Citizens District Council Minutes 05-03-2016

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016


         The meeting was called to order by Oneata Bailey in absence of the chair and vice-chair.


    Roll call was taken by Oneata Bailey, and a quorum was present.
     Present:
               Rosalind Ford                              Kim Burr
               Veania Coleman                             Ken Johnson
               Addie Sanders-Randall

        Absent:
             Kim McDonald

        Excused:
                 Chris Carter
                 Tom Pastoor

        Staff Present:
             Oneata Bailey


         Mrs. Burr motioned to approve the minutes, with minor corrections, from April 5, 2016; Mrs. Ford seconded
the motion, which passed unanimously.


        2016 Community Housing Development Organization Applications

     In reference to the two CHDOs, Oneata explained that there are funds to support the Habitat for Humanity in
building a new single-family home on Harding and Lincoln in the Lakeside neighborhood. There are also funds for
the two properties which Community enCompass is receiving from the Land Bank. One is a two-unit rental and the
other is a rehab which will be sold to a family. One is located on Fourth and the other by the new development.
     Oneata will be speaking to a HUD representative before the next meeting to make sure they are in agreement
regarding funding.

        2016 Activity Budget for CDBG and HOME Funds

    Oneata discussed the Activity Budget. She announced that the staff discussed the Youth Opportunities budget.
The leftover funds from Affirmative Action are typically used for Youth Opportunities, and $10,000 is remaining from
the 2015 fiscal year, so it was suggested that this activity not be funded for the 2016 year. The CDBG Admin budget
was increased for 2016 year in order to hire someone. The budget for the Priority Home Repair Program was also
increased, for the 2015 budget for the program was reduced from the usual amount in order to allocate the funds to
fix streets in Sheldon Park. The extra funds for the 2016 budget will be used to provide lead testing in water and
remedy it if needed. Target Neighborhood, Neighborhood Grants, and Love Inc. will not be funded for the 2016 fiscal
year, for they have a remaining balance. A new target neighborhood will be chosen, either Nims or Jackson Hills.
Funds will still be available for other neighborhoods. Mrs. Ford motions to approve the CDBG Activity, and Mrs.
Coleman seconds.
      The HOME Activity budget primarily consists of funds to assist in building a new house, rehabbing rentals, and
funding CHDO.


       DTE

    Oneata discussed the DTE Program upon request. Currently, only owner-occupied homes are eligible for this
program. Carrie will make an announcement about the program on the radio. This program will be discussed at the
next meeting as well to determine whether or not rentals should also be eligible for the program.


        Oneata entertained a motion to adjourn at 6:32pm, which was unanimously accepted.

        Next Meeting:
        The next meeting date is: June 7th, 2016


       Lead Grant

Oneata mentioned that CNS applied for a lead grant to address rental units in the community. Working alongside the
County, the City would address no more than five owner-occupied homes and 45 rentals. A child (age 6 or younger)
must live in the home to qualify for assistance from the Lead Grant.

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