City Commission Worksession Minutes 09-09-2019

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                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                                    Monday, September 9, 2019
                                            5:30 p.m.
                                    City Commission Chambers


Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Warren, Turnquist, Hood, Johnson, German, and

Absent: None.

PILOT - Samaritas - Planning Department
Samitas is proposing an affordable housing development at 4 W. Webster Avenue and is
requesting a Payment in Lieu of Taxes for the project. The development will include 53
residential for seniors and a 900 square foot commercial space on their first floor. A service
charge of 4% will be imposed, as well as a municipal services fee of 2%.

Income targeting is based on 10 units at 30% AMI (Area Median Income); 9 units at 40% AMI; 1
unit at 50% AMI, 17 units at 60% AMI; and 16 units at 80% AMI. The project will have eight
project-based vouchers for residents age 55 and over.

James Gilbert of Samaritas attended the Work Session meeting and presented a power point

The City Commission will consider this request at their September 10, 2019 Commission

AmeriBank RFP Recommendation - Economic Development
Staff has reviewed proposals from developers for 880 First and have selected a preferred
developer in 880 First Street, LLC, a partnership of Ferguson Development and Brianna Scott.

Brianna Scott and Joel Ferguson along with the project manager and other team members were
present to answer questions of the Commission.

The City Commission will consider this request at their September 10, 2019 Commission

Establish Policy, Application, and Fees for Block Parties - Planning
Staff is seeking to establish a policy, application, and fees to allow for block parties, closing city
streets, to encourage neighborhood cohesion while placing reasonable restrictions to ensure
safety and minimize risk for complaints.

Staff recommends establishing a block party policy, block party application, and associated
fees. A $50 application fee is being recommended. A $100 cleaning fee will be charged to the
applicant if city property is not returned to its original condition and/or trash is left on city
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City Commissioners asked question of LeighAnn Mikesell of Planning. Commissioner Warren
would like to see the proposed ordinance to be modified to include October 31st. Several other
changes were suggested. Several Commissioners suggested that staff move slowly with the
proposed policy.

Amendment to Vacant Building Ordinance, Modify Fees - Planning
Amend Section 10-107 of the City Code of Ordinances to require seasonal homes to be
registered with the Public Safety Division, allow additional circumstances for waiving vacant
building fees, and eliminate additional fees being applied when registration fees are not paid.
Staff is also seeking approval of modification to Vacant Building Registration Fees for buildings
zoned for Residential use and for buildings zoned for Commercial or Industrial Use.

The request is to amend Section 10-107 of the City Code of Ordinances to modify which
buildings must be registered and the process and circumstances for waiving fees. The
amendment would require seasonal homes to be registered with the Public Safety Division,
allow additional circumstances for waiving vacant building fees, and eliminate additional fees
being applied when registration fees are not paid. Staff is also seeking approval of modification
to Vacant Building Registration Fees for building zone for Residential use and for buildings
zoned for Commercial or Industrial Use. No fees will be charged until the building has been
vacant for one year. The fee for residential use is $100 per year and Commercial or Industrial
Use for $500 per year.

The City Commission will consider this request at their September 10, 2019 City Commission

Beach Street 2020 Construction - DPW
DPW Director Leo Evans presented an overview of the work planned for Beach Street during
the 2020 construction season with emphasis on the proposed operational changes and timing.

Ordinance Amendment to Prohibit Smoking at All Parks & Downtown Business District -
A first draft of a potential ordinance revision to ban smoking at all public parks, beaches, trails,
and potentially on streets in the core downtown area was presented. Restrictions include bike
paths, trails and pathways, or any area used for a community event within the City boundaries.
The proposed ordinance includes banning smoking in the core downtown areas bounded by
Shoreline Drive heading easterly from Seventh Street to Spring Street, heading southerly on
Spring Street from Shoreline Drive to Apple Avenue, heading westerly on Apple Avenue from
Spring Street to Muskegon Avenue, heading westerly on Muskegon Avenue from Apple Avenue
to Ninth Street, and heading northerly on Ninth Street to Western Avenue, heading westerly on
Western Avenue from Ninth Street, heading northerly on Seventh Street from Western Avenue
to Shoreline Drive; and on Third Street from Merrill Avenue to Muskegon Avenue.

The majority of the Commission indicated they were against banning smoking downtown. The
ordinance will be changed based on the conversations and presented at a later date.

Signal Warrant Analysis - DPW
Staff is reporting they would like to remove three traffic signals under the City’s jurisdiction. They
are located at Sherman & Wickham, Webster & Pine, and Wood & Irwin.

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This item will be placed on the September 10, 2019 City Commission Meeting for consideration
by the City Commission.

Update on Convention Center
Frank Peterson gave an update on the funding for the Convention Center. Many contracts for
work have been issued.

Adjourned at 8:30 pm.

                                                     Respectfully Submitted,

                                                     Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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