail to connect between the end of the existing Musketawa Trail and the City of Muskegon Shoreline Trail. It is the general intent to construct an off-street, shared use trail (bicycles, rollerbladers, walkers, etc). This type of trail is generally ten feet wide and constructed of bituminous pavement with no longitudinal joints. The completed trail will form part of a larger trail network that is eventually planned to connect existing trails in the Grand Rapids Area to the existing Hart-Montague Trail. Overall, 13 Trail Segments were investigated in order to determine the most optimum trail route. Various combinations of these Trail Segments were combined in order to construct ten trail alternatives that can be considered on their own merit. Each of the Trail Segments contains a narrative description describing their beginning and ending points as well as specific features along their length that will be a factor in the quality of the trail or the cost of the construction of the trail. It is envisioned that the trail under consideration within this report will likely be constructed in two phases. The first phase would connect the end of the existing Musketawa Trail to the existing City trail, which runs along Laketon Avenue between Creston Street on the East to just east of Seaway Drive on the west. The second phase would complete the trail between the existing Laketon Trail and the existing Shoreline Trail within the City of Muskegon. Once the Trail Segments were combined into various alternatives, the total project cost for each of the trail alternatives was determined. In addition, each of the trail alternatives was compared on the basis of the overall quality of the trail that would be constructed, the number of public road crossings, the trail grade and the number of driveway crossings that would be encountered along each of the trail alternatives along its length. A point value was determined for each of the trail alternatives based on a combination of the trail quality, the number of crossings and the project cost. From this an adjusted score was developed for each of the trail alternatives. The trail alternatives that were considered are as follows: PHASE I • Freeway Route - Alternative 1 -This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad grade from the existing end of the Musketawa Trail at Black Creek Road near Olthoff Road to US-31 and then north along the east side of the US 31 ROW, Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 1 Remembrance Drive and lndnstrial Drive to Laketon, crossing Laketon A venue at the northbound US-31 off ramp signalized intersection and then west along the abandoned railroad to Creston Street. This alternative includes Trail Segments 1-1 and 1-2 and has a projected cost of $ 448,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the Grand Trunk Railroad, Consumers Energy, the Cemetery east of the freeway and MOOT as well as getting MDOT to agree to change the US-31 off ramp to allow for a pedestrian cycle. • Railroad Route - Alternative 2 -This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad grade from the existing end of the Musketawa Trail at Black Creek Road near Olthoff Road follow the existing bridge over US-31, across Harvey Street and Roberts Street, and then continue north along the abandoned railroad grade crossing Keating Avenue just east of Madison Street and then crossing Laketon Avenue just east of Madison Street. This alternative includes Trail Segments 1-1 and l-3 and has a projected cost of $519,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the Grand Trunk Railroad and the property owner near Laketon and Madison as well as getting MOOT to agree to allow use of the US-31 overpass bridge. PHASE II • Railroad Route to Marquette - Alternative 1 -This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad ROW from Laketon Avenue and Madison Street northwest to just beyond Yuba Street. Just east of Muskegon Street (NB US-31 BR), the trail would follow along the east edge of the Muskegon Street (Moses Parkway US 31 BR) Rf''. to Marquette Avenue. The trail would then follow along the south side ..,,. · Avenue to Ottawa Street and then along the west side of Ottaw" Street and then along the north side of Giddings Street • · to the existing Shoreline Trail. This alternative ' 4 and II-6 and has a projected cost of $ I, 13 implementation of this alternative include: acquisitions from the owners between Laketon A1 properties northeast of Yuba and Eastern; Crossing G Widening the existing pedestrian crossing at US-31 BR Musketawa Trail Connector Study The potential modification of the Ottawa Street cross section between Marquette and Giddings. • Superior to Marquette - Alternative 2 -The ownership of the first section of the Railroad Route described above between Laketon Avenue and Getty Street is private. