City Commission Worksession Minutes 06-13-2011

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                                        City of Muskegon
                                  City Commission Worksession
                                          June 13, 2011
                                   City Commission Chambers
                                             5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Vice Mayor Gawron, Carter, Spataro, Wierengo,
Shepherd, and Wisneski.
Absent: None.

2011-2012 Budget.
Bryon Mazade, City Manager, gave an overview of the proposed 2011-2012 budget.

The proposed budget is a $900,000 deficit budget. These funds will be covered through the
Reserve Fund. It is hoped that Income Tax funds will continue to increase and reduce the
anticipated deficit.

Commissioners complimented the City Manager and City staff for a well prepared budget.

Loan for Street Projects.
Tim Paul, Finance Director, is able to secure a ten year loan at a 2.98% interest rate to finance
street projects at the cost of $2 million dollars.

This item will be on June 14, 2011 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Wisneski to adjourn at 7:04

                                                                             MOTION PASSES

                                                              Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                   City Clerk

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