City Commission Agenda 10-10-2023

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                                               City of Muskegon
                                           City Commission Meeting

                                          October 10, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                               Muskegon City Hall
                                   933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440


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   1.    Call To Order

   2.    Prayer

   3.    Pledge of Allegiance

   4.    Roll Call

   5.    Honors, Awards, and Presentations

          5.a     Memorial for Hope Griffith

         5.b      Recognition of Steve Hammond - Inspector of the Year

   6.    Public Comment on Agenda Items

   7.    Consent Agenda
      7.a    Approval of Minutes - City Clerk

      7.b    LIHWAP (Low Income Household Water Assistance Program) Agreement Extension -

      7.c    Final Approval of the Flock LPR Deployment - Public Safety

      7.d    Samaritas Payment if Lieu of Taxes (PILOT Agreement) - Development Services

      7.e    Samaritas Municipal Services Agreement - Development Services

      7.f    Spire Development, Allen Crossing PILOT Agreement - Development Services

      7.g    Spire Development, Allen Crossing Municipal Services Agreement - Development Services

      7.h    Spire Development, Amity Commons PILOT Agreement - Development Services

       7.i   Spire Development, Amity Commons Municipal Services Agreement - Development Services

       7.j   Sale of 1530 Hoyt Street - City Manager's Office

      7.k    Sale of 1647 Terrace Street - City Manager's Office

       7.l   Arena Solar Exemption Certificate Transfer - DPW

      7.m    City Hall Seagull Control System - DPW (Building Maintenance)

      7.n    Fireworks Agreement - Parks & Recreation

      7.o    Amendment to Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Sec. 58-62 - City Clerk

      7.p    Parks & Rec Advisory Committee - Member Representing Muskegon Public Schools

 8.   Public Hearings

      8.a    Establishment of an Industrial Development District - Beacon Recycling, 1241 East Keating -
             Economic Development

      8.b    Lakeside BID Special Assessment Tax Roll Approval - Economic Development

 9.   Unfinished Business

10.   New Business

      10.a    City ARPA Community Grant - Pioneer Resources, Inc. - Manager's Office
      10.b    PRO Housing Grant Leverage Funds - Economic Development/CNS

      10.c    Parks & Rec Advisory Committee - Chair Appointment

11.   Any Other Business

12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

13.   Closed Session

      13.a    City Manager's Evaluation

14.   Adjournment

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