Planning Commission Minutes 02-16-2017

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    REGULAR MEETING

                                        February 16, 2017

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               B. Mazade, F. Peterson, S. Gawron, B. Larson, J. Doyle, T.
                               Michalski, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast, M. Hovey-Wright.

MEMBERS ABSENT:                None

STAFF PRESENT:                 M. Franzak, H. Mitchell

OTHERS PRESENT:                K. Callow, (Melching) 2110 Geneva Lane; S. Bulthouse, 1221 &
                               1241 E. Keating.


A motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 12, 2017 be approved was made by
B. Mazade, supported by F. Peterson and unanimously approved.


Hearing, Case 2017-02: Request for a Special Use Permit to store aggregate outside in an I-2,
General Industrial district at 2051 Harvey St, by Phoenix Reclamation. The applicant is requesting
a Special Use Permit to allow outdoor aggregate storage at 2051 S Harvey St. Outdoor aggregate
storage is allowed with a Special Use Permit in I-2 Districts. The aggregate would be stored on the
south side of the property as indicated on the enclosed site plan. A gravel road would allow access
to the storage area from the main driveway. There is a natural wooded area currently in this
location. Most of the trees would be removed, but a small buffer of trees will stay on the eastern
border of the property to help screen the piles from the highway. Staff will be working with the
applicant before the meeting to better identify which trees will remain. The Home Acres Supply
building will also screen some of the highway traffic from the aggregate. There are a few
businesses that utilize the building on site. Phoenix Reclamation is requesting the Special Use
Permit. The property is currently in violation of the zoning ordinance. A tenant of the building has
been storing products in trailers in the parking lot. Any outdoor storage in industrial districts must
be screened. There is not currently any fencing or landscaping that screens the outdoor storage.
Also, many of the trailers and other vehicles are parked on the grass, which is also in violation of
the ordinance. Staff has been working with the owner of the company over the past couple years
to remove the trailers, but they have failed to meet any of the deadlines as of yet. Notice was sent
to neighboring properties within 300 feet. This also includes the residential properties adjacent to
the property that are in Muskegon Township.

B. Larson liked that this will be located elsewhere and not on the waterfront. There were questions
regarding the trailers that are located at this site currently. M. Franzak stated that the owner is
working to get the tenants to remove the trailers. K. Callow reiterated how they have been working
on getting the tenant to remove the trailers and that it would be better to have the aggregate located
off the lake and placed at this location in an industrial area. J. Montgomery-Keast asked where the
aggregate would be coming from. K. Callow stated it would be from the former Sappi site. S.
Bulthouse, Beacon Recycling, had a question of the applicant in regards to what kind of aggregate
would be stored there due to concerns if it were sand, it would be blowing around. K. Callow
confirmed that it would not be sand, but concrete. S. Bulthouse stated he had no concerns then.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Larson, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast
and unanimously approved.

A motion that the Special Land Use Permit for the outdoor storage of aggregate at 2051 Harvey
St be approved as proposed with the condition that aggregate storage shall only be permitted
within the boundaries defined on the site plan, was made by J. Doyle, supported by F. Peterson
and unanimously approved.


Election of Officers: A motion that T. Michalski as Chairman and B. Larson as Vice-Chairman
was made by B. Mazade, supported by F. Peterson and unanimously approved.

Update on 2160 Crozier Ave.: M. Franzak updated the members on how the Special Use Permit
had a deadline of January to get signed. If this wasn’t signed by the deadline; then this would be
revoked. He had spoken with Marianne McDermed who had stated that the board was to have a
meeting on the 26th but the board wasn’t sure about signing it because they couldn’t host people
staying there overnight. M. Franzak informed them that they would not be allowed to do it
regardless. The finally signed it and it was on his desk.




Service Station Concerns:

   1) There was discussion about the service station North of the above station near Evanston.
      M. Franzak stated that they did put slats into the current fencing to comply with screening
      based on the zoning ordinance. There are a lot of tires at the location so storage was an
      issue. They were also without water service and there had been a fire J. Montgomery-
      Keast also mentioned a recent fire at the location.

   2) There was discussion about the service station North of E. Laketon on Getty due to the
      unsightliness of how the vehicles are, etc. M. Franzak stated that there had been no water
      and there are a lot of other issues there. He may need to start issuing tickets again. M.
      Franzak stated that he has been working with SAFEbuilt on enforcement of this property
      and he will write the owner another ticket.

   3) There was discussion about the service station that is near the WaterMark at Division and
      Washington. The use has been at the location for a very long time. They may continue
      with the service station at the location.
   4) B. Larson asked if the PUD zoning had been approved by the City Commission yet for
      the Consumers Energy site. There was discussion as it had not been before the
      Commission yet. There were negotiations for the sale of the property. There was
      discussion on other areas that are currently storing aggregate on the lakeshore and due to
      the fact, they are “grandfathered” the use may continue. The goal is to try to get it off the
      lakeshore or shielded whenever possible.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.

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