City Commission Worksession Minutes 03-07-2014

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                                CITY COMMISSION
                              GOAL SETTING SESSION
                                 FEBRUARY 7, 2014

Present: Mayor Gawron, Vice Mayor Spataro, Commissioners Hood, German, Rinsema-
Sybenga, Johnson, and Turnquist.

Staff Present: Peterson, Al-Shatel, Grant, Maurer, Brubaker-Clarke, Bailey, Smith, Thompson, J.
Lewis, Cummings, B. Lewis.

Opening remarks were given by Mayor Gawron.

Frank Peterson facilitated the session.

Meeting began at 11:30 a.m.

Staff teamed up with Commissioners to consider various questions regarding specific projects or
needs of the City.

Previous Commission goals were reviewed.

The Mission, Vision and Value Statement was reviewed. No changes were recommended.

A budget forecast was given by Frank Peterson and Derrick Smith. It was indicated the City will
be running in a deficit of $10 million by 2019 unless changes take place.

Commissioners were asked to consider goals for the next 12 months and goals for the next 36
months. After much deliberation and discussion, the following goals were created:


   1. Finance Plan to prepare for 2016/options for revenues

   2. Private - Smartzone, DMDC, Sappi, Heritage Square, redevelopment on east end of port,
      BC Cobb Plant, etc. what efforts have we done to move forward

   3. IFT Accountability

   4. Old Farmer’s Market – Plan for clean-up, green area, infill housing, develop master
   5. Neighborhood Blight – look at ordinances and see what will make it more effective,
      better funding, look at buildings currently on dangerous building list, develop community
      resources/vacant school buildings

   6. Beach warning system

   7. Funding for roads – CRC conduct several town hall meetings to build a consensus how to
      fund, create funding options

   8. Youth recreation & employment opportunities – connect people with jobs

   9. Improve the City’s image


   1. Investing in critical infrastructure

   2. More market rate apartments

   3. Development of Pere Marquette Park

   4. Brunswick Redevelopment

   5. Balanced Budget

   6. Downtown to Lake public access

   7. Be a leader in intergovernmental cooperation

Meeting adjourned.

                                                             Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                      City Clerk

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