City Commission Worksession Minutes 02-10-2014

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                       February 10, 2014
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM



Present: Commissioners Gawron, Johnson, German, Hood, Turnquist, Rinsema-Sybenga, and

Absent: None.

Sidewalk Snow Removal Ordinance Amendment.
The City of Muskegon currently has a snow removal ordinance for sidewalks. However, it is not
practical to administer. Therefore, an amendment to the ordinance is recommended to allow for
actual enforcement of the ordinance. The major changes are to require snow to be removed from
sidewalks within 24 hours after the cessation of any storm depositing snow on the sidewalk, and
to allow for employees other than police officers, authorized by the City Manager, to enforce the
provisions of the ordinance.

City Commissioners did state concerns about the proposed ordinance. It was decided that
Commissioners should voice those concerns to staff by February 28th. A revised ordinance will
be brought to the Commission in March based on those issues.

Police Officers Labor Council Contract.
The City and POLC were previously scheduled for Act 312 Arbitration in February 2014 to
settle the 2014-16 collective bargaining agreement. The City Commission is requested to
approve the negotiated tentative agreement with the POLC Unit that will be presented to the
Commission at its February 11, 2014 meeting.

This item has been placed on the February 11, 2014 City Commission Meeting for consideration
by the Commission.

Second Quarter 2013-2014 Budget Reforecast.
Staff is transmitting the Second Quarter 2013-14 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed
changes to the original budget that have come about as a result of changes in revenue
projections, policy priorities, labor contracts, updated economic conditions, or other factors.

No major changes to the budget are being requested for the second quarter.
This items has been placed on the February 11, 2014 City Commission Meeting for
consideration by the Commission.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Vice Mayor Spataro to adjourn at 6:58 p.m.

                                                                      MOTION PASSES

                                                         Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                City Clerk

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