Citizens District Council Minutes 05-14-2018

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
May 14, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Veania Coleman at 5:16 pm.

Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present.
    Present:
            Ken Johnson - Commissioner
            Veania Coleman
            Poppy Sias-Hernandez
            Kim Burr
            Jeremy Lenertz
    Absent:

    Excused:
              Tom Pastoor
              Scott Banninga
              Carrie Johnson
    Staff Present:
          Oneata Bailey
          Samantha Pulos-Porter


There were no minutes to approve – special budget meeting.

Budget: Discussion started immediately about the budget from top to bottom, as displayed


      Affirmation Action: no objections or changes. No funding will be allocated this year, the
       Finance department has absorbed the cost of staff’s salary for these services.
   Youth Opportunities/Summer Internships: Kim Burr asked for clarification if the amount
    has been reduced from previous amounts. Staff confirmed this was the same amount
    allocated last year.
   CDBG Admin: no objections or changes.
   Priority Home Repair: this line item was requested to revisit. Upon returning discussion
    to Priority Repair, the CDC recommended that it be reduced to $125,000 because of the
    excess of more than $240,000 from previous year funding.
   Service Delivery: Commission Johnson asked if most of existing funds will be used.
    Oneata and Samantha explained what will come out of this fund and when it will. CNS’
    Housing Rehab Specialist, Carrie Kotchka, is paid from this fund. Oneata explained the
    dollar amount represented in the balance will decrease as funds are drawn down from
    HUD. Kim Burr asked how the balance will change before the end of the fiscal year.
    Jeremy Lenertz asked how much we usually spend from this category yearly. Samantha
    explained that it also covers the cost of Carrie’s benefit package. Oneata estimated that
    the amount that will be carried over will be $10,000 as it has been in years past. Service
    Delivery was decided on to be kept the same.
   Vinyl Siding: Kim Burr asked if there was unspent funds. Amount will be kept at
   Senior Pilot Program: Original staff recommendation was $100,000. CDC recommended
    to fund Board Ups. In originally recommended staff budget, it was not funded. Multiple
    members of the CDC felt it was important. This was left at $90,000 after $10,000 was
    moved to the Board Ups category.
   Fire Station Bond Repayment: no changes or objections. Brief discussion to explain what
    this line items was had between multiple board members.
   Dangerous Bldg. /Demolition: 1st staff recommended budget did not fund demolition.
    CDC recommended to allocate $50,000.
   Dangerous Bldg. /Board-Ups: 1st staff recommended budget did not fund board ups.
    CDC recommended to allocation $10,000.
   Youth Recreation: no changes or objection. General discussion about which parties
    (Muskegon Public Schools, Boys and Girls Club, Port City Football) received the money.
    Small youth recreation grants of previous years were discussed and how the process has
    changed with staff changes at the City.
   Code Enforcement: CDC recommended to reduce this line item from $50,000 to $25,000
    because the City’s Code Enforcement makes money and experienced a profit of $150,000
    last year. The board felt that was adequate to cover the staff person’s salary paid by this
    line and that the City was doing better financially and did not need the support of CDBG
    funds that could better serve the community in another category.
   Smith Ryerson Park: no changes or objections. CDC board was in agreement the
    improvements are needed and this will be money well spent in the community.

       Line items for HOME funds were left as-is. There were no changes or objections.


   No staff reports – Special Budget Meeting

Poppy Sias-Hernandez motioned to adjourn the meeting, Kim Burr seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 pm.

The next meeting date is: June 5, 2018.

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