Historic District Minutes 01-05-2016

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                         January 5, 2016

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Wood, K. Panozzo

MEMBERS ABSENT:               A. Riegler, S. Radtke

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, K. Cummins

OTHERS PRESENT:               B. Bowden, Paradise Home Improvement, 3508 Roger B. Chaffey
                              Boulevard, Wyoming, MI 49508


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 22, 2015 was made by L. Wood,
supported by J. Hilt and unanimously approved.


Case 2016-1 – 394 Houston Avenue. Applicant: Jeffery Potts. District: Houston. Current
Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to replace 13 wooden windows with
vinyl windows.

Board members reviewed the pictures provided by B. Bowden. A motion that the HDC approve
the request to replace the wood windows with vinyl windows as described, as long as all
trimming and architectural features remain and as long as it meets all zoning requirements and
the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood, supported by J. Hilt and unanimously

Case 2016-2 – 621 W. Western Avenue. Applicant: Muskegon Eagles. District: Clay-Western.
Current Function: Recreational. The applicant is seeking approval to replace the metal entry

M. Franzak stated that he thought the applicant was seeking to replace one main entry door on
Western Avenue, but did not have enough information to exactly know how many doors were
involved, or which replacement door was being proposed. There being no representative on
behalf of the applicant, a motion to table the request until clarification could be obtained was
made by J. Hilt, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.


Elections were postponed until February 2, 2016.

HDC Minutes 1/6/16                                                                            1

J. Hilt addressed the issue of chronic absenteeism brought to the board’s attention by attendance
records held by the City Clerk’s office. Discussion ensued regarding the importance of
individual accountability, as well as communicating scheduling conflicts. Maintaining a
commitment to serve is critical if the HDC intends to exercise its full due diligence in
deliberating application requests.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

HDC Minutes 1/6/16                                                                             2

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