Citizens District Council Minutes 11-07-2013

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Thursday, November 7, 2013

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Tom Pastoor, at 5:45 p.m.

Roll call was taken by Laura Hichue
Present:             Tom Pastoor, Addie Sanders-Randall, Rosalind Ford, Kim Burr
Excused:             Chris Carter
Absent:              Billie Quinn, Commissioner Markowski
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Laura Hichue

Mr. Pastoor introduced the new member on the board, Kim Burr, to the other board
members and explained the Board’s purpose, which was primarily being an advisory
group to the City Commission, that oversees the federal monies the City receives and
how it is spent.

Rosalind Ford made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 7, 2013, meeting.
Addie Sanders-Randall seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Oneata reviewed the changes that were made to the program from the previous
meeting that there were some households that were coming to the department multiple
times for assistance and some households had several liens on the property. With the
limited amount of money the City was receiving to use throughout the city, the Board
came up with a way to be able to be fair and say no. The Board decided to allow only 1
service every 10 years. The example that was used in May was a “forever lien”, which
meant a total rehab except for a roof, and would that homeowner be able to receive
another service, in this case, a new roof.

The question for the Board today is this limitation for the owner, the family or the
property itself.

Mr. Pastoor asked that when they sell the property, if there is a lien is it paid off.

Oneata stated yes, the City receives the money and the lien is paid off; but now there
may be a new buyer that may need a service. Does the 10 year limitation go with the
property or the family? There have been properties where the child of the owner
moves in after the parent has passed requesting service.

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Mr. Pastoor wondered if it could be both; if the person who got the services passed
away and the family decides to sell, the City receives the money back at the sale. He
then wondered if the new buyer should be penalized if the liens are paid off.

Mrs. Burr said there should be proof that it was an actual sale and not a relative or
someone trying to get around the system. She considered it as a clean slate and the
liens were paid off at the sale, the new buyer if they qualify, should be able to get

Mr. Pastoor asked what if the house is not sold and a family member moves into the

Oneata said that has happened and there is a situation where there is no lien on the
property but family members move in and ask for more assistance.

After discussion among members, Oneata stated that the question before the Board
today is regarding the 10 year limitation, does it apply to the owner or the house.

Mr. Pastoor stated that is why he mentioned “both” previously; 10 years for the
individual and 10 years for the home. He stated that with the minimal amount of
money available, why should one person or one home get it all.

Further discussion took place with different scenarios of people requesting assistance.
Mr. Pastoor asked if this would need to be approved by the City Attorney.

Oneata stated she did not believe that would be necessary. The Board has already
changed the policy to the 10 year limitation and this would just be a clarification.

Mrs. Burr moved that the 10 year limitation be clarified to be for the person (family) of
the household and that there must be a true sale of the property and all liens released
before honoring the new owner’s request for assistance if within the 10 year time limit.

Mrs. Sanders-Randall seconded the motion which passed unanimously by the members


   •   No New Business


   •   Forever Liens

Oneata explained that there were just a few Forever Liens with the City; these were
liens for total rehabs. Half of the lien was forgiven and a portion of the other half was
paid back and the other portion became a lien forever until the property is sold.

It was previously asked in May how many there were and currently there are 4. Three of
them are under $6,000 and the other is $24,000. Payments are being made on these

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Mr. Pastoor wanted to bring himself up to date on what was happening with this year’s
funds. Oneata explained there were 15 roofs done and some are still to be done in the
upcoming weeks. She stated they were seeing if there would be a lot of furnaces.

Mr. Pastoor asked about vinyl siding.   Oneata stated that there was one completed
and another underway.

Mr. Pastoor asked about the CHDO’s. Oneata stated that the agreements had been
signed and all 3 agencies, Habitat for Humanity, Community enCompass, and Trinity
Housing, were waiting to get their projects solidified and in order before proceeding.


Mrs. Ford moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Mrs. Sanders-Randall.

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Next meeting: December 3, 2013

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