City Commission Worksession Minutes 12-07-2009

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                                      City of Muskegon
                                City Commission Worksession
                                      December 7, 2009
                                 City Commission Chambers
                                           5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Shepherd, Carter, Wisneski, Gawron, and Spataro.
Absent: Commissioner Wierengo.

Movement of Item on Agenda
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to move the
liquor license recommendations to the top of the agenda.

                                                                         MOTION PASSES

Liquor License Recommendations.
Staff presented proposed changes to the fees and policy of current temporary liquor licenses and
extension of existing liquor licenses. The Commission will consider the changes at its December
8, 2009 meeting.

F inal Amendments to 2009 Budget.
Final amendments to the 2009 budget were presented by the Finance Director. The
Commissioners asked that any needed budget cuts take place sooner rather than later.

2010 User Fee Update.
Tim Paul, Finance Director, presented the 2010 User Fees.

House Move Request – 1035 Pine Street.
The owner of 1035 Pine Street, Clement Coulombe, has plans to move the house to the vacant lot
he owns at 517 W. Webster Avenue. He is requesting that the City lower its estimated charge of
$9,000 - $10,000 for assistance in the move.

Staff will develop an hourly rate for the proposed house move for consideration at tomorrow’s
Commission meeting.

P roposed Alignment – Laketon Avenue, Seaway to Barclay.
Mohammad Alshatel presented the proposed alignment for Laketon Avenue, Seaway to Barclay.

Commissioner Carter left at 6:50 p.m.

F ire Assistance to Muskegon Heights.
The City Commission asked that current mutual aid agreements be evaluated.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest – Marine Tap Room.
Will be placed on the December 8, 2009 Commission meeting for consideration.

Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, seconded by Commissioner Wisneski to adjourn at
7:15 p.m.

                                                                      MOTION PASSES

                                                         Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                              City Clerk

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