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) trails development division is currently in discussions with the property owners in this area to assess the possibility of easements for this portion of the abandoned railroad grade. If these discussions are not successful or if easements cannot be obtained, the trail along this section of the abandoned railroad grade will need to follow along another route. Possible alternate routes include following Madison Street North to Aurora Avenue to Grace Street. However, the ROW along Grace Street is very narrow (approx 33- feet) and therefore an easement from the property owner abutting Getty Street would still be required. A feasible alternate route would start at Laketon Avenue and Superior Street and would extend up Superior Street to the abandoned Railroad Grade. This route will be investigated as an alternate to Alternative I. This alternative includes Trail Segments II-2, 11-3, 11-4 and II-6 and has a projected cost of $ 1,072,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owners of the properties northeast of Yuba and Eastern; Modification of the existing street cross-section of Superior Street from Nims to Laketon including potential loss of parking; Crossing Apple Avenue; Widening the existing pedestrian crossing at US-31 BR and Marquette Avenue and; The potential modification of the Ottawa Street cross section between Marquette and Giddings. • Railroad Route to Spring Street to Terrace Street - Alternative 3 -This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad ROW from Laketon Avenue and Madison Street northwest to just beyond Yuba Street, crossing Apple Avenue at the Pine Street signal. Just east of Muskegon Street (NB US-3 l BR), the trail would follow along the east edge of the Muskegon Street ROW southwest to Spring Street. The trail would then follow along the north side of Spring Street to Western Avenue and then along the west side of Western Avenue and the north side of Terrace Street and then across Shoreline Drive and the CSX railroad track to the existing Shoreline Trail. This alternative includes Trail Segments II-I, II-3, II-4, II-7 and II-8 and has a projected cost of $ 890,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owners Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 3 between Laketon Avenue and Getty Street and possibly some of the properties northeast of Spring Street between Webster and Western Avenues including the Consumers Energy substation at the corner of Western and Spring; Crossing Getty Street, Apple Avenue, and Webster Street; Creating a new pedestrian crossing across Shoreline Drive and the CSX railroad at Terrace Street and; The potential modification of the Spring Street cross section between Webster and Western. • Railroad Route to Spring Street to Terrace Street - Alternative 4 -This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad ROW from Laketon Avenue and Madison Street northwest to Apple Avenue, crossing Apple Avenue at the Pine Street signal. Crossing Apple Avenue, the trail would follow along the north side of Pine Street to Walton Street to Spring Street. The trail would then follow along the north side of Spring Street to Western Avenue and then along the west side of Western Avenue and the north side of Terrace Street and then across Shoreline Drive and the CSX railroad track to the existing Shoreline Trail. This alternative includes Trail Segments II-I, II-3, Il-5 and II-8 and has a projected cost of$ 785,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owners between Laketon Avenue and Getty Street and possibly some of the properties northeast of Spring Street between Webster and Western Avenues including the Consumers Energy substation at the corner of Western and Spring; Crossing Getty Street, Apple Avenue, Muskegon Street and Webster Street; Modification of the existing County Parking Lot to create space for a trail; Creating a new pedestrian crossing across Shoreline Drive and the CSX railroad at Terrace Street and; The potential modification of the Spring Street cross section between Webster and Western. • Snperior Street to Spring Street to Terrace Street - Alternative 5 -This alternative is essentially the same as Alternative 4 except that the first segment would run along Superior Street instead of the abandoned railroad grade. This alternative includes Trail Segments II-2, II-3, Il-5 and Il-8 and has a projected cost of$ 719,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Modification of the Street cross section of Superior Street between Laketon and Nims including potential loss of parking; Potential property or easement acquisitions from