City Commission Worksession Minutes 02-13-2017

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                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
                        CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                              Monday, February 13, 2017
                                      5:30 p.m.
                              City Commission Chambers


Present:     German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and
Absent:      None

Third Street Group Presentation
Representatives from several Third Street businesses seek the City Commission’s
support of their businesses and spoke in support of beautifying the Third Street
business area and renaming the corridor to Midtown. Various business owners
described the nature of their businesses. The Clerk and a representative of Downtown
Muskegon Now will work on writing a resolution. There are concerns about parking.

Greater Muskegon Recreation Partnership
Doug Hughes, representing the Muskegon County Recreational Authority, presented
information on Recreation Authorities including the steps to creating an authority,
articles of incorporation, voting, filing, powers, and taxes.

Any Other Business

   Resolution in Support of Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System
   Commissioner Ken Johnson composed and presented a resolution for consideration
   by the Commission. This item to be placed under New Business on the Regular City
   Commission Meeting Agenda for February 14, 2017.

   Property use at BC Cobb Plant
   Discussion took place on what the land use(s) might possibly be for the property
   located at BC Cobb Plant and the potential for a variety of purposes as well as the
   potential for new jobs.

   Quality of Life Millage
   There was discussion regarding the potential of including the LC Walker Arena in a
   Quality of Life Millage, discussion to continue.

Wages and Salaries
Frank presented information regarding the Wage and Salary changes that will be on
the Regular City Commission Agenda on February 14, 2017. There were comments
regarding the demographics and diversification of our non-represented employees.

Moved by German, second by Hood, to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.

                                    Respectfully Submitted,

                                    Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                    City Clerk


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