Planning Commission Minutes 10-15-2015

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    SPECIAL MEETING

                                       October 15, 2015

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:             T. Michalski, B. Mazade, J. Doyle, L. Spataro, B. Larson, J.
                             Montgomery-Keast, B. Smith

MEMBERS ABSENT:              F. Peterson; S. Gawron, excused

STAFF PRESENT:               M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:              L. Wells, Williams & Works


J. Montgomery Keast stated that her name was not included in the roll call list of aye votes for
the cases. A motion that the minutes of the special meeting of September 10, 2015 be approved
with that correction, was made by B. Larson supported by J. Doyle and unanimously approved.


Hearing, Case 2015-17: Staff-initiated request to adopt the Muskegon Parking Strategy as part
of the Master Land Use Plan. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The final draft of the
Parking Strategy was completed on July 6, 2015. In order to adopt the strategy as part of the
Master Plan, the City had to distribute copies of it to neighboring municipalities for review and
comment. The 43 day comment period has expired with staff receiving no comments. The
Planning Commission is now being asked make a recommendation to the City Commission to
adopt the Parking Strategy as part of the Master Plan by way of resolution. A copy of the
Parking Strategy can be viewed at

Lynee Wells, the City’s consultant from Williams & Works made a presentation on the strategy
at the meeting. She provided an overview of the parking strategy and described how information
was gathered. She stated that ample and affordable parking was continually mentioned as
something the public wanted for the downtown. She reviewed the 6 strategies listed in the plan.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Larson, supported by B. Smith and
unanimously approved.

A motion that the Parking Strategy be recommended for approval to the City Commission for
inclusion in the Master Plan was made by L. Spataro, supported by B. Larson and unanimously

approved, with T. Michalski, B. Mazade, J. Doyle, L. Spataro, B. Larson, J. Montgomery-Keast,
and B. Smith voting aye.
Hearing, Case 2015-18: Request for a major departure from the zoning ordinance and site plan
approval for a new building at 650 Terrace Street, by Henrickson Architecture. M. Franzak
stated that the applicant had turned in an incomplete site plan for a mixed use retail and office
building. The applicant has since requested to table this case.
A motion that this case be tabled per the applicant’s request was made by B. Larson, supported
by J. Montgomery-Keast and unanimously approved, with T. Michalski, B. Mazade, J. Doyle, L.
Spataro, B. Larson, J. Montgomery-Keast, and B. Smith voting aye.
Case 2015-19: Request for a site plan review for an 11,099 square-foot building addition at
1690 Creston St, by Production Fabricators. M. Franzak presented the staff report. Production
Fabricators is an industrial company located at 1608 Creston St in Muskegon Township. The
City of Muskegon owns the adjacent property to the south at 1690 Creston St, which is zoned I-
1, Light Industrial. This parcel is used by Muskegon Central Dispatch (MCD) and has a large
communications tower on site. The City of Muskegon is in the process of selling a portion of
this parcel to Production Fabricators so that they may expand their business. The remainder of
the parcel at 1690 Creston St will continue to be used by MCD. A rendering of the proposed lot
split was provided. The site plan meets all applicable setback requirements. They are utilizing
the zero lot line side setback provision, which allows them to build all the way to the property
line on the north, which will connect to the existing building on the parcel in Muskegon
Township. They must also work with Muskegon Township to get zoning approval for
improvements located there. There are the following problems on the site plan that can be fixed
with a revised plan: First, the maneuvering lane for the loading dock is not large enough. As
currently presented, trucks would have a difficult time backing into the loading dock without
driving onto the neighboring property used by Muskegon Central Dispatch. The survey should
be revised to give Production Fabricators more land to the south so that trucks can easily back
into the loading docks. Also, an easement should be granted to Muskegon Central Dispatch to
allow them to access the utility sheds located within the fenced-in area. Staff has shared these
concerns with the applicant and they are working on the revised plan. Second, the plan shows
landscaping, pavement and stormwater retention areas on the parcel that will be utilized by
MCD. The plan must be revised to show improvements on their property only. There may not be
any landscaping, pavement or stormwater retention areas on the neighboring parcel. Staff has
shared these concerns with the applicant and they are currently revising the plans. In addition,
the Fire Department does not have access around the entire building. The applicant needs to
provide access within 150 feet of all portions of exterior walls. The Fire Marshall has scheduled
a meeting with the Muskegon Township Fire Department to review the plans on October 13.
The building may have to be sprinkled or repositioned on the site. An additional fire hydrant
may also be required, as there wasn’t one shown on the plan. There is a utility pole located on
site that will have to be moved to make room for the building addition. This pole will be moved
at the expense of Production Fabricators and is a condition set forth in the purchase agreement of
the property. Staff will be taking the lot sale request to City Commission on October 27. Staff is
asking Planning Commission to approve the plans contingent upon the sale of the lot.
M. Franzak stated that the plan had already gone through many changes. He was hoping the

stormwater issue would be resolved by now, but they were still working on it. B. Larson asked if
it was too soon to bring the plan before the Planning Commission for approval. M. Franzak
stated that it was up to the Planning Commission whether they wanted to approve the plan and
let staff handle any revisions, or table the plan until the aforementioned issues are resolved. J.
Montgomery-Keast asked if staff had a solution for the stormwater issues. M. Franzak stated
that the stormwater must stay on the applicant’s property, and pointed out on the site map the
areas that could be utilized. He stated that MCD’s lot must also remain a legal sized, conforming
lot. T. Michalski had concerns with the configuration of the parcel, and preferred that the
applicant return to the Planning Commission with a more complete site plan. L. Spataro
concurred. S. Grabinski of MCD spoke on their behalf. She stated that her concerns were the
grounding wires for the tower, and the need to maintain the integrity of the lot for possible future
development. She also stated that any possible radio interference would have to be considered.
She answered the boards questions about the dispatch communications system.
A motion to table this case until a more complete site plan is ready that addresses the issues
discussed was made by J. Montgomery Keast, supported by B. Smith and unanimously




There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


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