City Commission Worksession Minutes 11-08-2010

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                       November 8, 2010
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Vice Mayor Gawron, Spataro, Wierengo, Shepherd, and
Absent: Commissioner Carter.

Blueways and Greenways.
Erin Kuhn and Kathy Evans presented the Blueways and Greenways plan. The Plan was funded
in part by the Michigan Coastal Management Program, Michigan Department of Natural
Resources and Environment through a grant from the NOAA, and leveraged with a lake
Michigan Watershed Academy grant from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and
the U.S. EPA.

Definitions: A Greenway is an undeveloped land usually in cities, set aside or used for
recreation or conservation. A Blueway is a body of water that features public access,
recreational opportunities, and promotes interaction with the water. A Green Infrastructure is
an interconnected network of open spaces and natural areas, such as greenways, blueways,
wetlands, parks, and forests that contribute to the health and quality of life for communities and

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Eric VanDop and Tim Arter of Brickley Delong were in attendance to present the shortened June
30, 2010 six month Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Wastewater Management Contract.
Robert Kuhn, former DPW Director, provided a history of the current Wastewater Contract and
what the new Wastewater Management Contract will offer the City.

Dave Wendtland, former City Manager and resident at 1399 Nelson, agreed with the comments
made by Robert Kuhn. The contract being offered is better than the current contract as is.

Scott Huebler, City Manager for the City of Whitehall, believes the agreement will serve
everyone well.

This item will be taken up at a future Commission meeting.
City Investment Overview.
Tim Paul, Finance Director, gave a detailed explanation and short history of the City’s
investments. The City’s priority is to make sure the funds are safe, the funds are accessible, and
what the yield will be.

Special Events.
Tony Kleibecker, Public Safety Director, presented a draft Special Events Policy submitted by

The Commission will review the policy and discuss it at a future meeting.

Any Other Business.
Comments were received from Commissioners and audience members.

Closed Session: Attorney/Client Privileged Communication.
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to go into closed
session for attorney/client privileged communication.

                                                                            ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Wierengo, Wisneski, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington.
Nays: None.

                                                                            MOTION PASSES

Motion by Commissioner Wierengo, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to come out of
closed session.

                                                                            MOTION PASSES.

Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 7:45

                                                                            MOTION PASSES

                                                              Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                   City Clerk

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