Housing Board of Appeals Minutes 10-01-2015

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                MEETING MINUTES
                                  October 1, 2015

Chairman G. Borgman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

ATTENDANCE:           G. Borgman, B. Arthur, W. Krick, R. Mackie, E. Simmons, B. Turnquist,

ABSENT:               K. Kolberg, excused

STAFF:                H. Mitchell; J. Lewis, Public Safety Director; K. Briggs, SAFEbuilt;
                      D. Renkenberger

OTHERS:               L. Stewart, 235 W. Larch; L. Strait, 6500 Sullivan, Nunica; N. Spence,
                      6500 Sullivan, Nunica

Meeting Minutes:

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 3, 2015 was made by B.
Turnquist, supported by R. Mackie and unanimously approved.

Old Business

EN155690 – 235 W Larch (garage only) – L. Stewart, 235 W Larch, Muskegon, MI 49441. This
property is in the Nelson Neighborhood. This case was tabled from the August 2015 meeting,
with the condition that the owner would get a dumpster and work on getting the area around the
garage cleaned up. She was to provide an update at this meeting. As of 9/25/15 there had been
no permits obtained for repairs or demolition, nor had there been a timeline for repairs
submitted. The Code Compliance Inspector had gone to the house on 9/24/15 to take updated
photos showing the work that had been done so far. He also spoke with the owner and her son.
Wood and other debris that was on the side of the garage had been removed, as seen in the
photos. Property taxes from 2013 & 2014 were still delinquent as of 9/25/15.

L. Stewart updated board members on her progress. She stated that she removed debris, fixed
broken windows, and fixed the garage door. She still needed to hire a contractor to fix the area
of the wall that was bowed out. K. Briggs asked what the time frame was for fixing the remaining
issues. L. Stewart stated that she had spoken to two different contractors and they were both
busy with other jobs so she will need some time. She stated that she hoped to be able to finish
the work by November.

A motion to table this case until the November meeting to give the applicant time to get the
remaining work done on the garage was made by W. Krick and supported by E. Simmons, with
discussion continuing on the motion. Board members concurred that Ms. Stewart would not
need to return to the HBA in November if she had hired a contractor and pulled a permit by
then. W. Krick requested that SAFEbuilt communicate with the board regarding whether or not
that was done. Ms. Stewart stated that if she needed to come to the November meeting, she
would send her son, since she’ll be out of town. A vote was taken on the motion and

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unanimously approved, with G. Borgman, B. Arthur, W. Krick, R. Mackie, E. Simmons, and B.
Turnquist voting aye.

New Business

The cases were taken out of order with the cases having representation present being heard

EN158005 – 900 W. Grand – Leila Strait, 6500 Sullivan, Nunica, MI 49448. This property is
located in the Nims Neighborhood. The Notice & Order was sent and posted on the structure on
8/14/15; the owner had a trades inspection completed 9/4/15. The exterior defect list that was
posted with the Notice & Order and the trades inspection report were provided to board
members. A timeline for the repairs would be required if the owner planned to rehab the
structure. The following permits were obtained: 1) PB150401 – 14 Sq. tear off and re-
shingle/must tear off all layers; permit expires 11/29/2015, and 2) PE150350 –electrical permit
to add one outlet in the basement electrical panel; the permit expires 11/29/2015. Taxes are
current as of 9/25/15.

N. Spence spoke for her daughter, L. Strait. She stated that they had put a lot of money into the
house since they bought it, and they would like more time to get it fixed up and habitable. The
roof is half done, and they are trying to find someone to fix the foundation problem. They are
aware that the house needs a lot of work. K. Briggs stated that he would need cost estimates
and a timeline to get repairs completed. G. Borgman advised L. Strait and N. Spence to contact
SAFEbuilt for help with prioritizing the repairs and getting the timeline completed. K. Briggs said
to contact him before October 15. B. Turnquist pointed out that the permits expired at the end of
November, and asked why the roof would not be completed until spring. N. Spence stated that
the roof was in sections and they could only do one section at a time.

A motion to table this case until the November meeting to allow the applicants to contact
SAFEbuilt as directed and come up with a timeline and estimate for repairs was made by R.
Mackie, supported by B. Arthur and approved, with G. Borgman, B. Arthur, W. Krick, R. Mackie,
E. Simmons, and B. Turnquist voting aye.

EN158002 – 1592 5th St. – Donald & Betty Cheeks, 1488 Oak Ave., Muskegon, MI 49442.
This property is in the Nelson Neighborhood. A Notice & Order was sent and a copy posted to
the structure on 8/14/15.The owner called SAFEbuilt 8/28/15 and stated that they would be
calling to schedule a trades inspection the following week. As of 9/25/15, no trades inspection
had been scheduled. The 2013 and 2014 taxes are delinquent as of 9/25/15.

The applicant did not appear at the hearing. H. Mitchell stated that they did finally call and
schedule a trades inspection for 10/05/15, after they received a notice of this hearing. K. Briggs
stated that the options were to table the case or declare the house. B. Turnquist asked how long
the case had been in process. H. Mitchell stated that it was first written up back in May. E.
Simmons asked if it was occupied. H. Mitchell stated that it was not. J. Lewis stated that the
structures were posted as dangerous buildings in August.

A motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public nuisance was made by
E. Simmons, supported by R. Mackie and unanimously approved, with G. Borgman, B. Arthur,
W. Krick, R. Mackie, E. Simmons, and B. Turnquist voting aye.

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EN158003 – 329 Washington – Jim Ferretti, 6 River Rd., Norton, MA 02766. This property is
in the Nelson Neighborhood. A Notice & Order was sent and a copy posted to the structure on
8/14/15. The owner has had no contact with staff, nor has a trades inspection been scheduled.
The 2013 & 2014 taxes are delinquent as of 9/25/15.

The applicant did not appear at the hearing. G. Borgman stated that the house had been in that
condition for a long time. A motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public
nuisance was made by B. Arthur, supported by R. Mackie and unanimously approved, with G.
Borgman, B. Arthur, W. Krick, R. Mackie, E. Simmons, and B. Turnquist voting aye.


Grant funds for demolition. G. Borgman stated that the City had until spring to spend the rest of
the grant funds for demolitions. H. Mitchell discussed the tax sale properties and demolition
plans in the works. She stated that the grant requirements included an asbestos assessment, so
that would have to be done.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

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