City Commission Worksession Minutes 02-10-2020

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION
                                 Monday, February 10, 2020
                                         5:30 p.m.
                                 City Commission Chambers

Present: Mayor Stephen Gawron and Commissioners Hood, Emory, Johnson, German,
Rinsema-Sybenga, and Ramsey.

Absent: None.

Informational Presentation of MATS Route Study and Comprehensive Operational
Analysis - Robert M. Lukens - Muskegon Community Development Director

Jim Koens, Transit Systems Manager, presented the MATS Route Study and Operational
Analysis Report.

Mark Eisenbarth, Director of Muskegon County Administrator, indicated he welcomed questions
and feedback from the City Commissioners.

Currently MATS partners with the City of Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, Roosevelt Park,
Muskegon Township, and Norton Shores.

Commissioners asked for several clarifications regarding the micro-transit system that is being
proposed because of the reduction in proposed routes. Municipalities will also be asked to
contribute more for the service going forward because the County can no longer cover the
difference in cost not covered by the local municipalities.

Paid Beach Parking - Planning

Staff is requesting approval to move forward with paid parking at the beach. The request is to
purchase 20 kiosks from Flowbird and to allow staff to draft the appropriate ordinances to initiate
paid parking requirements.

The proposal includes 17 kiosks for beach parking and 3 kiosks for boat launch permits. The 17
beach parking kiosks will accept credit cards/coins and the 3 kiosks for boat launch permits will
only accept credit cards.

The fees collected will go towards the maintenance of the beach including the operations and
maintenance of the beach/sand, parking lot, bath houses, various playgrounds, and boardwalk
as well as trash clean-up and removal, police beach patrols, misc. Equipment costs, and
administration costs. In 2016/17 these costs were estimated to be $475,000 for a total cost to a
homeowner of .848 mills.
Cost to park at the beach is suggested to be $7 on Saturdays and $5 for the rest of the week.
The yearly pass is $20 and resident passes are free.

Commissioners asked several questions of Mr. Franzak.

The City Commission will consider this request at its February 11, 2020 Commission Meeting.

Carol Olson, 1658 Beach, concerned about the financial impact.

Nancy Hulka, 3020 Country Club, in favor.

Ned Carter, 1741 Edgewater, against.

Shirley Green, 2574 Morton, asked for clarification if paid parking was needed for sunset. No.
Also asked about accessible parking and paying.

Bill, 3358 Wilcox, asked about those who use the dog beach and Kruse Park.

Michael Haueisen, 903 Turner, against.

Kim Lang, 1431 Beach, has a non-profit on the beach for the lighthouse tower. Concerned
about the additional fee for those visitors.

Lead Service Lines - Public Works

Leo Evans, Public Works Director, updated staff on the changes required within the water
department to comply with the updated Lead and Copper Rules issued by the State and to seek
feedback on a direction moving forward on the topic.

Commissioner German left at 8:20 pm.

Mobile Food Vending Ordinance Updates - City Clerk

Support adding food trucks in Lakeside Business District and Glade Street.

City Manager suggested allowing staff to allow temporary approval while waiting for upcoming
meeting for approval.

Lorraine Samples, 1930 Lakeshore Drive, grateful for quick action, believes they should be
allowed overnight.

Morning Bear, 592 W. Muskegon, wants to see the food truck stay open at Southern and Glade.
Presentation of Multi-Family Housing Study - Economic Development

For several months the department has been working on a study of the existing market
conditions and the needs of the multi-family housing sector in the city limits. This work is
complete and ready to review with the city commission.

Revolving Loan Fund Requests

Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga removed himself from discussion stating a financial interest.

The city has an opportunity to assist multiple entities by approving some revolving fund loans.
There was discussion regarding the proposed loans and a revolving fund application will be on
the agenda at the next city commission meeting for consideration for Unruly Brewing.

Frank explained requests that may be made by sports teams.

Development Options Discussion
Discussion took place regarding development options. An idea was presented by Jon Rooks,
who owns Wharf arena in downtown Grand Haven, he is suggesting a dry-rack storage area.
Mr. Rooks would like the city to quit claim deed the easement to Parkland to develop for dry-
rack storage.

Adjourned at 11:22 p.m.

                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                      Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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