City Commission Worksession Minutes 08-10-2015

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                                        City of Muskegon
                                  City Commission Worksession
                                         August 10, 2015
                                   City Commission Chambers
                                             5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners German, Hood, Gawron, Johnson, Turnquist, and Spataro.
Absent: Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga.

Legal Services.
The City Commission requested staff to negotiate a five year agreement for Legal Services with
Parmenter O'Toole to provide both general legal and prosecution services. Staff is asking the
Commission to approve a five year agreement.

This items will be on the August 11, 2015 Commission Meeting for consideration by the

International Property Maintenance Code.
We are currently operating under the State Construction code. The last update was around 2002.
The Public Safety Director is recommending the Commission adopt the 2015 International
Property Maintenance Code. The proposed code will complement the City's other existing
codes. There are approximately 18 items in the current chapter 10 of the Building Ordinance
that staff would recommend be retained. They include code related to rental registration,
registering contractors, and the Housing Board of Appeals.

Commissioners indicated they would like a comparison of the proposed changes. Staff
anticipates having a document prepared for the Commission to review in January.

Any Other Business
Vice Mayor Spataro stated Sixth and Webster should be a four-way stop as well as Walton and

Commissioner Johnson commented about the recent test to add stop signs at Pere Marquette

A police officer directing traffic during heavily traveled times could be a solution.

The City indicated he will speak to the City Engineer and present a traffic control order to
Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn at 7:03

                                                                MOTION PASSES

                                                    Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                            City Clerk

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