City Commission Packet 03-10-2015

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                     MARCH 10, 2015

     A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
     B. SECOND READING:     Amendment to the Rental Property Ordinance.
     C. Light Fixtures Replacement at Public        Service     Building   through
        Consumers Energy. PUBLIC WORKS
     D. Coagulant Mixer. WATER FILTRATION
     E. Gaming License – MOKA. CITY CLERK
     F. Business Improvement District     (BID)   Resolution.      PLANNING     &
     G. Amendment to the Mobile Food Vending Ordinance. CITY CLERK
     H. Amendment to the Special Event Parking Downtown Ordinance. CITY
     I. Amendment to the Licensing Ordinance. CITY CLERK
     J. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.          PLANNING & ECONOMIC
     K. City – MDOT Agreement for Traffic Signal Upgrades at Sherman and
        Glenside. ENGINEERING
        L. City – MDOT Agreement for the Reconstruction of Getty Street, Evanston
           to Apple Avenue (M-46). ENGINEERING
        M. Construction Engineering Services – Sherman and Glenside Traffic
           Signal. ENGINEERING
        A. Lakeshore Smartzone LDFA – Plan Amendment and Public Hearing.
        B. Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses. CITY CLERK
        A. PILOT – General Capital Acquisitions, LLC. PLANNING & ECONOMIC
        B. Second Quarter 2014-15 Budget Reforecast. FINANCE
►   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►   Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►   Be recognized by the Chair.
►   Step forward to the microphone.
►   State name and address.
►   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)

To:     Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:     City Commission Meeting

Date:   March 5, 2015

We have a number of items on the agenda, and I thought you could use a little background on some of
them as you prepare for our meeting next week.

1.      On the Work Session:
        a. We’ll discuss the 2Q budget reforecast. There are a number of significant changes in the
             General fund, including the transfer of the Veteran’s Memorial Park project from the
             General Fund to the State Grant Fund. We also are planning a significant loss in state
             shared revenue, and decreases in the cost of solid waste removal and street lighting. We
             are also seeing some increases related to operations at the new farmer’s market site as
             well as in code enforcement, and for the first time, we are covering debt service for the
             DDA equal to about $70,000. As part of this discussion, staff would like to also have a
             conversation related to water/sewer rates.
        b. We will have an update on the Business Improvement District process.
        c. We will have an update on the proposed PILOT at 30 East Clay. At this point, we have
             negotiated beyond their original request to include a 4% PILOT, 1% City Service Fee, and
             $125,000 contribution to be designated to the City’s efforts to create market rate housing
             opportunities in the downtown.

2.      Under the consent agenda, we are asking the Commission to approve:
        a. Last meeting’s minutes.
        b. Second reading on the rental property ordinance amendment.
        c. Approval to replace light fixtures at the Public Services building.
        d. Approval to purchase a coagulant mixer for the water filtration plant.
        e. Approval for a gaming license for MOKA – although their gaming event is located in Spring
        f. Approval of the initial BID Board members. This board will determine how BID funds are
            spent in the downtown.
        g. Approval of changes to the food vendor ordinance to allow for vendors to relocate within
            50 feet of an established food service area. There are also proposed changes to the fee
            structure. We worked with a number of downtown establishments as well as Downtown
            Muskegon Now to determine the proposed changes. The goal is to attract more mobile
            food vendors.
        h.   Approval of changes to the downtown special event parking ordinance. These changes
             were developed in conjunction with the input of parking lot owners/operators after one
             year of operating with the original ordinance.
        i.   Approval of changes to the licensing ordinance.
        j.   Concurrence with the Planning Commission’s decision to add outdoor recreation to B3
             zoning districts. This was done to accommodate the use in a number of areas of the city,
             including the Mart Dock.
        k. Approval of an agreement to upgrade the traffic signals at Sherman and Glenside. There is
             a local match required.
        l.   Approval of an agreement to reconstruct Getty Street from Evanston to Apple. There is a
             local match required – the road will be completed in cement, and the project would likely
             start in the fall.
3.      Public Hearings
        a. We are proposing an amendment to the LDFA Plan to assist with the capturing of tax
             revenue to cover costs associated with the Smartzone. We are essentially asking that the
             tax capture period be extended from 15 years to 20 years.
        b. We are hosting a routine annual public hearing on the renewal of liquor licenses within the
             city. There are a number that are not recommended for approval for a variety of reasons.
4.      Under Hearings/Other/New Business we have four topics for discussion:
        a. Approval of the proposed PILOT at 30 East Clay.
        b. Approval of the 2014-15 Second Quarter Budget Reforecast

If there are questions on any agenda items, please try to let staff know in advance, and we will be sure
to have the appropriate data/research available at the meeting.
Date:     March 10, 2015
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the February 9th
Commission Worksession Meeting, the February 10th City Commission
Meeting, and the February 20th Goal Setting Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        February 9, 2015
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners German, Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, Gawron, Johnson, Turnquist, and
Absent: None.

Presentation for P.I.L.O.T. - Berkshire Muskegon.
Josh Hafron, of General Capital Group, 212 W. Kinsey, Chicago, IL gave an overview of the
project being proposed for a Senior Independent Living across the street from the current United
Way offices on E. Clay Avenue. The building will include a common area, community room,
exercise room, library, senior event programming, and outdoor space as well as an on-site
manager and leasing office.

The proposal includes 2 Market Rate Units, 48 – 60% Area Median Income Units, 28 - 40%
Area Median Income Units, and 9 – 30% Area Median Income Units.

This building will create two permanent full-time positions and two part-time positions. They
are requesting a P.I.L.O.T. of $12,000 annually.

MSHDA is doing a Market Rate Study that is to be completed by the end of February or
beginning of March.

Among other concerns, Commissioners indicated a concern with the location and number of
Market Rate Units to be offered.

This item has been placed on the March 10, 2015 Commission Meeting for consideration.
Commissioners are encouraged to contact Cathy Brubaker-Clarke with concerns about this
project so they may be addressed before the meeting.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Vice Mayor Spataro to adjourn at 6:21 p.m.

                                                                          MOTION PASSES

                                                            Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                    City Clerk
                    FEBRUARY 10, 2015

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
Mayor Gawron opened the meeting with prayer from Mr. George Monroe from
the Evanston Avenue Baptist Church after which the Commission and public
recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Stephen Gawron, Vice Mayor Lawrence Spataro,
Commissioners Eric Hood, Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Byron Turnquist, and Ken
Johnson, City Engineer Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Attorney John Schrier, and
City Clerk Ann Marie Cummings.
Absent: Commissioner Willie German
     A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To      approve   minutes   of   the   January   27th   City
Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
     C. 2015 Dozer Rental for Beach Leveling. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting permission to enter into a rental
agreement with Contractors Rental Corporation, out of Grand Rapids, MI for a
John Deere 850K WLT Cab Dozer for leveling sand at Pere Marquette Beach.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Estimated cost for the 2015 Dozer rental is $8,500 (which
includes $450 for delivery and pickup).

      D. KEPS Technologies, Inc. Telecommunications Permit. ENGINEERING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve the request for a permit                   from      KEPS
Technologies, Inc. and authorize the Mayor to sign the permit.
STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve the permit and sign the documents.
      E. Management Agreement – Fisherman’s Landing. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval of the proposed renewal agreement for
management of Fisherman’s Landing for 2015 – 2019. The general terms of the
agreement are the same as before with the following exceptions:
         The proposed agreement covers a period of five years which can be
          terminated by either party with a thirty day notice to the other party:
         A non-disparagement clause was removed.
Staff believes Fisherman’s Landing, Inc. is in the best position to manage the
facility and continue to oversee its’ operation.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          Approximately $15,000 is received          annually    for
reimbursement of utility costs plus $7,000 for boat launch permits.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.
      F. Banking Services RFP. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Recently solicited proposals for banking
services. In accordance with City policy, the three banks having physical
locations within the city were invited to participate: Fifth-Third (current service
provider), Huntington and PNC. Chase Bank also presented a proposal. City
staff spent a full day interviewing the banks and viewing online product service
demonstrations. Interviews were conducted prior to opening price proposals so
that staff could evaluate service depth and quality independent of pricing. The
RFP results are summarized as follows:
                 GROSS          NET             FINANCIAL STRENGTH
                 ANNUALIZED                     (BAUER FINANCIAL
 BANK            PRICE                          RATING AS OF 12/2014)
 CHASE           $69,542.35     $20,042.35      4 STARS
 FIFTH-THIRD     $38,678.32     $ 5,678.32      5 STARS

 HUNTINGTON $56,843.76           $29,343.76      5 STARS
 PNC             $37,808.19      $10,308.19      4 STARS

After reviewing proposals and ratings, staff recommends that Fifth-Third Bank be
selected to continue providing this service.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Banking services are extremely important to the city. We
are heavy users of non-traditional services such as lockbox remittance
processing, ACH disbursements, and other services which are estimated as
equivalent to 2-3 full-time staff positions. Fifth-Third has provided this service to
the city for the last seven years. With this proposal we anticipate that costs will
be reduced by approximately 5% from current levels.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Selection of Fifth-Third Bank to provide banking
services to the city through the year 2021.
       G. Community Relations Committee Recommendations for the Various
          Boards and Committees. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To concur with recommendations from the Community
Relations Committee February 9, 2015 meeting to accept the removal of T.
Arnold Boezaart from the Local Development Finance Authority due to recent
retirement from the MAREC building and to appoint Kevin Ricco and Andy
Wible to the Local Development Finance Authority and appoint Charles
Anderson to the Citizen’s Police Review Board.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:         Approve the recommendations of the
Community Relations Committee from their February 9, 2015, meeting.
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Johnson to approve
the Consent Agenda minus Item B.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Spataro, Rinsema-Sybenga, and
             Nays: None
             Absent: German
       B. Purchase of Vacant Land at 2112 Sampson Street.           COMMUNITY &

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the purchase of vacant land located at
2112 Sampson Street, from Jan Wood for the price of $23,600.
After the sale is completed and 2112 Sampson is obtained, the City CNS
Department will construct a single family dwelling as part of our HOME funded
Homebuyers Program.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The funding used for the purchase is from 2014 HOME funds.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to purchase the property.
The purchase price was reached from the recommendation of the Planning
Department’s valuation based on the SEV and assessing records.
Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga
to approve the purchase of vacant land at 2112 Sampson St.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Spataro, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, and
            Nays: None
            Absent: German
      A. Approval of Sale of City-Owned Home at 1581 Division. COMMUNITY &
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution and instruct the Community
and Neighborhood Services Department to complete the sales transaction
between Shamika L. Ross for the rehabilitated home at 1581 Division, which is
part of the City’s HOME Program. Ms. Ross’s purchase price for the home is
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proceeds from the sale will be used to continue the
rehabilitation of vacant houses through the HOME program to sustain our
current investments to stabilize and revitalize neighborhoods.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and direct the CNS staff to
complete the sale.
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga to
approve the resolution and direct staff to complete the sale of City-owned home
at 1581 Division to Shamika L. Ross for $74,900.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and

            Nays: None
            Absent: German
      B. Amendment to the Rental Property Ordinance. PUBLIC SAFETY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Two small amendments are needed to the recently
adopted Rental Property Ordinance.      The requirements for an ID was
inadvertently removed from sec. 10-351(e)(6) and has been added to this
Section 10-351(f)(2) states the insurance policy must be on file in the Clerk’s
Office making it more cumbersome on the customer to visit two offices. Under
the proposed language, a copy of the insurance policy can be collected by
Safebuilt or another city designee.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Ordinance as presented.
Motion by Commissioner Hood, second by Commissioner Johnson to approve
the amendments the Rental Property Ordinance: Section 10-351(e)(6) and
Section 10-351(f)(2).
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, and
            Nays: None
            Absent: German
      C. Consideration of Bids for Muskegon/Webster Avenue from 9th to Spring.
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Award the reconstruction contract, using base bid, for
Muskegon & Webster Avenues from Ninth to Spring Streets to Jackson Merkey
Contractors out of Muskegon TWP since they were the lowest responsible bidder
with a total bid price of $4,367,400.55.
Furthermore, it is kindly requested that staff be authorized to remove and/or
adjust quantities regarding landscape and stamped crosswalks to meet budget
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The construction cost of $4,367,400.55.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:           None at       this   time,   however,   future
reforecast/budgets might have to be adjusted.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Jackson Merkey and

authorize staff to make the necessary adjustments as per the summary of
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Turnquist to award the
reconstruction contract for Muskegon/Webster Avenue from 9th to Spring to
Jackson Merkey Contractors for $4,367,400.55 and authorize staff to remove
and/or adjust quantities regarding landscape and stamped crosswalks to meet
budget constraints.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and
           Nays: None
           Absent: German
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                        City Clerk

                                CITY COMMISSION
                              GOAL SETTING SESSION
                                FEBRUARY 20, 2015

Present: Mayor Gawron, Vice Mayor Spataro, Commissioners Hood, German, Rinsema-
Sybenga, Johnson, and Turnquist.

Staff Present: Peterson, Al-Shatel, Grant, Maurer, Brubaker-Clarke, Bailey, Smith, Thompson, J.
Lewis, Cummings, B. Lewis.

Frank Peterson facilitated the session.

Meeting began at 9:00 a.m.

Previous Commission goals were reviewed and discussed.

Staff has just learned our estimated 2% increase in taxable value appears to have materialized as
a 1% decrease with a net cost to the General Fund of about $400,000 annually.

The Commission discussed goals for 2015. They include:

   1. City’s image, get more information out

   2. Budget stabilization,

   3. Road funding plan

   4. Equal Opportunity Committee, follow up on IFT’s

   5. Youth jobs and recreation

   6. Working with Muskegon Public Schools and other school districts, make an investment
      east of Peck Street

   7. Blight

   8. Growing the tax base – look at expanding new market rate housing downtown, work on
      stalled developments, attract new developments, future DDA tax developments, old
      farmer’s market site

   9. LC Walker Arena solution
   10. Urban Farming, form based code

Meeting adjourned.

                                           Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                    City Clerk
                                      City of Muskegon
                                 Muskegon County, Michigan
                               Ordinance Amendment No. _____


Chapter 10 “Buildings and Building Regulations,” Article VI “Property Maintenance Code,”
Division 2, Subdivision III. “Rental Property” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Muskegon is amended as follows:

Subdivision III. Rental Property

Sec. 10-351. Registration of rental dwellings.

(a)    Required. All rental dwellings shall be registered with the city. If the owner does not
       reside within 30 miles of the city, he shall designate a responsible local agent who shall
       be responsible for operating such dwelling in compliance with the law, including this
       article. All official notices may be served on the responsible agent, and any notice so
       served shall be deemed to have been served upon the owner of record. Each owner or
       responsible local agent shall maintain a current list of the number of occupants of each
       rental dwelling for which he is responsible. A rental unit certificate of compliance
       shall not be issued if the registration provisions of this article are not complied with.

(b)    Deadline for registration; failure to comply. All rental dwellings existing as of the
       effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived shall be registered no
       later than six months after the effective date of this article. The city shall order
       registration prior to that date for any dwelling cited in a notice required by this article.
       Failure to comply with such an order is a violation of this article.

(c)    Registry of new rental dwellings. The owner of a new rental dwelling or of any dwelling
       newly converted to a rental dwelling shall register the rental dwelling prior to allowing
       occupancy of any new rental units.

(d)    Change in register information. The owner of rental dwellings already registered with the
       city or his responsible local agent shall register within 60 days after any change occurs in
       register information. A new owner of a registered dwelling shall register the dwelling
       within 60 days of assuming ownership.

(e)    Application; contents. Application for registration shall be made in such form and in
       accordance with such instructions as may be provided by the administrator and shall

       (1)     The address of the rental dwelling.
      (2)    The number of dwelling units, the number of rooming units and the number of
             hotel units in the dwelling.

      (3)    The name, residence address, business address, business phone number and
             personal phone number of the owner.

      (4)    The name, residence address, business address, business phone number and
             personal phone number of the manager and responsible local agent designated by
             the owner.

      (5)    The address where the owner or responsible local agent will accept notices or
             orders from the city.

      (6)    The driver’s license or state identification number of the owner or responsible
             local agent and the state in which the license or ID was issued.

(f)   Dwelling fire insurance. In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents
      of the city, it is hereby declared that the city shall require dwelling fire insurance for all
      property owners who let for occupancy premises in the city in the amount and for the
      purposes provided below.

