Planning Commission Minutes 07-13-2017

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                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                   PLANNING COMMISSION
                                     REGULAR MEETING

                                            July 13, 2017

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              F. Peterson, T. Michalski, B. Larson, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast,
                              B. Mazade

MEMBERS ABSENT:               S. Gawron, excused; J. Doyle, excused; M. Hovey-Wright

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               M. Chandler, 878 Ducey; M. Cole, Paradigm Design; R. Meacham,
                              1085 W Sherman Blvd.


A motion to approve the Minutes of the special Planning Commission meeting of June 15, 2017 was
made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved.


The first two cases were heard out of order, with case 2017-19 being heard first.
Hearing, Case 2017-19: Request for a Special Use Permit to operate a car dealership at 1361 South
Getty Street, contingent upon the successful rezoning of the parcel to B-4, General Business District,
by Laquan Robinson. The property is located on the corner of Getty St and Catawba St and is
roughly a quarter acre in size. A 1,250 square foot office building is located on site, which has been
vacant since 2010. The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit to operate a car sales lot. A site
plan was provided, showing spaces for up to eight cars for sale. The grass area to the south of the
Getty Street entrance would be paved with matching concrete to allow for two vehicle display spaces.
There will also be two parking spaces, one for customers and one for employees. The plan also
shows removal of the tree near the intersection to increase visibility. Three new small shrubs would
be planted in its place along Getty Street. The property has a curb cut on both Getty and Catawba.
The ordinance requires that ingress and egress to the outdoor sales area shall be at least 60 feet from
the intersection of any two streets; both curb cuts at this location are over 60 feet from the

M. Franzak provided a map showing the different uses of buildings in this area. He stated that, after
studying the area, it could use some rezoning in the future. He distributed a suggested list of
conditions, should the board decide to approve the special use permit. B. Mazade asked about a
change of use permit. M. Franzak stated that those were issued by the Building Inspection
Department. He had spoken to the building inspector and there were mainly cosmetic work that
needed to be done.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade, supported by B. Larson and
unanimously approved.

B. Laron stated that it was better to have a building occupied than for it to continue to sit vacant. B.
Mazade stated that his concern was with the change to B-4 zoning.

A motion that the request for a Special Use Permit to operate a car sales lot at 1361 South Getty
Street be approved, contingent upon the approval of the rezoning request to B-4, General Business
District and with the conditions that 1) a change of use permit for the building is issued by the
Inspections Department before staff signs off on the Special Use Permit, 2) A maximum of eight cars
for sale will be allowed and must be parked as shown on the site plan; at least 2 spaces must remain
for employees/customers; 3) The additional pavement must be put in place; 4) The landscaping must
be incorporated as shown on the plan, and 5) the Special Use Permit is to be revoked if any of the
above conditions are not met, was made by B. Larson, supported by E. Hood and unanimously
approved, with F. Peterson, T. Michalski, B. Larson, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast, and B. Mazade
voting aye.
Hearing, Case 2017-18: Request to rezone the property at 1361 South Getty Street from B-1,
Limited Business District to B-4, General Business District, by Laquan Robinson. M. Franzak
presented the staff report. The property is located on the corner of Getty and Catawba Streets and is
roughly a quarter acre in size. A 1,250 square foot office building is located on site, which has been
vacant since 2010. The property is zoned B-1, Limited Business District. The properties to the north
are zoned B-4, General Business District and properties to the south are zoned R-2, Single Family
Medium Density Residential. The B-1 District in this area serves as a buffer between the residential
neighborhoods and the more intense businesses in the B-4, General Business District. However,
many of the properties in these B-1 Districts are actually homes with the ability to operate limited
businesses. The property at 1361 S Getty fits the characteristics of B-4 zoning because of the
commercial building on site. The B-1 zoning designation limits the usage of the property, which is
evident from its long vacancy. The applicant would like to operate a car sales lot at this location,
which requires B-4, General Business District zoning and a Special Use Permit (see case 2017-19).
Written notice was mailed to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet. A letter opposing the
request was received from L. DeLong, 777 Hill Ave.

No public comments were made. A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade,
supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved.

B. Mazade stated that his concern was that the B-4 zoning designation would open up to the property
to many other uses, such as automobile repair shops. M. Franzak stated that the property on the west
side of Getty St between Evanston and Larch would already allow that type of use, as it was already
zoned B-4. The parcel at 1361 S Getty was not really suitable for that type of use. M. Chandler
stated that they would be doing auto repair at a separate location; this location would only be used for
display of cars for sale.

A motion that the request to rezone the property at 1361 South Getty Street from B-1, Limited
Business District to B-4, General Business District be recommended to the City Commission for
approval, was made by F. Peterson, supported by E. Hood an unanimously approved, with F.
Peterson, T. Michalski, B. Larson, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast, and B. Mazade voting aye.

