Citizens District Council Minutes 06-05-2012

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Liz Parker at 5:40p.m.

Roll call was taken by Liz Parker.
Present:             Chris Carter, Rosalind Ford, Lori Rasmussen, Addie Sanders-
Excused:             Virgie Jackson, Tom Pastoor, Jonathan Phillips
Absent:              Steve Gawron
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Liz Parker

Chris Carter made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 3, 2012 and
February 7, 2012 meetings. Rosalind Ford seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

       • Introduction of New Members
Lori (nee Duff) Rasmussen and Chris Carter were introduced.

        • Citizen Participation Plan
Oneata passed out a copy of the plan to those who did not have it. The plan explains
citizen participation and the CDC and addresses how CDBG and HOME activities work.
There is also an amendment to be decided for clerical updates. The group decided to
table those updates until the September meeting.

       • CDC By-laws
These govern how the CDC conducts business. They were passed out to those who
did not have a copy.

       • 2012 – 2013 Action Plan
Oneata Bailey explained the Action Plan is submitted to HUD’s Detroit office each year,
advising them what the CNS department will do with their funds, beginning July 1. This
report advises HUD how the CNS is utilizing funds from the Federal government. The
2012 – 2013 Action Plan has been submitted and is currently being reviewed. CNS is
waiting for approval so they can start their 2012 – 2013 CDBG/HOME programs. Chris
Carter asked if CNS is continuing to handle Norton Shores’ CDBG program and Oneata
advised they are.

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      • 2010 – 2011 CAPER Approved
The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) is submitted after
the end of each grant fiscal year to HUD to advise them what was done with their funds,
what were the successes and what goals weren’t met. The 2010 – 2011 CAPER has
been approved. In September, CNS will submit the 2011 – 2012 CAPER. Prior to
submission, the CDC will review the report and discuss it at the September CDC

      • Vote for Chair and Vice Chair
Since three members were not in attendance, Rosalind Ford made the motion to
postpone the voting for Chair and Vice Chair until there were more people. Chris Carter
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

       • Vinyl Siding Program Payments
Oneata said costs for the vinyl siding can range from $4,700 – over $11,000, depending
on the size of the house. She gave a handout of what projects had been done and their
costs. Having homeowners pay something towards this would give them some
ownership and responsibility of what they are receiving. The fee being suggested is $0
for household incomes at or below 50% AMI. Over 50% AMI the fee would be $250.
Chris Carter made the motion to have a fee of $250 for household incomes over 50%
thru 60% AMI and a $500 fee for household incomes over 60% AMI. Lori Rasmussen
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

       • CDBG Neighborhood Improvements - Project-driven Improvements
As new construction and rehabilitation of homes is done in the neighborhoods by CNS,
Oneata would like to contact the neighbors to see if there is anything they need to have
done in their homes: repair fencing, doors, etc. Of course they would have to income
qualify under the CDBG program. Currently there is a rehab going on in the McLaughlin
neighborhood at 1733 Manz and she will be contacting the neighbors and attending the
McLaughlin Neighborhood Association meeting. There will also be new construction in
the Jackson Hill neighborhood and she will be doing the same thing when that project
starts at 605 Jackson.

       • Emergency Repair now Priority Housing Repair
HUD has advised Oneata that she cannot use the word “Emergency’ in her home repair
program because HUD looks at ‘emergency’ as a disaster. CNS has changed the name
to Priority Housing Repair. CNS will prioritize what repairs are health or safety issues
and what repairs can wait.

      • 2265 Lincoln – Rehab Complete
This HOME rehabilitation project is now complete and the home is for sale.

The group is down two members as Stephanie Marion resigned. There is also the
question of which City Commissioner will be assigned as the CDC rep since Mayor
Warmington is resigning and Steve Gawron, Vice Mayor and current CDC rep, might be
voted in as the new Mayor.

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      • Next CDC Meeting
As there are no pertinent activities during the summer, the next meeting will be
Tuesday, September 4, 2012, at 5:30pm in Conference Room 203.

Liz Parker adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.
Respectively submitted,

Liz Parker
Community and Neighborhood Services
City of Muskegon

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