      (1)    Minimum coverage; use of insurance proceeds. All property owners owning
             property in the city shall be required to obtain a minimum of $10,000 in dwelling
             fire insurance. Further, in the event of any fire or loss covered by such insurance,
             it shall be the obligation of the property owner to use such insurance proceeds to
             cause the restoration or demolition or other repair of the property in adherence to
             the city code and all applicable ordinances.

      (2)    Property owners to provide city with insurance information. All property owners
             shall be required to place their insurance company name, policy number and
             policy expiration date on their rental unit registration form, or in the alternative, to
             provide the city with a copy of their actual dwelling fire insurance policy. A
             registration certificate shall not be issued to any person unless the aforementioned
             information has been provided. Violation of this section shall result in suspension
             of a registration certificate. The city shall be informed of any change in policies
             for a particular rental unit or cancellation of a policy for said property within 10
             days of said change or cancellation.

(g)   Inaccurate or incomplete register information. It shall be a violation of this article for an
      owner or a responsible local agent to provide inaccurate information for the register of
      rental dwellings or to fail to provide information required by the city under subsection
      (e) of this section. In those cases in which the owner or responsible local agent is not a
      natural person, the information required for the register shall be provided for the
      organization owning the rental dwelling and for the president, general manager or other
       chief executive officer of the organization. Where more than one natural person has an
       ownership interest, the required information shall be provided for each owner.

(h)    Exemption from registration requirement. Dwellings that are not owner-occupied, but are
       occupied by a grandparent, parent, child or current spouse of the owner are exempt from
       the rental registration requirements outlined in this section. This exemption is limited to
       single family residential dwellings. It is the responsibility of the owner asking to be
       exempted from the rental dwelling registration requirement to provide satisfactory proof
       to the city of the existence of the familial relationship between owner and resident of the

(Code 1975, § 4-82; Or. No. 2304, 2-28-12)

This ordinance adopted:

       Ayes: ______________________________________________________________
       Nays: _______________________________________________________________

Adoption Date: _________________________
Effective Date: _________________________
First Reading: _________________________
Second Reading: ________________________

                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By ______________________________
                                                       Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                       City Clerk

      The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon
County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an
ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the
City Commission on the          day of                      , 2015, at which meeting a quorum
was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the
records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted, and public
notice was given, pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan
of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED:                    , 2015

                                       Ann Cummings, MMC
                                       Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:     Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                         NOTICE OF ADOPTION


        Please take notice that on ___________________, 2015, the City Commission of the City
of Muskegon adopted an amendment to Chapter 10 “Buildings and Building Regulations,”
Article VI “Property Maintenance Code,” Division 2, Subdivision III. “Rental Property,” Section
10-351 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon, whereby the following changes were

Section (e)(6) was added to require that the applicant provide a driver’s license or state
identification number.

Section (f)(2) was amended to change the requirement that the property insurance information be
provided to the City Clerk, specifically, in order that any city-designated agent may accept it.

        Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of
the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business

         This ordinance amendment is effective ten (10) days from the date of this publication.

                                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON

Published: _________________, 2015                    By:      ______________________________
                                                               Ann Cummings, MMC, Its Clerk

Date:         March 10, 2015
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         DPW
RE:           Light Fixtures Replacement at Public Service Building through
              Consumers Energy

Authorize staff to enter into an agreement (attached) with Consumer Energy (C.E) to
provide fifty six (56) light fixtures as described in the attached proposed agreement,
installation is not included, for a price of $9,173.67 to replace the outdated fixtures we
currently have as part of our continued efforts for energy conservation.

The proposed lights and an estimated $5,700 in incentives (rebate and made in Michigan)
upon installation from C.E. would result in an estimated payback of less than a year.

The initial purchase cost of $9,173.67; however, the net cost, upon receiving the
rebate/incentive, is estimated at $3,500 plus a possible installation cost of $2,000 if time
did not allow for in-house installation.


Authorize staff to enter into agreement with C.E. to provide the light fixtures

Date:        March 10, 2015
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:        Water Filtration - DPW
RE:          Coagulant Mixer

Authorize staff to purchase a coagulant mixer for the Water Filtration
Plant from the lowest responsible bidder, Mastrrr Company.



Staff recommends acceptance of bid from Mastrrr Company for
Date: 2/12/15

To: Mohammed Al-Shatel, Director of DPW

From: Water Filtration Plant

RE: Purchase of a Coagulant Mixer

I am requesting commission approval for the purchase of a coagulant
mixer. This mixer will be a back-up unit to the 2 we currently have in
service in the event of a failure improving plant reliability.

The current mixers were installed in 2004 and are both operational at
the present time; each is capable of mixing our coagulant, aluminum
sulfate into the raw water at flows up to 20 million gallons each. Mixing is
a requirement under the Safe Drinking Water Act and is an effective tool
in adequately dispersing the coagulant for settling of organic materials
from Lake Michigan.

I have received bids from the 2 primary manufacturers of this type of in-
line mixer, Mastrrr Company at a cost of $23,950.00 and Walker
Process Company at $25,000.00. The Mastrrr product can be installed
by plant staff, the Walker unit would need to be adapted and installation
costs would be an additional expense.

I am recommending purchase of the Mastrrr unit at a cost of $23,950.00.
Date:        March 10, 2015
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Business Improvement District (BID) Resolution

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We are requesting the attached resolution be adopted
establishing a Business Improvement District. The boundaries are outlined in the
attached map. It is also requested the Commission establish the board with the
following recommended individuals:

      Amanda Garabedian – First General Credit Union (121 W. Western Ave.)
      Bruce Lindstrom – BellaBay Realty (587 W. Western Ave.)
      Bob Pero – Frontier Communications (860 Terrace St.)
      Doug Pollock – Parkland Properties/Holiday Inn (939 3rd St.)
      Gary Post – Port City Construction/Western Ave. Properties LLC (350 W.
      Western Ave)
      Bob Tarrant – Hume Properties LLC (900 3rd St.)
      City Manager – City of Muskegon



STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To adopt the resolution as presented.
                Commission Meeting Date: March 10, 2015

Date:        March 3, 2015
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance


Staff initiated request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow amusement and
recreational facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields in B-2,
Convenience and Comparison Business districts.






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request at their
special meeting in February.
                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                          PLANNING COMMISSION
                                             SPECIAL MEETING

                                                STAFF REPORT
                                                February 25, 2015

Hearing, Case 2014-04: Staff initiated request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow amusement and
recreational facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields in B-2, Convenience and Comparison
Business districts.


      1. Staff has received requests for these types of businesses in the past for certain locations in different
         business districts throughout the city. These include sports fields, indoor skate parks and bounce
      2. Currently, the only business districts these types of uses would be allowed in would be in B-3 and B-
         4 districts, under a Special Use Permit.
      3. Staff feels that these types of uses are compatible with the intent of the B-2 district and should be
         allowed as a use by right. Many of the B-2 district within the city are located within and around
         residential neighborhoods and would provide easy access for customers.
      4. Please see the enclosed map depicting B-2 districts in the city.

Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:


10.      Recording studios. [amended 8/02]

11.      Stores selling second hand merchandise. [amended 3/12]

12.      Brewpubs. [amended 3/12]

13.      Micro Breweries, Small Wineries and Small Distilleries as long as the brewing area is less than 2,500
         square feet. [amended 3/12]

14.      Amusement and recreational facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields
                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                    MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                          ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 1100 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow recreational facilities, including
indoor and outdoor sports fields in B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business districts.



Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

10.    Recording studios. [amended 8/02]

11.    Stores selling second hand merchandise. [amended 3/12]

12.    Brewpubs. [amended 3/12]

13.    Micro Breweries, Small Wineries and Small Distilleries as long as the brewing area is less than 2,500
       square feet. [amended 3/12]

14.    Amusement and recreational facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                       By: _________________________________
                                                              Ann Cummings, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
10th day of March, 2015, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2008, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2015.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on March 10, 2015, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to amend Section 1301 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow amusement and recreational
facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields in B-2, Convenience and Comparison
Business districts. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the
Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular
business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2015.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

Date:         March 10, 2015
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Engineering
RE:           City – MDOT Agreement; Traffic signal
              Upgrades @ Sherman & Glenside


Approve the attached contract with MDOT for the traffic signal upgrades at Sherman
& Glenside and approve the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to sign the contract.

MDOT’s participation is limited to the approved federal funds of $102,343. The
estimated total construction cost is $131,000 plus engineering cost. Also, the City of
R.P. has committed participation of 25% of local share.

none at this time

Approve the attached contract and resolution authorizing the mayor & clerk to sign



Moved by_____________________________________and supported by

Commissioner___________________________that the following Resolution be

WHEREAS, entry by the City of Muskegon into Contract no. 15-5042 between the
Michigan Department of Transportation and the City of Muskegon for the Traffic
Signal Upgrading at Sherman & Glenside within the City is in the best interests of
the City of Muskegon.

RESOLVED, that entry by the City into Contract Agreement Number 15-5042 be and
the same is hereby authorized and approved and the Mayor and Clerk are
authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Muskegon.

Adopted this____________day of____________, 2015.


                                             Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor


                                             Ann Cummings, City Clerk


This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on
____________, 2015. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to
the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                             Ann Cummings, City Clerk
Date:        March 10, 2015
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Engineering
RE:          City – MDOT Agreement for the reconstruction of:
             Getty St; Evanston to Apple Ave. (M-46)

Approve the attached contract with MDOT for the reconstruction of Getty Street from
Evanston to Apple and approve the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor and
City Clerk to sign the contract.

The State’s participation is limited to 54% of the cost and capped at $375,000 with
the estimated $400,000 remaining cost, including engineering, is the city’s

none at this time

Approve the attached contract and resolution authorizing the mayor & clerk to sign



Moved by_____________________________________and supported by

Commissioner___________________________that the following Resolution be

WHEREAS, entry by the City of Muskegon into Contract no. 15-5083 between the
Michigan Department of Transportation and the City of Muskegon for the
reconstruction of Getty Street from Evanston to Apple Ave. within the City is in
the best interests of the City of Muskegon.

RESOLVED, that entry by the City into Contract Agreement Number 15-5083 be and
the same is hereby authorized and approved and the Mayor and Clerk are
authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Muskegon.

Adopted this____________day of____________, 2015.


                                            Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor


                                            Ann Cummings, City Clerk


This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on
____________, 2015. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to
the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                            Ann Cummings, City Clerk
Date:         March 10, 2015
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Engineering
RE:           Construction Engineering Services – Sherman &
              Glenside Traffic Signal

Authorize staff to enter into an engineering services agreement with Flies &
Vandenbrink out of Muskegon to perform the necessary construction engineering for
the Sherman & Glenside traffic signal upgrade. F & V was selected via verbal
contacts with local consultants seeking their interest which included Westshore
Engineering and Johnson Anderson.

Estimated cost of $18,300.

None at this time, however, some adjustments might have to be made as a result
of the bids which are expected in early March.

Authorize staff to enter into an engineering services agreement with F & V.

February 20, 2015

Mr. Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Engineer
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace Street
Muskegon, Michigan 49440

RE:        Construction Engineering for Traffic Signal Improvements on Sherman Blvd. at
           Glenside Blvd.

Dear Mohammed:

We are pleased to submit our proposal for construction engineering on the above referenced
project. We understand the project is on the March 6, 2015 MDOT letting with the Progress
Clause requiring construction to be completed by June 30, 2015. Below is our scope of work
and engineering budget for the project.

Scope of Work

We have prepared a scope of services to complete the construction engineering for the project
outlined above.

A.    Construction Engineering

      1.      Construction Administration: Schedule and attend preconstruction meeting with
              contractor, City and MDOT. Prepare MDOT pay estimates for payments to the
              contractor. Address questions from the field. Prepare contract modifications.

      2.      Construction Staking: Provide one-time construction staking for contractor’s placement
              of the proposed improvements.

      3.      MDOT Field Manager including:
              a. Pay Estimates.
              b. On-site wage rate interviews.
              c. Collection of contractor certified payrolls.
              d. Comparison of interviews and the payrolls with the minimum wages.
              e. Assemble project files to MDOT standards.
              f. Collect material certifications & documents from contractor for project file.
              g. Schedule and attend MDOT project closeout/audit at project conclusion.

      4.      Construction Observation: Estimated at 20 hours per week for 4 weeks. Provide daily
              record keeping of construction activities in accordance with MDOT requirements
              including prevailing wage rate interviews, product certifications, quantities verification
              and conformance of work to plans and specifications.
                                                                                   316 Morris Avenue, Suite 230
                                                                                           Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                                                                P: 231.726.1000
                                                                                                F: 231.726.2200
     P10952 Propltr                                                                  
Mr. Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Engineer
City of Muskegon
February 20, 2015
Page 2

    5.      Material Testing: Coordinate off-site material testing such as concrete cylinder breaks
            and strain pole anchor bolt testing per MDOT standards. Off-site material testing will
            be invoiced directly to City.

    6.      Project Closeout
            a. Conduct final walk through with City.
            b. Prepare punch list of items to be completed by contractor.
            c. Prepare “red line” record drawings showing as-constructed dimensions and details
                 to City for incorporation in the drawings.
            d. Provide project closeout in accordance with MDOT.

Based on our understanding of the project, we have estimated our services to be provided for
the following fees:

    Construction Engineering
          Construction Administration                                                  $4,600
          MDOT Field Manager                                                           $3,400
          Construction Staking                                                         $1,200
          Construction Observation                                                     $7,300
          Project Closeout                                                             $1,800
    Total Estimated Fees                                                             $18,300

Our above fees are based on a construction period of 4 weeks and observation of 20 hours per
week. With the project being bid in March and completion June 30, the actual time allowed for
construction is around 12 weeks. However, we have talked with Strain Electric and understand
this work is typically completed in a 4 week period. If the construction period and level of
observation effort differs, we agree to adjust our fees for construction observation
proportionately, higher or lower, based on the schedule and level of effort needed to observe the
contractors work.

We look forward to working with you on this project. If there are any questions, please call me at
(231) 726-1000.



Don DeVries, P.E.
Project Manager


   P10952 Propltr
          Commission Meeting Date: March 10, 2015

Date:       February 26, 2015
To:         Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:       Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:         Lakeshore Smartzone LDFA- Plan Amendment &
            Public Hearing

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon Local Development
Finance Authority (LDFA) and City Commission approved The
Lakeshore Smartzone Local Development Finance Authority and Tax
Increment Financing Plan (“Plan”) in 2002. The State of Michigan
recently provided the opportunity to extend the Tax Increment Finance
(TIF) capture for an additional five years, if the Smartzone LDFA Plans
are amended to include additional projects, job creation, cooperation
with other regional entities and/or additional reporting. As this additional
five years of TIF capture will assist the City in paying back the bonds
that were issued for development of the MAREC facility, an amendment
to the Plan was prepared. The amendment was approved by the LDFA
and the Plan has been forwarded to the City Commission, where a
public hearing is to be held.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The additional five years of tax capture will allow
for the generation of approximately $175,330 in revenues from school
taxes (in addition to the $331,035 generated from local taxes).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission hold the public
hearing and approve the resolution amending the Plan.
                                   City of Muskegon
                             County of Muskegon, Michigan

                              ORDINANCE NO. ________


        WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon Lakeshore Smartzone Local Development

Finance Authority (the "Authority") has previously prepared and approved a Local

Development Finance Authority (the “LDFA”) Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the

“Plan”) for the Development Area described in the Plan, which was approved by the City

Commission on May 14, 2002, pursuant to Act 281, Public Acts of Michigan, 1986(“the

Act”) ; and,

        WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared and recommended for approval an

amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Plan Amendment”), to the Plan; and,

        WHEREAS, on March 10, 2015 the City Commission held a public hearing on the

Plan Amendment pursuant to “the Act”; and,

        WHEREAS, the purpose of the amendment is to allow for a five (5) year Tax

Increment Finance Extension; per Public Act 290, 2012; and,

        WHEREAS the City has published the Notice of Public Hearing twice in MLIVE, and

has mailed by certified mail the Notice of Public Hearing to the governing bodies of each

taxing jurisdiction in which the Development Area is located and given them an opportunity

at the public hearing to express their views and recommendations regarding the Plan



        1. Findings

        (a)    The development plan portion of the Plan, as amended by the Plan
Amendment, meets the requirements set forth in Section 17(2) of the Act, and the tax
increment financing plan portion of the Plan, as amended by the Plan Amendment,
meets the meets the requirements set forth in Section 14(2) of the Act.

       (b)     The proposed method of financing the development is feasible and the
Authority has the ability to arrange the financing.

        (c)    The development is reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes
of the Act.

      (d)     Any land included within the Development Area to be acquired is
reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act.

