Planning Commission Minutes 05-21-2018

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  PLANNING COMMISSION
                                     SPECIAL MEETING

                                           May 21, 2018

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               T. Michalski, F. Peterson, J. Doyle, S. Gawron, J. Montgomery-

MEMBERS ABSENT:                B. Mazade, excused; E. Hood, excused; M. Hovey-Wright,
                               excused, B. Larson, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                 M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                J. Essex for Citiparc, 111 W Western Ave; T. Wasserman, 6382
                               Norfolk Dr.


Hearing, Case 2018-15: Request to rezone the properties at 731 Yuba Street, 205 E Muskegon
Avenue, 287 E Muskegon Avenue and 225 Eastern Avenue from B-4, General Business to I-1,
Light Industrial by Citiparc, LLC. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The parcels included in
this rezoning request were formerly used as the city farmer’s market site. The property at 731
Yuba St is 2.45 acres, 205 E Muskegon Ave is 2.55 acres, 225 Eastern Ave is 1.59 acres and 287
E Muskegon Ave is 1.48 acres. There are unimproved alleys running through each parcel. Also,
the unimproved easement for Rathborne St runs north/south through the properties and the
unimproved easement for Muskegon Ave runs east/west through the properties. The applicant is
requesting to rezone these parcels so they may develop a food processing center on the site. The
zoning ordinance excerpt for I-1, Light Industrial districts was provided with the staff report.
Notice of this hearing was mailed to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the affected
parcels. At the time of this writing, staff had not received any comments from the public. Staff
recommends approval of the rezoning request to accommodate a food processing center. There
are limited options for new industrial projects within the City and these rezonings would provide
more industrial land.

J. Essex explained Citiparc’s proposal to locate a food processing facility at this site. He stated
that they had been working with Michigan State University, who would be involved in the project
and have personnel on site to provide expertise. He displayed conceptual drawings of the building
and described activities that may take place at the site. The building was configured in a “U”
shape, which was designed to screen the industrial activities from the street. The outside of the
building was designed to resemble an office building. The building would be internally divided
into separate sections which could be rented to different tenants, with the size of the sections able
to be expanded or reduced to accommodate them as needed. J. Keast asked about noise and odors
that may be generated from the processing activities at the site. J. Essex stated that the proposed
use was for light industrial activity and was not expected to produce the noise, noxious odors or
emissions that a heavy industrial use could. He stated that they would need to be mindful of the
adjacent neighborhood when choosing tenants for the facility. J. Doyle asked if the infrastructure
was adequate for such a facility. J. Essex stated that the proximity to the Muskegon County
Wastewater System was an attractive amenity and the power available was adequate. F. Peterson
asked what kind of difficulties could be involved in building on this site, since there had formerly
been an incinerator located there. J. Essex stated that they would have to take soil borings, as some
environmental issues were to be expected due to its past use. They would also need to install
pilings to support the support beams of the building, as there was a lot of fill on the site. J.
Montgomery-Keast was concerned about thermal pollution that could affect the nearby Ryerson
Creek, and suggested that the developers work with the Muskegon Lake PAC, as they were
familiar with the environmental issues. J. Essex stated that they would come up with a stormwater
plan to manage the water and drainage on the site so it did not affect the creek. T. Wasserman
stated that they had already discussed their plans with Kathy Evans of the West Michigan
Regional Shoreline Development Commission.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by J. Doyle
and unanimously approved.

A motion that the request to rezone the properties at 731 Yuba Street, 205 E Muskegon Avenue,
287 E Muskegon Avenue and 225 Eastern Avenue from B-4, General Business to I-1, Light
Industrial be recommended to the City Commission for approval, was made by J. Doyle, supported
by J. Montgomery-Keast and unanimously approved, with T. Michalski, F. Peterson, J. Doyle, S.
Gawron, and J. Montgomery-Keast voting aye.







There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

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