Citizens District Council Minutes 03-06-2018

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
March 6, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Veania Coleman at 5:35 pm.

Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present.
    Present:
            Ken Johnson - Commissioner
            Jeremy Lenertz
            Carrie Johnson
            Veania Coleman
            Poppy Sias-Hernandez
    Absent:
            Scott Banninga
            Kim Burr
    Excused:
                 Tom Pastoor
    Staff Present:
            Oneata Bailey
            Samantha Pulos-Porter

A motion to approve the minutes, by Jeremy Lenertz, from February 6, 2018; Carrie Johnson
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Citizens’ Participation Plan – Oneata gave a summary of the purpose and contents and the plan.
She described that changes made to the plan have to go out for citizen comment before being
approved by the City Commission.

New Members – Poppy Sias-Hernandez introduced herself and her connection with Muskegon.
She described involvement with the community through health care. She is also running for the
34th District Senate. She expressed frustration with the process of advocating in Lansing for what
we need locally and not being heard.
CDBG – new changes covered in February’s CDC Meeting were brought to our City
Commission and approved. CNS has started handing out and processing applications with the
new changes. CDC Members expressed their feeling of accomplishment at February’s meeting
working through the new program changes.

HUD Income Limits – CNS is checking daily for 2018 Income Limits that are used to determine
if citizens qualify for their programs.

Annual Action Plan – Oneata described this as being the time of year to change our programs or
how we spend our money. The Action Plan has to be presented to the public annually for their
comment. The CDC will discuss their thoughts on the Action Plan and add them prior to
submission. CNS currently does not have a budget but continues to plan as much as possible for
the next year. Vice-Chair Coleman asked when the budget number will be available, Oneata
explained that the CDC will get the information when CNS gets the information from HUD.

Homebuyers Program -- a small group of realtors and lenders will meet with CNS staff in March.
Changes that may need to be made to the program will be discussed. The program has slowed
down significantly since the beginning. Buyers can get a conditional approval letter based solely
on the qualification of income. The approval is good for 6 month, as is the required homebuyer
education class certificate received upon completion of the class.

   1350 EASTWOOD
     Rehab is complete. Open house was held and successful. The house appraised for
     $160,000. Realtor is Kay Pittman through Greenridge Realty.

      1025 E Forest – Rehab is being awarded and going to the Commission for approval.

      1015 E Forest – CNS also purchased this house and will be rehabbing the property. Lead
       and asbestos inspections are being scheduled and the property will be going out for bid,
       most likely in the beginning of April.

Carrie Johnson motioned to adjourn the meeting, Poppy Sias-Hernandez seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting date is: April 3, 2018.

Advertising for CNS’ programs was discussed. CNS can put information out on social media and
through neighborhood associations. Mlive sometimes picks up the story after it is posted.

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