Citizens District Council Minutes 04-05-2016

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016


         The meeting was called to order by Tom Pastoor, at 5:35pm


    Roll call was taken by Oneata Bailey.
     Present:
               Kim McDonald                                    Addie Sanders-Randall
               Chris Carter                                    Kim Burr
               Rosalind Ford                                   Tom Pastoor
               Veania Coleman                                  Ken Johnson
                                                                Oneata Bailey

        Absent: None
        Staff Present:
             Oneata Bailey


        Mrs. Ford motioned to approve the minutes from October 6, 2015; Mr. Carter seconded the motion which
passed unanimously.


        Suspend CDC meetings for December, and January

    Tom Pastoor stated that meetings for December and January will continue to be suspended until the council
decides differently.


        Consolidated Plan and Surveys

     Oneata explained that the plan is not finished and that the public still has an opportunity to view the plans and
the comment period is April 11th to May 11th. She also noted that all plans have to be submitted to HUD online, and all
cities in this region will have to submit their own individual action plans. Oneata explained that HUD requires that
every five years, each city submit a specific plan to present needs, and strategies to address the concerns of the
community. The plan gives a broad scope, based on the questions that HUD asks; the answers comprise what the
community looks like. But this year, all three communities decided that the consolidated plan would be done regional.
Collectively, each entitlement city has the same problems and similar needs. However, for the next five years, each
city has to submit its own specific annual plan to the citizens of their community. The Regional 5-Year consolidated
plan never changes unless there is an amendment.
     Oneata explained that some did not receive the community survey, so there were not as many results as planned
but the results did provide us with good information. There were 125 responses out of the expected 200.

        2016 Community Housing Development Organization Application(CHDO)

    Homeowner Rehab is not a CHDO eligible activity, and will not receive CHDO funding. The application for the
CHDO funding is doing for the two separate properties, which have two different outcomes. One is a rental and one is
going to be a home for sale to an income eligible homeowner which is CHDO eligible. There is always going to be
CHDO funding available, the 2015 funding budget has not been used up as of yet, funds are still available.

        2016 Activity Budget for CDBG and HOME funds

     This fiscal year is ending June 30th, and starts July 1st so we are still in the last quarter of the 2015 funding year.
The 2016 funding has not been deposited just yet. The HOME funds specific to housing units, producing new ones or
renovating old ones by bringing them up to code.
     Commissioner Johnson asked about the Homebuyers Assistance, Oneata explained that the Homebuyers
Assistance will continue until we no longer need it. She also explained that the program is being funded by program
income. Oneata announced that there would be three homes providing the funds, they are under construction
currently. There is nearly $6,000 left for this year, but no one is being turned away so applications are still being
accepted. Monies will be pulled from the program income funds as needed.
     Oneata also explained that the Neighborhood Grants fund is still at $18,000. Since the grant monies have not
been exhausted, Samantha Ferguson is going to try to go out into the community to establish some connection
between the CNS department and citizens. To make citizens of the community more aware and knowledgeable of the
many different programs Community and Neighborhood Services have to offer. As well as the funding assistance
available to help homeowners with housing repairs; interior as well as exterior for landlords and homeowners, to help
the communities look respectable. So if there are rentals in need, someone can make them aware that there is a Rental
Rehabilitation’s $30,000 funding budget. Oneata informed everyone that she will send out a new, more detailed and
updated Grant budget before the next meeting to better explain the proposed funding.


         Mr. Pastoor entertained a motion to adjourn, which was unanimously accepted.

         Next Meeting:
         The next meeting date is: May 3rd, 2016


          Oneata announced that Samantha was promoted to the Community Development Specialist position. She
works 25% of the time in the Planning office and the other 75% of the time managing the funding for the HOME’s
activities, for example the CHDO program.

         Oneata also explained that Carrie was promoted to Samantha’s old position and supervises the Vinyl Siding
and Priority Home Repair programs. Oneata shared that the secretary position is still vacant, but funds are available
to fund the position. Oneata explained that the position’s duties will include that of customer services/office
management duties, as well as assisting Carrie with CDBG programs: helping with clients with the application

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