City Commission Worksession Minutes 10-13-2014

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        October 13, 2014
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Hood, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Gawron, Johnson, Turnquist, and
Absent: None.

Muskegon Bike Time – Request for a 5-Year Commitment for Bike Time 2015-2019.
Muskegon Bike Time has submitted a request for a five-year commitment from the City to host
Bike Time downtown. There are no major changes from the way Bike Time has operated in the
past. This year, 2014, was the first year that Bike Time was operated by a local group and they
are requesting a 5-year agreement to make planning the event easier.

This item has been placed on the October 14, 2014 City Commission meeting for consideration.

Taser (X26-P) Units for the Police Department.
The Director of Public Safety requests the City Commission review and authorize the purchase
and implementation of the “Taser x26p” force continuum tool (less than lethal device). The
police department is submitting a request for the purchase of twenty-five (25) units (safety
yellow), and accessories. The department currently does not have a force continuum tool with
the exception of “impact weapons” and “CS gas” (spray). The department believes risk to
citizens and police officers may be reduced and research supports a reduction in excessive force
claims. The purchase and implementation will be coordinated with officer training, department
policy, followed up by “use of force reporting” and supervisory review on all TASER

This item has been placed on the October 14, 2014 City Commission meeting for consideration.

Any Other Business.

West Michigan Lake Hawks – City Support.
After a successful season in 2013, the West Michigan Lake Hawks have requested assistance
from the City of Muskegon for their 2014 Season. Staff has proposed providing financial
assistance through the purchase of game tickets, which would be provided to local groups
working with youth (similar to the arrangement with the Muskegon Lumberjacks). The majority
of games for the season will be played at the Muskegon Heights and Reeths Puffer High Schools.
However, staff has suggested the team attempt to get at least one game at Muskegon High
School (in which case additional funds may be needed for the higher cost of the facility).

Staff recommends the City Commission consider purchasing 20 tickets at $10 each for each
home game (13 games this season) for a total of $2,600; as well as 20 additional tickets if they
are able to secure the Muskegon Public High School (MPHS) for a game (additional $200). In
addition, if the MPHS is secured, it is recommended the City finance the difference in costs from
the other venues (cost over $500); possibly to be shared by MPS.

This item has been placed on the October 14, 2014 City Commission meeting for consideration.
City Commission Rules and Procedures
Vice Mayor Spataro reviewed some of the rules and procedures with Commissioners.
Commissioner Turnquist reiterated the need for Commissioners to be recognized by the Chair
before speaking.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga to adjourn
at 6:48 p.m.

                                                                       MOTION PASSES

                                                          Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                  City Clerk

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