Historic District Minutes 10-11-2021

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                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                   HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                                October 11, 2021

Vice-chairperson A. Riegler called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              T. Emory, A. Riegler, D. Gregersen, E. Trejo

MEMBERS ABSENT:               K. George, S. Radtke

STAFF PRESENT:                J. Pesch, C. Cashin

OTHERS PRESENT:               A. Straub (1164 Terrace); K. Dennison, B. Geise (38 E. Grand); S. Carson (City
                              of Muskegon CNS Department representing 1305 Jefferson)


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 7, 2021 was made by A. Riegler, supported by
T. Emory and approved with A. Riegler, T. Emory, D. Gregersen, and E. Trejo voting aye.




Case 2021-31 – 125 Delaware Ave. – Fascia, Soffit, and Eve Trim
Applicant: B. Walker Jr. - District: McLaughlin - Current Function: Residential

A. Riegler presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to wrap the fascia and eve trim with
0.019-gauge white aluminum and to install new aluminum soffit panels. Some of the work had already been
completed. J. Pesch explained that a brief discussion of this project had taken place at the original meeting date
(October 5), when the contractor for the project, D. Scheibner, was in attendance. At that time, the Commissioners
present explained to the contractor that the proposed and completed work was not in line with the HDC’s local

Staff had reached out to the contractor since the original meeting date to inform them of the rescheduled meeting
date and that they or the property owner could still attend the rescheduled meeting to have the work officially
reviewed and voted on. J. Pesch noted that because there was no representative for the case in attendance, it could
be assumed that the application had been withdrawn.

Case 2021-32 – 1164 Terrace St. – Side Porch and Doors
Applicant: A. Straub - District: McLaughlin - Current Function: Residential/Vacant

A. Riegler presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to replace the existing wood and vinyl
windows with vinyl-clad windows, remove and restore the second story porch on the rear of the house with a new
replacement railing design, and renovate the east porch on the first story. Some work had already been started.

The HDC had a short discussion about the replacement window styles and confirmed that the replacements
would be double hung without mullions, like the current windows. A. Riegler and A. Straub discussed wanting
to recreate the same pergola style porch roof on the upper rear porch that the HDC approved in the past. The
floor to the upper porch would also be tiled and include a drain, since it was open to the elements. The railing
around the upper porch would be replaced to look similar to the original, shorter style, but code compliant. A.
Straub stated that he would like to remove the existing posts on the first story porch on the east side of the
house, and add a railing around the porch. J. Pesch shared old photos of the home to show the previous
windows, porches, and railings.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to replace the existing wood and vinyl windows with vinyl-clad
windows that fit within the original rough openings, remove and restore the second story porch on the rear of
the house with a new replacement railing design, and renovate the east porch on the first story as long as the
work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by T. Emory, supported
by E. Trejo and approved with T. Emory, D. Gregersen and E. Trejo voting aye, and A. Riegler abstaining.

Case 2021-33 – 38 E. Grand Ave. – Windows, Doors, and Garage Doors
Applicant: B. Geise/K. Dennison - District: Clinton-Peck - Current Function: Residential

A. Riegler presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to 1) remove and replace 10 existing
wood windows (four on the east elevation, four on the south elevation’s second story, and two on the west
elevation’s second story) with double hung vinyl windows matching the existing mullion patterns, 2) replace the
existing front entry door with a fiberglass door, 3) remove the existing door to the garage roof on the north
elevation and side over the opening to match the rest of the house, and 4) replace the existing overhead garage
doors with new overhead doors of a similar style with windows.

B. Geise suggested replacing the front door with a half lite door containing decorative lines/patterns that lined
up with the existing sidelites, but the HDC recommended a six-panel door that would be more in line with the
style of the home. The HDC discussed the existing casement windows. B. Geise explained the existing windows
are deteriorating and cannot be repaired, and stated that he would like to replace the windows with double-hung
windows that have fused mullions in a similar pattern to the existing windows. D. Gregersen asked the applicant
if they were able to find a garage door with vertical windows rather than horizontal windows, but the applicant
had not been able to find a door with that window configuration. A. Riegler asked what type of siding would be
used to side over the door that is getting removed above the garage, B. Geise stated that it would be the same
type of siding that exists on the home currently.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove and replace 10 existing wood windows (four on the east
elevation, four on the south elevation’s second story, and two on the west elevation’s second story) with double
hung vinyl windows matching the existing mullion patterns, replace the existing front entry door with a
colonial-style six-panel door, remove the existing door to the garage roof on the north elevation and side over
the opening to match the rest of the house, and replace the existing overhead garage doors with new overhead
doors of a similar style with windows as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary
permits are obtained was made by D. Gregersen, supported by T. Emory and approved with T. Emory, A.
Riegler, D. Gregersen, and E. Trejo voting aye.

Case 2021-34 – 1305 Jefferson St. – Siding
Applicant: City of Muskegon CNS - District: Campus - Current Function: Residential

A. Riegler presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to remove the existing wood siding
and install a treated engineered wood lap siding with a smooth finish and an exposure dimension that matches
the existing siding. The shingles installed near the top of the gable ends will not be replaced.

J. Pesch explained that this request was due to ongoing issues with the lead abatement work taking place at this
property. The HDC had no concerns or comments about the siding change.
A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove the existing wood siding and install a treated engineered
wood lap siding with a smooth finish and an exposure dimension that matches the existing siding as long as the
work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by D. Gregersen,
supported by T. Emory and approved with T. Emory, A. Riegler, D. Gregersen, and E. Trejo voting aye.

Case 2021-35 – 1641 Jefferson St. – Shed
Applicant: R. Panozzo - District: Jefferson - Current Function: Residential

J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to install a prefabricated storage shed in
the rear yard of the property. Depending on what was available from the supplier, the proposed shed would either
be 7’x7’ or 8’x10’.

Some HDC members expressed concerns about the shed being visible from the street and discussed options for
screening it from the street.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a prefabricated storage shed in the rear yard of the
property with the condition that a six-foot tall fence or gate matching the style of the existing privacy fence
surrounding the rear yard be installed to screen the shed from the street and as long as the work meets all zoning
requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by D. Gregersen, supported by E. Trejo and
approved with T. Emory, A. Riegler, D. Gregersen, and E. Trejo voting aye.

A. Riegler left at 5:00 p.m.


New HDC Member – Commissioners welcomed the newest board member, Emilio Trejo.

Local Standards for Sheds – Past discussions of the HDC involved enabling Staff to approve requests for new
sheds should they meet certain standards. Staff had drafted the general design standards based on recent conditions
of approval used by the HDC and was seeking consent to add them to the Guidelines for New Construction. It
was decided that this item would be discussed at a future meeting when more HDC members were in attendance.

Identification of Historic Resources – Staff had previously requested that the board assist in informally
identifying resources with particular historic significance to the Muskegon community, and had begun compiling
these suggestions into a list and was working on a map. The HDC decided to review the list in further detail at a
future meeting.

Muskegon County Civil Rights Survey Project – Staff is involved with a project being run through the State
Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to research and document sites related to the Civil Rights Movement in
Muskegon County. This project will conduct an intensive-level survey of Civil Rights-related sites throughout
Muskegon County and develop K-12 educational materials based on the findings of the survey. The project began
in July 2021 and will continue through December 2022. Staff explained how the public could get involved and
provided contact information for Cheri Szcodronski with Firefly Preservation Consulting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.


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