City Commission Worksession Minutes 06-07-2021

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                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                                   Monday, June 7, 2021
                                        5:30 p.m.
                                   REMOTE MEETING



Present: Mayor Gawron (Muskegon, MI), Vice Mayor Hood (Muskegon, MI),
Commissioners Rinsema-Sybenga (Muskegon, MI), Emory (Muskegon, MI), Johnson
(Muskegon, MI), Ramsey (Muskegon, MI), and German (Muskegon, MI)

Access for All – CNS Department
A new program for the City of Muskegon called “Access for All,” a training program that
places people who successfully complete the program into apprenticeships with the
trades. We have a potential opportunity to bring this program to Muskegon, but I would
require funding from multiple sources to make it viable for now and for the long term.
Potential success for All who are interested in having Access to trade positions to be a
strong catalyst for job creation for youths in our Muskegon Country.

Currently, this program is showing success on the east side of the state through a
variety of funding resources: Ford Foundation, Kresge Foundation and Untied Way of
Southeast Michigan.

This could be an annual allocation but the first class will begin in the fall of 2022 but the
selection of attendees will take place this fall/winter. Classes consist of 25 verified high
school students or youth 18-22 years of age seeking opportunity for higher education in
several building Trades: Excavation, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Building.

Discussion took place regarding Access for All with information being presented by
Oneata Bailey, Community and Neighborhood Services Director. The Commission looks
forward to seeing progress with this initiative.

Transmittal of 2021-2022 Proposed Budget

        Recommended-FY2021-22-Budget-Mtg-5-25-21.pdf (
At this time staff is transmitting to the City Commission the proposed budget for fiscal
year 2021-22 which starts July 1, 2021. An electronic version of the budget has been
distributed to Commissioners. Additionally, the budget is available for inspection on the
City’s website and at the City Clerk’s office.

An overview of the proposed budget was reviewed at the May 25, 2021 regular
Commission meeting and Commissioners were encouraged to send their questions to
the finance department in the weeks between then and now. The June 7, 2021 work
session is an opportunity for further discussion and inquiry. A public hearing on the
budget will be held at the regular Commission meeting on June 8, 2021. City ordinance
requires that the budget be adopted by the Commission on or before the second
Commission meeting in June.

Discussion took place, there will be a public hearing on the budget at the June 8, 2021
regular meeting. The Commission may adopt the budget at the next meeting (June 8,
2021) or at the June 22, 2021 meeting. The budget must be adopted on or before June
25, 2021 according to state law.

GARE Presentation – LeighAnn Mikesell
Staff will present information on the Government Alliance on Race and Equity and our
participation in the Ottawa County learning Community of Practice.

The Government Alliance on Race and Equity is a national network of government
working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. We know that racial
inequities exist across all indicators for success, and government played a central role
in the creation and maintenance of racial inequity. GARE was developed to help
governments be intentional, to strategically intervene with the goal of transforming our
Ottawa County has invited us to participate in a learning community of practice where
we commit to achieving racial equity through the power of our institution and work in
partnership with other communities.

No public comments were received.

The City Commission Worksession meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

                                         Respectfully Submitted,

                                         Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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