Housing Board of Appeals Minutes 09-06-2007

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                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS
                                  MEETING MINUTES

ATTENDANCE:                 Randy Mackie, Ed Simmons, Greg Borgman, Nick Kroes


EXCUSED:                    Chris Carter, Kirk Kolberg, Jon Rolewicz

STAFF:                      Mark Kincaid, Jim Hoppus, Carmen Smith, Don LaBrenz, Ken
                            Murar, Henry Faltinowski, Scott Vanderwier

GUESTS:                     Patrick Inglot (3480 Wilcox), Kelvin Cunningham (571 W. Clay)

Meeting minutes: A motion was made by Randy Mackie and seconded by Nick Kroes
to approve the August 2007 minutes.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                       NAYES:             EXCUSED:                    ABSENT:           ABSTENTION:
Greg Borgman
Randy Mackie
                                               Jon Rolewicz
Nick Kroes
                                               Chris Carter
Ed Simmons
                                               Kirk Kolberg

Motion carried.


EN-060433 – 3480 Wilcox – Pat Inglot, 599 Grand Wood Ct NE, Grand Rapids, MI

Pat Inglot was present to represent case.

Mr. Inglot showed picture of proposed project. He said in the past two weeks they
have been doing alot work on the house, the roof is complete, all new decking,
windows set, interior framing completed. He said they are about $35, 000 into the
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house already and will be putting another $30,000-$42,000 that would include
plumbing, electrical & heating and hopes to be done in about 3 weeks. Greg Borgman
asked if Mr. Inglot plans to sell the house which he answered no, the property was a
great opportunity and hopes to eventually move into the house. Mark Kincaid said the
only reason the case is back is because we had no contact with Mr. Inglot and the
only permit issued was the building permit which expired 09/02/07 and Henry
Faltinowski was just scheduled today to do a progress inspection because a rough-in
can’t be done without the other trades being conducted first. Nick Kroes asked how
much time it will take to complete. Mr. Inglot said he plans to complete in about 3
weeks but finances are tight. Greg Borgman reminded Mr. Inglot that communication
is very important. Ed Simmons asked if work was done without proper permits. Henry
Faltinowski clarified that the building permit was issued but description was incorrect
stating just for demolition even though the dollar amount was paid to complete rehab.

Ed Simmons made a motion to table case until November 2007 meeting and was
supported by Nick Kroes.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                       NAYES:             EXCUSED:                    ABSENT:           ABSTENTION:
Greg Borgman
                                                                                              Randy Mackie

                                               Jon Rolewicz
Nick Kroes
                                               Chris Carter
Ed Simmons
                                               Kirk Kolberg

Motion carried.

EN-040042 -571 W. Clay – Kelvin Cunningham, 571 W. Clay, Muskegon, MI 49440

Kelvin Cunningham was present to represent case.

Mr. Cunningham said he realized after listening to first case that he’s back before
board because of lack of communication but was happy to say he had gotten a
approved rough-in on the building. He said he had spoken to Ken Murar about the
electrical issues and knows he needs to apply for an electrical permit but his finances
had been his reason for non-progress. He stated he had been out of work due to
knee replacement surgery since May 2006 and can’t go back to his job because he
can’t perform it. Greg Borgman asked if Mr. Cunningham had gotten any help. Mr.
Cunningham stated he had inquired about help but didn’t quality and Neighborhood
Investment Corporation had run out of funds at the time he inquired and the program

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was a 1 to 2 ratio but he didn’t have initial funds to put up front. Mr. Cunningham said
he still maintains that what caused the initial inspection of the foundation wall that was
concaved upon inspection it was revealed that the problem was exterior not a danger
to the building. Upon looking inside the home they called out issues that were
electrical that he had added himself and he appreciated the importance of proper
installation but when they said he had to rewire entire home he felt that went above
and beyond what was needed. He said he put new service and that was approved.
He said home has been in the family for 50 years or more and it’s not a rental. Greg
Borgman said statistics show electrical fires have dropped since it has been
monitored. Greg Borgman asked input from Electrical Inspector Ken Murar,. Ed
Simmons referred to pictures from 2004 and asked if things had been corrected. Mr.
Cunningham said all the living areas have been corrected. Ken Murar said he was
there about 1-1/2 years ago for a progress inspection. Mr. Cunningham asked if he
has to rewire the entire house or just address items in basement that he had added.
Ken Murar said in rewiring he could utilize code compliant wire that he already has but
it has to be installed code compliant in an approved method. Ken Murar reviewed
pictures and showed what items needs to be corrected and what methods are
approved. Ken Murar suggested he check with CNS to see if he might qualify now for
program and at that time Ken said he could meet with Mr. Cunningham. Nick Kroes
asked if case comes back if Mr. Cunningham would provide a proposal as to how he
plans to complete repairs.

Motion made by Randy Mackie and seconded by Ed Simmons to table case until
October 2007 meeting to allow owner time to inquire about programs to help him
financially to complete repairs.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                       NAYES:             EXCUSED:                    ABSENT:            ABSTENTION:
Greg Borgman
Randy Mackie
                                               Jon Rolewicz
Nick Kroes
                                               Chris Carter
Ed Simmons
                                               Kirk Kolberg

Motion carried.


EN-070047 – 1641 Beidler – Westside Leasing LLC, 1635 Beidler Street,
Muskegon, MI 49441

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No one was present to represent property.

Mark Kincaid stated we do have active permits on the property but the reason it was
brought before the board because we’ve had no rough-in inspections and no
indication that anything has been done at all. The building permit will expire in
October 2007 and the electrical permit will expire in November 2007 and we have had
no contact with owner. No mechanical or plumbing interior inspections have been

Motion made by Nick Kroes and seconded by Randy Mackie to table case until
November 2007 meeting.

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                       NAYES:             EXCUSED:                    ABSENT:            ABSTENTION:

Greg Borgman
Randy Mackie
                                               Jon Rolewicz
Nick Kroes
                                               Chris Carter
Ed Simmons
                                               Kirk Kolberg

Motion carried.


1942 Nevada, Sean Mullally, 850 Victor, N. Muskegon, MI 49445

No one was present to represent property.

Staff Recommendation: Deny appeal

Motion made by Randy Mackie and supported by Ed Simmons to accept staff

A roll call vote was taken:

AYES:                       NAYES:             EXCUSED:                    ABSENT:            ABSTENTION:

Greg Borgman
Randy Mackie
                                               Jon Rolewicz

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Nick Kroes
                                               Chris Carter
Ed Simmons
                                               Kirk Kolberg

Motion carried.


Greg Borgman reported that St. Paul’s church has deeded property at 487 W. Clay to
the Heritage Association and their intent is to sell and infill. Nick Kroes reported 143
W. Southern is coming upon 180 days of boardup and may need to go before Historic
Commission and asked if notification could be given to HDC before it comes before
the Housing Board of Appeals. Don LaBrenz suggested that someone from the
Inspections Department attend Historic District Commission meetings to alert them to
properties in question and discuss properties they are concerned about.


ADJOURNMENT:                         6:25 PM

                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON


The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services,
such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being
considered at the meeting, upon twenty-four hours notice to the City of Muskegon.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City
of Muskegon by writing or calling the following.

                                        Ann Becker, City Clerk
                                          933 Terrace Street
                                         Muskegon, MI 49443
                                (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-6773

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