        (e)   The Plan, as amended by the Plan Amendment, is in reasonable accord
with the master plan of the City.

      (f)     Public services, such as fire and police protection and utilities, are or will
be adequate to service the Development Area.

        (g)    Changes in zoning, streets, street levels, intersections, and utilities, to the
extent required by the Plan, as amended by the Plan Amendment, are reasonably
necessary for the Plan, as amended by the Plan Amendment, and for the City.

     2. Public Purpose. The City Commission hereby determines that the Plan, as
amended by the Plan Amendment, constitutes a public purpose.

        3. Best Interest of the Public. The City Commission hereby determines that it is
in the best interests of the public to halt property value deterioration, increase property
tax valuation, eliminate the causes of the deterioration in property values, and to
promote growth in the Downtown District to proceed with the Plan, as amended by the
Plan Amendment.

      4. Approval and Adoption of Plan Amendment. The Plan Amendment is hereby
approved and adopted. A copy of the Plan, the Plan Amendment, and all later
amendments thereto shall be maintained on file in the City Clerk’s office.

         5. Amendment to Ordinance No. 969; Conflict and Severability. Ordinance No.
969 is hereby amended by this ordinance. All ordinances, resolutions and orders, or
parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of the Ordinance are, to the extent of such
conflict, hereby repealed. Each section of the Ordinance and each subdivision of any
section thereof is hereby declared to be independent, and the finding or holding of any
section or subdivision thereof to be invalid or void shall not be deemed or held to affect
the validity of any other section or subdivision of the Ordinance.

       6. Paragraph Headings. The paragraph headings in this Ordinance are
furnished for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered to be a part of
the Ordinance.

        7. Publication and Recordation. The Ordinance shall be published in full
promptly after its adoption in the Muskegon Chronicle, a newspaper of general
circulation in the City, qualified under State law to publish legal notices, and shall be
recorded in the Ordinance Book of the City, which recording shall be authenticated by
the signature of the City Clerk.

         8. Effective Date. The Ordinance is hereby determined by the City Commission
to be immediately necessary for the interests of the City and shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law.

      Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, State of Michigan, on March 10, 2015.

AYES:          Members _____________________________________________

NAYS: Members _____________________________________________

ABSENT:        Members _____________________________________________


EFFECTIVE DATE: _____________________

                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                     By ________________________
                                                     Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Ordinance No. ______

adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of

Michigan, at a regular meeting held on March 10, 2015 and that said meeting was

conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance

with the Open Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended,

and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as

required by said Act.

                                            Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
Date:      March 10, 2015
To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:      Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
RE:        Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt a resolution recommending non-
renewal of those liquor license establishments who are in violation of
Section 50-146 and 50-147 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of
Muskegon. These establishments have been found to be in non-
compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and renewal of their liquor
licenses should not be recommended by the City Commission. If any of
these establishments come into compliance by March 21, 2015, they will
be removed from this resolution, and recommendation for their renewal
will be forwarded to the Liquor Control Commission.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the resolution.
                                 Resolution No. 2015-

whereas, the attached business establishments in the City of Muskegon have liquor
licenses and are found to be in violation of Article V, Section 50-146 and 50-147 of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon.

AND WHEREAS, a hearing was held on March 10, 2015, before the City Commission to
allow such licensees an opportunity to refute the determination of the City Commission
that such establishments are in non-compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and
renewal of their liquor licenses should not be recommended by the City Commission; and

WHEREAS, an affidavit of mailing of Notices of Hearing and Notification of Non-
Compliance to City Standards to the licensees has been filed;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission of the City of
Muskegon hereby recommends that these liquor licenses not be approved for renewal,
and a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State Liquor Control Commission. If any of
these establishments come into compliance by March 21, 2015, they will be removed
from this Resolution.

Approved and adopted this 10th day of March, 2015.



                                                  Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                  City Clerk
                        2015 Non-compliance Liquor Licenses
Name                        Address                           Inspections Income Tax    Clerk
Clay Avenue Cellars         611 W. Clay                            X           X          X
Dollar General              1367 E. Apple                          X
Dollar General              2160 Henry                             X
Dollar General              381 E. Laketon                         X
Dreamer's                   978 Pine                                           X
Express Lane                1992 S. Getty                                      X         X
Lakeshore Tavern            1963 Lakeshore                                     X         X
Los Amigos, Inc.            1848 E. Sherman Blvd., Suite M                               X
Pat's Roadhouse             157 S. Getty                                      X
Racquets                    446 W. Western                                               X
Tipsy Toad                  609 W. Western                                    X          X

X - Not in compliance
              Commission Meeting Date: March 10, 2015

Date:           March 4, 2015
To:             Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:           Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:             PILOT- General Capital Acquisitions, LLC

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Josh Hafron, General Capital Acquisitions, LLC has requested
a PILOT for an affordable senior housing development at 30 E. Clay. The building currently
on this site is on the City’s demolition list. The proposed development includes demolition of
the existing building and the construction of a senior housing project, which would include 64-
87 units (depending on the final determination from MSHDA). The development, named
“The Berkshire Muskegon”, would contain both 1- and 2-bedroom units, as well as a common
area, exercise room, community room, library/business center and outdoor space. Also, Mr.
Hafron has attempted to discuss the project with the neighborhood president, but she has not
been available. In the past, the neighborhood has been interested in having senior housing in
their neighborhood for their existing residents, as they become interested in moving from their
single-family homes into apartment-style living.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Although the PILOT for the project will be less than the taxes
captured for a similar market-rate project, the situation with this particular property is that the
contribution towards the City will be greater to the City with the development under a PILOT
than it would be either with the existing building on the property, or as a vacant lot (the likely
scenario into the foreseeable future).


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached “Contract for Housing
Exemption” and “Development Agreement” and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                        CONTRACT FOR HOUSING EXEMPTION

       This Agreement between GENERAL CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS, LLC, a Wisconsin
limited liability company (the “Developer”) and CITY OF MUSKEGON, 933 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”) is made pursuant to the following terms:


      A.      The City has adopted Chapter 82, Article II “Taxation” of the City Code of
Ordinances, providing for tax exemption (the “Ordinance”).

        B.      It is acknowledged that it is a proper public purpose of the State of Michigan and
its political subdivisions to provide housing for its low income persons and families and to
encourage the development of such housing by providing for a service charge in lieu of property
taxes in accordance with the Act. The City is authorized by this Act to establish or change the
service charge to be paid in lieu of taxes by any or all classes of housing exempt from taxation
under this Act at any amount it chooses, not to exceed the taxes that would be paid but for this
Act. It is further acknowledged that such housing for low income persons and families is a
public necessity, and as the City will be benefited and improved by such housing, the
encouragement of the same by providing real estate tax exemption for such housing is a valid
public purpose. It is further acknowledged that the continuance of the provisions of this
Ordinance for tax exemption and the service charge in lieu of all ad valorem taxes during the
period contemplated in this Ordinance are essential to the determination of economic feasibility
of the housing projects that is constructed or rehabilitated with financing extended in reliance on
such tax exemption.

       C.      Developer has acquired an option to purchase a site in the City of Muskegon for
the construction of a proposed low-income housing project (for the elderly) as defined in City
Section 82-46 of the Ordinance (the “Project”).

        D.     Developer and an affiliate of Developer, to be formed, have or will enter into an
agreement to form a limited dividend housing association limited liability company to function
as owner of the proposed low-income housing Project. The owning entity to be formed will be
identified as Berkshire Muskegon Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC.

        E.     The City encourages construction and financing of the said low-income housing
project which is identified by the working name of Berkshire Muskegon Apartments.

      F.      To further enable and encourage the construction of the housing project,
Developer and the City enter into this Agreement.

      G.       The legal description of the Project is set forth in Exhibit A attached to this

        1.     Grant of Exemption. As contemplated and pursuant to Act 346 of the Public Acts
of 1966, as amended, the State Housing Development Authority (the “Act”), the City hereby
grants an exemption from all ad valorem property taxes attributable to the buildings which
consist of rental units offered to eligible low income persons and families as defined by the
Michigan State Housing Development Authority (the “Authority”).

        2.     Term of Exemption. This exemption shall continue for the period of time the
housing units remain subject to income and rent restrictions pursuant to Section 42 of Internal
Revenue Service Codes of 1986, as amended (IRS Codes), or the Authority Regulatory
Agreement not to exceed 25years. The City agrees to be contractually bound by this Agreement
to honor the exemption status of the proposed project as provided herein and in this Agreement
for the entire period during which the Project is financed by the Authority or receives low
income housing tax credits under Section 42 of the IRS Codes, provided that the said loan or a
loan originally financed by the low income housing tax credits continues outstanding and not in
default as more particularly set forth in Section 82-50(3)of the Ordinance, not to exceed 25

       3.      Responsibilities of the Developer.       The Developer agrees to perform the

               3.1     The Developer shall pay the service charge and payment in lieu of taxes
       on or before July 1, of each year during the time the exemption is in effect. The service
       charge shall equal four percent (4%) of the contract rents charged for the total of all units
       in the exempt housing project, whether the units are occupied or not and whether or not
       the rents are paid.

              3.2     The Developer agrees to file all information required by the Ordinance
       and further to meet its obligations to the Authority in connection with the Authority’s
       administration of the low income housing tax credit program.

               3.3     In lieu of the requirement to submit a statement of contract rents within 30
       days after December 31, as required by the Ordinance, Developer shall submit an annual
       audit by April 1st. If not timely filed, and 30 days after notice to Developer of said
       delinquency, a penalty of 1.25% of the service charge shall be imposed. This penalty
       shall be collectible in the same manner provided in Section 82-54 of the Ordinance.

        4.     Term. This Agreement shall continue in effect for the entire period of eligibility
for the exemption as set forth in the Ordinance.

        5.     Interpretation of Financing. The City agrees that the use of low income housing
tax credits constitutes financing of the loan by the Authority in fulfillment of the requirements of
Section 82-50(3) of the Ordinance.
       6.      Third Party Beneficiary. This Agreement shall benefit the parties named,
including the limited dividend housing association to be formed, and further shall benefit the
Authority, or such other mortgagee as may have financed the housing project, which may
enforce this Agreement, both as its interest may appear, and on behalf of the Developer and its
successors and assigns. No other party is a beneficiary of this Agreement.

        7.      Limitation on the Payment of Annual Service Charge. Notwithstanding Section
3, the service charge to be paid each year in lieu of taxes for the part of the housing project that is
tax exempt but which is occupied by other than low income persons or families shall be equal to
the full amount of the taxes which would be paid on that portion of the housing project if the
housing project were not tax exempt.

       8.     Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and an
executed copy hereof may be relied upon as an original.

        9.     Binding and Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, administrators, personal representatives,
successors and assigns.

         10.    Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement is the date that Developer or
its assignee acquires the Property.

        11.     Severability. The various sections and provisions of this Agreement shall be
deemed to be severable, and should any section or provision of this Agreement be declared by
any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid the same shall not affect the
validity of this Agreement as a whole or any section or provision of this Agreement, other than
the section or provision so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.

        12.     Inconsistent Ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in
conflict with the provisions of this Agreement are of no effect to the extent of such inconsistency
or conflict.

       13.    Choice of Law; Venue. This Agreement is executed in accordance with, shall be
governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.
The parties agree that for purposes of any dispute in connection with this Agreement, the
Muskegon County Circuit Court shall have exclusive personal and subject matter jurisdiction and

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the following page,
on the dates indicated.
                                   City of Muskegon

Dated: ___________________, 2015   By: _________________________
                                   Steve Gawron, Mayor

Dated: ___________________, 2015   By: _________________________
                                   Ann Cummings, Clerk

                                   General Capital Acquisitions, LLC

Dated: ___________________, 2015   By: _________________________
                                   Josh Hafron
                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

       This Agreement between GENERAL CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS, LLC, a Wisconsin
limited liability company (the “Developer”) and CITY OF MUSKEGON, 933 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”) is made pursuant to the following terms:


      A. Concurrent with this Agreement, Developer and City have entered into a Contract for
         Housing Exemption, an executed copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, for
         development of a low-income housing project for the elderly, Berkshire Muskegon
         Apartments (“the Development”).

      B. The City has granted an exemption from all ad valorem property taxes for the

      C. The City’s practice has been to require a minimum of two units in an affordable
         housing tax exempt project to be “market rate” units.

      D. In addition to the terms of the agreement regarding the Development’s tax exempt
         status, the parties wish to memorialize additional details herein.

          Now, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

   1. In lieu of the City’s requirement that Developer construct a minimum of two “market
      rate” units, Developer shall pay to the City a fee of $125,000 upon commencing
      construction of the Development.

   2. In addition to imposition of the minimum service charge of four percent (4%) of contract
      rents, as outlined in the Contract for Housing Exemption, Developer shall pay to the City
      a service fee of one percent (1%) of contract rents, for the provision of essential services
      such as police and fire protection, pursuant to the same time line as that of the service

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the dates indicated
                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

   Dated: __________________, 2015           By: ___________________________
                                             Steve Gawron, Mayor

   Dated: __________________, 2015           By: ___________________________
                                             Ann Cummings, Clerk

                                             GENERAL CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS, LLC

   Dated: ___________________, 2015          By: ___________________________________
                                             Josh Hafron
                     Commission Meeting Date: March 10, 2015

Date:          March 3, 2015
To:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:          Finance Director
RE:            Second Quarter 2014-15 Budget Reforecast

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the Second
Quarter 2014-15 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the
budget that have come about as result of changes in revenue projections, policy
priorities, labor contracts, updated economic conditions, or other factors.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Significant second quarter proposed adjustments to the
budget are as follows:
   • General Fund revenues are reforecast to be $1,248,426 lower than the first
      quarter reforecast. This decrease is primarily due to moving $1,168,300 in
      anticipated grants revenue for the Veterans Park improvements from the
      general fund to the state grants fund. In addition, due to revised state
      estimates, revenue sharing is projected to be $155,752 lower than the original

   •    General Fund expenditures are estimated to be $1,096,409 lower than the
        first quarter reforecast. This decrease is largely due to moving the Veteran’s
        Park capital project to the state grants fund. The DDA will require a subsidy of
        $70,000 from the general fund for the current year’s debt service as TIF
        revenue has declined due to tax appeals.

   •    There are a number of changes proposed for capital projects and include:
           ♦ In the General Fund, Veteran’s Park upgrades project was moved
               to the state grants fund. Pere Marquette Park playground equipment
               project reduced from $20,000 to $15,000 for the current fiscal year.
           ♦ In the Major Streets Fund, proposed projects are now $3,247,000
               compared to $6,825,000 as projected in the first quarter, largely due to
               the timing of projects.
           ♦ In the Public Improvement Fund, the proposed beach warning system
               has been eliminated.
           ♦ In the State Grants Fund, $1,168,300 has been included for the
            Veteran’s Park capital project which is funded primarily by grants.
          ♦ In the Equipment Fund, capital items have been adjusted to reflect
            revisions of needs versus available resources.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: City commission approval of this reforecast will
formally amend the City’s 2014-15 budget.


