City Commission Worksession Minutes 12-13-2010

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                                      City of Muskegon
                                City Commission Worksession
                                      December 13, 2010
                                 City Commission Chambers
                                           5:30 PM


Present: Mayor Warmington, Commissioners Spataro, Wisneski, Shepherd, Carter, and
Absent: Vice Mayor Gawron (excused).

Ruddiman Creek Habitat Restoration Design.
Brian Mika, JFNew, gave an overview of the project presenting the three phases.
Motion by Commissioner Wisneski, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve the
Ruddiman Creek Habitat Restoration Design as presented.
                                                               MOTION PASSES
Laketon Avenue Realignment between Seaway & Temple.
Mohammed Al-Shatel, DPW Director, explained the realignment. This will eliminate the
dedicated right turn lane. Project would start after Labor Day and be completed mid November.
Sunday Morning Liquor Sales.
Mayor Warmington explained the new law that was passed by the Legislature allowing the sale
of liquor on Sunday morning starting at 7:00 a.m. If the City wants to opt out and prohibit
Sunday sales, then we need to notify the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. We have no
issues, no action required.
DNR/Army Corps Permits.
Discussion on whether we should ask the DNR to hold a public hearing if there are issues
concerning the citizens. Would like the Neighborhood Associations notified when we get a
notice. Tony Kleibecker, Public Safety Director, stated he would forward the notices to the
correct Neighborhood President.
Motion by Commissioner Wisneski, second by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 6:13

                                                                          MOTION PASSES

                                                                   Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk

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