City Commission Worksession Minutes 11-13-2006

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                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                      City Commission Worksession
                           November 13, 2006

The City Commission Worksession was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Vice Mayor

Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington (arrived at 5:42 from another meeting), Vice
Mayor Stephen Gawron, Commissioner Kevin Davis, Clara Shepherd, Lawrence Spataro,
Sue Wierengo, and Chris Carter

1.    Renaissance Place – Brookstone Capital
      Karl Chew, Kevin Woods, David Layman, Kevin Donovan, and Jim explained the
      PILOT proposal. Staff will bring a report back to Commission.

2.    Farmers’ Market
      Sarah Rooks gave an update.

3.    Fire Department Equipment and Staffing – Commissioner Davis
      City Manager Bryon Mazade and Public Safety Director Tony Kleibecker
      answered questions about equipment and staffing.

4.    Copy Machine/County Contract
      Finance Director Tim Paul gave an overview.

5.    487 W. Clay
      City Manager Bryon Mazade explained the three options:
      a) Eminent Domain
      b) Continue with Enforcement Action
      c) Do Nothing
      An update will be given at the next Worksession

6.    Downtown Parking
      City Manager Bryon Mazade explained the potential new parking facility to be
      constructed by the County.
      Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to
      direct staff to notify County that we will be willing to limit parking on the
      City streets to facilitate a parking ramp.
      VOTE: All Ayes

      Public comments were heard reference accessibility for the elderly at the
      Frauenthal and throughout downtown.
7.    Developer Relations – Commissioner Wierengo
      Commissioner Wierengo explained the importance of interactions with developers
      and realtors.

8.    Waiver of Special Event Late Fee – Old Newsies
      Motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Commissioner Carter to waive
      the $450 late fee for the Old Newsies Organization and allow them to only
      pay the $50 application fee.
      VOTE: All Ayes

9.    Fisherman’s Landing Contract Update
      Finance Director Tim Paul explained that we do not have a current operating
      agreement. We are negotiating a contract.

10.   The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 Linda Potter
                                                 Acting City Clerk

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