3/10/15                                                                           2
    City of Muskegon
    2014-15 Budget Summary
    Summary of Budgeted Funds

                                                          Projected                                           Projected Ending        Increase
                                                       Beginning Fund                                               Fund          (Decrease) Fund
                                                       Balance/Working     Projected        Projected         Balance/Working     Balance/Working
    Fund Name                                              Capital         Revenues        Expenditures            Capital             Capital

1   General                                            $     5,796,097 $    24,290,383 $     24,408,118 $            5,678,362 $         (117,735)

2   Major Streets                                            1,352,922       7,009,844        5,429,576              2,933,190          1,580,268

3   Local Streets                                             737,511         996,838         1,499,390                234,959           (502,552)

4   Criminal Forfeitures Fund                                 189,410           18,700           21,350                186,760             (2,650)

5   Budget Stabilization Fund                                1,700,000                 -                  -          1,700,000                  -

6   Tree Replacement Fund                                        1,156           1,550            1,000                  1,706                550

7   Brownfield Authority Fund (Betten)                      (1,331,453)       124,878           165,383             (1,371,958)           (40,505)

8   Brownfield Authority Fund (Former Mall)                          -        106,500           106,500                      -                  -

9   Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund                          829           38,040           38,000                    869                 40

10 Downtown Development Authority Debt Fund                     93,778        238,500           329,838                  2,440            (91,338)

11 Local Development Finance Authority III Fund (SZ)            42,847        428,423           440,000                 31,270            (11,577)

12 Arena Improvement                                            28,012          34,200           34,000                 28,212                200

13 Sidewalk Improvement                                       343,756           40,000          156,875                226,881           (116,875)

14 Public Improvement                                         370,268         270,500           129,000                511,768            141,500

15 State Grants                                               107,977        1,170,300        1,191,516                 86,761            (21,216)

16 Marina & Launch Ramp                                       167,641         184,800           179,681                172,760              5,119

17 Public Service Building                                    568,069        1,098,948          992,955                674,062            105,993

18 Engineering Services                                         79,207        517,500           431,930                164,777             85,570

19 Equipment                                                  802,987        2,227,500        2,759,599                270,888           (532,099)

20 General Insurance                                         1,509,014       4,048,046        4,041,188              1,515,872              6,858

21 Sewer                                                     3,545,607       8,773,500        9,267,445              3,051,662           (493,945)

22 Water                                                     2,656,611       6,392,597        6,254,132              2,795,076            138,465

     Total All Budgeted Funds                          $    18,762,246 $    58,011,547 $     57,877,476 $           18,896,317 $          134,071

                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 40
                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           GENERAL FUND

                        HISTORICAL SUMMARY

                           Revenues &       Expenditures &    Fund Balance
    Year                   Transfers In      Transfers Out     at Year-End
    2001       $           23,446,611 $        23,235,978 $     3,162,367
    2002                   23,617,163          23,971,534       2,807,996
    2003                   23,328,756          23,705,334       2,431,418
    2004                   23,401,793          23,388,019       2,445,192
    2005                   23,732,641          23,658,227       2,519,606
    2006                   24,669,210          24,498,776       2,690,040
    2007                   25,031,403          24,800,810       2,920,633
    2008                   25,563,632          26,100,539       2,383,726
    2009                   24,105,019          24,850,082       1,638,663
    2010*                  16,142,764          11,742,973       6,038,454
   2010-11                 24,029,686          25,556,758       4,511,382
   2011-12                 24,126,111          23,617,448       5,020,045
   2012-13                 23,628,096          22,708,893       5,653,558
   2013-14                 23,960,758          23,818,219       5,796,097

                    Fiscal 2014-15 Budget Summary

FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR                                                $   5,796,097

               Taxes                                           15,026,000        61.9%
               Licenses and Permits                             1,428,500        5.9%
               Federal Grants                                      84,296        0.3%
               State Grants                                        15,000        0.1%
               State Shared Revenue                             3,917,141        16.1%
               Other Charges                                    2,378,865        9.8%
               Fines and Fees                                     419,000        1.7%
               Other Revenue                                      628,081        2.6%
               Other Financing Sources                            393,500        1.6%
                                                               24,290,383        100.0%

               Customer Value Added Activities                 18,740,044         76.8%
               Business Value Added Activities                  4,380,678         17.9%
               Fixed Budget Items                               1,287,396         5.3%
                                                               24,408,118        100.0%

ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR                                        $   5,678,362

             OPERATING DEFICIT (USE OF FUND BALANCE)                         $    (117,735)

* Six-month transition period to new fiscal year

                                                                                              Page 2 of 40
                 City of Muskegon
                 Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                               Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2013        Actual FY2014    Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015            Original                    Comments
                 Available Fund Balance - BOY           $    5,020,045   $        5,653,598   $     4,751,031    $        5,796,097    $        5,653,558    $        5,796,097   $     1,045,066

101-00000-4100   PROPERTY TAX                                5,686,870            5,502,231         5,538,000               357,038               340,211             5,538,000   $             -   BC Cobb loss, but now @ 10 mills
101-00000-4101   CHARGE BACK COLLECTED                               -                    -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
101-00000-4102   IN LIEU OF TAX                                 96,346               93,886            95,000                     -                     -                95,000                 -
101-00000-4103   IFT/CFT TAX                                    58,087               91,292            82,000                     -                     -                82,000                 -
101-00000-4104   PROPERTY TAX SANITATION                     1,484,252            1,436,072         1,661,000               105,966                89,908             1,661,000                 -   BC Cobb loss, but now @ 3 mills
101-00000-4140   INCOME TAX                                  7,506,472            7,831,423         7,650,000             3,718,973             3,514,855             7,650,000                 -
                                                        $   14,832,027   $       14,954,904   $    15,026,000    $        4,181,977    $        3,944,974    $       15,026,000   $             -

                 Licenses and permits
101-00000-4202   BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS                    31,623               38,200            29,500                14,875                 6,530                45,000            15,500
101-00000-4203   LIQUOR LICENSES & TAX REBATE                   44,955               55,009            50,000                44,931                46,724                50,000                 -
101-00000-4204   CABLE TV LICENSES OR FEES                     358,785              358,755           350,000                89,381                86,627               350,000                 -
101-00000-4205   HOUSING LICENSES                               45,575               10,232             8,000                (4,629)                8,905                 8,000                 -   Decrease due to SAFEbuilt contract
101-00000-4206   INSPECTION FEE                                    190                  340                 -                 1,032                    75                     -                 -
101-00000-4207   CEMETERY-BURIAL PERMITS                        89,170               89,459            90,000                40,295                46,980                90,000                 -
101-00000-4208   BUILDING PERMITS                              278,166              488,042           405,000               195,399               183,215               405,000                 -   Several large projects planned
101-00000-4209   ELECTRICAL PERMITS                             67,128              108,657            86,000                43,991                48,247                86,000                 -
101-00000-4210   PLUMBING PERMITS                               26,519               48,221            47,000                15,224                23,734                47,000                 -
101-00000-4211   HEATING PERMITS                                62,305               72,051            61,000                32,065                32,639                61,000                 -
101-00000-4212   POLICE GUN REGISTRATION                             -                1,650             1,500                    75                 1,400                 1,500                 -
101-00000-4213   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION                  117,535              185,697           150,000                76,171                92,850               150,000                 -
101-00000-4221   VACANT BUILDING FEE                           108,284              105,751           125,000                46,370                52,816               125,000                 -   Increased blight fight efforts
101-00000-4224   TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE                        8,050                8,075            10,000                 1,625                 1,825                10,000                 -
                                                        $    1,238,285   $        1,570,139   $     1,413,000    $          596,805 $             632,567    $        1,428,500   $        15,500

                 Federal grants
101-00000-4300   FEDERAL GRANTS                               117,324                83,324            46,370                38,653                33,114                84,296            37,926   JAG/BPV/FEMA/WEMET
                                                        $     117,324    $           83,324   $        46,370    $           38,653    $           33,114    $           84,296   $        37,926

                 State grants
101-00000-4400   STATE GRANTS                                  13,819                14,557            15,000                  7,406                 7,587               15,000                 -   Police $15K
                                                        $      13,819    $           14,557   $        15,000    $             7,406   $             7,587   $           15,000   $             -

                 State shared revenue
101-00000-4502   STATE SALES TAX CONSTITUTIONAL              2,667,026            2,729,570         2,913,387               993,147               960,817             2,800,405          (112,982) Based on current state estimates
101-00000-4503   STATE EVIP PAYMENTS                         1,033,845            1,083,651         1,159,506               372,244               361,217             1,116,736           (42,770) Based on current state estimates
                                                        $    3,700,871   $        3,813,221   $     4,072,893    $        1,365,391    $        1,322,034    $        3,917,141   $      (155,752)

                 Other charges for sales and services
101-00000-4603   TAX COLLECTION FEE                            267,293              259,755           289,276                     -                37,490               289,276                 -   1% admin fee on all mills
101-00000-4604   GARBAGE COLLECTION                             46,624               43,723            40,000                20,433                19,026                40,000                 -
101-00000-4606   ADMINISTRATION FEES                           250,000              250,000           250,000               125,000               125,000               250,000                 -
101-00000-4607   REIMBURSEMENT ELECTIONS                           329               13,342               300                   169                   331                31,000            30,700
101-00000-4608   INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                    1,171,536              983,104           965,889               479,020               491,552               965,889                 -
101-00000-4609   PROCUREMENT CARD REBATE                        54,556               64,268            41,000                     -                     -                41,000                 -
101-00000-4611   SPECIAL EVENTS REIMBURSEMENT                   66,596               90,233            75,000                63,610                78,948                75,000                 -
101-00000-4612   CEMETERY SALE OF LOTS                          31,482               28,817            25,000                 6,408                18,524                25,000                 -
101-00000-4614   REIMBURSEMENT LOT CLEAN UP                     32,462               26,813            10,000                10,351                11,312                10,000                 -   Decrease due to SAFEbuilt contract
101-00000-4615   POLICE DEPARTMENT INCOME                       67,322               89,488            65,000                57,582                36,330                65,000                 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 3 of 40
                 City of Muskegon
                 Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date       Actual to Date       2Q Reforecast     (Decrease) From
                                                       Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14             12/31/13              FY2015             Original                   Comments
101-00000-4617   FIRE DEPARTMENT INCOME                         2,843                5,691               3,500                 1,339                2,356              3,500                   -
101-00000-4619   MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                       2,452               36,281               3,000                   250                1,020              3,000                   -
101-00000-4620   FIRE PROTECTION-STATE PROP                   117,776               82,526              82,500               80,227               82,526              82,500                   -
101-00000-4621   ZONING & ENCROACHMENT FEES                    11,164               12,265              11,000                 5,590                9,000             11,000                   -
101-00000-4622   MISC. CLERK FEES                               2,827                2,445               2,800                 1,085                1,173              2,800                   -
101-00000-4624   TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION FEES                 5,904                  750               6,000                 2,622                  500              6,000                   -
101-00000-4625   MISC. TREAS. FEES                             42,948               48,369              50,000                 4,804                5,099             50,000                   -
101-00000-4631   REIMBURSEMENT SCHOOL OFFICER                  25,276               19,498              22,500               11,255               10,927              22,500                   -
101-00000-4633   OBSOLETE PROPERTY FEES                              -                 250                    -                    -                  250                   -                  -
101-00000-4634   PASSPORTS                                      4,160                5,565               3,500                 5,095                1,975              8,000               4,500
101-00000-4635   START UP CHARGE/REFUSE                        10,615                9,350              10,000                 3,025                3,905             10,000                   -
101-00000-4636   REFUSE BAG & BULK SALES                       23,852               22,790              23,000               13,736               10,830              23,000                   -
101-00000-4637   APPLIANCE STICKER                                 25                   75                 300                   100                   25                300                   -
101-00000-4642   LIEN LOOK UPS                                 15,700               14,270              15,000                 6,845                7,183             15,000                   -
101-00000-4648   FALSE ALARM FEES/POLICE                        5,265               14,220              11,500                 6,435                5,895             11,500                   -
101-00000-4649   CEMETERY-MISC. INCOME                         17,369               16,288              15,000                 8,591              10,692              15,000                   -
101-00000-4650   SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION                 8,382                    -                    -                    -                    -                   -                  -
101-00000-4651   REIMBURSEMENT LOT MOWING                      43,648               47,760              20,000               12,027               26,519              20,000                   -   Decrease due to SAFEbuilt contract
101-00000-4652   MUSKEGON HEIGHTS ZONING                             -               2,958               1,600                 3,395                    -              1,600                   -
101-00000-4654   FIRE RESPONSE FEE                                   -               4,500               3,000                 1,500                    -              3,000                   -
101-00000-4656   SITE PLAN REVIEW                               3,600                2,700               3,500                 1,100                  700              3,500                   -
101-00000-4657   COLUMBARIUM NICHE                              1,725                    -               1,000                   150                    -              1,000                   -
101-00000-4658   IMPOUND FEES                                  38,844               34,700              35,000               20,850               16,850              35,000                   -
101-00000-4659   LANDLORDS ALERT                                   40                    -                    -                    -                    -                   -                  -
101-00000-4660   MISC RECREATION INCOME                         6,667                6,602               6,500                 1,489                3,654              6,500                   -
101-00000-4661   LEASE GREAT LAKES NAVAL MEMORIAL              15,000               15,000              15,000                 7,500                8,750             15,000                   -
101-00000-4663   FLEA MARKET AT FARMERS MARKET                 30,935               26,410              35,000               17,437               16,919              35,000                   -
101-00000-4664   FARMERS MARKET INCOME                         42,599               58,440              40,000               39,941               31,980              40,000                   -
101-00000-4665   LEASE BILLBOARDS                               6,800                6,800               6,800                     -                    -              6,800                   -
101-00000-4670   PICNIC SHELTER                                19,600               20,673              35,000                 8,340                6,670             35,000                   -
101-00000-4671   MCGRAFT PARK                                  61,053               47,651              46,000               42,866               38,511              46,000                   -
101-00000-4672   SAFEBUILT LOT MOWING                                -                 395                    -              29,670                     -                   -                  -
101-00000-4673   RENTAL - CENTRAL DISPATCH                     44,938               46,782              45,000               16,522               16,691              45,000                   -
101-00000-4674   RENTAL - CITY HALL                            16,244               23,022              19,200               12,610               11,183              19,200                   -
101-00000-4675   RENTALS - BEACH                                2,500                2,500              10,000                     -                2,500             10,000                   -
101-00000-4676   SAFEBUILT - TRASH PICKUP                            -                   -                    -              14,710                     -                   -                  -
101-00000-4693   FARMERS MARKET EVENT RENTAL                         -                   -                    -                  750                    -                   -                  -
                                                      $     2,618,951    $       2,487,069   $      2,343,665     $      1,144,429     $      1,152,796     $      2,378,865    $         35,200

                 Fines and fees
101-00000-4701   INCOME TAX-PENALTY & INTEREST                174,801             173,321             170,000               89,213               78,592              170,000                   -
101-00000-4702   DELINQUENT FEES                               30,872              47,975              30,000                  417                4,398               30,000                   -
101-00000-4703   INTEREST/LATE INVOICES                             -                  12                   -                    -                   12                    -                   -
101-00000-4704   PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES                       2,318               2,086               2,000                1,045                1,071                2,000                   -
101-00000-4706   LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 45 DAYS                  -                   -                   -                  490                    -                    -                   -
101-00000-4751   CIVIL INFRACTIONS                                  -               1,450              25,000                5,350                    -               25,000                   -   Increased blight fight efforts
101-00000-4754   TRAFFIC FINES & FEES                          77,803              75,451              62,000               30,037               31,125               62,000                   -   Moratorium on 2-6 AM parking ban
101-00000-4755   COURT FEES                                   125,184             102,465             130,000               44,875               49,736              130,000                   -
                                                      $       410,978    $        402,760    $        419,000     $        171,427     $        164,934     $        419,000    $              -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 4 of 40
                 City of Muskegon
                 Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                                     Original Budget       Actual to Date       Actual to Date       2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                              Actual FY2013        Actual FY2014    Estimate FY2015          12/31/14             12/31/13              FY2015            Original                   Comments
                 Other revenue
101-00000-4800   MISC. & SUNDRY                                       9,208                 4,573             5,000                 5,550                1,389                5,000                 -
101-00000-4802   REIMB:DEMOS AND BOARD-UPS                           10,639                 9,670            10,000                 1,903                3,351               10,000                 -
101-00000-4803   CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS                        333,929               320,459           344,706                 6,818               23,091              344,706                 -
101-00000-4805   CONTRIBUTIONS                                        3,755                 7,355            11,000                 6,100                3,200               11,000                 -
101-00000-4806   BIKE/PROPERTY AUCTIONS-POLICE                        6,058                     -             2,000                     -                    -                2,000                 -
101-00000-4808   SALE OF PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                           -                 2,000                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
101-00000-4811   FISHERMANS LANDING REIMBURSEMENT                    17,471                18,196            16,500                     -                    -               16,500                 -
101-00000-4814   PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS                                    25                   118                25                   146                  109                   25                 -
101-00000-4818   RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT                                 7,122                   392             2,000                 1,130                  240                2,000                 -
101-00000-4821   CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS                                 2,250                     -            79,000                     -                    -               80,350             1,350 Fire Radios/Rap grant/Forfeitures
101-00000-4823   CONTRIBUTIONS - DISC GOLF COURSE IMPROVE             4,480                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
101-00000-4825   CONTRIBUTIONS - VETERAN'S PARK MAINT                16,155                64,387            16,500                     -                    -               16,500                 -
101-00000-4829   COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT - MCGRAFT PAR             4,800                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
101-00000-4830   CONTRIBUTIONS - WEST MI ECON DEV PARTNERSH               -                     -                 -                     -                2,000                    -                 -
101-00000-4832   CONSUMERS ENERGY ESSENTIAL SERVICES                      -                     -           100,000               100,000                    -              100,000                 - Anticipated Consumers settlement
101-00000-4841   GRANT: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                         10,000                25,000            54,000                     -               15,000               40,000           (14,000) PM improvements/recreation/trails
                                                              $     425,892    $          452,150   $       640,731    $          121,647   $           48,380   $          628,081   $       (12,650)

