City Commission Worksession Minutes 04-10-2006

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                              CITY OF MUSKEGON


                                 April 10, 2006
                           City Commission Chambers
                                   5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Warmington at 5:33 p.m. Also present were
Commissioners Davis, Wierengo, Spataro, Shepherd, and Carter. Vice Mayor Gawron
arrived at 6:10 p.m.

   1.     W. Western Avenue Project Presentation. (URS Engineering Firm)

   Presentation by Craig Newhouse from URS Engineering. Questions from the City
   Commission and the public were answered.

   2.     Sister Cities Presentation. (Committee)

   Presentation by members of the Sister Cities Committee.

   3.     Muskegon/Webster Turn-back Presentation. (Commissioner Spataro)

   Mr. Bill Wright and Mr. Terry McAllister spoke on their frustration that the turn back
   of Muskegon and Webster is no closer to happening than years ago. Various
   comments were heard from the Commission and the public.

   Motion by Spataro, seconded by Wierengo, to direct staff to make plans to turn back
   Muskegon and Webster Streets to two way streets from Spring to 9th Street after they
   are turned over to the city from the State of Michigan.

   ROLL VOTE:  6 Yeas (Spataro, Gawron, Shepherd, Wierengo, Carter, Davis)
               1 Nay (Warmington)

   4.     2006-2007 Goals Clarification. (Commission)

   Commission Spataro stated that he supports the goal of improving relationship with
   Mart Dock, but asked what are we going to do to achieve this goal, and what should
   staff do. Discussion was held by members of the Commission. Commissioner
   Wierengo stated that the Commission should do some visioning on this and additional
   viable uses for the property. It was stated that at this time staff is not required to do
anything. Additional discussion by Commission was held. Mayor Warmington
appointed Commissioners Wierengo, Carter and Davis to meet with Mart Dock and
the Payne’s to discuss what their vision is for their properties. City Manager Mazade
asked that key staff also be a part of these meetings. Commission agreed to that

5.     Civil Service Charter Amendment. (Mazade)

City Manager Mazade referred to a memo that he had previously sent to the
Commission on this item, asking to modify or eliminate Civil Service from the
Charter. Discussion was held on reasons for request and time frame for placing the
proposal on the ballot. It was agreed by Commission to wait until the November
election to place the proposal on the ballot. Staff was asked to have attorney prepare
the language.

6.     Construction Bid Specifications. (Commission)

Commissioners Davis and Carter offered to meet with staff to discuss the process and
report back to rest of the Commission on their findings.

7.     Fisherman’s Landing Contract Renewal. (Slaughter)

Assistant City Manager Slaughter reviewed the contract with the Commission. She
was authorized to negotiate a one year contract with the changes as she outline to the

8.     Digital Spectrum Enterprises Contract Renewal. (Slaughter)

Commission agreed that they were satisfied with the relationship with DSE and that
the City should enter into a contract with DSE for video of City Commission
Meetings. Commissioner Davis expressed a wish for other meetings to be broadcast.
Such as Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and others. Discussion was
held on the schedule of programming and that when DSE gets their website up and
running that we link with that so viewers can fine when shows are going to be
broadcast. Commission also asked if some way could be found to measure how many
persons view the broadcasts.

9.     Any other business. Various comments were heard.

10.    Adjournment. The Worksession was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
City Clerk

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