Housing Board of Appeals Minutes 08-01-2013

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                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                MEETING MINUTES
                                 Date August 1, 2013
                                      5:30 PM

ATTENDANCE:          Mr. Krick, Mr. Borgman, Mr. Kolberg, Mr. Mackie

ABSENT:              Mr. Simmons, excused; Mr. Arthur, Excused; Mr. German

STAFF:               Chief Lewis, Hope Mitchell, Stephanie Johnson, Kirk Briggs

OTHERS:              Julie Spencer, 1085 1st St. Apt. 2.

Meeting minutes: A motion was made by Randy Mackie and seconded by William Krick to
approve the June 6, 2013 minutes.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                NAYES:        EXCUSED:                ABSENT:    ABSTENTION:
Randy Mackie
Greg Borgman
                                   Ed Simmons
                                                           Willie German
William Krick
Kirk Kolberg
                                   Boyd Arthur
Motion carried.

Chief Lewis suggested taking the cases out of order since we did have a representative of one
of the cases in the audience. It was determined to take the cases out of order.

Old/Other Business:

EN110191 – 1357 7TH – JULIE SPENSER – 1085 1ST ST. APT 2, MUSKEGON MI 49440

Julie Spencer, property owner, was present to represent case. Kirk Briggs was asked to
present to the Board where Julie Spencer is at with project. Dave (contractor), Julie Spencer
and Kirk Briggs met and went over the list of priorities and put into order of necessity. Dave
gave prices of $11,000 plus electrical and plumbing expenses bringing it closer to $18,000 for
repairs. Ms. Spencer is using student loan and has cash on hand to make repairs.

Julie Spencer agrees with the prices and hopes to start on basement. Furnace, chimney, roof
are complete and the tree has been removed from impeding the roof.

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Motion made to take house of Dangerous Building List as long as Ms. Spencer continues to
work with SafeBuilt. Estimate time to complete foundation and electrical is 45 days.

William Krick made a motion to remove 1357 7th Street as a Dangerous Building and place it
under the supervision of SAFEBuilt, and was seconded by Randy Mackie.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                NAYES:      EXCUSED:            ABSENT:     ABSTENTION:
Randy Mackie
Greg Borgman
                                 Ed Simmons
                                                     Willie German
William Krick
Kirk Kolberg
                                 Boyd Arthur

Motion carried.

Dangerous Buildings:

EN130022 – 860 EMERSON (garage) – ARIEL WILLIS, 3317 SANFORD ST. MUSKEGON,
MI 49444

Homeowner was not present. Home owners were advised the garage would have to be
demolished in timely manner.

Randy Mackie made a motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public
nuisance and was seconded by William Krick.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                NAYES:      EXCUSED:            ABSENT:     ABSTENTION:
Randy Mackie
Greg Borgman
                                 Ed Simmons
                                                     Willie German
William Krick
Kirk Kolberg
                                 Boyd Arthur
Motion carried.

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EN130036 – 709 E APPLE (to complete garage) – MARK CHIAVERINI – 4883

Homeowner was not present. Homeowner took out permit to repair but the owner decided to
demolish structure instead. As part of a demolition all concrete would need to be removed; but
some of the concrete has not been. The City Attorney advised that due to the time lapse; this
should go through the Dangerous Building process again.

Randy Mackie made a motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public
nuisance and was seconded by William Krick.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                NAYES:       EXCUSED:            ABSENT:      ABSTENTION:
Randy Mackie
Greg Borgman
                                  Ed Simmons
                                                      Willie German
William Krick
Kirk Kolberg
                                  Boyd Arthur

Motion carried.

EN130044 – 850 TURNER (all structures) – PONIROS QUITITES LLC., 13813 LILAC ST,

Homeowner was not present. Appropriate documents were sent to notify homeowner with no
response. The City’s Code Compliance Inspector had an appointment for an inspection at the
neighboring home and this was brought to his attention. The Inspector took the pictures of the
home before the City secured the home.

Kirk Kolberg made a motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public
nuisance and was seconded by Randy Mackie.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                NAYES:       EXCUSED:            ABSENT:      ABSTENTION:
Randy Mackie
Greg Borgman
                                  Ed Simmons
                                                      Willie German
William Krick
Kirk Kolberg
                                  Boyd Arthur

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Motion carried.

New Business: None

Other: Discussion on process of posting Dangerous Buildings, Future List of Dangerous
Buildings and Homes to be set to be demolished.

ADJOURNMENT:                6:07 PM

                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON


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                                  Ann Cummings, City Clerk
                                      933 Terrace Street
                                     Muskegon, MI 49443
                            (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-6773

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