Historic District Minutes 05-04-2021

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                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                           May 4, 2021

Chairperson S. Radtke called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               S. Radtke, Newaygo, Michigan; T. Emory, Muskegon, Michigan;
                               A. Riegler, Muskegon, Michigan; D. Gregersen, Muskegon,
                               Michigan (arrived 15 mins late)

MEMBERS ABSENT:                K. George, absent

STAFF PRESENT:                 J. Pesch; C. Cashin; L. Mikesell

OTHERS PRESENT:                K. Weaver (contractor), 1279 Terrace St.; G. Post (contractor), 389
                               W. Webster; G. Reynold, 389 W. Webster; M. Kordecki, 609 W.
                               Western; P. Tjapkes (contractor), 609 W. Western; K. Huss, 421 W.
                               Webster; U. Iwuagwu, 1267 Ransom; E. Cockream, 557 W.
                               Western; C. Cockream, 557 W. Western


None. Minutes will be presented at a future meeting.


Case 2021-11 – 1279 Terrace – Deck and Ramp
Applicant: Tom Pastoor - District: McLaughlin - Current Function: Residential

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 6’ x 15’,
treated wood deck on the northwest side of the house and an adjoining, treated wood ramp.

K. Weaver stated that the deck and ramp will be constructed behind the existing fence and that
the appearance of the house from the street will not change. Two railing/spindle types were
presented; S. Radtke, would prefer the simpler railing design so as to not confuse the
architectural narrative. D. Gregersen asked to confirm that the ramp actually needed a railing,
which it does. A. Riegler stated that she was partial to the more ornate railing, but was ok with
either because they would not be visible from the street. T. Emory preferred the more ornate
railing. The contractor mentioned the lack of turnings on the current home, and felt that the
simpler design fit the home better.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to construct a 6’ x 15’, treated wood deck on the
north side of the house and an adjoining, treated wood ramp utilizing one of the railing designs
included in the May 4th, 2021 HDC staff report as long as the work meets all zoning
requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by T.
Emory and unanimously approved, with S. Radtke, T. Emory, A. Riegler, and D. Gregersen
voting aye.

Case 2021-12 – 389 W. Webster – Ramp
Applicant: John Grace Construction - District: Houston - Current Function: Institutional

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval construct a concrete
accessible ramp south of the building’s main entrance on 4th Street, install stainless steel, single-
rail handrails on both sides of the ramp. A stone at the top of the ramp would need to be removed
to connect the ramp to the existing landing, and the stone would be reset in the ramp area, which
would then be landscaped. A short, concrete retaining wall would also be constructed near the
alley to support the new grade.

A. Riegler asked why the proposed ramp was curved, which contrasted the rectangular building.
G. Post stated that there was not enough room in the allotted space to create the appropriate
grade for the ramp without using a continuous curve. A. Riegler stated that she would like them
to add screening along the curve. G. Post noted that there were plans to place the removed 3-
foot-wide stone between the sidewalk and the ramp, somewhat screening the ramp. G. Reynold
mentioned that they would try to find shrubs that fit in the space between the sidewalk and the

A motion that the HDC approve the request to construct a concrete accessible ramp south of the
building’s main entrance on 4th Street, install stainless steel, single-rail handrails on both sides of
the ramp, remove the existing stone at the top of the ramp to connect to the existing landing and
reset the stone in the ramp area, landscape the ramp area, and construct a short, concrete retaining
wall near the alley to support the new grade as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and
the necessary permits are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by S. Radtke and
unanimously approved, with S. Radtke, T. Emory, A. Riegler, and D. Gregersen voting aye.

Case 2021-13 – 609 W. Western - Sign
Applicant: Glenside Estates LLC (Mike Kordecki) - District: Clay-Western - Current Function:

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to install a new channel
letter wall sign on the front facade of the building.

A. Riegler asked the distance between the top of the window to the top of the parapet, because
the height of the sign was not permitted to exceed two-thirds the height of the background area
and could not exceed 24 square feet.

The sign’s letters were proposed to be neon lights with aluminum channels surrounding them.
The top letters with the words “NO NAME” were described to be neon letters hidden within
black aluminum boxes with a frosted glass face during the day and illuminated, and legible, at
night. The black boxes were proposed to be 6” in depth.
A. Riegler discussed her dislike of the black boxes on the sign and addressed the fact that she
would need to read the signage policy to determine if this sign follows its regulations. S. Radtke
noted that the signage policy did not allow for approval signs with multiple lettering styles:

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a new channel letter wall sign on the front
facade of the building with the conditions that “SALOON” and “NO NAME” both match the
style of lettering depicted on “SALOON” without the black boxes, and that the combined area of
all letters in the sign does not exceed 24 square feet and cannot exceed two-thirds of the sign’s
background area (that background area being located above the storefront windows and below
the top of the painted brick of the building’s original facade as long as the work meets all zoning
requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by D.
Gregersen and unanimously approved, with S. Radtke, T. Emory, A. Riegler, and D. Gregersen
voting aye.