some of the properties northeast of Spring Street between Webster and Western Avenues including the Consumers Energy substation at the corner of Western and Spring; Crossing Apple Avenue, Muskegon Street and Webster Street; Modification of the Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 4 existing County Parking Lot to create space for a trail; Creating a new pedestrian crossing across Shoreline Drive and the CSX railroad at Terrace Street and; The potential modification of the Spring Street cross section between Webster and Western. • Railroad Route to Pine to Spring Street to Marquette Avenue - Alternative 6 - This alternative would follow the abandoned railroad ROW from Laketon Avenue and Madison Street northwest to just Apple Avenue. At Apple Avenue, the trail would run west to Pine Street and then along Pine to Walton to Spring Street. The trail would then follow along the north side of Yuba Street to Marquette Avenue and then along the southwest side of Marquette Avenue and the west side of Ottawa Street and then across the CSX railroad track at Giddings Street to the existing Shoreline Trail. This alternative includes Trail Segments 11-1, 11-3, 1-5 11-6 and 11-7 and has a projected cost of$ l,121,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owners between Laketon Avenue and Getty Street and northeast of Eastern Avenue near Yuba Street; Crossing Getty Street, Apple Avenue; Modification of the existing County Parking Lot to create space for a trail; Widening the existing pedestrian crossing at US-31 BR and Marquette Avenue and; The potential modification of the Ottawa Street cross section between Marquette and Giddings. • Grand Avenue to 9th Street to Shoreline Drive - Alternative 7 -This alternative would follow the existing Laketon Avenue Trail west and northwest to its western terminus at Grand Avenue east of Glade. The trail would continue along the abandoned railroad grade to Houston Street and then run along the southeast side of Houston to 9th Street and then along the southwest side of 9th Street to the east side of Shoreline Drive. The trail would then run along the east side of Shoreline Drive to the existing signalized intersection at 7'h Street and Shoreline Drive. The trail would then cross Shoreline Drive and Connect to the existing Shoreline Trail west of Shoreline Drive. This alternative includes Trail Segment 11-9 and has a projected cost of$ 237,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owners between 8th and 9th Streets near Western Avenue; Creating a level shelf upon which to build the trail along Houston Street; Crossing Muskegon and Webster Streets; Widening the existing railroad crossing over the CSX railroad track; Widening the existing Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 5 pedestrian crossing at Shoreline Drive and 7th Street and; The potential modification of the 9th Street cross section between Houston and Western. • Southern Avenue to west of Seaway Drive, then north to Shoreline Drive at Western Avenue -Alternative 8-This alternative would follow the existing Laketon Avenue Trail west and northwest to near its western terminus at Southern Avenue east of Glade Street. The trail would continue along the north side of Southern Avenue across Seaway Drive at the signalized intersection to the west side of the Seaway Drive ROW and then run along the west side of Seaway Drive to the west side of Shoreline Drive. The trail would then cross Western A venue at the existing signalized intersection at Shoreline Drive, the trail would then cross the CSX railroad mainline and siding track and connect to the existing Shoreline Trail north of Western Avenue .. This alternative includes Trail Segment II-10 and has a projected cost of$ 157,000. Challenges involved in the implementation of this alternative include: Potential property or easement acquisitions from the owner east of Glade Street on Southern Avenue;; Creating a level shelf upon which to build the trail along the west side of Seaway Drive; Crossing Seaway Drive, Glade Street and Shoreline Drive; Widening the existing railroad crossing of the active track and creating a new crossing across the spur track of the CSX railroad and; Widening the existing pedestrian crossing at Seaway Drive. In order to evaluate the various trail route alternatives, a number of factors were compared between each of the alternatives in order to provide a distinctive factor between each. Trail quality, noise, trail grade, interferences and capital cost were compared for each of the alternatives. Once the overall point value for trail quality, interferences and project cost were determined, an adjusted score for each of the trail alternatives was determined. The total adjusted scores and the point values are shown in Table I below. Musketawa Trail Connector Study Table 1 Overall Trail Route Alternative Evaluation .. . " tengt!