                 Interest & Operating Transfers
101-00000-4902   OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVENUE                       52,995               79,922           106,500                      -                    -             106,500                 -    Increase due to BRA RZ phaseout
101-00000-4903   OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE                          50,000               50,000            38,000                 19,000               25,000              38,000                 -    Declining Hotel TIF Captured Values
101-00000-4904   OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS                           -                3,035           176,000                      -                    -             176,000                 -    Public Improvement Fund PM Park
101-00000-4906   OP. TRANS FROM INTERNAL SERVICE FUND                200,000                    -                 -                      -                    -                   -                 -    One-time revenue (MMRMA) in FY13
101-00000-4908   OP. TRANS FROM NONEXPENDABLE                         20,653                    -            23,000                      -                    -              23,000                 -
101-00000-4970   INTEREST INCOME                                      69,568               27,037            50,000                 19,654               12,456              50,000                 -
101-00000-4971   UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENT               (123,263)              15,907                 -                (50,311)             (21,216)                  -                 -
101-00000-4980   SALE OF FIXED ASSETS                                      -                    -                 -                      -                    -                   -                 -
                                                              $      269,953 $            175,901   $       393,500    $           (11,657) $            16,240 $           393,500   $             -

                 Total general fund revenues and other
                 sources                                      $   23,628,100   $       23,954,025   $    24,370,159    $        7,616,078   $        7,322,626   $       24,290,383   $       (79,776)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 5 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
       I. Customer Value Added Activities

40301 Police Department
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                          7,650,897             7,627,359         8,255,003              3,801,183             3,802,742            8,255,003                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        63,751               106,028            99,225                 41,829                51,891               99,225                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           893,404               814,379           818,350                469,821               416,965              818,350                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  16,611                15,615            15,000                  6,493                 4,130               15,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 17,591                 8,192            34,925                  4,539                 3,317               34,925                 -
                                                   $   8,642,254   $         8,571,573   $     9,222,503    $         4,323,865   $         4,279,045   $        9,222,503   $             -
                                                   $   8,642,254   $         8,571,573   $     9,222,503    $         4,323,865   $         4,279,045   $        9,222,503   $             -

50336 Fire Department
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                          2,842,619             3,093,073         3,230,934              1,622,420             1,495,536            3,230,934                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                       103,835               148,475           117,700                 99,423                70,167              117,700                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           420,775               436,164           181,800                 87,161               202,497              181,800                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                   3,514                 7,468             7,600                  3,230                 2,693                7,600                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 42,880                38,000            56,025                 26,881                 7,305               56,025                 -
                                                   $   3,413,623   $         3,723,180   $     3,594,059    $         1,839,115   $         1,778,198   $        3,594,059   $             -

50338 New Central Fire Station
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                  -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                  -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           58,416                71,068             60,000                 23,861                23,349               60,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                  -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                  -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                   $     58,416    $           71,068    $        60,000    $            23,861   $            23,349   $           60,000   $             -

50387 Fire Safety Inspections
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            164,533                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                         1,547                 5,118                 -                  5,113                   302                    -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           306,646               576,474           599,000                213,886               153,390              599,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                     950                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   (742)                6,580                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                   $     472,934 $             588,172   $       599,000    $           218,999   $           153,692   $          599,000   $             -
                                                   $   3,944,973 $           4,382,420   $     4,253,059    $         2,081,975   $         1,955,239   $        4,253,059   $             -

60523 General Sanitation
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                             19,689                20,629            22,000                 9,498                10,181                22,000                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                             -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                         1,522,242             1,587,853         1,696,309               663,545               668,196             1,600,000           (96,309)
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
5900      OTHER FINANCING USES                           200,000               200,000                 -                     -               100,000                     -                 -
                                                   $   1,741,931   $         1,808,482   $     1,718,309    $          673,043    $          778,377    $        1,622,000   $       (96,309)

                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 6 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           2Q Reforecast       (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14                 12/31/13                  FY2015                Original         Comments
60550 Stormwater Management
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                  -                         -                        -                    -                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                  -                         -                        -                    -                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           12,994                11,444             10,000                         -                        -               10,000                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                  -                         -                        -                    -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                  -                         -                        -                    -                    -
                                                   $     12,994    $           11,444    $        10,000    $                    -   $                    -   $           10,000      $             -

60448 Streetlighting
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                  -                     -                        -                        -                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                  -                     -                        -                        -                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          655,118               647,680            670,000               157,752                  274,266                  650,000              (20,000)
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                  -                     -                        -                        -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                  -                     -                        -                        -                    -
                                                   $    655,118    $          647,680    $       670,000    $          157,752       $          274,266       $          650,000      $       (20,000)

60707 Senior Citizen Transit
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            31,420                 3,379                   -                 1,007                    1,623                          -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                   -                     -                        -                          -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           10,396                 5,000                   -                     -                    5,000                          -                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                   -                     -                        -                          -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                   -                     -                        -                          -                 -
                                                   $     41,816    $            8,379    $              -   $             1,007      $             6,623      $                   -   $             -

60446 Community Event Support
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            13,668                14,204             10,000                  8,602                    6,909                  14,000                4,000
5200      SUPPLIES                                        1,015                   964              1,200                     40                      964                   1,200                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            4,586                 7,202             10,000                  4,457                    5,923                  10,000                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                    -
                                                   $     19,269    $           22,370    $        21,200    $            13,099      $            13,796      $           25,200      $         4,000

70751 Parks Maintenance
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            342,929               353,365           396,463               159,146                  180,944                  396,463                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        54,898                70,127            89,688                30,962                   39,811                   89,688                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           603,317               636,391           651,969               348,347                  312,645                  651,969                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       4                     -                 -                   220                        -                        -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                  8,314                 6,376             5,000                     -                      627                    5,000                    -
                                                   $   1,009,462   $         1,066,259   $     1,143,120    $          538,675       $          534,027       $        1,143,120      $             -

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 7 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                            Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date           2Q Reforecast       (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014       Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13                  FY2015                Original        Comments
70757 Mc Graft Park Maintenance
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                             3,935                 6,149                8,299                  1,303                 3,617                   8,299                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        2,851                 5,369                4,900                  1,639                 2,040                   4,900                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           15,456                39,324               33,550                 10,381                31,513                  33,550                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                      -                     -                       -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,220                   390                1,000                    310                   180                   1,000                    -
                                                   $     23,462    $           51,232      $        47,749    $            13,633   $            37,350      $           47,749      $             -

70756 Municipal Marina
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                       -                  -                     -                        -                       -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                             -                       -                  -                     -                        -                       -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                 -                       -                  -                   214                        -                       -                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                       -                  -                     -                        -                       -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                       -                  -                     -                        -                       -                 -
                                                   $           -   $                   -   $              -   $               214   $                    -   $                   -   $             -

70276 Cemeteries Maintenance
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            89,049                92,987               82,932                60,299                42,874                   82,932                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        5,258                 8,696                7,950                 1,981                 2,526                    7,950                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          259,567               276,689              254,436               180,264               159,028                  265,000               10,564
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  1,563                     -                8,230                     -                     -                    8,230                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 7,466                 8,457                    -                   552                     -                        -                    -
                                                   $    362,903    $          386,829      $       353,548    $          243,096    $          204,428       $          364,112      $        10,564

70585 Parking Operations
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                              1,076                1,977                2,000                    214                   741                   2,000                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                             -                  150                    -                    521                   150                       -                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                             4,189                4,154                3,800                  1,778                 1,810                   3,800                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                    -                    -                      -                     -                       -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                    -                  6,777                     -                       -                    -
                                                   $       5,265   $            6,281      $         5,800    $             9,290   $             2,701      $            5,800      $             -

70357 Graffiti Removal
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                              3,122                1,626                4,000                  1,888                 1,053                   4,000                    -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            91                   46                  200                  1,332                    22                     200                    -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                               640                  490                4,661                    171                   343                   4,661                    -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                    -                    -                      -                     -                       -                    -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                    -                      -                     -                       -                    -
                                                   $       3,853   $            2,162      $         8,861    $             3,391   $             1,418      $            8,861      $             -

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 8 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
70863 Farmers' Market & Flea Market
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            27,276                33,799             35,000                 21,071                17,001               45,000            10,000
5200      SUPPLIES                                        2,913                 4,073              3,150                  5,240                     -                4,500             1,350
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           33,051                38,824             54,254                 49,405                20,892               89,000            34,746
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                     25                     -                500                      -                     -                  500                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                    22              5,000                      -                    22                5,000                 -
                                                   $     63,265    $           76,718    $        97,904    $            75,716   $            37,915   $          144,000   $        46,096

70865 Farmers' Market EBT Program
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                             -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                 -                     -                 -                    180                     -                    -                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                   $           -   $                 -   $             -    $               180   $                 -   $                -   $             -
                                                   $   3,939,338   $         4,087,836   $     4,076,491    $         1,729,096   $         1,890,901   $        4,020,842   $       (55,649)

                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 9 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                         Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014    Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
70775 General Recreation
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                             3,062                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                           96                     -               200                      -                     -                  200                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           92,786               105,498            95,700                 54,573                58,056              100,300             4,600
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                   $     95,944    $          105,498   $        95,900    $            54,573   $            58,056   $          100,500   $         4,600

80387 Environmental Services
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           331,404               217,401           151,555                53,140               154,326               151,555                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                       10,649                 6,336             8,300                 2,713                 4,344                 8,300                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          194,996               443,623           659,775               480,934               117,382               709,775            50,000
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    547                   225             1,000                   310                     -                 1,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 3,897                 8,580             3,500                     -                 2,736                 3,500                 -
                                                   $    541,493    $          676,165   $       824,130    $          537,097    $          278,788    $          874,130   $        50,000
                                                   $    637,437    $          781,663   $       920,030    $          591,670    $          336,844    $          974,630   $        54,600

10875 Other - Contributions to Outside Agencies
        MUSKEGON AREA TRANSIT (MATS)                     80,164                77,430            78,850                 18,659                40,082               78,850                 -
        NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GRANTS                  17,738                16,500            21,000                  3,445                     -               21,000                 -
        MUSKEGON AREA FIRST                              45,566                45,566            45,660                 22,783                22,783               45,660                 -
        VETERANS MEMORIAL DAY COSTS                       4,463                 6,692             7,000                      -                     -                7,000                 -
        WEST MI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP              -                     -             3,000                      -                     -                3,000                 -
        DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON NOW                            42,995                79,922           106,500                      -                25,000              106,500                 -
        LAKESIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT                        2,500                 2,500             2,500                      -                     -                2,500                 -
        211 SERVICE                                       2,500                 2,500             2,500                  2,500                 2,500                2,500                 -
        MLK DIVERSITY PROGRAM                             1,000                 1,000             1,000                  1,000                     -                1,000                 -
        MUSKEGON AREA LABOR MANAGEMENT (MALMC)            1,000                 1,000             1,000                  1,000                 1,000                1,000                 -
       SUPPLEMENTAL MERS CONTRIBUTION                         -               300,000                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
       Contributions To Outside Agencies           $    197,926    $          533,110   $       269,010    $            49,387   $            91,365   $          269,010   $             -
                                                   $    197,926    $          533,110   $       269,010    $            49,387   $            91,365   $          269,010   $             -

       Total Customer Value Added Activities       $ 17,361,928    $       18,356,602   $    18,741,093    $         8,775,993   $         8,553,394   $       18,740,044   $        (1,049)
       As a Percent of Total General Fund
       Expenditures                                        76.5%                77.1%             76.9%                  78.4%                 75.7%                76.8%             -2.7%

                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 10 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                         Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014    Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
       II. Business Value Added Activities

10101 City Commission
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            66,891                69,679            68,461                 32,389                34,211               68,461                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        8,515                17,211            11,000                     92                 8,577               11,000                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           14,961                10,056            14,500                    471                 9,541               14,500                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    847                 3,177             2,000                    301                 1,108                2,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 2,295                   980             1,500                    480                   520                1,500                 -
                                                   $     93,509    $          101,103   $        97,461    $            33,733   $            53,957   $           97,461   $             -

10102 City Promotions & Public Relations
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                    -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                           474                  733               800                    306                   287                  800                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                             9,357                8,519             8,550                  4,090                 6,434               28,550            20,000
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                    -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                   $       9,831   $            9,252   $         9,350    $             4,396   $             6,721   $           29,350   $        20,000

10172 City Manager
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           263,747               278,055           268,328                99,739               169,872               268,328                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                          538                 2,572             1,400                   875                 1,151                 1,400                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            4,196                15,649            15,000                   842                11,457                15,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    336                 2,466             3,000                 2,165                 2,011                 3,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,092                 1,429             2,000                   198                 1,429                 2,000                 -
                                                   $    269,909    $          300,171   $       289,728    $          103,819    $          185,920    $          289,728   $             -

10145 City Attorney
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                          830                 1,713             2,000                     -                   850                 2,000                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          320,106               386,649           345,000               148,096               165,611               345,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
                                                   $    320,936    $          388,362   $       347,000    $          148,096    $          166,461    $          347,000   $             -
                                                   $    694,185    $          798,888   $       743,539    $          290,044    $          413,059    $          763,539   $        20,000

20228 Affirmative Action
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            79,907                59,704            81,801                 29,624                34,617               81,801                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                          239                   260               750                    153                   108                  750                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            1,051                10,152             2,027                    625                   627                2,027                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    151                   240               800                    287                    52                  800                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,092                 2,337             1,000                      -                 2,337                1,000                 -
                                                   $     82,440    $           72,693   $        86,378    $            30,689   $            37,741   $           86,378   $             -

                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 11 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                         Original Budget       Actual to Date       Actual to Date       2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014    Estimate FY2015          12/31/14             12/31/13              FY2015             Original         Comments
20215 City Clerk & Elections
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           266,352               274,536           273,434               143,467              134,693              294,934            21,500
5200      SUPPLIES                                       32,880                23,123            26,900                13,371               15,710               28,900             2,000
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           29,335                27,236            37,324                14,678               17,163               44,524             7,200
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  2,497                 2,303             3,500                   272                  465                3,500                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 6,189                 5,630             2,500                 1,479                1,534                2,500                 -
                                                   $    337,253    $          332,828   $       343,658    $          173,267   $          169,565   $          374,358   $        30,700

20220 Civil Service
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                             3,429                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                   455               500                     -                  455                  500                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           82,446                87,652            85,050                48,878               39,988              100,050            15,000    $15K MML consul
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  2,563                 3,385             2,800                 2,034                3,385                2,800                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
                                                   $     88,438    $           91,492   $        88,350    $           50,912   $           43,828   $          103,350   $        15,000
                                                   $    508,131    $          497,013   $       518,386    $          254,868   $          251,134   $          564,086   $        45,700

30202 Finance Administration
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           187,092               252,343           335,776               156,042               89,697              335,776                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        2,961                 2,705             2,975                   474                1,346                2,475              (500)
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          172,202               101,753            62,562                45,999               84,546               62,062              (500)
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  1,166                   853             1,000                   658                  810                1,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   725                   420               500                     -                  283                1,500             1,000
                                                   $    364,146    $          358,074   $       402,813    $          203,173   $          176,682   $          402,813   $             -

30209 Assessing Services
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                             3,312                 3,260             4,500                   977                  981                4,500                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          326,878               299,218           318,500               147,582              149,160              318,500                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
                                                   $    330,190    $          302,478   $       323,000    $          148,559   $          150,141   $          323,000   $             -

30805 Arena Administration
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                 -                     -                    -                    -                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          237,423               282,096           238,000               235,000              235,000              238,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -           135,000                73,379                    -              135,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,538                 1,476             1,550                     -                    -                1,550                 -
                                                   $    238,961    $          283,572   $       374,550    $          308,379   $          235,000   $          374,550   $             -

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 12 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
30205 Income Tax Administration
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           310,903               331,614            227,780               108,983               156,095               227,780                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        7,917                12,397             10,760                 3,674                 4,502                10,760                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           68,153                55,226             70,550                29,243                16,984                70,550                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    318                   480              1,000                   135                   279                 1,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,475                 4,513              2,500                 1,117                     -                 2,500                 -
                                                   $    388,766    $          404,230    $       312,590    $          143,152    $          177,860    $          312,590   $             -

30253 City Treasurer
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           301,576               251,627            390,457               169,525               144,394               390,457                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                       69,608                69,867             66,000                35,735                34,858                66,000                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          111,392               110,272            109,000                50,273                41,449               109,000                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                    882                   314                800                   168                   293                   800                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                    51                 2,101              1,000                   208                     -                 1,000                 -
                                                   $    483,509    $          434,181    $       567,257    $          255,909    $          220,994    $          567,257   $             -