Hearing, Case 2017-20: Request for a Special Use Permit for a self-storage facility in a B-4,
General Business District at 1054 West Sherman Blvd by Sherman Self Storage. M. Franzak
presented the staff report. The property is zoned B-4, General Business District and measures almost
eight acres. There is a creek running though the northeastern corner of the property. The plan calls
for the eventual split of the property to include two new out-lots fronting Sherman Blvd. A 28-foot-
wide drive will provide access to the rear property, and a security gate will be located at the end of
this drive before the entrance to the storage units. The applicant also owns the self-storage units
located at 2495 Barclay St. They initially wanted to extend those storage units to the west; however,
staff encouraged them to look elsewhere, as that property is zoned for residential use and has the
potential to become a new neighborhood. The applicants were able to find this nearby location,
which is properly zoned and located just down the street. The project will include two phases for
development: Phase I will include 118 units and Phase II will include 213 units. There is adequate
lighting for the storage units, all of which are 100% cutoff and downward facing to reduce light
pollution. The landscaping plan also calls for a nice mixture of plantings at the entrance of the
private drive. There is an existing sidewalk that runs the whole frontage of the parcel. There are no
parking spaces proposed, as there is no need for customers to park other than in front of their units.
There are adequate driving lanes for emergency access. There is a stormwater retention basin located
just north of the proposed storage units and there will also be a large wooded area remaining between
the units and the creek. It appears to be a solid stormwater retention plan that will allow water to be
naturally filtered before entering the watershed. However, stormwater calculations still need to be
provided to staff. The plan meets the requirements to operate a self-storage facility, with the
exception of the extra parking spaces. Staff recommends eliminating this requirements for these
extra spaces, as the extra spaces provided at their other location on Barclay Street remain unused.
Written notice was mailed to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet.

B. Larson stated that there was a former junkyard at that location, and asked the applicant if they had
had any soil testing done. M. Cole stated that they would have environmental testing done at the site.
M. Franzak pointed out the suggested conditions of approval, based on comments from the Fire
Marshall and water department. M. Cole described the project. J. Montgomery-Keast stated that the
storage units were a great use for this site. She provided some history of the pollution on the site and
nearby Ruddiman Creek, and asked what the soil testing showed. M. Cole stated that they did not
have the report back yet, but Lakeshore Environmental had already been out there. The project
would essentially cap the site. The results of the soil tests would determine what had to be done for
the retention pond. There was also a monitoring well on the site. M. Franzak stated that the City
Engineer had reviewed and approved the plan. R. Meacham spoke on behalf of the CWC plant
located across the street from the subject property. They were concerned with potential problems on
Sherman Blvd due to increased traffic, as the road narrowed right in front of their driveway. They
had 50 to 70 semi trucks per day coming into their driveway and it was a very congested area. B.
Larson stated that the traffic increase for the storage units would be intermittent, unlike a retail use
with steady traffic. F. Peterson stated that, considering this was a large parcel on a major
thoroughfare, the proposed storage units would be a low-impact use.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade, supported by B. Larson and
unanimously approved.

A motion that the request for a Special Use Permit to operate a self-storage facility at 1054 West
Sherman Blvd be approved, with the the conditions that 1) A key box is to be placed at the security
gate for Fire Department access; 2) A private fire hydrant is to be located on site, to be determined by
the Fire Marshall, and 3) Development must remain at least 50 feet away from the sanitary sewer
shown on the plans, was made by B. Mazade, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast and unanimously
approved, with F. Peterson, T. Michalski, B. Larson, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast, and B. Mazade
voting aye.
Hearing, Case 2017-21: Staff-initiated request to rezone several parcels to R-2, Single Family
Medium Density Residential District. This request is a continuation of the rezoning efforts we have
been working on to allow smaller lot development on the appropriate blocks. Development standards
and a map showing the properties to be rezoned was provided to board members. B. Mazade asked
what the properties were currently zoned. M. Franzak stated that they were currently R-1. B.
Mazade was concerned that affected property owners may not get notified of the rezoning, and asked
if the noticing was done by a legal ad or mailing. M. Franzak stated that it was done by a legal ad as
required by law. He was satisfied that all property owners have had an opportunity to express their
input. He had attended several public meetings on the issue and had not had any negative feedback.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade, supported by B. Larson and
unanimously approved.
A motion that the request to rezone the parcels to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential
District, as described on the map be recommended for approval to the City Commission was made by
J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved.

Hearing, Case 2017-22: Staff-initiated request to rezone several parcels to R-3, Single Family High
Density Residential District. A map showing the parcels to be rezoned was provided. Board
members had no further questions.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by F. Peterson, supported by B. Larson and
unanimously approved.

A motion that the request to rezone the parcels to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential
District, as described on the map be recommended for approval to the City Commission was made by
F. Peterson, supported by B. Mazade and unanimously approved, with F. Peterson, T. Michalski, B.
Larson, E. Hood, J. Montgomery-Keast, and B. Mazade voting aye.







There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

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