( d"er11n (}fl(~~ !iit~.r!!f~*r~ (lapi!al ,9v~f~l.l. ·.·-rff·:-:--c, ·.• !\' ,_ .·•- f,tI1 )>. _,._-- ·::-:·,-_ ,.,_,-, . I-I Freeway .··_::;: ,· ._,_-:··-'· ,.,. ·'Y{-~,,~ _.}' -5+(-3.6ex) 18 31.4 ;; (Q~3~). \:\;i!lui Route +2,500ex. I-2 Railroad $519,000 10,160 26 +3 -6 12 35 Route II-I Railroad $1,138,000 16,700 22 0 -17.4 6 ]0_6 to Marquette II-2 Superior $1,072,000 15,700+ 21 0 -19.4 9 10.6 to Marquette 2,000ex II-3 RR to $890,000 15,900+ 20 -I -18.7 12 12.3 Snring/Terrace 4,500ex II-4 RR to $785,000 14,600+ 18 0 -21.9 15 II.I Spring/Terrace 4,500ex via Pine/SnrinP II-5 Superior to $719,000 14,900+ 16 -1 -20.7 18 12.3 Spring/Terrace 6,500ex via Pine/Snriu<> II-6 RR to $1,121,000 18,900 19 -1 -19.6 6 4.4 Marquette via Pine/Spring II-7 Grand to $237,000 2,630+ 20 -I -8+(-28.0ex) 21 4.0 Shoreline 17,200ex II-8 Southern $157,000 2,830+ 21 +I -5.2+(-28.0ex) 24 12.8 to Shoreline l 8,290ex Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 7 A succinct summary of the anticipated cost, overall score and length of each alternative is shown in Table 2 below: Table 2 Alternative Comparison PHASEIAL'l'ERNATIV-ES.· Freeway RRROW Route Route Project $448,000 $519,000 Cost Total Length 11,960 I 0, I 60 (feet) Adjusted Score 31.4 35.0 1···.!Y·< . •···,, '•.X''. C ·•.··· ;.·•·· . C .•c.: >··> . P.HA$E1IAtTERNATIYJtS>t•·. . •··.;; ,:;•. ··><•· •:: . ·•.\f 1- 2-Superior 3- RR to 4-RR to 5-Superior- 6-RR Pine- 7- 8- RR to to Spring Pine-Spring- RR-Pine- Spring- 9th to Southern Marquette Marquette Terrace Terrace Spring- Yuba- Shoreline Seaway Terrace Marquette Shoreline Project $1,138,000 $1,072,000 $890,000 $785,000 $719,000 $1,121,000 $237,000 $157,000 Cost Total Length 16,700 17,700 20,400 19, I 00 21,400 18,900 19,830 21,120 (feet)* Adjusted Score 10.6 10.6 12.3 I I.I 12.3 4.4 4.0 12.8 * Includes length of existing trails to make complete circuit The Phase I preferred alternative based on the point value is Alternative 2. Alternative I has a slightly lower cost but could potentially be more costly if the right-of-way of Remembrance Road is not certain. Based on Aesthetics, Alternative 2 would be the preferred route. The total adjusted scores for the Phase II alternatives range from 4.0 tol2.8 The overall length of trail was compared for all of the alternatives from Madison and Laketon Avenue to the end point at the existing Shoreline Trail near the Giddings Street Crossing at the CSX Railroad tracks. This included the evaluation of all of the interferences which would occur along the route including those along the existing trail length. Based on this analysis, it appears that Alternative 8, from Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 8 Southern A venue to Shoreline Drive may be the preferred alternative. There are other non-cost factors which may make construction along the existing railroad corridor to the east desirable as well. Of the alternatives involving this corridor, it appears that Alternative either Alternative 3 or 5 would be preferable. Both of these alternatives involve following along the existing railroad corridor to Apple Avenue, then along Pine, Walton, Spring and Western to Terrace Street to connect with the Shoreline Trail. Alternately, a much lower cost alternative exists to connect the Laketon Trail to the Shoreline Trail using either Alternative 7 or 8. However, doing so would not develop the existing rail corridor running through the center of the City. It may be desirable to eventually develop both corridors, creating a large trail loop through the City. Musketawa Trail Connector Study Page 9 TRAIL SEGMENT Il-7 TRAIL SZGMEN7 n-s TRAIL SrGMEMT n-s TRA11.. SEGMENT EI-3 SHaRELINE TRA!l --.._, TRI-\Il... SEGMENT ll-9 $ ~ 0 z I TRAIL SEGMENT Il-2 TRA!l.. SEGMENT 1-3 TRAIL SEGMENT I-2 TRAIL SEGMENT 1-1 MUSKETAWA TRAIL LAKETON TRAIL SHEET NO. DATE CONSULTING e.JG!NloERS 801 BROADWAY NW OJ·1'1-•7 GRANO RAPIDS, MICH. sun~~~ I OF WITT BUICK, INC. 67 W \VESTERN AVE MUSKEGON, Ml 49442 1-231-722-3771 OR 1-800-231-3771 FAX 1-231-728-3600 MARCH 28, 2007 CITY OF MUSKEGON TERRACE ST MUSKEGON, MI 49440 CITY COMMISSIONERS: RE: THE ACTUAL OPENING OF SHORE LINE DRIVE AS BUSINESS 31. IT HAS BEEN REQUESTED THAT I PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION INDICATING THAT THE NEW "SHORELINE DRIVE" WILL BECOME "BUSINESS 31 ". THE APPROXIMATE DATE OF THIS REROUTING OF BUSINESS 31 WOULD BE HELPFUL AS WELL. IF THERE ARE MODIFICATIONS PLANNED FOR THE CURRENT BUSINESS 31 THAT WILL GENERA TE THE DESIRE FOR PEOPLE TO ALTER THEIR DRIVING PATTERNS AND TAKE THE NEW BUSINESS 31, THIS INFORMATION WOULD BE APPRECIATED. GM DESIRES DEALERS TO MOVE TO A HIGHER TRAFFIC AREA TO GAIN MORE VISIBILITY. I HAVE INDICATED THAT DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON IS A WONDERFUL LOCATION, ESPECIALLY WITH THE NEW BUSINESS 31 GOING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF OUR DOOR. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT I CAN PRESENT INFORMATION SUPPORTING OUR DOWNTOWN LOCATION. I CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE A DATE THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE REQUIRED. I EXPECT TO HAVE A MEETING IN EARLY APRIL. I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THAT TIME. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. WITT BUICK INC. JAN WITT-V. PRES. :J. o d 7- .3 0 (ol) CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is committed to turning Shoreline Drive into Business 31; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is committed to changing Muskegon Avenue from Spring Street to Ninth Street from a one-way street to a two- way street; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is committed to changing Webster Avenue from Spring Street to Ninth Street from a one-way street to a two- way street; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission is dedicated to turning Shoreline Drive into Business 31, reverting Muskegon A venue and Webster A venue from a one-way street to a two-way street with the intent of completing the project in 2007. Signed this 9th day of April 2007. City of Muskegon Outstanding Citizenship Award The Public Relations Committee met on March 13, 2007. As per the City Commission's request, the committee discussed and clarified the following points: The committee stated that the proposed budget for the Outstanding Citizenship Award for the city is approximately $100. The Rotary Club is volunteering to hold a luncheon once a year to honor those citizens. The mayor, one commissioner, and one staff member will be invited to the luncheon to honor those recipients. The Mayor shall appoint a committee of three who will receive nomination applications and the committee will decide who the winner(s) are. The award will be inclusive of all citizens. It is estimated that there may be three total awards each year. Bill Loxterman has verified with the Rotary Club its desire to be a part of the program and its willingness to pay for the luncheon. Information will be provided to area neighborhood newsletters and the Channel newsletter. CITY OF MUSKEGON OUTSTANDING CITIZENSHIP AWARD Purpose: The City of Muskegon and the Muskegon Rotaty are proud to recognize the outstanding citizens in the Muskegon conununity. This award is indicative of the belief that the future of Muskegon is dependent on the character and civic participation of its conununity members. N omiuatiou Qualifications: I. Contributions to family, school, and the community, or to the arts, environment, education, health or human services through volunteer efforts; 2. Specific behavior or actions which put others first, including exemplary acts in coming to the assistance of those in need; and/or 3. Overcoming the odds, moving beyond specific hardships or family or societal difficulties to enhance the quality oflife for others. Awards Criteria: I. Completed Application 2. Essay (I 000 words or less typed) including the following: a. How does this nominee exemplify outstanding public service to the City of Muskegon and its citizens? b. Why do you believe that this nominee deserves credit over other possible nominees? 3. List three adjectives that describe your nominee. 4. Letter(s) of support from an individual with knowledge of the individual's contribution. A ward Procedure: I. The Mayor of the City of Muskegon shall appoint a conunittee of three (3) by 2. The City of Muskegon shall solicit nominations from the citizens of the City of Muskegon via email, meeting announcements, newsletters and word of mouth. 3. Nomination forms shall be forwarded to the conunittee chair; the chair shall be elected within the committee. 4. Nominations will close three (3) weeks prior to award date. 5. Committee will make the decision of an award winner(s) two (2) weeks prior to award date to allow for presentation and award preparation. 6. Conunittee chair will verify appropriate plaques, etc. have been ordered. 7. Presentation will be at - - - - - - - - - Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Multiple Special Event Liquor License Request SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The following organizations are requesting an extension of their liquor license to be able to offer outside entertainment during the "Muskegon nd Bike Time" festival (July 19th thru July 22 ) • Mike's Inn, 555 W. Western Ave.