30248 Information Systems Administration
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            308,966               319,560           322,796                149,805               145,350              322,796                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                           159                   854             2,590                     13                   323                2,590                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            25,747                30,605            50,514                 28,772                23,110               50,514                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                   6,947                 9,573            12,000                  1,025                    40               12,000                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 49,526                54,524             6,319                 15,435                31,221                6,319                 -
                                                   $     391,345   $           415,116   $       394,219    $           195,050   $           200,044   $          394,219   $             -
                                                   $   2,196,917   $         2,197,651   $     2,374,429    $         1,254,222   $         1,160,721   $        2,374,429   $             -

60265 City Hall Maintenance
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                            41,519                36,184             36,907                 14,139                17,575               36,907                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                       11,581                10,806             13,275                  4,644                 4,694               13,275                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          183,702               169,998            230,600                 68,255                65,491              230,600                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                500                      -                     -                  500                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 7,495                16,132              6,900                  8,072                 4,274                6,900                 -
                                                   $    244,297    $          233,120    $       288,182    $            95,110   $            92,034   $          288,182   $             -
                                                   $    244,297    $          233,120    $       288,182    $            95,110   $            92,034   $          288,182   $             -

                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 13 of 40
       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                   Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14              12/31/13               FY2015             Original         Comments
80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
5100      SALARIES & BENEFITS                           276,971               280,607            307,732               142,125               133,446               307,732                 -
5200      SUPPLIES                                        3,228                 2,589              4,000                 1,206                 1,378                 4,000                 -
5300      CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           15,171                46,280             72,710                18,945                13,054                72,710                 -
5400      OTHER EXPENSES                                  2,418                 3,093              3,500                   926                 1,831                 3,500                 -
5700      CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 2,434                 2,558              2,500                     -                 2,230                 2,500                 -
                                                   $    300,222    $          335,127    $       390,442    $          163,202    $          151,939    $          390,442   $             -
                                                   $    300,222    $          335,127    $       390,442    $          163,202    $          151,939    $          390,442   $             -

       Total Business Value Added Activities       $   3,943,752   $         4,061,799   $     4,314,978    $         2,057,446   $         2,068,887   $        4,380,678   $        65,700
       As a Percent of Total General Fund
       Expenditures                                        17.4%                17.1%              17.7%                  18.4%                 18.3%                17.9%            170.6%

       III. Fixed Budget Items

30999 Transfers To Other Funds
         MAJOR STREET FUND                              250,000                     -                  -                     -                     -                     -                 -
         LOCAL STREET FUND                              280,000               540,000                  -                     -               370,000                     -                 -
         LDFA DEBT SERVICE FUND (SMARTZONE)             160,000               160,000            227,000               113,500                80,000               227,000                 -
         DDA DEBT SERVICE FUND                                -                     -                  -                     -                     -                70,000            70,000
         GENERAL INSURANCE FUND                          28,046                28,046             28,046                14,023                14,023                28,046                 -
                                                   $    718,046    $          728,046    $       255,046    $          127,523    $          464,023    $          325,046   $        70,000

                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 14 of 40
         Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
         General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           2Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                       Actual FY2013       Actual FY2014     Estimate FY2015          12/31/14                 12/31/13                  FY2015             Original         Comments
30851    General Insurance                                  233,873               244,653            240,000                         -                        -              240,000   $             -
30906    Debt Retirement                                    279,678               276,257            273,000               172,860                  173,708                  273,000                 -
10891    Contingency and Bad Debt Expense                    65,933                99,013             46,000                  3,188                    1,876                 100,000            54,000
90000    Major Capital Improvements                         105,683                54,887            499,500                 54,462                   38,384                 349,350
 91112   CHARGEPOINT CAR CHARGING                                 -                 1,340                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91301     MCGRAFT PARK IMPROVEMENTS                              -                     -                  -                      -                    1,340                       -                 -
 91302     VETERAN'S PARK UPGRADES                                -                     -             12,000                 15,159                        -                  15,500             3,500
 91303     PARKS IMPROVEMENTS: PM & BEUKEMA                       -                     -             15,000                      -                        -                  30,000            15,000
 91304     BOARDWALK REPAIRS                                      -                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91116     ADA PROJECT 2011-2012                              5,748                   240             20,000                      -                       83                  20,000                 -
 91119     CITY HALL TUCK POINTING & ROOF OVER PD            38,021                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91120     VOIP PHONE SYSTEM                                 21,380                19,400             20,000                 19,400                   19,400                  20,000                 -
 91125     BS&A FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE                 2,105                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91129     JEFFERSON & APPLE CITY HALL PARKING LOT           28,056                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91206     CITY HALL HVAC CLEANING                            9,880                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 91305     CITY HALL WINDOWS                                      -                     -             40,000                      -                        -                  10,000           (30,000)
 91401     PM PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT                                                              220,000                                                                  15,000          (205,000)
 91402     CEMETERY GIS                                                                               50,000                                                                  50,000                 -
 91403     FORCE CONTIUUM TOOLS/EQUIPMENT (TASERS)                                                    30,000                                                                  31,350             1,350
 91404     FIRE HURST TOOLS (CUTTER)                                                                  12,000                                                                  12,000                 -
 91405     FIRE STATION # 4 ROOF REPLACEMENT                                                          18,000                                                                  18,000                 -
 91406     REPLACE FIRE DEPARTMENT RADIOS                                                             62,500                                                                  62,500                 -
           CITY HALL ELEVATOR REPAIRS                             -                     -                  -                      -                        -                  65,000            65,000
 99148     JAG GRANT                                            493                     -                  -                      -                        -                       -                 -
 99152     DOJ JAG GRANT MUSKEGON HEIGHTS                         -                33,907                  -                 19,903                   17,561                       -                 -
         Total Fixed-Budget Items                      $   1,403,213   $         1,402,856   $     1,313,546    $          358,033       $          677,991       $        1,287,396   $       (26,150)
         As a Percent of Total General Fund
         Expenditures                                           6.2%                  5.9%              5.4%                   3.2%                     6.0%                    5.3%            -67.9%

          Total General Fund                           $ 22,708,893    $       23,821,257    $    24,369,617    $       11,191,472       $       11,300,272       $       24,408,118   $        38,501

         Recap: Total General Fund By Line Item Expenditure Classification
5100       Salaries & Benefits                         $ 13,635,344    $       13,623,117    $    14,516,158    $         6,786,586      $         6,778,478      $       14,551,658   $        35,500
5200       Operating Supplies                               385,834               500,667            475,463                251,336                  246,456                 478,313             2,850
5300       Contractual Services                           7,122,498             8,121,381          7,972,501              3,637,866                3,422,235               7,997,802            25,301
5400       Other Expenses                                   107,272               148,205            244,230                 94,791                   18,973                 298,230            54,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                  260,221               223,584            633,219                120,510                   96,399                 484,069          (149,150)
5900       All Other Financing Uses                       1,197,724             1,204,303            528,046                300,383                  737,731                 598,046            70,000
          Total General Fund                           $ 22,708,893    $       23,821,257    $    24,369,617    $       11,191,472       $       11,300,272       $       24,408,118   $        38,501

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 15 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                     Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                       12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                          Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015              From Original

202     Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $       2,507,008     $       2,153,684     $         1,379,902        $        1,352,922       $        2,153,684        $        1,352,922      $         (26,980)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $         125,674     $          93,846     $           105,000        $                    -   $                     -   $          105,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                     796,438             1,009,784               1,298,000                 3,303,945                     3,887                4,243,000              2,945,000
         State shared revenue                     2,564,176             2,791,647               2,621,844                 1,026,880                  936,041                 2,621,844                        -
         Interest income                             24,246                16,390                   20,000                     2,753                    1,780                   20,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                     250,000                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Other                                       35,793                60,088                   20,000                     7,240                   39,310                   20,000                        -
                                          $       3,796,327     $       3,971,755     $         4,064,844        $        4,340,818       $          981,018        $        7,009,844      $       2,945,000

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $         548,724     $         601,105     $           719,196        $          256,119       $          271,291        $          719,196      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                        173,777               220,708                 259,200                     67,461                   45,209                  259,200                        -
5300      Contractual Services                      972,191             1,015,176                 972,415                   613,459                  440,305                   972,415                        -
5400      Other Expenses                             22,340                  4,579                     500                            -                        20                  500                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                      232,791               232,414                 231,265                   210,055                  207,797                   231,265                        -   Debt service on 2011 MTF bonds

                                          $       1,949,823     $       2,073,982     $         2,182,576        $        1,147,094       $          964,622        $        2,182,576      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                    2,199,828             2,698,535               2,195,000                   263,574                1,318,013                 3,247,000              1,052,000

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -

                                          $       2,199,828     $       2,698,535     $         2,195,000        $          263,574       $        1,318,013        $        3,247,000      $       1,052,000
                                          $       4,149,651     $       4,772,517     $         4,377,576        $        1,410,668       $        2,282,635        $        5,429,576      $       1,052,000

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $       2,153,684     $       1,352,922     $         1,067,170        $        4,283,072       $          852,067        $        2,933,190      $       1,866,020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 16 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                     Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                       12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                          Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

203     Local Streets Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         826,851     $         422,159     $           515,308        $          737,511       $          422,159       $          737,511      $         222,203

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $         127,402     $          39,557     $             80,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           35,000      $         (45,000) Special Assessements nearing end
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -                 32,000                            -                        -               32,000                        -
         Metro act fees                             143,669               115,854                 140,000                             -                        -              140,000                        -
         State shared revenue                       644,593               764,860                 757,838                   229,861                  225,732                  757,838                        -
         Interest income                             18,057                  9,311                  17,000                     1,353                    1,564                  17,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                     680,000               740,000                            -                        -              370,000                           -                     -   FY2015 no transfers from GF

         Other                                         5,899               26,075                   15,000                    21,055                   10,699                  15,000                        -

                                          $       1,619,620     $       1,695,657     $         1,041,838        $          252,269       $          607,995       $          996,838      $         (45,000)

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $         417,786     $         424,262     $           478,890        $          164,473       $          179,735       $          478,890      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                        114,772               152,326                 140,000                     15,964                   48,955                 140,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                      591,674               568,974                 820,000                   234,049                  253,051                  820,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                (140)                2,961                     500                            -                        -                  500                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $       1,124,092     $       1,148,523     $         1,439,390        $          414,486       $          481,741       $        1,439,390      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                      900,220               231,782                 732,000                     96,553                   11,047                  60,000               (672,000)

                                          $         900,220     $         231,782     $           732,000        $            96,553      $            11,047      $           60,000      $        (672,000)

                                          $       2,024,312     $       1,380,305     $         2,171,390        $          511,039       $          492,788       $        1,499,390      $        (672,000)

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $         422,159     $         737,511     $           (614,244) $               478,741       $          537,366       $          234,959      $         849,203

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 17 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                   Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

257     Budget Stabilization Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $       1,500,000     $       1,700,000     $         1,700,000        $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000      $                 -

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund             200,000                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                   $         200,000     $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $       1,700,000     $       1,700,000     $         1,700,000        $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000      $                 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 18 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                                    12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015              From Original

264     Criminal Forfeitures Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $         149,174       $         172,578       $           183,748        $          189,410       $          172,578        $          189,410      $            5,662

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             840                     889                    700                       393                      434                      700                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Other                                                24,915                  15,943                     18,000                       410                   15,942                   18,000                        -
                                                   $          25,755       $          16,832       $             18,700       $               803      $            16,376       $           18,700      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                  2,286                          -                  5,000                            -                         -                5,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            65                        -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                         -                       -                 15,000                            -                         -               16,350                   1,350    Force Contiuum Equipment (tasers)
                                                   $            2,351      $                   -   $             20,000       $                    -   $                     -   $           21,350      $            1,350

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        30                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    30   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $            2,351      $                   -   $             20,000       $                    -   $                    30   $           21,350      $            1,350

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $         172,578       $         189,410       $           182,448        $          190,213       $          188,924        $          186,760      $            4,312

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 19 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                 Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013            Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast        Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                      Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015               From Original

285     Tree Replacement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $            4,999     $            1,479      $              2,029       $             1,156      $             1,479      $            1,156       $             (873)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                    -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                 5,000                         -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         State shared revenue                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         Charges for services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         Interest income                                             14                      7                      50                            2                        4                       50                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
         Other                                                  2,496                         -                  1,500                            -                        -                1,500                         -
                                                   $            7,510     $                  7    $              1,550       $                    2   $                    4   $            1,550       $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $            3,659     $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                    -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                    5,350                       330                  1,000                            -                   329                   1,000                         -
5300      Contractual Services                                  2,021                         -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                              -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
                                                   $          11,030      $                 330   $              1,000       $                    -   $               329      $            1,000       $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                    -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                        -                     -
                                                   $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                    -   $                 -
                                                   $          11,030      $                 330   $              1,000       $                    -   $               329      $            1,000       $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $            1,479     $            1,156      $              2,579       $             1,158      $             1,154      $            1,706       $             (873)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 20 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                                    12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

295     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Betten Project)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $      (1,503,400) $           (1,409,027) $              (1,439,323) $            (1,331,453) $            (1,409,027) $            (1,331,453) $             107,870

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $         156,765       $         126,684       $           124,278        $                    -   $                    -   $          124,278      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             716                     575                    600                       162                      268                     600                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                         -                       -                          -                 4,794                           -                       -                     -
                                                   $         157,481       $         127,259       $           124,878        $             4,956      $               268      $          124,878      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                       -                  7,803                            -                        -                7,803                        -   1/2 SET Capture to MEDC
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                63,108                  49,685                   157,580                     23,524                   25,277                 157,580                        -
                                                   $          63,108       $          49,685       $           165,383        $            23,524      $            25,277      $          165,383      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $          63,108       $          49,685       $           165,383        $            23,524      $            25,277      $          165,383      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $      (1,409,027) $           (1,331,453) $              (1,479,828) $            (1,350,021) $            (1,434,036) $            (1,371,958) $             107,870

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 21 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                   Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

296     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Mall Area Project)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $          42,995     $          79,922     $           106,500        $                    -   $                    -   $          106,500      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $          42,995     $          79,922     $           106,500        $                    -   $                    -   $          106,500      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                42,995                79,922                 106,500                             -                        -              106,500                        -
                                                   $          42,995     $          79,922     $           106,500        $                    -   $                    -   $          106,500      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $          42,995     $          79,922     $           106,500        $                    -   $                    -   $          106,500      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 22 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                     Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                               2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)              Comments
                                                                                                                                  12/31/14                  12/31/13
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2015                                                                   FY2015              From Original
290     Local Development Finance Authority III Fund - Edison Landing (Smartzone)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY             $          96,745       $          30,266       $             42,358       $            42,847       $            30,266       $           42,847      $              489

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                          $          85,627       $         137,742       $           101,273        $                     -   $                     -   $          101,273      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                           150                     139                    150                            77                        70                  150                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund             160,000                 160,000                   227,000                   113,500                     80,000                  227,000                        -
         Other                                              75,000                 100,000                   100,000                     75,953                    75,000                  100,000                        -   Comm Foundation & Lakefront LLC

                                                 $         320,777       $         397,881       $           428,423        $          189,530        $          155,070        $          428,423      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                    500                             -                         -                  500                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                             387,256                 385,300                   439,500                   115,848                     91,259                  439,500                        -
                                                 $         387,256       $         385,300       $           440,000        $          115,848        $            91,259       $          440,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                     $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                 $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                 $         387,256       $         385,300       $           440,000        $          115,848        $            91,259       $          440,000      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY             $          30,266       $          42,847       $             30,781       $          116,529        $            94,077       $           31,270      $              489

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 23 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                 Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013            Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast        Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                      Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015               From Original

305     Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $          19,639      $          14,163       $                975       $               829      $            14,163       $              829       $             (146)

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $          44,439      $          36,624       $             38,000       $                    -   $                     -   $           38,000       $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                       -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         State shared revenue                                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         Charges for services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         Interest income                                             85                     42                      40                            -                        17                       40                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                           -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                      -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
         Other                                                        -                       -                          -                   250                            -                        -                     -
                                                   $          44,524      $          36,666       $             38,040       $               250      $                    17   $           38,040       $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                    -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                          -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                              -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                50,000                 50,000                     38,000                    19,000                   25,000                   38,000                         -

