Historic District Minutes 07-03-2012

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                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                     REGULAR MEETING

                                               July 3, 2012

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                 J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Spataro, L. Wood, S. Radtke

MEMBERS ABSENT:                  D. Mayville, excused; K. Panozzo, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                   M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                  S. Chandler, 1305 Jefferson


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 5, 2012 was made by L. Wood, supported
by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.

S. Radtke arrived at 4:02 p.m.


Case 2012-12 1122 Terrace Street. Applicant: MOCAP. District: Clinton-Peck. Current Function:
Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to add a balcony on the north peak of the house, as
shown on the drawings submitted.

L. Spataro stated that, from an architectural standpoint, the project would have to meet building codes
regarding structural integrity. The issue for the HDC was the appearance. He stated that it could
provide an opportunity to show others what renovation potential there was in these older homes. S.
Radtke asked about waterproofing. The applicant stated that he had talked to the building inspector
about that, which was why they were requesting permission now. They needed to replace the entire
roof, and it was easier to do this project at the same time, rather than after the roof was done. The
applicant described the materials to be used for the railing and decking boards. He stated that the
material was very durable and had a Victorian look to it. L. Spataro asked if it would be purely
decorative. The applicant stated that it would be a functional space, accessed by an interior staircase.
J. Hilt asked if it would be on the 3rd floor or a 4th floor. The applicant stated it was on the 3rd floor.
S. Radtke had concerns about how the house would look with a notch cut out of the roof. S. Kroes
stated that it sounded like the applicants would do a quality job. L. Spataro didn’t want to risk losing
people who were willing to fix up an old home by being too rigid, especially considering that this
house had been vacant for some time and obviously needed work.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to add a balcony on the north peak of the house as proposed,
as long as all zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained was made by L.
Wood, supported by L. Spataro and unanimously approved.

HDC Minutes 7/03/12                                                                                      1
Case 2012-13 1305 Jefferson Street. Applicant: Mia Burks. District: Jefferson. Current Function:
Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to demolish the dilapidated back porch of the house,
add a storm door and overhang to the back, add steps with side rails, and a 3x3 walkway. She
received a defect/repair list from the City’s Code Inspector, which is the reason she is requesting to
tear the back porch off. Otherwise it would require extensive repairs, including the foundation. A
copy of the defect list regarding the rear porch was provided to board members.

M. Franzak stated that there was a change in the request since the original application was submitted.
S. Chandler provided pictures of the current condition of the rear of the house. L. Spataro asked what
they would like to do regarding the defects. S. Chandler stated that she would like to rebuild the rear
porch, if it was cost-effective. They would tear down the badly damaged portion and restore the rest.
Board members discussed what the motion should say.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to allow the portion of the rear porch that was deemed
hazardous to be demolished and reconstructed as long as all zoning requirements are met and the
necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Spataro, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously
approved, with the condition that a plan would be re-submitted to the HDC if the porch is to be
reconstructed, or to staff if it was not.




Promotion of homes in the Historic Districts – J. Hilt asked board members to come up with a list of
questions for realtors, and to share those at the August meeting. S. Radtke stated that he would e-
mail the realtor letter he prepared to J. Hilt.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

HDC Minutes 7/03/12                                                                                  2

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