- Requesting to fence off parking lot to set up beverage entertainment area. • Racquets Downtown Grill, 446 W. Western Ave.-Requesting to set up beverage entertainment area in the parking lot located between Racquets and the Muskegon Holiday Inn. • Tipsy Toad Tavern, 609 W. Western Ave.-Requesting to set up beverage entertainment area in the parking lot located between Tipsy Toad and Radiology P.C. • Pop-A-Top, 2185 Henry St-Requesting to set up beverage entertainment area in their parking lot. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. Commission action required. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: All the above listed events were approved by th the Leisure Services Board at their March 19 meeting. Tipsy Toad/Bike Time 7/20/2007 Page 1 of 1 Tipsy Toad/Bike Time web format Event Information 7/20/2007 to app event date length 3 days date 3/22/2007 7/22/2007 location start time crowd W. Western Ave. 11:00 am size 150 description outside beer tent using the parking lot owned by work Radiology of Muskegon @ 605 W. Western Ave. order comments First time event Organization Information name Ed Waterstone Tipsy Toad contact insurance Pizunski Insurance address 609 W. Western Ave. phone Day:619-402-4686 Home: Muskegon, MI 49440 Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: TAMS Certified staff services required: None-approval of liquor license Approvals engineering ;,/ $0.00 inspections Y7 $0.00 zoning .IC $0.oo ~ '\, ,:i treasurer (1· $0.00 fl re ·J $0.00 c Ier k ,,,,t •., $0.00 A parks cf' $0.oo dpw N'' $0.00 traffic Y7 $0.00 manager ,yf $0.00 ROlice - $0.oo leis.urn services board ;l' $0.00 final aRRroval - $0.oo estimated total cost $0.00 http://intranet/specia!Events/viewevent. asp ?ID=291 &print= I 4/3/2007 Special Events Discussion Page I of I Tipsy Toad/Bike Time I 7/20/2007 Special Events Discussion I 11 add mes~ge 11 message date username This is the same situation as Mike's. The 3/23/2007 MUSKCITY\camerolm Zoning Ordinance does not allow for the use of required parking for comercial activity or selling. Now if Radiology will be closed that could make a difference. [2:14:38 PM] http://intranet/specia!Events/post/post. asp ?topicid=2 91 4/3/2007 Tipsy Toad Tavern Inc. 609 W. Western 3-21-07 Muskegon, MI. 49440 To Whom It May Concern, I would like to request permission to operate a beer tent in the alley between 609 & 605 W. Western Ave. during the "Muskegon Bike Time" July 20, 21, 22. (Please see attached proposed drawing). Steve Vaughn representing the owners of Radiology of Muskegon, P.C. 605 W. Western Ave. has given consent to use this area during these days. I have secured permission from Craig Clawson, the owner of the property located directly behind the Tipsy Toad Tavern to park approx. 50-60 cars during this time. I am proposing the following: o Security will be provided at all times both front and rear to secure area o Area to be snow fenced off (see attached drawing) o Porta-potties will be provided at rear of Tipsy Toad o Approx a 20 x 40 tent will be erected o Beer and wine will be served per licensing o Music will adhere to local ordinances o Tipsy Toad Tavern and Radiology of Muskegon garbage dumpsters will be relocated on Craig Clawson's property for these days Thank you for your consideration, Cindy Pizunski, President, Tipsy Toad Tavern c·~ ~J, ) ~ \ ·v,,.cJ.n'.--l I I~ I / lL , 0 .0 , -0 Radiology Muskegon P.C. 3-21-07 605 W Western Ave. Muskegon, Mi. 49440 To Whom It May Concern, My name is Steve Vaughn, I represent the owners of Radiology Muskegon, P.C. and give permission for the The Tipsy Toad Tavern, to use the alley between 605 and 609 W. Western on July 20,21, 22. for the purpose of constructing and operating a beer tent on this property. Steve Vaughn \_ MU§l\1'60"- Anthony L. Kleiboeker 980 Jefferson Street l)OLICI: Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 l)f'VA.VTMf'lia (231) 724-6955 • Fax (231)725-2043 E-mail: [email protected] Office of the Vlrector D For your information D Per your request • Let's review D Please follow through ~ Cowl":)t-rraA.JA-l...- ~Pl°'A.-<..., R....,r.,1"-1<: /'2.-,_L.,/, CC-/ O ,-c. ~ <... (_ ! Q.. L l ~ . /}-r>I"' ~ . A-. I~ ! -J<> -ci., My Cops/Make a Wish 7/20/2007 Page 1 of 1 My Cops/Make a Wish web format Event Information 7/20/2007 to event date length 2 days app date 2/9/2007 7/21/2007 location Pop A Top start time 6:00 pm crowd size 200 description Fundraiser for officers injuired in the line of work duty order comments . annual event Friday Hours: 6:00 pm until 1:00 p, Saturday Hours: 3:00 pm until 1:00 am Organization Information name Tammy Cloetingh & Pop-A-Top contact insurance Slater Seaway address 2185 Henry St. phone Day:231-759-0046 Home:231-773- Muskegon, MI 49441 0580 Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: by certified bartenders seivices required: None listed Approvals engineering iil' $O.oo inspections ,1/'' $0.00 zoning c:1 $0.00 11 ireasurer , / $0.00 fire 'i:/ $0.00 clerk ·;\,;$0.00 1 ,, parks i'f $0.oo dpw Y$o.oo traffic :cl $0.00 manager tl $0.00 police ?