Planning Commission Minutes 08-10-2023

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August 10, 2023
J. Doyle called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll was taken.
MEMBERS PRESENT:               K. Johnson, B. Mazade, J. Montgomery-Keast, L. Spataro, J. Doyle,
MEMBERS ABSENT:                T. Michalski
MEMBERS EXCUSED:               D. Keener, J. Seyferth, E. Hood
STAFF PRESENT:                 M. Franzak, S. Pulos, J. Pesch
OTHERS PRESENT:                None

A motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission meeting on July 13, 2023
and the Minutes of the Special Planning Commission meeting on July 11, 2023 was made by J.
Montgomery-Keast, supported by K. Johnson, and unanimously approved.


Hearing, Case 2023-18:
Request to rezone the property at 1225 E Laketon Ave from I-2, General Industrial to B-4, General
Business, by Tread Monkey, LLC.

   1. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial and is located at the northern edge of the Medendorp
      Industrial Center.
   2. The applicant is seeking a rezoning in order to allow Tread Monkey (tire changing business) to
      locate there. They specialize in chaining tires at the scene, but would like to provide a physical
      location as well.
   3. The B-4 district allows auto repair and similar businesses as long as work is done in a completely
      enclosed building. The building on site will not accommodate this type of use, but the applicant
      intends on building a small structure in which they will change tires. There appears to be adequate
      space to do so in front of the existing building.
   4. Please see the enclosed ordinance excerpt for B-4, General Business districts.
   5. Notice was sent to all properties within 300 feet of this address. At the time of this writing, staff
      had not received any comments from the public.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by J. Doyle
and unanimously approved.
J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by K. Johnson, that the request to rezone the property at
1225 E Laketon Ave from I-2, General Industrial to B-4, General Business be recommended to the City
Commission for approval

K. Johnson: Yes                 B. Mazade: Yes                           J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes
J. Doyle: Yes                   L. Spataro: Yes
Hearing, Case 2023-19:
Request to rezone the following parcels from R-3, High Density Single Family Residential to Form Based
Code, Neighborhood Core: 139 Myrtle Ave; 140/148/158/168/174/186 Allen Ave, 159/169/185 Amity
Ave; and 923 Jay St, by Spire Development.

   1. The properties are all zoned R-3, High-Density Single-Family Residential, but are located between
      higher-density developments. The lots combined total about 2.2 acres.
   2. The applicant is seeking a rezoning in an effort to construct affordable residential apartments. The
      numbers of units could range between 50-100 as the details are still being finalized.
   3. The Form Based Code, Neighborhood Core designation allows a variety of housing options,
      ranging from rowhouses to large multiplexes, with a maximum height of five stories.
   4. Most of the houses in this area have been demolished, with only a few remaining. There are no
      houses remaining on the lots involved with the request.
   5. Notice was sent to all properties within 300 feet of this address. At the time of this writing, staff
      had not received any comments from the public.

Calvin McLaren, 223 Amity Ave: He would like the rezoning to be where it is, on the other side
of the railroad tracks.
Franchell Crowley, 222 Amity Ave: She opposed commercial usage because it would be loud
and would bring her property down.
Kevin Rost, 216 Allen: He is concerned about what will be done with the train tracks. I would
prefer small houses be put on the properties.
Willeat Chambers, Spring Street Baptist Church, 912 Spring St: Wanted clarity about the plans
for commercial use at these locations.
A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade, supported by J. Doyle and
unanimously approved.
J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by B. Mazade, that the request to rezone 139 Myrtle Ave;
140/148/158/168/174/186 Allen Ave, 159/169/185 Amity Ave; and 923 Jay St from R-3, High Density
Single Family Residential to Form Based Code, Neighborhood Core be recommended to the City
Commission for approval.
K. Johnson: Yes                B. Mazade: Yes                            J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes
J. Doyle: Yes                  L. Spataro: Yes
Hearing, Case 2023-20:
Staff-initiated request to amend Section 404 of the zoning ordinance to modify rear setback requirements
and to create a front build-to zone in lieu of front setbacks in single-family residential zones.

   1. Staff is proposing certain modifications to Section 404 of the zoning ordinance to allow property
      owners to better maximize the usage of their property. The following are the major amendments
      to the proposed ordinance:
          • Change the minimum front setback requirements to a build-to-zone. This is the method
                used in the form-based code section of the ordinance. This would allow new houses to be
                placed anywhere from 10-30 feet from the front property line. They also have the option
                to move the house outside of the build-to-zone if it will match other houses on the block.
          • Reduce the rear setback requirements in R-1 and R-2 zones to match the 15-foot
                requirement of the R-3 zone. The new addition of the build-to-zone requirement in the
                front, along with the existing maximum lot coverage requirements, should result in
                almost all new houses to have at least a 30-foot rear setback anyway, since most lots in
                Muskegon are in excess of 100 feet long. However, this amendment will ease restrictions
                on odd-shaped lots. Those lots without much depth will have more opportunities to place
                their homes on buildable lots.
          • The current ordinance states that corner lots shall be considered as having two front yards
                and must meet the minimum setback requirements for both frontages. This amendment
                would state that the secondary street is a side yard and the rear property must also abide
                by the side setback requirements. With the build-to-zone in place, along with maximum
                lot coverage standards, this should only affect small, irregular lots that have previously
                been spilt.
A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by B.
Mazade and unanimously approved.
J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by L. Spataro, that the request to amend Section 404 of the
zoning ordinance to modify rear setback requirements and to create a front build-to zone in lieu of front
setbacks be recommended to the City Commission for approval as proposed.

K. Johnson: Yes                  B. Mazade: No                    J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes
J. Doyle: Yes                    L. Spataro: Yes
Hearing, Case 2023-21:
Staff-initiated request to rezone the property at 417 Jackson Ave from R-1, Low Density Single-Family
Residential to Form Based Code, Neighborhood Core.

    1. The property is currently zoned R-1, Low-Density Single-Family Residential. The seven-acre lot
       contains the former Froebel School building that measures 22,614 sf.
    2. Staff is proposing to rezone the property in order to allow for the renovation of the former Froebel
       School building into affordable residential apartments. The condition of the building is
       deteriorating quickly and must be redeveloped soon to avoid demolition. Staff has shown the
       building to numerous developers over the years and has finally found an entity that is capable of
       its renovation.
    3. The Form Based Code, Neighborhood Core designation allows a variety of housing options,
       ranging from rowhouses to large multiplexes, with a maximum height of five stories. This context
       area allows for large multiplex buildings, which this existing building would be considered if it
       were renovated to residential. This is the least-intense context area that allows for small
    4. The eastern and southern edges of this property have severe development limitations since there
       is a lack of infrastructure to support new buildings. The topography of the site does not allow for
       the installation of new infrastructure without a costly lift station. Development of the southern
       and eastern edges of the property are unlikely.
    5. Notice was sent to all properties within 300 feet of this address. At the time of this writing, staff
       had not received any comments from the public.

Veania Coleman, 516 Marshall St: Before agreeing to rezoning, she wanted to know who the
developer is that is set to develop the property at 417 Jackson. She is agreeable to apartment
being put at the site, and mixed use if it’s open to the community.
A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by L.
Spataro and unanimously approved.
L. Spataro moved, seconded by J. Montgomery-Keast, that the request to rezone the property at
417 Jackson Ave from R-1, Low Density Single-Family Residential to Form Based Code,
Neighborhood Core be recommended to the City Commission for approval.
K. Johnson: Yes             B. Mazade: Yes                      J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes
J. Doyle: Yes               L. Spataro: Yes

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pm.

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