City Commission Worksession Minutes 02-19-2010

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                     FEBRUARY 19, 2010


Present: Mayor Warmington, Vice Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Carter, Shepherd, Spataro,
Wierengo, and Wisneski.

Staff Present: Mazade, Al-Shatel, Grant, Kleibecker, Maurer, Kincaid, Kuhn, Brubaker-Clarke,
Griffin, Paul, Lewis, Smith, Thompson, Scholle, and Becker.

Others: Dave Alexander, Muskegon Chronicle

Opening remarks were given by Mayor Warmington.

Bob Kuhn facilitated the session. Meeting began at 9:00 a.m.

The Mission, Vision and Value Statements were reviewed.

The 2010 Goal Setting meeting centered around proposed financial and program cuts to the 2010
and 2011 fiscal years.

Commissioners offered suggestions of services that could be further evaluated for possible
elimination or reduction of services. The following categories and suggestions were made:

Get out of the business
Youth services (eliminate completely, partially, or partnership with another organization(s))
Senior citizen transit
Streetlight reduction

Is this duplicated
Economic development
CIS mapping
LC Walker Arena

Contracting out
Traffic Department
Cemetery maintenance
Lift station
Job descriptions (regionally or internally)

Level of service reduction
Extend vehicle rentals

Cost reductions
Wages and benefits
Smartzone debt
Cost sharing of benefits
Healthcare costs target 15% for employee responsibility

CDBG Funds
Fire services
Physical consolidation of City Hall
Prevailing wage rates
Youth programs

Discussion also took place on a possible millage increase. Tim Paul indicated that a two mill
increase is the equivalent of $1.5 million in revenue.

Commissioners agreed that cuts to the budget need to be made before a millage increase can be

City Staff left the meeting/session at 12:30 p.m.

City Manager and Commission continued discussions immediately following.

                                                                 Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                       City Clerk

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