Historic District Minutes 09-02-2014

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                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                  REGULAR MEETING

                                       September 2, 2014

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Kroes, S. Radtke, L. Spataro

MEMBERS ABSENT:               K. Panozzo, excused; D. Mayville, excused; L. Wood

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               Wm. Krick, 1762 Jefferson; P. Stone, 1752 Jefferson; R. Hilt, 1627


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 5, 2014 was made by L. Spataro,
supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.


Case 2014-18– 1762 Jefferson Street. Applicant: William & Wendy Krick. District: Jefferson.
Current Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to install seven sections of
antique wrought iron fence on their property and the adjacent property at 1752 Jefferson (five
sections on their property and two sections on their neighbors). The neighbor, Peggy Stone, was
present at the meeting and approved of the fence sections being placed on her property.

J. Hilt asked what height the fence was. Wm. Krick stated that it would be 38 inches high. The
Kricks and Ms. Stone stated that they wished to configure the fence panels as a mirror image to
each other, as the houses were mirror images of each other. A drawing of the fence location was

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install the fencing as proposed, as long all zoning
requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Spataro, supported
by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.

Case 2014-19 – 1752 Jefferson Street. Applicant: Peggy & Rod Stone. District: Jefferson.
Current Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to replace the double doors on
the porch with Thurman Tru Doors and to replace the broken light pole in the front yard.
Pictures of the proposed new doors and light post were provided.

L. Spataro asked if the door was original to the house. P. Stone stated that it was not, and that it
was actually an interior door that did not shut properly. J. Hilt stated that she preferred that the
appearance of the new door panes matched the door currently there. P. Stone stated that the new
doors were better quality, and would allow for better air flow in the room.. L. Spataro stated

HDC Minutes 9/02/14                                                                               1
that, since the door was not original anyway, he would not have an issue replacing it with the
type of door proposed. S. Radtke stated that the size of the door opening wasn’t original either;
it used to be a window. R. Hilt asked if the board could require that a window, rather than a
door, be installed as a replacement. L. Spataro stated that, since a previous owner had already
changed the opening from a window to a door, the board could not require the current owner to
return the configuration back to what it originally was.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install the new door and light post as proposed, as
long all zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L.
Spataro, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.

P. Stone stated that she was also looking into replacing the plaster caps on the columns in front
of the house, and she would like to use a more durable material. She stated that the columns
were not original to the house. L. Spataro stated that the board generally allowed the use of more
modern materials, as long as they retained the look of the original. P. Stone was advised to
return to the HDC if she did decide to replace the caps.





There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:18 p.m.

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