>" $0.00 leisure seivices board ;p' $0.00 final approval - $0.00 estimated total cost $0.00 http://intranet/specia1Events/viewevent.asp?ID=266&print=1 4/3/2007 .· "l ., ·.·I. !'I \ ! " \_;, (/ //.Y / / ' . / < / / ✓. , / / ;,-· ,- ,--,,,.--•,;,- ';- C ..;:; ~•-- >(' \..., ?, :;::t, ' •· ..• ".'!f • -- I ~ () \ () ~ 0 g <-'\) 0 '/ ' B . d- ••~. =i < . ' < ( ( ( ' ·' ' ( = .i / .I 0), C-,/ <:::;; (" ,'>.( " ,, --·11' .' • I MIJSl\1:601'11 Anthony L. Kleibecker 980 Jefferson Street VOLICI: Muskegon,MI 49443-0536 [)f:l)Al?TMl:i'IIT (231) 724-6955 • Fax (231)725-2043 E-mail: [email protected] Office of the Vil"ectol" D For your information D Per your request • Let's review D Please follow through ~ Cuwr.>•TroNr>-'- /+-P/G-1'\.CJV.A-C..... R.,-.,,,01..;<:; fC<-Lt/ I C' {../ Cl ,-c. A-,_'- (_ l Q. L < ~ • /l-r'P • . ft. I ~ 1 -JCJ -u"'I Bike Time/Bull Time 7/20/2007 Page 1 of 1 Bike Time/Bull Time web- format ,,,- Event Information event date 7/20/2007 to length 3 days app date 3/13/2007 7/22/2007 location start time crowd Mike's Inn 11:00 am size 100+ description requesting to serve alcohol in fenced off lot and work order offer bull riding comments first time event Organization Information name Mike's Inn contact Bill Ingalls Iinsurance I address 555 W. Western Ave. Muskegon, MI phone Day:231-578-0288 49441 Home: Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: by bartenders seivices required: None-approval of extension of liquor license Approvals ,, engineering 1'!/' $0.oo inspections W $0.00 ~pning J< $0.00 treasIJJer (!Y $0.00 fire J< $0.00 clerk 0l' $0.00 parks '~'Jl $0.00 dpW if $0.00 traffic if $0.00 manager ,if' $0.00 pol ice - $0.00 leisure services board 'cl' $0.00 final approval - $0.00 estimated total cost $0,00 http://intranet/specialEvents/viewevent.asp?ID=274&print=1 4/3/2007 Mar 15 07 10:59a Bi 11 Inga! ls l-231-830-0733 p.2 ·--------------------- Au..E'-1 I I }-\AN· EM- µf\N DI lf-\17 rA1<.K IN (1 ·-pAl2.ll.11,j& A.fuEA No SEP-.VIN & of At..CC110L iN vr~1Z.K1N(: .. HAf-i· fv'l H~f 's \NN LOT A..1Z..GA I,. /· • .. I \i ·i I: 14 -~ \ \\JILL Nlff &E I i " SELUMC:i ALCOHOL ' f 1:NC Cil7 1N Lcr - CUf:>IDE. I - i I ' \ •' 1d- ~(, ' '' ' -- .. ---·- .. --------·······-·- ... -··" - , I ' ·-·-······ i' --····-·-· _ ... , i •·•······· ' ' --· .. - . .. ---· ·-·· ----···- ---··------·· .......... ·-· -·-·-·---- ····-- ' ····--·--~-- .. ··········- ·• . 4/03 Off-Street Parking SECTION 2326: OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING (amended 2/02] I. Intent: It is the intent of this section that off-street parking spaces shall be provided and adequately maintained by each property owner in every district for the parking of motor vehicles for the use of occupants, employees and patrons of each building and premise constructed, altered, or enlarged under the provisions of this Ordinance. 2. Scope: At the time any building or structure is erected, enlarged or increased in capacity, or a new land use is established, off-street parking spaces for new or additional development shall be provided according to the requirements of this section and Table IB. 3. Parking and Loading Plan Review: Whenever three (3) or more vehicle parking spaces are required for a given use of land, plans, specifications for the construction or alteration of an off-street parking area shall be submitted for approval by the Zoning Administrator before a development permit is issued. Such plans and specifications shall indicate the location, precise use of buildings, size, design, surfacing, marking, lighting, drainage, curbing and curb cuts, entrances, exits, landscaping, and other detailed features as required by the provisions and standards of this zoning ordinance and other applicable laws and rules. 4. Parking Areas Existing Before the Effective Date of This Ordinance: No parking area or parking space or loading area which exists at the time this Ordinance becomes effective shall be relinquished or reduced in any manner below the requirements established by this Ordinance. 5. Uses of Parking Areas: Parking spaces and loading areas shall be used exclusively for the parking of vehicles associated with a building, structure or land use in a manner consistent with the purpose for which it is designed. No commercial activity or selling of any kind shall be conducted within required parking areas. Permitted temporary uses may operate in overflow parking areas or setback areas provided no clear vision or other safety hazard is present. Vehicles shall not be repaired, stored, or displayed for sale or hire in parking lots unless the principal use is classified for such uses. 6. Design and Access Standards: Multi-family, commercial and industrial land use areas shall meet the screening, landscaping, and lighting standards of this ordinance. 