City Commission Worksession Minutes 12-12-2016

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                            Monday, December 12, 2016
                        Muskegon City Commission Chambers
                       933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440
                                       5:30 PM

Present:     Commissioners Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, Gawron, and Warren

Absent:      Commissioners German, Turnquist, and Hood

Transmittal of 6/30/16 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Eric VanDop of Brickley Delong presented the 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report. He reviewed the report with Commissioners and answered any questions. The
City did receive the highest grade allowed on the report. Mr. VanDop did point out that
the MERS retirement system is underfunded and adjustments will be needed in the
future. He thanked the Finance Division for their hard work and efforts.

Professional Services Agreement (SAFEbuilt)
A draft agreement was presented to the Commission. Small changes are still needed to
the document and then it will be brought to the Commission for a vote.

2016 User Fee Update
City Commissioners asked questions of staff of the proposed 2016 user fees.

City Commission will consider this request at its December 13, 2016 meeting.

2017 Salary Schedule and Fringe Benefits for Non-Represented Employees
At this time the City Manager is recommending a $2,000 one-time increase for all non-
union employees. The salary schedule will be reviewed for further consideration at a
future meeting.

Moved by Johnson, seconded by Rinsema-Sybenga, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40


                                                   Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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