Historic District Minutes 06-04-2013

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                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                   HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                         REGULAR MEETING

                                                  June 4, 2013

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                  J. Hilt, L. Spataro, L. Wood, K. Panozzo, S. Kroes

MEMBERS ABSENT:                   D. Mayville, excused; S. Radtke, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                    M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                   D. Rogers, 1727 Jefferson St.


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of May 7, 2013 was made by K. Panozzo, supported by S.
Kroes and unanimously approved.


Case 2013-06 – 1727 Jefferson Street. Applicant: Darren Rogers & Kimberly Preston. District: Jefferson.
Current Function: Residential. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to
install railings above the front and back porches of the home. The original railings were removed by a
previous owner. The applicant’s intent is to copy the style of the original railing, and they provide old
photographs showing the railing. The front porch roof is inaccessible so the railing is decorative; the rear
porch is accessible and therefore the railing will be a structural/safety type. SafeBuilt, the City’s building
inspectors, state that the back rail must be at least 36 inches high. Since the front porch is not accessible, the
36-inch height rule does not apply.

J. Hilt asked if the rails would be made of wood. D. Rogers stated that they would, and they would be painted
to match the trim on the house. He wanted to match the style shown in the photos as close as possible.

L. Spataro arrived at 4:09 p.m.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install railings above the front and back porches as described, as
long as all zoning requirements are met, the railing height conforms to City code, and the necessary permits
are obtained, was made by S. Kroes, supported by L. Wood and unanimously approved.





There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

HDC Minutes 6/04/13                                                                                             1

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