Citizens District Council Minutes 12-03-2013

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Tom Pastoor, at 5:32 p.m.


Roll call was taken by Laura Hichue
Present:        Tom Pastoor, Addie Sanders-Randall, Rosalind Ford, Kim Burr, Chris
                Carter, Billie Quinn
Absent:         Commissioner Markowski
Staff Present: Oneata Bailey, Laura Hichue


Mr. Pastoor asked Mr. Carter if he had read the minutes and what his thoughts were
about the 10 year limitation policy as discussed at the November meeting. The main
issue was if the house stayed within the family the title had to be transferred and all
liens paid. Mr. Carter stated there should be several factors to be considered when
the situation arises, not just transfer of name.

Oneata stated that HUD did not like dealing on a case by case basis because it would
make the department subjective and possibly show favoritism. Mr. Carter wondered if
such a situation comes up should it come to the CDC on a case by case basis.

Further discussion took place reviewing the policy that was voted on last month, which
included an example of a home that had numerous services done and now was sitting

 Mr. Carter moved to approve the minutes. Mrs. Ford seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.


Oneata reviewed activity of the Priority Repair program; approximately 27 roofs were
done in the past fall and were finishing up the ones remaining on the list.
Mr. Pastoor asked how many areas of the City had assistance done. Oneata stated she
could get them the information showing the breakdown of work done by the Priority
Repair Program.
Oneata also reviewed the Rental Rehab program and noted that many of the cases
were being partnered with the County’s Lead Program. The City worked on 4 projects
with the County the past Fall.


     • 2014   Grant Applications

Oneata asked the Board when they would like to start the process for 2014; she
explained that the City will not know how much money it will receive until possibly April.
She stated there was a lot of interest in the grants this year and she is hoping there will
be enough to assist with the renovations of some parks in the City.
Oneata stated there was one in particular on Valley Street, the Joe Clifford Park, that
needs a new roof for the picnic shelter. She stated that bids had been sought but was
quite costly and they were seeking assistance for that. There is also a baseball field
that needs assistance at Sheldon Park. Oneata stated she would like to hold aside
some of the funding to do that work in the parks.

Mr. Pastoor stated that he thought the parks were part of the master plan that was
brought up before; since that plan did not go through, he wondered if that document
should be looked at to see what was wanted.

Oneata said it would be up to Bernadette to put in an application for the parks and state
what would be wanted and needed, what the City’s part was in maintaining the parks,

Mr. Pastoor said in the past the Board itself has given recommendations to the City
Commission on what to use the monies for. Discussion took place on the different
allocations the money is used for.

Oneata stated she would like to get the applications out by February so there would be
time for an organization to prepare a good application.

Mr. Pastoor asked who would be getting the applications and how are the notices

Oneata said that different groups had approached the City for suggestions and were
encouraged to apply.

Discussion took place over ways for the money to be used. Oneata stated there was
already $70,000 set aside for youth.

Oneata said it was open to anyone to apply because it is published in the newspaper.
After the applications are received, it is up to the CDC to make their recommendations
to the Commission. With several new commissioners and a new City Manager, she
stated now would be the time to talk to them about some new ideas for the grants.
It was suggested that Mr. Peterson be invited to the February meeting.

Further discussion took place regarding the application process.

Mr. Pastoor suggested that citizen ideas and input should be listened to also before the
applications are sent out.

Oneata stated that this is an opportunity to look at the youth and possibly a work
program. She mentioned the possibility of having a youth forum and get their input.

Mr. Pastoor reiterated that the applications should be done in February and look for
more and different applications and possibly tap into previous public comment sessions.

Mr. Carter stated that the focus of the allocations should shift to being more creative
and what the CDC wants to do. The direction may change with the new manager and


   •   Homes for Sale

Oneata stated there were currently 4 homes for sale; she indicated the realtor had
received an application for 1500 Leahy but it was incomplete.

Discussion took place about the Lease Option program, such as 1581 Division. Oneata
stated that HUD says as long as someone is in the home and it does not sell, it
becomes a rental. It cannot be up and sold again. In order to sell it, it has to be leased
for 30 days and then sold to them. It would be able to be moved into right away while
the closing process was happening and then sold.

Mr. Pastoor asked how long could someone lease a home; Oneata stated it is based on
the number of affordability years and HUD is satisfied. In the case of Division Street, it
is 20 years.

Oneata stated that HUD requires if a house has not sold within 6 months, they become
a rental. The lease option is still available because the house can still be sold within 36
months if the lease option does not work out.

The homes are sold to income eligible families and they have to be able to afford a

Discussion took place regarding different funding options and Oneata stated she would
be meeting with the City Attorney and would ask about land contracts, renting,
Purchase Money mortgages, etc.

Discussion took place regarding meeting in February and in the meantime, look at
previous public comments and lobby the commissioners to look at new ideas.

Mrs. Ford moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Mrs. Sanders-Randall.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m..

Next meeting: February 4, 2014

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