                                                   $          50,000      $          50,000       $             38,000       $            19,000      $            25,000       $           38,000       $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                    -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                        -                     -
                                                   $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                    -   $                 -
                                                   $          50,000      $          50,000       $             38,000       $            19,000      $            25,000       $           38,000       $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $          14,163      $                 829   $              1,015       $           (17,921) $               (10,820) $                   869       $             (146)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 24 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2013           Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)             Comments
                                                                                                                                  12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original
394     Downtown Development Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $         186,771     $         167,477       $             85,396       $            93,778      $          167,477       $           93,778      $            8,382

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $         313,432     $         257,660       $           244,067        $                    -   $                    -   $          167,700      $         (76,367) Declining taxable values
         Federal & state grants                                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State proposal A reimbursement revenue                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                        1,435                      928                    800                       211                      408                     800                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -               70,000                 70,000
         Operating transfers in - PIF                                -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                       -                       -                          -                48,981                           -                       -                     -
                                                   $         314,867     $         258,588       $           244,867        $            49,192      $               408      $          238,500      $           (6,367)

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                    250                            -                        -                  250                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                               334,161               332,287                   329,588                     19,993                   23,884                 329,588                        -

                                                   $         334,161     $         332,287       $           329,838        $            19,993      $            23,884      $          329,838      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                 -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $         334,161     $         332,287       $           329,838        $            19,993      $            23,884      $          329,838      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $         167,477     $          93,778       $                425       $          122,977       $          144,001       $            2,440      $            2,015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 25 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                        Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013            Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                               2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                          12/31/14                  12/31/13
                                                                                             Estimate FY2015                                                                   FY2015              From Original

408     Arena Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $          23,779      $            4,867      $             14,067       $            28,012       $             4,867       $           28,012      $          13,945

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                              -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                          8,165                34,475                     14,000                    20,289                             -               34,000                 20,000
         Interest income                                    97                     501                    200                            57                        16                  200                        -
         Operating transfers in                              -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Other                                               -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                          $            8,262     $          34,976       $             14,200       $            20,346       $                    16   $           34,200      $          20,000

30906   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                 -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                               -                       -                  5,000                             -                         -               10,000                   5,000    Add $5,000 Energy Efficiency Improv
5400      Other Expenses                                     -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                            27,174                 11,831                              -                14,822                     4,057                   24,000                 24,000
5900      Other Financing Uses                               -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                          $          27,174      $          11,831       $              5,000       $            14,822       $             4,057       $           34,000      $          29,000

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                               -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -

5400      Other Expenses                                     -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -

5900      Other Financing Uses                               -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                          $                  -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                          $          27,174      $          11,831       $              5,000       $            14,822       $             4,057       $           34,000      $          29,000

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $            4,867     $          28,012       $             23,267       $            33,536       $               826       $           28,212      $            4,945

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 26 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                       Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013             Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                         12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                            Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

403     Sidewalk Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         575,774       $         469,488     $           358,348        $          343,756       $          469,488       $          343,756      $         (14,592)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $          39,349       $          29,339     $             35,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           35,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                               6,681                   3,974                   5,000                       729                    1,186                   5,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $          46,030       $          33,313     $             40,000       $               729      $             1,186      $           40,000      $                 -

30906   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                  -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                      152,080                 152,140                 156,875                      5,938                    8,570                 156,875                        -

                                          $         152,080       $         152,140     $           156,875        $             5,938      $             8,570      $          156,875      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                              236                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                      -                6,905                           -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $                 236   $            6,905    $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                          $         152,316       $         159,045     $           156,875        $             5,938      $             8,570      $          156,875      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $         469,488       $         343,756     $           241,473        $          338,547       $          462,104       $          226,881      $         (14,592)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 27 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                      Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013           Actual 2014             Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                        12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                           Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015              From Original

404     Public Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         559,637     $         677,857      $           335,357        $          370,268       $          677,857        $          370,268      $          34,911

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                  -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
         Property taxes                                     -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Federal & state grants                             -                      -                 62,000                            -                         -               62,000                        -   Nims Park & Farmers Market
         Charges for services                               -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Sales of property                                  1              32,161                     5,000                    11,490                   28,810                    5,000                        -
         Interest income                               3,554                 3,846                    3,500                     1,046                    2,111                    3,500                        -
         Operating transfers in                             -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MMRMA dividends earmarked for
         Other                                      320,409               200,000                  200,000                             -                        61              200,000                        - economic development and fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 equipment replacement

                                          $         323,964     $         236,007      $           270,500        $            12,536      $            30,982       $          270,500      $                 -

30936   Operating Expenditures
                                          $                 -   $                  -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                      -                  5,000                            -                         -                5,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                                      132,000                                                                       62,000                (70,000) Mrkt Kitchen/Nims Pk

                                          $                 -   $                  -   $           137,000        $                    -   $                     -   $           67,000      $         (70,000)

90000   Project Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                  -   $                      -   $             2,894      $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     48                          -                 3,934                            -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                      -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                           205,744               543,548                  132,000                      1,273                      (405)                 62,000                (70,000)

                                          $         205,744     $         543,596      $           132,000        $             8,101      $               (405) $               62,000      $         (70,000)

                                          $         205,744     $         543,596      $           269,000        $             8,101      $               (405) $              129,000      $        (140,000)

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $         677,857     $         370,268      $           336,857        $          374,703       $          709,244        $          511,768      $         174,911

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 28 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                     Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)             Comments
                                                                                                                       12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                          Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

482     State Grants Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         147,766     $         126,257     $           126,257        $          107,977       $          126,257       $          107,977      $         (18,280)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                      49,875               226,120               2,260,000                             -                        -            1,168,300             (1,091,700) Vets' Park Upgrades
         Sales of Property                                  -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                               1,708                 1,813                   2,000                            -                        -                2,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

         Other                                              -              33,163                            -                        -                        -                       -                     -   SCHOOL BLIGHT CONTRIBUTION

                                          $          51,583     $         261,096     $         2,262,000        $                    -   $                    -   $        1,170,300      $      (1,091,700)

30936   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                3,035                           -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $                 -   $            3,035    $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

5300      Contractual Services                       73,092                20,093                   23,216                       461                 134,055                   23,216                        - LOAN REPAYMENT

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -             256,248               2,260,000                             -                        -            1,168,300             (1,091,700) Vets' Park Upgrades

                                          $          73,092     $         276,341     $         2,283,216        $               461      $          134,055       $        1,191,516      $      (1,091,700)

                                          $          73,092     $         279,376     $         2,283,216        $               461      $          134,055       $        1,191,516      $      (1,091,700)

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $         126,257     $         107,977     $           105,041        $          107,516       $            (7,798) $               86,761      $         (18,280)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 29 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                 Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                      Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                      Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015              From Original

594     Marina & Launch Ramp Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY              $         263,362       $         206,007       $           204,680        $          167,641       $          206,007        $          167,641      $         (37,039)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                              88,046                 208,294                   200,000                             -                         -                       -            (200,000)
         State shared revenue                                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                               220,853                 219,491                   180,000                   152,343                  122,000                   180,000                        -
         Interest income                                       1,383                   1,203                       800                       396                      576                      800                        -
         Operating transfers in                                       -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -

         Other                                               13,377                    8,849                     4,000                     8,117                    7,501                    4,000                        -

                                                  $         323,659       $         437,837       $           384,800        $          160,856       $          130,077        $          184,800      $        (200,000)

70756   Operating Expenditures - Marina
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $          27,517       $          23,345       $             27,669       $            13,626      $            11,936       $           27,669      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                   7,010                 12,105                      8,700                     3,578                    2,919                    8,700                        -
5300      Contractual Services                              169,707                 144,970                   113,762                     66,659                   75,880                  113,762                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                             89                       -                    250                            -                         -                  250                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                      1,709                        188                 16,800                     2,301                           90               16,800                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)              70,590                  86,765                              -                46,659                            -                       -                     -
                                                  $         276,622       $         267,373       $           167,181        $          132,823       $            90,825       $          167,181      $                 -

70759   Operating Expenditures - Ramps
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $                 186   $                   -   $              1,000       $                    -   $                     -   $            1,000      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                        946                     485                  1,000                       295                            -                1,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                                 6,808                   8,187                    10,500                     5,278                    6,646                   10,500                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                              -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)                       -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
                                                  $            7,940      $            8,672      $             12,500       $             5,573      $             6,646       $           12,500      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                     $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                               96,452                 200,158                   400,000                             -                   304                           -            (400,000)
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
                                                  $          96,452       $         200,158       $           400,000        $                    -   $               304       $                   -   $        (400,000)
                                                  $         381,014       $         476,203       $           579,681        $          138,396       $            97,775       $          179,681      $        (400,000)

        Available Cash Balance - EOY              $         206,007       $         167,641       $              9,799       $          190,101       $          238,309        $          172,760      $         162,961

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 30 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                 Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                      Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                              2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   12/31/14                  12/31/13
                                                                                                      Estimate FY2015                                                                  FY2015              From Original

661     Equipment Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY              $       1,819,863       $       1,821,689       $           518,832        $          802,987        $        1,821,689       $          802,987      $         284,155

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                       -              83,112                              -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                         -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                             2,171,472               2,244,879                 2,100,000                 1,039,160                 1,052,276                2,100,000                        -
         Interest income                                     27,585                  23,977                     27,500                     9,614                    12,352                  27,500                        -
         Operating transfers in                                       -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                               87,613                  92,251                   100,000                     17,332                    29,928                 100,000                        -
                                                  $       2,286,670       $       2,444,219       $         2,227,500        $        1,066,106        $        1,094,556       $        2,227,500      $                 -

60932   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $         417,357       $         421,306       $           434,465        $          200,790        $          202,135       $          434,465      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                855,383               1,102,665                   930,700                   397,292                   464,186                  930,700                        -
5300      Contractual Services                              775,120                 765,263                   777,434                   339,655                   335,575                  777,434                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                            828                     274                  2,000                            10                   195                   2,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   421,622               1,045,926                   363,500                   222,905                   642,684                  615,000                251,500

5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -

          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)            (185,466)                127,487                              -                         -                        -                       -                     -
                                                  $       2,284,844       $       3,462,921       $         2,508,099        $        1,160,652        $        1,644,775       $        2,759,599      $         251,500

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                        -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
                                                  $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                  $       2,284,844       $       3,462,921       $         2,508,099        $        1,160,652        $        1,644,775       $        2,759,599      $         251,500

        Available Cash Balance - EOY              $       1,821,689       $         802,987       $           238,233        $          708,441        $        1,271,470       $          270,888      $          32,655

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 31 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                             Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2013             Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                               12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                  Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

642     Public Service Building Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $         383,301       $         435,245     $           532,387        $          568,069       $          435,245       $          568,069      $          35,682

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                           1,085,289               1,085,289               1,087,448                   542,644                  542,645                1,087,448                        -
         Interest income                                     2,201                   2,372                   6,000                     1,242                    1,142                   6,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                    210                     -                          -                        -                        -                5,500                   5,500
                                                $       1,087,700       $       1,087,661     $         1,093,448        $          543,886       $          543,787       $        1,098,948      $            5,500

60442   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         586,104       $         601,173     $           618,075        $          285,241       $          286,078       $          618,075      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                               18,315                  10,498                   16,650                    16,823                    5,728                  16,650                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            296,295                 284,852                 302,480                   113,005                  129,683                  302,480                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                          691                     -                    750                       264                    1,563                     750                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                  10,389                  49,520                   22,300                    15,043                   25,688                  35,000                 12,700
5900      Other Financing Uses                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                             2,896                  (6,231)                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Debt Principal)

                                                $         914,690       $         939,812     $           960,255        $          430,376       $          448,740       $          972,955      $          12,700

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                            121,066                  15,025                   20,000                            -                        -               20,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                $         121,066       $          15,025     $             20,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           20,000      $                 -
                                                $       1,035,756       $         954,837     $           980,255        $          430,376       $          448,740       $          992,955      $          12,700

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $         435,245       $         568,069     $           645,580        $          681,579       $          530,292       $          674,062      $          28,482

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 32 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                               Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                 12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                    Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

643     Engineering Services Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $          53,417       $         123,887       $           148,756        $            79,207      $          123,887       $           79,207      $         (69,549)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                             451,922                 418,570                   437,000                   138,872                    94,296                 437,000                        -
         Interest income                                          564                     311                    500                       130                      208                     500                        -
         Operating transfers in                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                             72,362                  23,289                     80,000                     1,590                    2,852                  80,000                        -
                                                $         524,848       $         442,170       $           517,500        $          140,592       $            97,356      $          517,500      $                 -

60447   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         320,345       $         325,756       $           334,452        $          107,208       $          163,407       $          230,000      $        (104,452)
5200      Operating Supplies                                 7,713                   9,599                     9,730                     1,190                    1,327                   9,730                        -
5300      Contractual Services                             99,008                  92,783                     99,613                    65,513                   43,891                 170,000                 70,387
5400      Other Expenses                                     1,636                        418                  1,000                       590                           -                1,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                    5,432                   7,821                    11,200                     7,489                    5,488                  11,200                        -
5900       Other Financing Uses                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                           13,297                 (10,129)                             -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $         447,431       $         426,248       $           455,995        $          181,990       $          214,113       $          421,930      $         (34,065)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                               6,947                 60,602                     10,000                    17,074                   24,871                  10,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                $            6,947      $          60,602       $             10,000       $            17,074      $            24,871      $           10,000      $                 -
                                                $         454,378       $         486,850       $           465,995        $          199,064       $          238,984       $          431,930      $         (34,065)

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $         123,887       $          79,207       $           200,261        $            20,735      $           (17,741) $              164,777      $         (35,484)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 33 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                               Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2013             Actual 2014              Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                 12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                    Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

677     General Insurance Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       1,933,642       $         880,314       $           892,982        $        1,509,014       $          880,314       $        1,509,014      $         616,032

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                           3,021,299               3,183,208                 3,250,000                 1,594,970                1,730,429                3,250,000                        -
         Interest income                                   23,989                  20,411                     20,000                    10,850                   10,122                  20,000                        -
         Retireee Health Reimbursement                    798,600                 892,904                   750,000                   519,928                  283,541                  750,000                        -
         MMRMA dividend payment                                     -             327,008                              -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in                            28,046                  28,046                     28,046                    14,023                   14,023                  28,046                        -

         Other                                                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                $       3,871,934       $       4,451,577       $         4,048,046        $        2,139,771       $        2,038,115       $        4,048,046      $                 -

30851   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $          32,185       $          59,061       $             32,988       $            47,923      $            16,093      $           32,988      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                      540                     690                    200                            -                   330                     200                        -
5300      Contractual Services                          4,029,298               4,076,112                 4,000,000                 1,998,883                1,810,752                4,000,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                          490                1,548                     1,000                     2,015                      909                   6,000                   5,000
5700      Capital Outlays                                    3,310                   1,861                     2,000                       425                      777                   2,000                        -

5900      Other Financing Uses                            600,000                           -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                          259,439                (316,395)                             -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Debt Principal)

                                                $       4,925,262       $       3,822,877       $         4,036,188        $        2,049,246       $        1,828,861       $        4,041,188      $            5,000

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                $       4,925,262       $       3,822,877       $         4,036,188        $        2,049,246       $        1,828,861       $        4,041,188      $            5,000

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $         880,314       $       1,509,014       $           904,840        $        1,599,539       $        1,089,568       $        1,515,872      $         611,032

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 34 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                           Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)                Comments
                                                                                                                             12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015              From Original

590 Sewer Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       3,701,462     $       4,158,969     $         3,918,909        $        3,545,607       $        4,158,969       $        3,545,607      $        (373,302)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                -       $                -       $                -      $               -
         Federal & state grants                                 -               118,946                       -                   241,676                        -                2,106,000              2,106,000     SAW Grant & S-2 Grant
         State shared revenue                                   -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                      -
         Charges for services                           7,044,257             6,502,167               6,500,000                 2,871,401                2,936,242                6,500,000                      -
         Interest income                                   20,783                20,384                  17,500                     7,033                   10,423                   17,500                      -
         Repayment of DDA advance                               -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                      -
         Operating transfers in                                 -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                      -
         Other                                             27,335               156,279                 150,000                    72,688                   70,923                  150,000                      -
                                                $       7,092,375     $       6,797,776     $         6,667,500        $        3,192,798       $        3,017,588       $        8,773,500      $       2,106,000

30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                -       $                -       $                -      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                    -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            304,916               291,653                 288,957                   117,308                  114,164                  288,957                        -

5400      Other Expenses                                   13,278                24,535                   12,000                     8,941                   10,069                  12,000                        -

5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900       Other Financing Uses                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                         (179,300)             (101,420)                           -                        -                        -                       -                     -
        Debt Principal)

                                                $         138,894     $         214,768     $           300,957        $          126,249       $          124,233       $          300,957      $                 -

