City Commission Worksession Minutes 02-09-2004

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                           City of Muskegon
                     City Commission Worksession
                           February 9, 2004
                               5:30 P.M.
                      City Commission Chambers


1.   Milwaukee Clipper Request.
     Discussion was held regarding the request to move the Clipper to the site
     that is currently being used by the Port City Princess. Commission asked
     staff to send letters to the adjacent property owners for their comments.
     Those should be received prior to the first meeting of the City Commission
     in March so the commission can take action.

2.   Consider Appointment of a Historic Study Committee for
     Boilerworks property.
     Commission asked for this item to be postponed. Staff was requested to
     update commission in the near future.

3.   2003 Budget Final Amendments.
     Tim Paul reviewed the amendments with the Commission.

4.   D.M.D.C. Agreement.
     Discussion was held on this item. The item will be on the Tuesday,
     February 10th, 2004 agenda for action.
5.    Webster-Muskegon Turn-Back discussion.
      Commission asked to see a diagram of how it will look if turned back to a
      two way street. They also asked to have input from the residents about
      how they feel about the change. Staff was asked to provide this
      information to the commission as soon as possible.

6.    Fire Department Structure.
      There was considerable discussion on this item. Comments were heard
      from members of the Fire Department. Commission advised those
      present that they would have this item on the next agenda for action and
      until that time they would encourage comments from the public and

7.    Any other business.
      Various comments were heard.

8.    Adjournment.
      The regular worksession was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
City Clerk

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