Case 2021-14 – 421 W. Webster – Gutters and downspouts/rain chains
Applicant: Kevin & Jacquelyn Huss - District: Houston - Current Function: Residential

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to add white gutters to three
sides of the front and rear porches, installed on the soffits, and include two to three traditional
downspouts and one to two copper rain chains located on the 5th Street side of the rear porch and
on the opposite side of the rear porch.

S. Radtke asked what type of material is planned for the gutters. K. Huss stated that they plan to
use K-style aluminum gutters, if approved. A. Riegler asked for clarification on where the
downspouts on the front porch would be located. K. Huss said their contractor requested that
they be placed at the front corner of the porch, not where the porch meets the house. A. Riegler,
S. Radtke and D. Gregersen agreed that the downspouts should be located where the porch meets
the house, rather than at the front corners of the porch. K. Huss asked about the location of the
rain chains on the back porch. A. Riegler, S. Radtke and D. Gregersen agreed that they can hang
on the corner of the porch.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to add white gutters to three sides of the front and
rear porches installed on the soffits, include two traditional downspouts on the front porch where
the porch meets the house, and install two copper rainchains located on the corners of the soffit
on the 5th Street side of the rear porch and on the opposite side of the rear porch as long as the
work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by A.
Riegler, supported by S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with S. Radtke, T. Emory, A.
Riegler, and D. Gregersen voting aye.

Case 2021-15 – 1267 Ransom – Windows
Applicant: Uzoma Iwuagwu - District: McLaughlin - Current Function: Residential

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to remove and replace 11
deteriorating windows with new vinyl windows maintaining the same rough openings. This work
was approved in October 2018, but was not fully completed; some windows were replaced on the
enclosed porch on the northwest side of the house and other locations on the house at that time.
The approval motion from Case 2018-33 read as follows:

       Replace twenty (20) deteriorating windows with new vinyl windows within the same
       rough openings, and replace nine (9) windows from the front-facing façade with wood
       windows within the same rough openings, as long as the necessary permits are obtained.

Contractor said the vinyl windows could be customized to match the existing pane style, and that
they would be replacing 11 windows and installing two additional windows on the back of the
house where windows were previously removed without HDC approval.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove and replace 13 deteriorating windows
with new vinyl windows maintaining the same rough openings as long as the work meets all
zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by T. Emory, supported
by S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with S. Radtke, T. Emory, A. Riegler, and D.
Gregersen voting aye.

Case 2021-16 – 401 W. Western – Exterior lighting and signs
Applicant: Frauenthal Center - District: Downtown structures - Current Function: Institutional

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to replace existing, digital
screens on the sides of the marquee with larger, 45”x147” units of a higher resolution (20mm to
6mm) and install two roof-mounted LED light fixtures with a narrow beam angle on top of the
marquee to light two pilasters. Staff has approved various repairs to the marquee, replacement of
the roof and drainage systems, replacement of lighting with LED lighting to match the existing
lumens, color temperature, and style as the conventional bulbs currently installed, and in-ground
exterior lighting using the same 3500 Kelvin color temperature being proposed for the roof-
mounted fixtures.

A. Riegler and S. Radtke suggested that the lighting be warm in tone. After further discussion, it
was determined that the proposed 3500 Kelvin color temperature was acceptable.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to replace existing, digital screens on the sides of the
marquee with larger, 45”x147” units of a higher resolution (20mm to 6mm) and install two roof-
mounted LED light fixtures with a narrow beam angle on top of the marquee using 3500 Kelvin
color temperature as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits
are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with
S. Radtke, T. Emory, A. Riegler, and D. Gregersen voting aye.

Case 2021-17 – 557 W. Western – Service window
Applicant: Occidental Eats - District: Clay-Western - Current Function: Commercial

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to install a service window
to serve customers outside the building.
A. Riegler, S. Radtke and D. Gregersen agreed that this design did not meet the HDC’s local
standards or the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. D. Gregersen asked if
the purpose of the double hung windows was to be able to lower the upper sash to be able to
serve people through the window. E. Cockream said that it would be installed to lift up the lower
sash and serve customers.

S. Radtke motioned to table Case 2021-17 until the next meeting or until more information is
received, supported by T. Emory.


The following items were listed on the agenda under Old Business, but were not discussed due to
time constraints:

2019-07 – 280 W. Webster – Roof

HDC Regular Meeting Date Change


Public Comment Period – Time was allotted for public comment with contact information
provided. No comments were received.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m.


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