Planning Commission Minutes 03-13-2014

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                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                              PLANNING COMMISSION
                                                REGULAR MEETING

                                                     March 13, 2014

Board member B. Mazade called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                        L. Spataro, B. Mazade, S. Gawron, F. Peterson, S. Wisneski

MEMBERS ABSENT:                         Excused: J. Doyle, T. Michalski, B. Larson, B. Smith

STAFF PRESENT:                          M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                         T. Mills, 2350 S. Getty St; C. Walters, 2253 Continental


A motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 13, 2014 be approved, was made by F.
Peterson, supported by S. Wisneski and unanimously approved.


Hearing, Case 2014-05: Request to rezone the properties at 2306 & 2320 South Getty Street from B-
4, General Business District to I-2 General Industrial District, by Timothy Mills. M. Franzak
presented the staff report. Port City Architectural Signs operates their business at 2350 S. Getty Street.
They manufacture signs at this location, which is zoned I-2, General Industrial, and they also own
properties to the north at 2306 and 2320 S. Getty Street. Half of the parcel at 2320 is zoned I-2 and
half of it is zoned B-4, General Business. The parcel at 2306 S. Getty Street is zoned B-4. They
would like to have all of these properties zoned I-2 so that they can expand their operations. Both
parcels measure roughly 0.4 acres with approximately 100 feet of road frontage each, and each parcel
contains a building. There appears to be enough parking at this location for industrial uses. However,
the applicant will still be required to apply for a site plan review on this property (staff review) because
it is a change of use. Properties to the north of the subject parcels are zoned for business and
residential; properties to the east are industrial. The properties to the west are located in Muskegon
Heights and are mostly zoned for business. This area is on the border of the Medendorp Industrial
Park. Notification was sent to property owners within 300 feet of these properties and staff had not
received any comments. The Master Plan recommends keeping this area flexible in terms of business
and industrial uses, and staff recommends approval of the rezoning to accommodate the growing

T. Mills stated that they had been in business at the current location for about seven years, and they
were asking for the rezoning in order to expand their business. C. Walters lived nearby and was
concerned about noise levels, and how the rezoning would affect his property. T. Mills stated that
there should not be any additional noise, and there should be minimal impact on surrounding
properties. C. Walters stated that he was not opposed to the request.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by S. Gawron, supported by F. Peterson and
unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes – 3/13/14                                                                     1
A motion that the request to rezone the properties located at 2306 and 2320 South Getty Street from B-
4, General Business District to I-2, General Industrial District as described in the public notice, be
recommended for approval to the City Commission, was made by L. Spataro, supported by S.
Wisneski and unanimously approved.




Zoning Ordinance update – M. Franzak informed Planning Commissioners that the next step in the
zoning ordinance update was a public hearing to be held on March 26 at the Century Club ballroom.

L. Spataro had two comments regarding the update: He asked that staff be sure to include the
southeast area of the downtown, near Pine and Spring Streets, when considering the zoning ordinance
changes, and also to keep safeguards in place to keep the older large homes from being divided into

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m.

Planning Commission Minutes – 3/13/14                                                               2

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