Citizens District Council Minutes 09-01-2015

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Chris Carter, at 5:30 p.m.

Roll call was taken by Laura Hichue, a quorum was present.
Present:             Chris Carter, Kim Burr, Addie Sanders-Randall, Emma Torresen
                     Commissioner Johnson
Absent:              Tom Pastoor, Rosalind Ford, Billie Quinn
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Laura Hichue

Mrs. Burr moved to accept the minutes of the June 2, 2015 CDC meeting; Mrs.
Torresen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


There was no Old Business to discuss.


The CAPER was the topic of discussion; Oneata reviewed some of the highlights of the
report. She discussed the amount of roofs that were completed and the problems of
getting them completed due to the storm in April, 2014.

Mrs. Torresen asked about the Home Buyer Assistance Program and if the total amount
of what was given was available. Oneata said she would get the information and add it
to the CAPER. Discussion took place about the information about the program that
was on the CAPER such as buyer information, neighborhood, and purchase prices.

Oneata explained that the program received funding from the sale of homes on Harding
and Division. She further discussed how the program has been operating since it

The Board further reviewed the different portions of the report.

Mr. Johnson asked about the Fair Housing Center report; Oneata explained what their
report means. She also said the Fair Housing reports could be sent with the meeting
minutes if the Board would like them.

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Mrs. Torresen asked about the CDBG Outcomes; Oneata reviewed the totals and said
the vinyl siding was incorrect and would be changed to the correct amount. The Board-
Ups were also discussed due to the increase in number. Oneata explained that there
were more people out, such as Planning and Safebuilt, and they were able to report
more properties needing boarding up.

Mrs. Sanders-Randall asked what Safebuilt did. Oneata explained their function and
the Planning Department’s.

Mrs. Torresen asked about ramps. Oneata explained that Love INC had not turned in
their final numbers for ramps. The numbers will be inserted in the report when

Mrs. Burr moved to approve the 2014 CAPER; Mrs. Sanders-Randall seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.


Oneata stated that Laura would be retiring in October and explained that they were
looking at different options for the position.

Oneata passed out flyers from Love INC about an event coming up at Hampton Farms
as a fundraiser.

Mrs. Sanders-Randall mentioned that there was going to be a Prayer Breakfast at the
Holiday Inn on September 18.

Mr. Johnson asked about the status of the CHDO’s. Oneata explained that one CHDO
was complete because they had used the money at the beginning of the project for
infrastructure. She further stated that she would be meeting with the other CHDO next
week to see where they were with their project.

Mr. Johnson asked if it was able to be stipulated where a CHDO can build so as to
compliment the City’s infill program. Oneata said they are supposed to align
themselves with what we have in the 5-year Consolidated Plan. She stated next year a
new Consolidated Plan will be written and will concentrate on the downtown area, but
most agencies have their own service target areas where they can make a bigger

Oneata said that it could be stated in the next year’s application that the City was
looking for agencies to build in a certain target area but was not part of the current


Mrs. Sanders-Randall moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Mrs. Burr seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.

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