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         511,494     $         519,306     $           678,382        $          241,237       $          269,099       $          678,382      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                               45,803                61,771                  49,440                    17,777                   20,463                   49,440                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            418,548               411,519                 431,666                   185,314                  223,683                  431,666                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                        -                   228                   2,000                       254                        -                    2,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   6,780                 6,561                  16,000                     3,499                    4,277                   16,000                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
                                                $         982,625     $         999,385     $         1,177,488        $          448,081       $          517,522       $        1,177,488      $                 -

60557   Operating Expenditures Treatment
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                -       $                -       $                -      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                    -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
5300      Contractual Services                          5,286,893             5,679,994               5,400,000                 2,464,979                2,171,662                5,400,000                        -   5.2% County increase eff 10/01/14
5400      Other Expenses                                        -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                       -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
                                                $       5,286,893     $       5,679,994     $         5,400,000        $        2,464,979       $        2,171,662       $        5,400,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                            226,456               516,991                 321,000                   362,461                  110,820                2,389,000              2,068,000

5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                $         226,456     $         516,991     $           321,000        $          362,461       $          110,820       $        2,389,000      $       2,068,000
                                                $       6,634,868     $       7,411,138     $         7,199,445        $        3,401,770       $        2,924,237       $        9,267,445      $       2,068,000

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $       4,158,969     $       3,545,607     $         3,386,964        $        3,336,635       $        4,252,320       $        3,051,662      $        (335,302)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 35 of 40
        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                           Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2013           Actual 2014            Original Budget                                                             2Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)              Comments
                                                                                                                             12/31/14                 12/31/13
                                                                                                Estimate FY2015                                                                 FY2015               From Original

591     Water Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       2,782,590     $       2,303,174     $         2,874,858        $        2,656,611       $        2,303,174       $        2,656,611      $        (218,247)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 - $                   - $                        - $                      - $                      - $                     - $                   -
         Federal & state grants                              6,188                      -                  7,000                            -                        -                 7,000                       -
         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services - City                    3,240,046             3,441,294               3,499,250                 1,723,567                1,633,877                3,499,250                        - 10% RATE INCR; EFFECTIVE 10/1/13
         Charges for services - Wholesale               2,132,729             2,166,505               2,403,347                 1,086,884                1,041,949                2,403,347                        - 100K for 2 Mnths Norton & Fruitport
         Maintenance services - Township                  166,225               125,608                 165,000                     98,802                   60,617                 165,000                        -
         Interest income                                   10,982                 9,664                  20,000                      4,879                    4,727                  20,000                        -
         Lease of facilities                              202,460               185,178                 173,000                     80,880                   93,656                 173,000                        -
         Repayment of DDA advance                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                            167,861               199,272                 125,000                     68,180                   69,088                 125,000                        -
                                                $       5,926,491     $       6,127,521     $         6,392,597        $        3,063,192       $        2,903,914       $        6,392,597      $                 -

30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $                 - $                   - $                        - $                      - $                      - $                     - $                   -
5200       Operating Supplies                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300       Contractual Services                           555,273               516,566                  517,549                   222,808                  217,860                 517,549                        -

5400       Other Expenses                                  18,607                18,376                   17,000                     5,878                    6,840                  17,000                        -

5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900       Other Financing Uses                           349,535               321,010                  320,857                   153,308                  167,200                 320,857                        - Water System Bond Interest
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                        1,053,438             1,597,117               1,330,000                             -                        -            1,330,000                        - Water System Bond Principal
        Debt Principal)

                                                $       1,976,853     $       2,453,069     $         2,185,406        $           381,994      $           391,900      $        2,185,406      $                 -

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $         864,872 $             872,603 $               807,068 $                  484,402 $                407,812 $               807,068 $                      -
5200       Operating Supplies                             184,091               249,806                 218,035                    110,215                  110,736                 218,035                        -
5300       Contractual Services                           391,921               415,345                 331,864                    227,528                  200,971                 331,864                        -
5400       Other Expenses                                  83,511                75,911                  60,000                     63,252                   33,881                  60,000                        -
5700       Capital Outlays                                 16,599                 6,164                  16,000                      3,170                      168                  16,000                        -
5900       Other Financing Uses                                 -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
                                                $       1,540,994 $           1,619,829 $             1,432,967 $                  888,567 $                753,568 $             1,432,967 $                      -

60558   Operating Expenditures Filtration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         668,538 $             657,699 $               739,908 $                  316,285 $                315,152 $               739,908 $                      -
5200      Operating Supplies                              242,374               207,400                 280,000                     92,170                   94,979                 280,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            530,021               470,724                 621,851                    212,306                  239,588                 621,851                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                    3,650                 3,133                   4,500                        680                    1,420                   4,500                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                  84,549                29,911                  42,500                     10,301                   16,213                  42,500                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
          Replacement Reserve - DWRF                            -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
                                                $       1,529,132 $           1,368,867 $             1,688,759 $                  631,742 $                667,352 $             1,688,759 $                      -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                   $               - $                   - $                     - $                       - $                      - $                      - $                    -
5300       Contractual Services                         1,358,928               332,319                 675,000                   195,953                   57,415                  947,000                272,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                      -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                      -
                                                $       1,358,928 $             332,319 $               675,000 $                 195,953 $                 57,415 $                947,000 $              272,000
                                                $       6,405,907 $           5,774,084 $             5,982,132 $               2,098,256 $              1,870,235 $              6,254,132 $              272,000

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $       2,303,174     $       2,656,611     $         3,285,323        $        3,621,547       $        3,336,853       $        2,795,076      $        (490,247)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 36 of 40
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2014-15 Budget
                                                                               2014-15 Budgeted      2014-15 Budgeted         2014-15             2014-15
                                                                              Projects (Including   Projects (Including     Estimated           Estimated
                                                             Responsibility   Carryover Amounts     Carryover Amounts      Project Grant       Project Grant                                Comments
                                                                                From Prior FY)      From Prior FY) 2Q        Revenue           Revenue 2Q
                                                                                   Original             Reforecast           Original           Reforecast

                                                                              BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS

 101   General Fund

       VOIP Phone System                                         Maurer       $            20,000   $            20,000    $               -   $               -           FY15 is year 3 of 5 annual payments, 0% interest

       City Hall Elevator Repairs                               Al-Shatel                           $            65,000

       Playground Equipment at P.M.                             Al-Shatel                 220,000                15,000            44,000                      -                     Only evaluation at this time.

       Windows Replacement @ City Hall                          Al-Shatel                  40,000                10,000

       ADA Compliance, Various Locations                        Al-Shatel                  20,000                20,000                                                                  Federal agreement

       Veteran's Park Upgrades                                  Al-Shatel                  12,000                15,500                                                                   City's share only.

       GIS for Cemetery                                         Al-Shatel                  50,000                50,000                    -                   -                          mapping of sites

       Force Continuum Tools/Equipment (tasers)                 J. Lewis                   30,000                31,350            30,000              31,350      FY15    $15,000 RAP Grant/$16,350 Criminal Forfeiture

       Hurst Tools (Cutter)                                     J. Lewis                   12,000                12,000                    -                   -                                 Fire

       Roof Replacement, Station # 4/Repairs                    J. Lewis                   18,000                18,000                                                                          Fire

       Radios for Fire Department                               J. Lewis                   62,500                62,500            47,000              47,000      FY15      Fire, replaces old radios, match is from Fire
                                                                                                                                                                           Grant from foundation which was marked for P.M.
       P.M. Park, roof & building improvements                  Al-Shatel                  15,000                30,000                    -           30,000      FY15
                                                                                          499,500               349,350           121,000             108,350

 202   Major Streets

90127 Laketon, Park to Peck                                     Al-Shatel                 200,000               235,000                    -                   -   FY14                 carry over from 13/14

       US - 31 BR                                               Al-Shatel                  75,000                66,000                                                          US-31 BR, Sherman to Shoreline Dr.

       Apple/US 31 N. On Ramp                                   Al-Shatel                       -                16,000                                                           adjusted the state funds to cover

91208 Latimer, Port City Blvd. to Black Creek                   Al-Shatel                 340,000                10,000           240,000                      -   FY15                  Design only in 14/15

       Henry St., Sherman to Hackley                            Al-Shatel                 800,000               700,000           580,000             580,000      FY15                      reconstruct

       Traffic Signal Upgrade @ Sherman/Glenside                Al-Shatel                 150,000               140,000           103,000             103,000      FY15

       Getty St., Evanston to Apple                             Al-Shatel                 550,000                20,000           375,000                      -   FY15                  Design only in 14/15
                                                                                                                                                                           moved from state grants fund with additional new
       Musketawa Trail Connection (Keating to Black Creek)      Al-Shatel                 260,000               260,000           260,000             260,000
                                                                                                                                                                                          money (federal)
       Muskegon, Webster, 9th to Spring                         Al-Shatel                       -              1,800,000                   -         3,300,000                       only Webster done this year.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 37 of 40
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2014-15 Budget
                                                                                 2014-15 Budgeted       2014-15 Budgeted         2014-15             2014-15
                                                                                Projects (Including    Projects (Including     Estimated           Estimated
                                                              Responsibility    Carryover Amounts      Carryover Amounts      Project Grant       Project Grant                                 Comments
                                                                                  From Prior FY)       From Prior FY) 2Q        Revenue           Revenue 2Q
                                                                                     Original              Reforecast           Original           Reforecast

                                                                                BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
        Fourth St., Houston to Muskegon                          Al-Shatel                   80,000                       -                   -                   -                         project was removed

                                                                                           2,455,000              3,247,000         1,558,000           4,243,000

 203    Local Streets
                                                                                                                                                                              Resurface as part of sewer replacement. (CDBG
91307 Merrill, Fifth to First/Third                              Al-Shatel                  142,000                 60,000            32,000              32,000 FY14
        Crowley, Young to Laketon                                Al-Shatel                  250,000                       -                   -                   -                         project was removed

        Morton, Denmark to McCracken                             Al-Shatel                  170,000                       -                   -                   -

        Fifth St., Laketon to Dale                               Al-Shatel                  170,000                       -                   -                   -

                                                                                            732,000                 60,000            32,000              32,000

 404    Public Improvement Fund

        Beach Warning System @ Pere Marquette Park               J. Lewis                    70,000                       -                                                                   removed project

        Nims Neighborhood Park                                Brubaker-Clarke                12,000                 12,000            12,000              12,000      FY15    Neighborhood fundraising; Community Foundation

        Farmers' Market Kitchen Equipment                     Brubaker-Clarke                50,000                 50,000            50,000              50,000      FY15                 Donations/Fundraising

                                                                                            132,000                 62,000            62,000              62,000

 482    State Grants Fund
                                                                                                                                                                              federal = $907,200 / state = $181,800 / county &
        Veteran's Park Upgrades                                  Al-Shatel                         -              1,168,300                   -         1,168,300
                                                                                                                                                                                             others = $79,300
        Musketawa Trail Connection (Keating to Black Creek)      Al-Shatel                         -                      -                   -                   -   FY14              moved to major streets fund

        SAW Grant                                                Al-Shatel                         -                      -                   -                   -   FY14                  moved to sewer fund

                                                                                                   -              1,168,300                   -         1,168,300

 590    Sewer

        Merrill, Fifth to First/Third (1100')                    Al-Shatel                  165,000                115,000                    -                   -                  Replace 15" sewer with 20" sewer.

        Sewer Rehabilitation Project (Various Projects)          Al-Shatel                  150,000                110,000                    -                   -                 Lining of manholes and sewer lines

        Muskegon, Webster, 9th to Spring                         Al-Shatel                         -                50,000                                                       services & repairs as part of reconstruction

        SAW Grant                                                Al-Shatel                 1,984,000              1,984,000         2,000,000           1,984,000                      moved from state grants fund

                                                                                              6,000                130,000                    -          122,000               Carryover from 13/14; grant $ is the remaining
        Infiltration Study, S-2                                  Al-Shatel
                                                                                                                                                                                               grant amount
                                                                                           2,305,000              2,389,000         2,000,000           2,106,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 38 of 40
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2014-15 Budget
                                                                                         2014-15 Budgeted      2014-15 Budgeted        2014-15             2014-15
                                                                                        Projects (Including   Projects (Including    Estimated           Estimated
                                                                       Responsibility   Carryover Amounts     Carryover Amounts     Project Grant       Project Grant                               Comments
                                                                                          From Prior FY)      From Prior FY) 2Q       Revenue           Revenue 2Q
                                                                                             Original             Reforecast          Original           Reforecast

                                                                                        BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
  591   Water

        High Service Valves - Upgrade 2 of 4 to Ball Valves               Al-Shatel                  50,000                50,000                   -                   -                To carryover $50,000 to FY 2014/15

        Projects Identified in Reliability Study                          Al-Shatel                  75,000                22,000                   -                   -                     approved by commission

        Laketon, Park to Peck                                             Al-Shatel                  10,000                65,000                   -                   -            not all of the budgeted $ in 13/14 was spent

        Water Main Replacements, Various Locations - 2" & 4" Waterma      Al-Shatel                 120,000                     -                   -                   -

        Merrill, Fifth to First/Third                                     Al-Shatel                       -               160,000

        Muskegon, Webster, 9th to Spring                                  Al-Shatel                       -               400,000                                                   new mains & services - only Webster this year.

        GIS Update and Maintenance                                        Al-Shatel                  20,000                20,000                   -                   -               County licensing & map maintenance

        Getty, Evanston to Apple                                          Al-Shatel                       -                 5,000                   -                   -                       Design only this year.

        Crowley, Young to Laketon                                         Al-Shatel                 175,000                     -                   -                   -                       project was removed

        Nims St. Tank, inside painting                                    Al-Shatel                 225,000               225,000                   -                   -

                                                                                                    675,000               947,000                   -                   -

  594   Marina

        Docks & Building Improvements (office, bathroom)                  Al-Shatel                 400,000                     -          200,000                      -                       project was removed

                                                                                                    400,000                     -          200,000                      -

  642   PSB

        Garage Doors/Light fixtures in the garage                         Al-Shatel                  20,000                20,000                   -            5,500                      energy improvements/rebate

                                                                                                     20,000                20,000                   -            5,500

  643   Engineering Services

        Intergovernmental Engineering Work                                Al-Shatel                  10,000                10,000           10,000              10,000      FY15

                                                                                                     10,000                10,000           10,000              10,000

  661   Equipment Fund

20/Quant Non-Vehicular Equipment:

   3    Front End Plows                                                   Al-Shatel                  17,500                20,000                                                           1-hydro turn and 2-stationary

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 39 of 40
City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2014-15 Budget
                                                                  2014-15 Budgeted       2014-15 Budgeted             2014-15                 2014-15
                                                                 Projects (Including    Projects (Including         Estimated               Estimated
                                                Responsibility   Carryover Amounts      Carryover Amounts          Project Grant           Project Grant                         Comments
                                                                   From Prior FY)       From Prior FY) 2Q            Revenue               Revenue 2Q
                                                                      Original              Reforecast               Original               Reforecast

                                                                 BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
  1    Lowboy                                      Al-Shatel                        -                21,000                                                               left over from 13/14 budget

  1    Scale                                       Al-Shatel                        -                15,000                                                               left over from 13/14 budget

       Sewer Camera                                Al-Shatel                        -                10,000

  1    Asphalt Paver                               Al-Shatel                  60,000                 60,000                        -                       -

                                                                              77,500                126,000                        -                       -

5746   Communications Equipment:

  2    Radar units - Police                        Al-Shatel                   6,000                  6,000                        -                       -

       various items to outfit new cruisers        Al-Shatel                  40,000                 40,000                        -                       -

                                                                              46,000                 46,000                        -                       -

5730   Vehicles:

  2    Cruisers/Police SUV's                       Al-Shatel                  60,000                 60,000                        -                       -           Includes police package outfitting

  1    Dump Truck (F-450)                          Al-Shatel                  40,000                       -

  1    T.V. Truck for Sewers                       Al-Shatel                        -               190,000                                                                   left over from 13/14

  1    3/4 Ton Truck                               Al-Shatel                        -                25,000                                                                   left over from 13/14

  1    1 Ton Truck                                 Al-Shatel                        -                28,000                                                                   left over from 13/14

  1    Plow Truck                                  Al-Shatel                 140,000                140,000                        -                       -               Replaces 40623 (1997)

                                                                             240,000                443,000                        -                       -

        Total Equipment Fund                                                 363,500                615,000                        -                       -

                                                                 $          7,460,000   $          8,805,650   $         3,921,000     $         7,673,150

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