7. Maintenance Standards: Parking and loading areas in all districts shall be paved, marked and defined by curbing or curb stops. 8. Maximum Parking: The maximum amount of parking "permitted for any use or group of uses shall not exceed the minimum parking requirements by more than one-third (33%) s:\p!anning\common\zoning\ordinance\cxcerpts\parking.doc 1 M.U§l\l:60pa.j Anthony L. Kleibecker 980 Jefferson Street VOLICI: Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 1)1:JlA.VTM.l:!llff (23 I) 724-6955 • Fax (231)725-2043 E-mail: [email protected] Office of the l)irector D For yourinformation D Per your request • Let's review • Please follow through ~ Cowr.,,-rroAJA-'- /+r->~Auv,.._c_ R,-.,r.,1,-i,:; /2,....Lvt CW Cl 1"'- !"=k.c... (_, Q. L, I!_. /'!--J"'/> f • /-1- . I ~ 1 - J .oAuv,-q..c.._ a,_,,,:,,-ic f'2._t_Lvr CC..,- Cl 1-<- ~ < . . (_1 G.. (___, ~. /}-1"/>1 . ,4. / ~ 1 -J<> -C,'7 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners CC: Bryon Mazade, City Manager Lowell Kirksey, Recreation/Marina Supervisor Tim Paul, Finance Director Ann Becker, City Clerk From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager Date: 4/6/2007 Re: Proposed Farmers Market Hours Change on Thursday's At the Conunission work session in March, Commissioner Davis stated that there was interest in switching the Farmers Market hours on Thursday's from their cmTent morning hours to afternoon; staff was directed to survey market vendors, and to notify the neighborhood associations to procure their input. Included in the annual communication to market vendors sent in early April; the attached survey was provided. Vendors were asked to respond to the questionnaire by April 14th • The Jackson Hill Neighborhood Association was also contacted and further communication with the association is in progress. Date: April 5, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Commercial Liability Insurance for Farmer Market Vendors Selling Processed and/or Food Items SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The practice of requiring certain market vendors of the Farmers Market and Flea Market to obtain Commercial Liability Insurance was enacted as the market has evolved into a processor-friendly seller venue. It offers baked-goods, cheeses, jams, relishes, jerky, and has expanded to offer meat products, poultry and has home-licensed processors. Until 1998 the market was limited to agricultural products. With the introduction of fresh meat, poultry, shellfish, and fish, mechanical refrigeration was required. Therefore it was decided to require vendors to have Commercial Liability Insurance for the purpose of protecting the city, vendor, and customers, when selling or purchasing market product and/or mechanically-altered (processed) foods. Vendors have complied with Michigan State Department of Agriculture and purchased licenses to operate their Business. The license does not cover one from improper food handling, storage, or processing. In the process of the Commission studying this issue it is recommended that the Commission adopt the practice and it be written into the Farmers and Flea Market policy to include Commercial Liability Insurance for all vendors selling food and/or mechanically -altered (processed) foods. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Presently not required but advised we uphold requirement for Commercial Liability Insurance as policy. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Page I of I Becker, Ann From: Mazade, Bryon Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:41 AM To: Becker, Ann Cc: Slaughter, Lee; Kleibecker, Tony Subject: Special Event Liquor Licenses ··-- -·-·-- Please place multiple special event liquor licenses on the April work session agenda. Thanks . . 3/29/2007 Page I of I Becker, Ann From: Bice, Pat Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 11 :07 AM To: Becker, Ann; Potter, Linda Cc: Mazade, Bryon; Slaughter, Lee; Davis, Kevin Subject: Work Session Agenda Items - Commissioner Davis Ann, Commissioner Davis requests placing these items on the April work session agenda: 1. 44-a- 431 Orchard, house in disrepair, citizen complaint 2. Farmers Market a. Status of spring clean-up b. Status of suggested Thursday afternoon hours instead of morning hours 3. Dog beach a. Status of opening for the season b. Status of posting signs on the boardwalk Thanks. Pat 4/2/2007
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