City Commission Worksession Minutes 12-12-2022

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                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION
                               Monday, December 12, 2022
                                        5:30 pm
                               City Commission Chambers


Present: Commissioners Hood, Emory, Johnson, Gorman, and German.
Absent: Commissioners St. Clair and Ramsey.

Kris Collee - AgeWell Services – Presentation Regarding Senior Millage

Kris Collee gave a presentation regarding the services AgeWell Services offer through the
Senior Millage program.

Long Term Goals Review
City staff has made great strides working on long term goals. The goals were approved in July
2022. Deputy City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell listed many projects that staff from all
departments has been assisting with in the areas of destination community & quality of life,
economic development, housing, and business, community connection, and financial

Muskegon Ordinance & Muskegon Social Equity Program Update
Staff is seeking guidance in the following areas:

How to spend this years Education/Hard Reduction funds
How to spend 2021 & 2022 Expungement Clinic funds
How to roll over unused funds from previous years
How to advertise for scholarships
Direction for 2023 funds

Mike Franzak reviewed the current guidelines and offered some suggested changes for
tomorrow’s Commission meeting.

The Commission discussed possibly doing a Request For Proposal for an expungement clinic
and that the service be offered completely for free to any City of Muskegon resident. The RFP
will be presented to the City Commission the first meeting in January.

The Commission would like to see education to younger people possibly through the school
system and to provide discussion about the recreational use and possible repercussions with
Crayton Goins, with Greenwood Gardens, 1839 Peck Street, would be willing to provide higher
learning state-certified training and have offered to split the cost of the training with the City of

This item will be on the December 13, 2022 Commission meeting for consideration.

Brownfield and Infill Housing Presentation
Jake Eckholm presented a powerpoint presentation on the infill housing program. Most of the
parcels and houses have been placed in the City’s Brownfield Plan Amendment to recover costs
and losses related to the program. The City also uses Tax Increment Financing that allows
municipalities to withhold and retain other taxing jurisdictions funds for eligible expenses.

Any Other Business
Commissioner Emory indicated she has received several complaints of residents receiving
parking tickets at Grand Trunk. She has been told this is for paid parking only for ice fishermen
in the winter time.

The parking stickers are currently not available. Citizens may purchase a voucher for a sticker
that can be turned in at a later date.

Public Comments

Moved by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Emory to adjourn the meeting at
6:59 pm

                                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                                       Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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