City Commission Worksession Minutes 06-12-2017

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                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
                        CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                               Monday, June 12, 2017
                                      5:30 p.m.
                        Muskegon City Commission Chambers
                       933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440


Present:     Gawron, Hood (left at 8:43 p.m.), Warren (left at 8:40 p.m.), German,
             Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and Turnquist

Absent:      None

The agenda was rearranged to allow discussion of the LC Walker Arena Concession
Point of Sale Contract with Digital Dining to the beginning of the meeting.

LC Walker Concession Point of Sale Contract
Frank Peterson, City Manager, presented information on the Digital Dining Program he
would like to implement at the Walker Arena. The LC Walker arena stands grossed
nearly $500,000 in sales during the current fiscal year. To better manage these sales,
staff is requesting permission to purchase and implement a point of sales system. The
system, Digital Dining, would be implemented prior to the start of hockey season, and
would be interconnected to any restaurants that lease space in the arena as well. This
item will be on the regular meeting agenda.

2017/18 Proposed Budget and Quarterly Reforecast
Frank Peterson, City Manager, presented information on the 2017-18 Proposed Budget
and 4th Quarter Reforecast highlighting the most significant changes. Department
Heads were in attendance and were able to participate in commenting and answering
Commissioners’ questions. Discussion took place regarding the 2017/18 proposed

Any Other Business
Frank Peterson, City Manager, discussed some potential changes to the terms of the
loan from the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund loan that was approved on May 23, 2017
in order to get the best coverage for our investment and possibly be eligible for grant
funds. Discussion took place regarding the terms of the loan from the Community
Foundation – Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund.

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Moved by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to
adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

                                              Respectfully Submitted,

                                              Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                              City Clerk

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